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2/23/24, 7:17 AM Magnetism 5th Grade | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Magnetism 5th Grade

Total questions: 11
Worksheet time: 6mins
Instructor name: TERESA Segura

1. What characteristics do magnetic substances have?

a) They are always black and cold to touch b) They can give you a "shock" when you touch

c) They fall faster than other objects when you d) They can push or pull objects without touching
drop them them

2. What subject is attracted to a magnet?

a) Silver b) Water

c) Metal d) Iron

3. Ancient people discovered magnetic rocks called lodestone. What did they use them for?

a) weapons b) compasses

c) sculptures d) fires

4. What happens when two north poles of a magnet are placed together?

a) the strength of the magnet is doubled b) they attract

c) they repel d) they cancel each other out

5. What must happen for an electromagnet to have a magnetic field?

a) It must be touching another magnet b) It must be connected to an electrical source

c) It must be heated d) It must be lined up with the Earth's magnetic

field 1/3
2/23/24, 7:17 AM Magnetism 5th Grade | Quizizz

6. How is Earth's magnetic field similar to that of a magnet?

a) It is hundreds of miles long b) It has north and south poles

c) It is shaped like a horseshoe d) It is made in Earth's core

7. What is our best evidence that Earth has a magnetic field?

a) Winds blow from east to west b) A compass needle lines up with it

c) Earth's oceans all have currents d) All things fall toward Earth's center


Where is Earth's magnetic field strongest?

a) Along the outside lines b) Where the lines are close together at the poles

c) Along the inside lines on either side d) In the space outside of the lines


Earth's magnetic field and a bar magnet attract particles to the same locations. Where are they?

a) All around the outside b) First to the middle, then to the ends

c) The north and south poles d) The middle 2/3
2/23/24, 7:17 AM Magnetism 5th Grade | Quizizz


Why does a compass needle point north?

a) Because north is up b) The compass is a bar magnet

c) Because it's magic d) It lines up with the Earth's magnetic field

11. Which of the following is a temporary magnet?

a) An electromagnet b) A compass

c) A magnetic rock d) A needle you magnetized yourself 3/3

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