Ged109 Filmanalysis2 Gonzales Am2

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The three main characters of the film are Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan

and Mary Jackson. Katherine is smart in mathematics and she works at NASA.

She is seen to be very resilient and determined to do her job even in the face of

discrimination. Dorothy Vaughan is very good at programming and also

computation and she also works at NASA. She has a strong sense of leadership

and traits such as adaptability in her work. Mary Jackson is an aspiring engineer

despite facing racism. She is passionate, courageous and is committed to

excellence. Both Katherine and Mary Jackson suffers from racism that isolates

them from people/coworkers. Because of this, they find it hard to work with

people or pursue their dreams because of these stereotypes and aggression

from people. Despite their talents, they always have to prove themselves for their

capabilities just because of their race. Dorothys struggle was her job insecurity.

Electronic computers posed a threat to her job in the film, she has to adapt to

these technologies while also trying to be relevant. She also suffers from racism.

I do think that these instances happen because some jobs for example may

relate to the sex of a person in which females may face discrimination if they

work there. While working in NASA or any other corporations does not require

those, I think that stereotypes or racism play a huge part in it. According to an

article by men are paid 5000 pesos more than women for doing the

same the jobs.The way they handled their struggles in the film was done very

good and I would have done the same. By proving that you are intelligent is one

way of silencing the doubters and through sheer perseverance and determination

would not stop me in having a stable work, adapting to changes and pursuing my
dreams. I do think that promoting equal opportunities should be implemented in

work places to ensure that all employees would be have equal opportunities and

compensations. Inclusive hiring practices, where merit takes precedence over

biases, can lay the foundation for a level playing field. Transparency in salary

structures, coupled with regular pay equity audits, ensures that compensation is

commensurate with skills and responsibilities, irrespective of one's background.

Moreover, the implementation of training programs geared towards sensitizing

employees to the nuances of diversity is essential. Such programs can serve as

a catalyst for dismantling stereotypes and biases, fostering a workplace where

every individual feels valued and empowered. Before watching the film, i used to

think that only black people would face racisms in work but after watching the

film, I learned that its not just race that suffers from racism, but also genders as

well. Also, I was not aware of how these people cope up with how people treat

them but after watching the film, I now feel a true sense of knowledge of what it

feels like and I admire them for being strong despite those experiences. And my

last insight would be that before the film I thought that the only negative thing

about a workplace would be the low income or poor management or overworking

but after the film, I realized that people also suffer because of their gender or

race and maybe even their age.

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