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Separation and Purification Technology 190 (2018) 297–306

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Exchange electrode-electrokinetic remediation of Cr-contaminated soil using MARK

solar energy

Ming Zhou , Jingming Xu, Shufa Zhu, Yajing Wang, Hui Gao
School of Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutics, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China


Keywords: The present work focused on analyzing the effects of solar energy on the electrokinetic remediation (EKR) of Cr-
Solar energy contaminated soil, compared to direct current (DC) power supply. Meanwhile, to control the remedied soil pH
Soil remediation and focusing phenomena, the exchange electrode-EKR (EE-EKR) has also been employed. Four runs of tests were
Chromium conducted using DC power supply with the conventional EKR (run A, run D), DC power supply with EE-EKR (run
B) and solar energy with EE-EKR (run C) respectively. Important electrokinetic parameters such as electrical
Exchange electrode
voltage and current, electroosmotic flow, soil pH, the remediation efficiency of total Cr, Cr(VI), Cr(III) and cost
analysis were investigated to evaluate EE-EKR using solar energy. The results show that run B had the highest
removal efficiency of total Cr (43.65%), Cr(VI) (91.88%), and Cr(III) (19.32%), and run C, run A, run D follo-
w in turn. It was proved that EE-EKR could increase the removal efficiency of Cr, especially Cr(III) from con-
taminated soil, because it could reduce focusing phenomena and enhance electrical current. Meanwhile, the
experimental results also indicated that the combination of electrokinetics and solar energy was feasible and
effective to some extent for the remediation of Cr-contaminated soil.

1. Introduction Nowadays, electrokinetic remediation (EKR) had been proved as the

relatively cheap, effective and environmentally friendly technology for
Soil pollution in China, caused by rapid urbanization and economic simultaneous removal multi-heavy metals in polluted soil [5]. During
development, had become an increasingly serious threat to public the EKR process, under the driving force of direct current (DC) electric
health and the environment. In 2014, the field, heavy metals and organic pollutants can be migrated from soil
Ministry of Land and Resources and the Ministry of Environmental towards electrode wells by electroosmosis, electromigration and other
Protection of the People's Republic of China jointly issued the first-ever processes (such as electrophoresis). Electroosmosis (Electroosmotic
results of a nationwide soil pollution survey that took place from April flow) is the movement of liquid in the porous soil under an electric
2005 to December 2013 [1]. The report admits that the situation of field, which mobilizes the organics and neutral molecules along with
overall national soil environment in China is not optimistic. The 16.1% pore fluid. And electromigration is the transport of charged ions to-
of soil in the Chinese mainland is contaminated, and more seriously, wards opposite charge of the electrode due to the applied electric field.
19.4% of farming soil is contaminated. Inorganic soil pollutants are the Electrophoresis is the motion of dispersed particles relative to a fluid
major pollutants in China’s soil, including cadmium, mercury, arsenic, under the influence of a spatially uniform electric field. Ad-
copper, lead, chromium, zinc and nickel from high to low. Among these vantages of this technology are: in-situ/ex-situ remediation, the ap-
heavy metal pollutants, chromium (Cr) has been recognized as one of plicability to a wide range of pollutants, and so on [6–9]. Because of
the most hazardous pollutants, unfortunately the standard-ex- these advantages, EKR has been successfully applied, alone or in com-
ceeding rate of Cr is 1.1% in soil based on the soil pollution bulletin. bination, to remove a wide range of pollutants, such as a variety of
The toxic Cr in contaminated soil is a serious pollution problem af- heavy meals, organic pollutants from the contaminated soil, sew-
fecting soil and underground water qualities, therefore presenting a age sludge and dredged sediments [10–18].
direct hazard to human health. The release of Cr will can cause chronic However, compared to other soil remediation technologies, there
alterations in the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract as well as are still many difficulties to carry out the soil remediation by EKR.
renal dysfunction [2–4]. So decontamination of the Cr-contaminated Some of which are electrical energy consumption of EKR, focusing
soil is one of the most important challenges. phenomena in the remediation process and adverse effects of EKR on

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Zhou).
Received 24 October 2016; Received in revised form 2 September 2017; Accepted 4 September 2017
Available online 06 September 2017
1383-5866/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Zhou et al. Separation and Purification Technology 190 (2018) 297–306

soil properties (such as soil pH) [19–21]. So, in this study, instead of DC efficiency, are 22 V, 10 W and 18%, respectively. In this study, the solar
power, we tried using solar cell to resolve the energy supply and cell panel was installed on the balcony (the sixth floor, about 18 m
study its possibility [22–24]. The focusing phenomena is occasionally height) and the longitude and latitude of experimental site is E
observed only in the soil near electrodes during the EKR of heavy metal 112.4237 and N 34.6042, respectively. The side of monocrystalline si-
contaminated soil, due to chemical precipitation near cathode [25,26], licon was faced to sunlight. Because in darkness, the output potential of
which has become a limitation for the extraction or removal of heavy solar cell is zero, so run C worked nine hours a day (8:00 am to
metal pollutants. In order to decrease the focusing effect of the EKR and 5:00 pm) (total 144 h in 16 days, in March 2016). In the 16-day EKR
improve the efficiency of Cr removal, we tried to use EKR with the experiment, it included ten sunny days and six cloudy days, and daily
exchange electrode method (EE-EKR). M. Pazos et al. reported the air temperature fluctuated from 8 °C to 26 °C.
“polarity exchange” method that the technique can avoid the negative In every experiment, 675 g of soil sample mixed with 225 mL of
effect of OH− on metal transportation and improve the metal removal distilled water were placed in the soil cell. At the flow rate of 15 mL/
from contaminated soil by EKR [27]. EE-EKR can neutralize the hy- min, the four channels dispensing peristaltic pump was cycled to re-
droxide ion in the cathode region and reduce the precipitation of fresh anolyte and catholyte in electrode compartments. In run A, B and
chromic hydroxide by exchanging the anion and cathode in the electric C, electrolyte was circulated as 0.1 mol/L KCl solution and the initial
field. However, there are few literatures on EE-EKR of Cr-contaminated pH and conductivity of electrolyte is 6.95 and 1.074 s/m respectively.
soil, especially with regard to solar energy being used as the power By using KCl solution as electrolyte, the electrical conductivity of
supply [28,29]. So the objective of this study was to investigate the the electrolyte has been improved and meanwhile KCl is the fertilizer to
possible use EE-EKR with solar energy for removal of Cr from con- soil. For the comparison, in run D, electrolyte was circulated as distilled
taminated soil and explored the major factors influencing the re- water, other conditions are consistent with run A. Each electrolyte so-
mediation process. lution was refreshed every 9 h and the cumulative amount of total Cr
and Cr (VI) in each electrolyte during the processing was measured.
2. Materials and methods After the EKR experiment, the soil sample was taken out from the soil
cell and was sectioned into ten equal parts from left to right and each
2.1. Sample preparation and its characterization part was used to analyze for the total Cr, Cr(VI) concentration and pH
The experimental soils are primarily silty loam, collected at the
chromium slag piled field located in Sanmenxia City, China's Henan 2.3. Analytical methods
province, at depth between 0 and 20 cm. The total Cr and Cr(VI)
average concentration, organic matter content, pH, cation exchange The Cr(VI) concentration in the electrolyte was quantified based on
capacity, redox potential of soil samples were 1858 mg/kg, 623 mg/kg, the diphenylcarbazide colorimetric method using a UV–vis spectro-
4.12%, 8.13, 21.3 cmol/kg, 332.6 mv respectively. The soil samples photometer at 540 nm (Metash UV-5200PC, China). The detection limit
were air dried, homogenized and sieved to remove the coarse particles of Cr6+ is 0.2 µg and 0.004 mg/L by the method. The total Cr con-
by the 2 mm nylon sieve prior to experiments. centration in the electrolyte was determined on the diphenylcarbazide
colorimetric method after oxidating Cr(III) into Cr(VI) with excess po-
tassium permanganate. The Cr(VI) concentration in the soil was de-
2.2. Laboratory-scale electrokinetic experiments
termined by selectively extracting Cr(VI) according to the EPA Method
3060A (alkaline digestion procedure by 0.28 mol/L Na2CO3 and
Four runs of tests were carried out using DC power supply with the
0.5 mol/L NaOH), and the Cr(VI) concentration was quantified in the
conventional EKR, DC power supply with EE-EKR and solar cell with
digestion solution by the same method (diphenylcarbazide colori-
EE-EKR respectively. The details of experimental conditions are de-
metric). The total Cr concentration in the soil was determined by an
scribed in Table 1. The sketch map of the EKR experimental system is
atomic absorbance spectrometer (Varian AA240, USA) after digesting
shown in Fig. 1. The EKR experimental system was divided into the
with aqua regia. The detection limit of total Cr in soil is 0.3 mg/kg by
following major parts: the soil cell (an inner length of 14 cm, a width of
the method. The Cr(III) concentration need be obtained during the
8 cm, and a height of 6 cm), two electrode chambers (an inner length of
experiment. Its concentration can be calculated from the difference
4 cm, a width of 8 cm, and a height of 6 cm), two electrolyte reservoirs,
between the total Cr and Cr(VI) concentrations.
four channels dispensing peristaltic pump (DG-4/BT00-300T, Long-
Soil pH was monitored using the pH meter (pHS3C, SPSIC, China) in
erpump, China) and a digital DC power supply (GPC6030D, GW Instek,
the slurries with soil to distilled water ratio of 1:2.5. The soil organic
China) or solar cell. Graphite sheet electrodes were used as the working
matter content was measured by the PE-2400 elemental analyzer
electrodes in the experimental system (an inner length of 1 cm, a width
(Perkinelmer, USA). Redox potential of soil was determined by poten-
of 8 cm, and a height of 6 cm). To prevent soil leakage from the soil cell
tial method. The CEC (cationic interchange capacity) of soil was mea-
to the electrode chambers, two non-woven fabrics were used.
sured by the ammonium acetate extraction method (EPA 9080).
The solar cell panel was made of monocrystalline silicon with a
Electrical current and voltage through the soil cell was measured by the
length of 35.5 cm, a width of 25 cm, and a thickness of 2.5 cm. The
multimeter (F15B+, Fluke, USA) in the EKR process. To ensure data
nominal voltage, nominal peak power and photoelectric conversion
quality, all chemical analyses were performed in duplicate.
The recovery experiments by adding standard Cr samples were carried
Table 1
Electrokinetic experimental conditions.
out, the average recovery ratio was 98.29%.

Run Electrolyte Voltage (V) Treatment Energy Exchange of 3. Results and discussion
concentration time (h) electrode
(KCl mol/L)
3.1. Electrical voltage and current during the experiment
A 0.1 22 144 DC power 0
B 0.1 22 144 DC power At the 72th Electrical voltage is one of the key factors in the EKR of con-
hour taminated soil. During the EKR, the variation trends of electrical vol-
C 0.1 – 144 Solar cell At the 72th
tage are given in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 shows that the variations of electrical
D Distilled water 22 144 DC power 0 voltage in run A, B, D were different from that in run C. In run A, B and
D, electrical voltage fluctuated very slightly, and was maintained

M. Zhou et al. Separation and Purification Technology 190 (2018) 297–306

Fig. 1. A schematic view of the lab-scale electrokinetic re-

actor. (The electrode compartment, soil cell, and electrolyte
reservoir are made of organic glass). 1. The DC power
supply (GPC6030D, Gw instek, China); 2. Solar cell panel; 3,
4. Working electrode; 5. The soil cell; 6, 7. Non-wo-
ven fabrics; 8, 9. The electrode compartment; 10, 11. The
electrolyte reservoir; 12, 17. Simple flow regulator; 13–16.
4-Channel peristaltic pump (BT00-300T/DG-4, longerpump,
China); 18, 19. Gas vent.

constant because of using regulated DC power supply, so there was o- an important indicator to measure the amount of ion electromigration.
verlap between run A, run B and run D. Electrical voltage of run C was In this study, the variations of electrical current through soil cell for run
influenced significantly by the weather condition of experiment [24]. In A, B, C and D are given in Fig. 3. From the figure, electrical current of
the run, electrical voltage fluctuated sharply with time and had the four runs showed the different trend. In run A and D, electrical current
periodical variations. In one working cycle (8:00 am to 5:00 pm), increased firstly, reached the peak (113.2 mA and 99.7 mA), then
electrical voltage increased firstly, reached the maximum value slowly decreased and stabilized in the constant value. The main reason
(12:00–3:00 pm) and then decreased. Because of cloudy weather con- is that when electric field was established, first the electrical current
ditions (the fifth day, the sixth day, the seventh day, the eleventh day, was low because it took some time for anolyte and catholyte to enter
the twelfth day and the fourteenth day), so electrical voltage in the contaminated soil and for soil mineral and pollutants to dissolve and
period was relatively lower during the EKR experiment. desorb from the soil. About 5–6 h later, electrical current reached the
Electrical current through soil is strongly correlated with the con- peak due to the electromigration of pollutants and minerals to electrode
centration of mobile ions in the EKR process [6]. So, electrical current is and high ion concentrations in the pore fluid. Then electrical current






Voltage (V)



6 run A
run B
run C
2 run D

0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144
Time (hours)
Fig. 2. Variations of voltage across the soil cell.

M. Zhou et al. Separation and Purification Technology 190 (2018) 297–306

run A
run B

100 run C
run D

Current (mA)




0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144
Time (hours)
Fig. 3. Variations of current across the soil cell.

began to decline because of the decrease in the migration of anion and B, which can in part explain the probable reason of higher Cr removal in
cation in soil-pore fluid and the forming of Cr(OH)3 in the cathode run B.
region. Furthermore, OH− ion electromigrating to anode can be neu-
tralized by H+ ion electromigrating to cathode, hence forming water 3.2. Electroosmotic flow during electrokinetic experiment
and decreasing the ion concentration in the EKR system. Compared to
run D, run A exhibited higher electrical current, because of adding Electroosmotic flow is the motion of liquid induced by applying an
0.1 mol/L KCl solution. electric voltage across a porous soil [30,31]. Some soluble chro-
In run B, in the beginning the variations of electrical current across mium compounds in the contaminated soil could be removed by elec-
the soil cell were consistent with run A. The current also firstly in- troosmotic flow. At a basic pH, the surface charge of soil particles is
creased, reached a peak, then declined due to the same reason of run A. negative and electroosmotic flow is towards cathode. During EKR ex-
But at the 72th hours, cathode has been exchanged with anode, the periments, electroosmotic flow was calculated by measuring the vo-
trend of electrical current of run B changed. Electrical current firstly lume change in the catholyte, and Fig. 4 showed the cumulative amount
decreased, then began to increase after some time, then gradually de- of electroosmotic flow during the process. From the figure, electro-
creased and stayed at the constant value. In comparison to run A, an osmotic flow in run B was also higher than that in run A, C and D.
obvious process of decrease and increase of electrical current could be Electroosmotic flow of EKR can be calculated by the following equation
present after 72 h. The reasons of this phenomenon are following. The [32]:
soil pH in the anode region became acidic and that in the cathode re-
Qeof = K eoPA (1)
gion became alkaline after the 72 h EKR. At the 72th hours, anode has
been exchanged with cathode, new H+ generated by electrolysis reac- where Qeof (cm /s) is the electroosmotic flow, Keo (cm /Vs) is the
3 2

tion moving towards cathode can be neutralized by OH− in the original coefficient of electroosmotic permeability, P is the electrical potential
cathode region, new OH− generated by electrolysis reaction moving gradient (V/cm), and A (cm2) is the cross-sectional area of the soil.
towards anode can be neutralized by H+ in the original anode region, According to the equation, electroosmotic flow is directly proportional
hence forming water and decreasing the ion concentration in the to the electrical potential gradient under the assumptions of constant
system. So electrical current began to decrease, due to the decrease in porosity and a constant coefficient of electroosmotic permeability.
the migration of OH− and H+ in pore fluid. Then because the dissolving From Fig. 2, run A, B and D exhibited the maximum and stable elec-
of Cr(OH)3 in the anode region (the original cathode region) by the H+, trical potential gradient in both ends of soil cell, therefore run A, B and
so electrical current began to increase due to the increase in the mi- D had the larger Qeof compared to run C. Compared run A with run B,
gration of ions in pore fluid. In general, compared with the run A, run B EE-EKR can reduce the precipitation of chromic hydroxide, which help
exhibited higher electrical current at this stage (72–144 h). to get the large cross-sectional area, so run B had the largest Qeof.
In run C, just like the variations of electrical voltage, electric current Compared run A with run D, the cumulative amount of electroosmotic
was strongly influenced by the weather conditions and had the peri- flow was basically the same.
odical variations. In one working cycle (8:00 am to 5:00 pm), electric
current through the soil cell firstly increased, reached a maximum and 3.3. Soil pH
then decreased. Unlike run B, an obvious process of decrease and in-
crease of electrical current could not be obvious after 72 h because Variations of soil pH are presented in Fig. 5. It has been well known
electric current of run C was significantly influenced by the weather that EKR can strongly influence soil pH. In typical EKR, H+ generated
conditions. by electrolysis reaction at the anode move from anode to cathode; ac-
The current experimental result suggests that there are more cordingly, OH− produced by electrolysis reaction at the cathode move
charged ions during the EKR process of run B and run C, especially run from cathode to anode. So, the anode soil region become acidic, while

M. Zhou et al. Separation and Purification Technology 190 (2018) 297–306


Electroosmotic flow accumulation (mL)




run A

run B
run C

run D

0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144
Time (hours)
Fig. 4. The cumulative amount of electroosmotic flow during electrokinetic treatment.

the cathode soil region is alkaline. In run A and D, soil pH in treated soil reduction and Cr(III) oxidation, generally high pH enhanced the oxi-
also showed the distribution caused by the EKR. The experimental re- dative power while low pH enhanced reduction reactions. After the
sults suggested that some amendments should be performed to return experiment, EE-EKR (run B, C) had higher soil pH which led to oxidise
the soil pH to its initial condition after typical EKR. more Cr(III) to Cr(VI), and mobility of chromium was enhanced which
There was a significant difference of soil pH between run A, D and can also in part explain the probable reason of higher Cr removal in run
run B, C. Fig. 5 shows EKR with the exchange of electrode had a mi- B and run C.
nor effect on the pH of experimental soil, including the soil of the anode
region and the cathode region. The reason is that H+, OH− produced
3.4. Removal of Cr
by electrolysis reaction in the soil can be partly neutralized after the
exchange of electrode. So EE-EKR can solve to some extent the adverse
Figs. 6–8 show the residual concentration of total Cr, Cr(VI) and Cr
effects of EKR on soil pH. Soil pH had a significant impact on the Cr(VI)
(III) in soil after EKR, and the cumulative amount of total Cr, Cr(VI) and



Initial soil
run A
2 run B

run C
run D

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Soil sections
Fig. 5. Variations of pH in soil sections after electrokinetic remediation.

M. Zhou et al. Separation and Purification Technology 190 (2018) 297–306



Total Cr concentration (mg/kg)





Initial soil
run A

400 run B

run C
run D

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Soil sections
Fig. 6. Residual total Cr in treated soil after electrokinetic treatment.

Cr(III) transferred to electrolyte and electrode are presented in removed as soluble chromium complexes by electroosmosis. The com-
Figs. 9–12 during the EKR process. Table 2 shows the mass balance of bination of electroosmosis and electromigration removed chromium
Cr in the experiments. from contaminated soil, so the concentration of chromium in treated
After remediation, the total Cr and Cr(VI) remaining in the soil was soil decreased. Meanwhile, it was apparent that run B had the highest
determined, and the average value of chromium in the ten sections was removal efficiency of total Cr (43.65% which was calculated based on
calculated as the content of chromium in the whole soil cell. The re- the residual total Cr in treated soil after EKR), the highest removal ef-
moval efficiency of chromium was calculated on the basis of the ficiency of Cr(VI) (91.88%), and the highest removal efficiency of Cr
average content of chromium in the soil before and after EKR. From (III) (19.32%) than those of run A, C and D, because of the highest and
Figs. 6 and 7, compared to the initial concentration, the concentration stable input voltage and current and the advantage of exchange elec-
of total Cr and Cr(VI) in treated soil all decreased (run A–D), especially trode method. As Cr(VI) in the soil occur mainly as CrO42− and HcrO4−
Cr(VI). Chromium desorbed from the soil was moved to the anode and [33], Cr(VI) can be easily treated and Cr(III) can be hardly treated re-
cathode by electromigration. Meanwhile, chromium could also be latively by EKR. The experimental results are consistent with other



Cr (VI) concentration (mg/kg)

Initial soil
400 run A

run B

300 run C

run D



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Soil sections
Fig. 7. Residual Cr (VI) in treated soil after electrokinetic treatment.

M. Zhou et al. Separation and Purification Technology 190 (2018) 297–306



Cr (III) concentration (mg/kg)



Initial soil
run A

run B

200 run C

run D

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Soil sections
Fig. 8. Residual Cr (III) in treated soil after electrokinetic treatment.



Total Cr in the anolyte and anode
Cr accumulation (mg)

Total Cr in the catholyte and cathode

Cr(VI) in the anolyte and anode
Cr(VI) in the catholyte and cathode
Cr(III) in the anolyte and anode
Cr(III) in the catholyte and cathode


0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144
Time (hours)
Fig. 9. Cumulative mass of Cr in the electrolyte and electrode in run A.

report [34]. increased, because of the dissolving of Cr(OH)3 in the original cathode
Compared run A with run B, experimental results showed that EE- region by the H+ generated from the exchanged electrode.
EKR was a more effective method to eliminate chromium in con- Compared run A with run D, experimental results showed that using
taminated soils because of higher electric current quickly to migrate KCl as electrolyte was a more effective method to eliminate chromium
chromium to the electrode. Meanwhile, in the conventional EKR (run in contaminated soils because the electrical conductivity of electrolyte
A), the nearer to the cathode region, the higher are the OH− con- has been improved and higher electric current quickly to migrate
centration and pH value in soil, which can hinder the desorption of Cr chromium to the electrode.
from contaminated soil and lead to the precipitation of chromic hydr- Compared run B with run C, experimental results showed that EE-
oxide. In the run B, the removal efficiency of total chromium and Cr(III) EKR with the DC power had a slightly higher removal efficiency under

M. Zhou et al. Separation and Purification Technology 190 (2018) 297–306


Total Cr in the anolyte and anode

350 Total Cr in the catholyte and cathode
Cr(VI) in the anolyte and anode
300 Cr(VI) in the catholyte and cathode
Cr(III) in the anolyte and anode
Cr accumulation (mg)

Cr(III) in the catholyte and cathode





0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144
Time (hours)
Fig. 10. Cumulative mass of Cr in the electrolyte and electrode in run B.


Total Cr in the anolyte and anode

350 Total Cr in the catholyte and cathode
Cr(VI) in the anolyte and anode
Cr(VI) in the catholyte and cathode
Cr(III) in the anolyte and anode
Cr accumulation (mg)

Cr(III) in the catholyte and cathode





0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144
Time (hours)
Fig. 11. Cumulative mass of Cr in the electrolyte and electrode in run C.

the weather conditions of this experiment, because of the stable and average value of available nitrogen was raised from 69.53 to 74.23 mg/
continuous input. Although the removal efficiency of Cr of run C was kg, the average value of available phosphorus and potassium were re-
slightly lower (total Cr: 41.55%, Cr(VI): 89.42%, Cr(III): 17.40%), duced from 20.05 to 10.39 mg/kg, from 61.31 to 51.58 mg/kg re-
however in contrast with the cost of energy consumption, the difference spectively. So some steps should be taken to offset the impacts, after
of removal efficiency maybe was not important. From Table 2, by electrokinetic treatment.
comparison, it was more reasonable that the removal efficiency of Cr
was calculated based on the concentration of residual Cr in soil after 3.5. Cost analysis
EKR experiment.
In this technology, an electric field was utilised to promote the The main cost of EKR using solar energy is resulted from the cost of
movement of Cr contaminants towards the electrode. However there is solar cell. Now, in China, the market price of monocrystalline silicon
no selectivity in the conventional EKR process, other native ions that solar cell is about US$ 0.6 (Parameters: power: 4.4 W; size:
are present in the soil can also be mobilised. In our previous research, 156 × 156 mm; efficiency: 17.2–19%) [36]. EKR of contaminated soil
experimental results showed that EKR had an impact on the distribution need require about 500 kWh/m3 of power consumption [30]. On the
and concentrations of soil native ions [35]. After the electrokinetic basis of the average power consumption and the 144 h remediation
experiment (EKR of fluorine-contaminated soil), in the treated soil, the time (based on this study, the removal efficiency of total Cr was

M. Zhou et al. Separation and Purification Technology 190 (2018) 297–306


Total Cr in the anolyte and anode

300 Total Cr in the catholyte and cathode

Cr(VI) in the anolyte and anode

Cr(VI) in the catholyte and cathode

Cr(III) in the anolyte and anode
Cr accumulation (mg)

Cr(III) in the catholyte and cathode





0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144
Time (hours)
Fig. 12. Cumulative mass of Cr in the electrolyte and electrode in run D.

Table 2
The mass balance of Cr in the experiments.

Initial Cr in soil samples (mg) Residual Cr in treated soil (mg) Cumulative mass of Cr in the electrolyte and electrode (mg) Mass balance (%)

Run Total Cr Cr(VI) Cr(III) Total Cr Cr(VI) Cr(III) Total Cr Cr(VI) Cr(III) Total Cr Cr(VI) Cr(III)

Run A 1254.15 420.53 833.62 834.3 61.22 773.08 407.24 352.05 55.19 98.99 98.27 99.36
Run B 1254.15 420.53 833.62 706.73 34.16 672.57 531.94 379.55 152.39 98.77 98.38 98.96
Run C 1254.15 420.53 833.62 733.05 44.48 688.57 506.27 372.55 133.72 98.82 99.17 98.64
Run D 1254.15 420.53 833.62 881.75 89.78 791.97 355.66 318.55 37.11 98.67 97.10 99.46

41.55%, after the 16 days (9 h/d, 144 h) EE-EKR using solar energy), are not so different between them under the better weather conditions.
the EKR power consumption can be calculated (500,000/ After electrokinetic remediation, the chromium in the soil was mainly
144 = 3472.2 W/m3). So, the cost of solar cell is US$ 473.5/m3 found in trivalent, its toxic effects to the organism and influence on
((3472.2/4.4) × 0.6). Monocrystalline silicon solar cell has a life span human health were greatly reduced.
of twenty years, so the running cost need be calculated by the division
of capital by the life span [24], and the final calculation result is US$ Acknowledgments
1.04/m3 (473.5/(20 × 365/16)). Now, China's electricity price is about
8.4 USD cent/kWh (¥0.56/kWh, 6.670 Chinese Yuan to US Dollar Ex- This research was supported by the National Natural Science
change Rate in Sep 2016), so the running cost of EKR by DC power is US Foundation of China (No. 41471256) and Key Scientific Research
$ 42/m3 (0.084 × 500), which is much higher than the running cost of Project of Henan Province Universities and Colleges (No. 15A610003).
using solar cell (US$ 1.04/m3). Of course, the calculation method of
cost analysis is idealistic, for example that it doesn't take into account Appendix A. Supplementary material
the actual weather conditions, but even so, the running cost of using
solar cell is satisfactory. Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
online version, at
4. Conclusions
In this paper, experimental results showed that EE-EKR was a con-
[1] H. Angel, M. William, Pollution in China Still a State Secret [Infographic], 2014,
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