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Gender-Pay Gap

The article explores the global gender pay gap, focusing on disparities in the U.S., Philippines,
and South Korea. Historical gender roles, maternity leaves, and societal expectations contribute
to systemic factors. Mitigation efforts include government policies, paternity leaves, female
entrepreneurship, mentoring programs, and board diversity requirements. Focusing more on the
Philippines, the gap is significantly noticeable that it becomes a concern.

It is shown that men earn P310.16 while the women earn P285.51. This statistics was used to
show the wage difference in the agricultural sector.

The article showed the pay gap continued from 2016 to 2017, with male farmworkers
consistently out-earning females. Regional disparities were evident, with the highest daily wage
recorded in Calabarzon at P373.92 and the lowest in Northern Mindanao at P259.36.

This further supports the wage difference in the agricultural sector.

Health care for Intersex

The article shows the pressing need for scholarly engagement and societal awareness to do
something about the mistreatment and disparities faced by intersex individuals. It is shown to do
refusals of care, harsh language, and, instances of physical abuse Ethical considerations and
calls for reform highlight the urgency of addressing these issues to foster a more just and
inclusive society that respects the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their sex

To address the mistreatment and discrimination experienced in health care by intersex

Transgender rights

The article talks about The Philippines’ critical issue of violence and discrimination against
transgender and gender nonbinary individuals, with at least 50 reported murders since 2010.
The lack of national legislation protecting LGBTQ individuals exacerbates the problem, leaving
victims with little recourse. It also talks about the trans women facing multiple hurdles in
employment and other things such as updating birth certificates. Discrimination in job interviews
based on sexuality or rejection for positions.

To show how in danger the transgender community are. To give insight on how they are being
treated and have no to little rights.

The article explores the vulnerability of transgender Filipinos to health problems due to the
inaccessibility of essential healthcare services. Despite the Philippines being LGBTQ+ friendly,
systemic prejudice and discrimination still continue affecting the trans community. The study
reveals unaddressed health needs, such as HIV/AIDS, mental health, and gender-affirming
services, resulting in self-medicating practices and limited access to formal healthcare.

To give more information that the transgender community struggles for health care in to which is
a violation to human rights.

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