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CE 310





FEBRUARY 14, 2024

1. A rigid pavement is to be design for a wheel load 65 kN. If the tensile strength of concrete is taken as 0.06 of fc',
determine the required thickness assuming sufficient dowels and tie bars are provided. Take the compressive
strength of concrete as 28 MPa.

2. A rigid pavement is to be used to carry a wheel load of 53.5 kN, design the thickness of the pavement. The allowable
tensile stress of concrete is 1.38 MPa. Sufficient dowels are used across the joints.

3. Determine the thickness of a rigid pavement of the proposed Nagtahan road to carry a max. wheel load of 60 KN.
Neglect effect of dowels, fc' = 20 MPa. Allowable tensile stress of concrete pavement is 0.06 fc'.
4. Determine thickness of the different types of pavement using the following data:

a. Rigid pavement with a wheel load capacity of 54 KN if the allowable tensile stress of concrete is 1.6 MPa. Neglect
the effect of dowels.

b. Flexible pavement with a wheel load of 54 kN with an allowable bearing pressure on the base of the pavement
equal to 0.15 MPa using the principle of cone distribulation where the load assumed to be transmitted across a
wide area of subgrade at an angle of 45' and that the equivalent radius of the contact area of the tires is equal to
165 mm.

c. Pavement subjected to an expansion pressure of 0.50 kg/cm² with an average: pavement density of 0.05 kg/cm³
5. A flexible pavement carries a static wheel load of 60 kN which caused a pressure of 2.8 MPa on a circular area above
the pavement. Using cone pressure distribution method, determine the required thickness of the pavement if the al-
lowable bearing stress on the base is 0.60 MPa. Round-up the answer in 10-mm interval.

6. A flexible pavement having a thickness of 46 mm carries a static wheel load of "W". The circular contact are of time
has an equivalent radius of 150 mm. If the load "W" is assumed to be transmitted across a wide area of subgrade at an
angle of 45', compute the value of the wheel load "W" if the bearing stress of the base is 0.42 MPa,
7. A 53.5 KN wheel load has a max. tire pressure of 0.62 MPa. This pressure is to be uniformly distributed over the area
of tire contact on the roadway. Assuming the subgrade pressure is not to exceed 0.14 MPa, determine the required
thickness of flexible pavement structure, according to the principle of the cone pressure distribution.

8. A flexible pavement carries a static wheel load of 53.5 kN. The circular contact area of the tire is 85806 mm^2 and
the transmitted load is distributed across a wide area of the subgrade at an angle of 45'. The subgrade bearing value is
0.14 MPa, while that of the base is 0.41 MPa. Design the thickness of pavement and that of the base.
9. The following are the given data required for a 25 cu.m. of concrete of 1:2.5:5 mix.

Materials. Specific Gravity Density

Cement 3.10 1506 kg/m³

Sand 2.65 1680 kg/m³

Gravel 2.5 1525 kg/m³

a. Which of the following gives the number of bags of cement required.

b. Which of the following gives the volume of sand needed for the mixture.

c. Which of the following gives the volume of gravel needed for the mixture.

d. Which of the following gives the volume of water needed for the mixture in liters.

As- sume: 1

10. The stiffness factor of the pavement and the subgrade is 0.55. The modulus of elasticity of the subgrade is 130 kg/
cm². Determine the elasticity of the pavement in kg/cm².
11. Determine the required thickness of a pavement subjected to an expansion pressure of 0.75 kg/cm² with an aver-
age pavement density of 0.06 kg/cm³. Answer in mm.

12. Upon completion of grading operations a subgrade was tested for bearing capacity by loading large bearing plates.
If the resulting modulus of subgrade reaction is equal to 196.49 psi per inch, compute the load which produces a deflec-
tion of 0.10 inch under a plate having a radius of 9 in.

13. If pavement and sub grade are considered as two layer system a stiffness factor is to be introduced to take into ac-
count the different values of modulus of elasticity of the two layers. If the modulus of elasticity of the subgrade is 100
kg/cm² and the modulus of elasticity of the pavement is 1000 kg/cm², what is the stiffness factor?

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