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Structure - Planning Sheet

Decide in
is your
is your
are are
the the
to make?
to make? which
Music and how it has the power to heal mankind paragraph you
Gender inequality and how it is not taken seriously enough in society.
will include the
Introduction: Which whole text structure have you chosen (e.g. rhetorical question, anecdote, rule of three)? How will different
introduce your issue?
Which whole text structure have you chosen (e.g. rhetorical question, anecdote, rule of three)? How paragraph
will you introducesentence
what your first will be using your whole text structure.
your issue? types:
(Rhetorical question) what if there
Write what your first sentence willwasbe
music? What
your would
whole textthe world be like? Imagine there was no music, how
everything would be so much more depressing
(Rhetorical question). Why are women still talking about gender inequality? Surely by now we’ve reached a point Anecdote
where women are not trapped in a misogynistic society anymore? - Counter
- Facts and
ParaPara 1: Begin
1: Begin withwith
youryour strongest
strongest point.
point.( use sophisticated vocabulary throughout the speech)
I will write about the impact on the individual (personal pronouns): talk about how music has helped me relate to many
I will
other writearound
people about the
me impact
and hasonhelped
the Individual
me when- how
was noinequality
one else affects
to (Include anecdote – a short -Individual
personal story about being cat called on the street.) impact
- Local Impact
- Global Impact
- Rhetorical
ParaPara 2: Second
2: Second point
point andand emotive
emotive argument
argument question
I will write about how music has impacted locally to heal many people – how does it affect the people in Southall and - Rule of three
whatI will
haswrite aboutthem
it helped the local
with.impact ofrule
Use the gender inequality.
of three at the The genderof
beginning inequality affectsto
the paragraph men andemotive
show womenlanguage.
in Southall (I
will also include expert opinion – an expert in the field gives his/her opinion on the topic.) I will use the rule of three -Anaphora
in this paragraph as well as emotive language - Personal

ParaPara 3: Third
3: Third point
point andand logical
logical argument
I will write about the global impact – I will include how music has helped heal famous people/ celebrities and even just
I will write
ordinary peopleabout the the
around global Impact
world. How– how
it hasthe topicpeople
helped affectsheal
everybody – men
more than and women
a human – allanother
can heal over thehuman
globe. being.
I will
Include factsthat women in developing countries are more affected by this than women in developed countries e.g
& statistics.
access to education (include facts and statistics – data is used to develop/ back up a point.) In this paragraph, I will
also use rule of three

HL- Speech
ParaPara 4: Counter
4: Counter argument
argument Structure -
Some people may argue that music doesn’t help anyone/anything heal; they may say that it is all made up things that Planning
Some people
celebrities make tosayget
fame in thedoUK
and in 2021
their jobshave nothing
to earn to moan
the money. about.
They mayI will
arguediscredit this
that it’s allby using
fake andfacts andcan’t
people Sheet
relate to bring
to anything up gender
celebrities disparity
create. I willininclude
senior roles
work or the gender wage gap. (MODEL)

Decide in which
paragraph you
will include the
Conclusion: End your speech powerfully using your whole text structure again.
Conclusion: End your speech powerfully linking back to your opening different
Use(Ipersonal pronouns
will answer to make
the question it more
which convincing
I mentioned at and include
the start evidence
of my speech)of‘Women,
how music
andhas helped men,
hopefully peopleareget better
still talking paragraph
they actually were.
gender equality, as society is not equal yet. The fight continues for a day when all people are not caged by types:
gender roles’

I will also use personal pronouns - Anecdote

- Counter
- Facts and
- Local Impact
- Global Impact

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