Digit Span Report

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Immediate Memory Digit Span Test

Ipsa Khurana



CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi NCR


The digit span test is a popular working memory test that is used in many cognitive and

neuroscience research labs.

Digit Span has been used as a psychological trait since the early 1600s. As stated by Gottfried

Leibniz (1646-1716), individuals have a finite capacity to comprehend or remember

information from the environment. He called this ability the "span of apperception".

This exam was included in the IQ scale of other psychologists, such as David Wechsler.

Chandra Mohan Bhatia devised the Bhatia Battery, which includes this memory test as a sub-

test. C. M. Bhatia designed and built the Bhatia battery in 1955.

This test has two parts: digits span forward and digits span backward. The test taker is

required to repeat the numbers the examiner says. The number of digits is increased with

every trial. The test is continued till the subject repeats it successfully in the same order. This

is a digit span forward. In the backward recall, the numbers have to repeated in the reverse

order, last to first. This recall is also continued till the subject successfully repeats the


Immediate memory has a close relation with mental development or general intelligence.

Hindi consonants have been taken as the units of sounds because they put the literate & the

ill-literate at par.

Client Profile

Name – U.A.
Age – 18

Gender – Male

Address – Delhi NCR

Education – High School Graduate

Date of Conduction – 30th November 2021

Primary Informant – Self

Aim – to measure the immediate memory span of people in the selected age group using

Immediate Memory Digit Span test.


Procedure and Assessment

After developing rapport, we ask the participant to pay close attention and explain that they

will be asked to repeat a series of digits in the same order as the experimenter says them.

Three numerals are used in the first series, such as "3, 6, 8." Each number is repeated one

second apart in a monotonous voice. The participant repeats the numbers as said.

We the move on to the next stage, which is to say a four-number sequence, such as "7, 8, 4,

2." The participant repeats these numbers. We continue in the same manner, increasing the

number sequence to nine and asking the person to repeat the numbers. Some test versions

terminate after a sequence of five numbers, while others keep increasing the sequence of

numbers by one until the answers are incorrect.

After, we move on to the reverse digit step. Here, the participant has to repeat the sequence of

digits said by the experimenter in reverse order. For example, if the numerals are “4, 7, 9.”,

the participant repeats “9, 7, 4.” We continue in the same manner until failure in trials.


Direct - One mark each for the number of digits or sounds in the maximum correct

replication. The maximum possible score is 9.

Reverse - One mark each for the number of digits or sounds in maximum correct reverse

replication. The maximum possible score is 6.


Direct order score – 5

Reverse order score – 2


How Does the Digit Span Test Screen for Delirium and Dementia? (2019, November 26).

Verywell Health. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-the-digit-span-test-98627

MemoryHealthCheck. (2021, February 13). Digit Span Memory Test.


What is the Digit Span test? (2021). Cambridge Brain Sciences Resource Center.


Bhatia, C. M. (1955). Performance tests of intelligence under Indian conditions. Oxford

University Press.

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