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Class : B399 BSA 1B

Current Type of Training Sample Exercise Definition Overall Benefits Repetition/

Set or Time
1.Core Training 1. Toe Top •This Pilates exercise may seem 3 sets 20reps
simple, but it actually engages all
your core muscles, including your
abdominals, hips, gluts, and legs.
2. Plank •The plank is a full-body exercise 3 sets holding
that targets your core. It also as long as
strengthens your arms,
shoulders, back, gluts, and legs.

3. ARM AND LEG RAISE Its great for improving balance 3 sets of 12-15
and working your abdominal and reps
back muscles all at once.
4. DEADBUG •This exercise is great for 3 sets of 6-10
activating and firing up the core. reps
It will help you develop control
when contracting your core
5. REVERSE CRUNCH •The reverse crunch is a useful 3 sets of 8-12
exercise to help strengthen the reps
lower part of the abdominals. It’s
a great starting exercise that
leads into progressions like leg
raises, hanging leg raises and
eventually, toes to bar.
One essential component of every training program is the core workouts. The body is made more compelling by these workouts,
particularly the lower back, thighs, and hips. They are not only an excellent approach to work on your abdominal muscles, but they
have several other surprising physical health benefits. They increase body flexibility as well as strength, particularly in the abdominal
muscles. The entire body can be fortified by them. It is centered around sports or physical exercise. You will notice a significant
improvement in your athletic talents after completing a few basic activities. You'll see significant gains in your surfing, jogging, skiing, or
cycling. Core workouts should be a part of any training regimen. They offer several physical health advantages in addition to giving your
abs a fantastic workout. Their advantages include enhancing breathing and pace of breathing, decreasing lower back pain,
strengthening the muscles in the abdomen and throughout the body, and increasing flexibility.

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