Q. Define Data Explain Its Types With Suitable Example ?

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Q. Define data explain its types with suitable example ?

Data are actual pieces of information that you collect through your study

Not all data are numbers lets say you also record the gender of each of your friends getting the
following data male, female

Types of data

1] numerical data sets [also called quantitative data]

2] categorical data sets [also called quantitative data]

Numerical data

Discrete data -= data that can only take certain values. [mostly whole numbers or clearly distinct
values.] for example = the number of students in a class you cant have half a student Example – the
results of rolling 2 dice Can only have the values 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12

Continuous data= data that can take any value within a range can include all decimal values within
range ] for example= people heights could be any value within the range of human heights

Categorical data

These are data sets where the data consists of categories of descriptive terms

Again, there are 2 types

Normal- a types of categorical data in which objects fall into unordered categories.

Examples = 1]hair color – blonde, brown, red, black, etc. 2] Race- causcasian, African, Asian etc.
3]smoking status – smoker, non-smoker.

Ordinal data- a type of categorical data in which order is important

Example =1] class- year 7, year 8, year 9 etc .2]degree of illness – none, moderate, severe
3] opinion of students about homework-ticked off, neutral, enjoy it

Binary data= a type of categorical data in which there are only g two catgegories. Binary data can
either be nominal or ordinal

Example = smokking status – smoker, non smoker, non – smoker

Attendance – present, absent
class – lower classman, upper classman

Q. Explain with suitable example scales of measurements ? [ nominal ,

ordinal , interval, ratio ]
Different types of data based on their level of measurement and the operations that can be
performed on them. Here an explanation of each scale with suitable examples
Nominal scale
the nominal scale represents data that can be categorized into distinct groups or categorise in this
scale data is purely qualitative and there is no inherent order or numerical value assigned to the
categories example of nominal scale data include.
Colors [e.g., red, blue, green ]
gender [e.g. male, female, non-binary]
types of animals [ e.g. dog, cat, bird]
nominal scale data can be used for classification or identification purposes, but no mathematical
operations can be performed on this scale.

Ordinal scale

The ordinal scale indicates a ranking or order among the data points it allows for the relative
comparison of values but does not provide precise measurements of the differences between them
examples of ordinal scale data include.
Ranks in a competition [e.g. first place, second place, third place]
educational levels [e.g. elementary middle school, high school, college]
ratings or likert scales [e.g. strongly agree, agree neutral, disagree, strongly disagree]

Interval scale

The interval scale represents data with meaningful numerical intervals between values. It has
ordered categories, and the difference between any two adjacent points is constant, but it lacks a
true zero points example of interval scale data include
temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit [e.g. 20c , 30c]
years on the calendar[e.g. 2000,2010,2020] iq scores [e.g. 100, 120, 140]

Ratio scale

The ratio scale is the highest level of measurement possessing all the characteristics of the previous
scales nominal, ordinal, and interval along with a true zero points it has ordered categories, equal
interval, and meaningful ratios. Example of ratio scale data include.
Weight [e,g 50 kg 75kg,] height [e.g. 150 cm, 180cm] income [e.g.$500,$ 1000]

Q. Explain the numpy library with suitable examples. ?

Numpy is powerful python library for numericl computing that provides support for handling large,
multidimensional arrays and matrices, along with a wide range of mathematical functions to operate
on them efficiently it is widely used in scientific computing data analysis and machine learning here
are some examples of how to use numpy 1] creating numpy arrays = numpy arrays are the
fundamental data structural provided by the library you can create arrays using various methods,
such as from a list or with built-in functions. Here s an examples

import numpy as np

# Creating a NumPy array from a list

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
arr = np.array(my_list)
print(arr) # Output: [1 2 3 4 5]

# Creating a NumPy array using a built-in function

zeros_arr = np.zeros(5) # Creates an array of zeros of length 5
print(zeros_arr) # Output: [0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

2] performing mathematical operations numpy provides a wide range of mathematical functions

that can be applied to arrays efficiently these functions operate element wise on the arrays heres an
=import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# Performing mathematical operations on the array

squared_arr = np.square(arr) # Square each element
print(squared_arr) # Output: [ 1 4 9 16 25]

sqrt_arr = np.sqrt(arr) # Compute the square root of each element

print(sqrt_arr) # Output: [1. 1.41421356 1.73205081 2. 2.23606798]

mean_value = np.mean(arr) # Compute the mean of the array

print(mean_value) # Output: 3.0

Q. Enlist application of numpy library application for psp ?

The numpy library can be applied in various ways for the personal software process {psp} which is a
structured approach to software development and productivity improvement here are some
applications of numpy in the context of psp; 1] data analysis – numpy provides powerful tools for
data analysis and process data collected during the psp you can use numpy arrays to store and
manipulate data, calculate statistical measures, and perform data transformations for examples you
can use numpy functions like mean, median, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient to
analyse the time taken for different tasks, identify patterns and measure performance
2] performance metrics – numpy can be used to calculate various performance metrics in the psp
such as defect density productivity and efficiency by organizing and processing data using numpy
arrays you can easily compute these metrics and track your progress over time for instance, you can
calculate the number of defects per line of code or the number of tasks completed per unit of time
using numpy functions. 3] plotting and visualization – visualization is an essential part of the psp as
it hlps in understanding and presenting data effectively numpy integrates well with libraries like
matplotlib which allows you to create various types of plots and charts you can use numpy arrays to
store data and generate visualization like line plots, bar charts histogram and scatter plots making it
easier to analyse and interpret your psp data
Q. Explain any five array function numpy library n dim ?

Certainly here are five commonly used numpy array functions for working with n-dimensional arrays.
1] numpy ndarray shape = this function returns the shape of an n-dimensional array it provides
information about the size of each dimension of the array heres an example

import numpy as np\

arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

shape = arr.shape
print(shape) # Output: (2, 3)

2] numpy ndarry reshape = the reshape function allows you to change the shape of an n dimentional
array without changing its data it returns a new array with the specified shape here’s an example
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

reshaped_arr = arr.reshape((2, 3))
# Output:
# [[1 2 3]
# [4 5 6]

3] numpy ndarray transpose = the transpose function returns a new array with the
axes transposed which means the rows become columns and the columns become
rows this function is particularly useful for n-dimensional arrays here’s an example
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

transposed_arr = arr.transpose()
# Output:
# [[1 4]
# [2 5]
# [3 6]]

4] numpy ndarray flatten = the flatten function returns a 1-dimensional copy of an n-

dimensional array collapsing all dimensions into a single dimension it is useful when
you want to convert a multi-dimensional array into a flat array here an example
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

flattened_arr = arr.flatten()
print(flattened_arr) # Output: [1 2 3 4 5 6]
5] numpy ndarray mean = the mean function calculates the arithmetic mean along a
specified axis of an n-dimensional array it returns the average value here’s an ex
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

these are just a few examples of numpy array functions for n dimensional arrays the
numpy library offers a wide range of functions for manipulating and performing
computations on arrays of various dimensions, making it a powerful tool for scientific
computing and data analysis.

Q. Write a program to read the datafile in any text and spreadsheet

format ?

To read data from a text file and a spreadsheet file [e.g.CSV] you can use the
pandas library in python pandas provides powerful tools for data manipulation and
analysis here’s an example program that reads data from both file formats. import
pandas as pd

# Read data from a text file (e.g., CSV)

text_file_path = "data.txt"
text_data = pd.read_csv(text_file_path)

# Read data from a spreadsheet file (e.g., CSV, Excel)

spreadsheet_file_path = "data.xlsx"
spreadsheet_data = pd.read_excel(spreadsheet_file_path)

# Display the loaded data

print("Text File Data:")
print("\nSpreadsheet Data:")
make sure to replace data txt and data xlsx with the actual file paths of your text file
and spreadsheet file respectively. This program uses the read csv assuming it is in
csv format it your text file has a different format or delimeter, you can specify
additional parameters to read csv accordingly for reading data from a spreadsheet
file the program uses the read excel function this function can handle various
spreadsheet formats including excel if your spreadsheet file is in a different format
such as csv you can also use read csv to load it. After reading the data the program
prints the contents of both files using the print function you can perform further data
manipulation and analysis using the pandas library which provides a wide range of
functions and capabilities for working with tabular data.
Write a python program to read csv that demonstrates how to read a csv file using
the read readlines and readlines function. ?
Certainly here a python program that demonstrates how to read a csv file using the
read [ ] readline [ ] and readlines [ ] functions.

# Open the CSV file in read mode

file_path = "data.csv"
file = open(file_path, "r")

# Read the entire content using read()

content = file.read()
print("Content using read():")

# Reset the file pointer to the beginning


# Read line by line using readline()

print("\nContent using readline():")
line = file.readline()
while line:
print(line, end="")
line = file.readline()

# Reset the file pointer to the beginning


# Read all lines into a list using readlines()

print("\nContent using readlines():")
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
print(line, end="")

# Close the file

make sure to replace data csv with the actual file path of your csv file in this program
we first open the csv file in read mode using the open [ ] function then we use the
different file reading functions. Read [ ] reads the entire content of the file as a string
and assigns it to the variable content we print the content using print [ content]
reading [ ]
Unit – 2

Q. Enlist application of data visualization when to use which type of chart ?

1] comparison chart
2] distribution chart

Certainly! Here are two common types of charts for data visualization—comparison
charts (including bar charts and line charts) and distribution charts (including
histograms and box plots)—along with their respective applications:

1. Comparison Charts:
Comparison charts are used to compare different categories or variables to identify
patterns, trends, or relationships. They are useful when you want to visualize and
compare values across different groups. Here are two commonly used comparison

- Bar Chart: A bar chart uses rectangular bars of varying lengths or heights to
represent the values of different categories. It is suitable for comparing discrete
categories or groups. For example, you can use a bar chart to compare sales
performance across different months or compare the popularity of different
programming languages.

- Line Chart: A line chart connects data points with lines to show the trend or
progression of a variable over time or across continuous categories. It is suitable for
displaying trends, patterns, or changes over a continuous scale. For example, you
can use a line chart to visualize the stock market trends over a period or to compare
the temperature variations throughout the year.

2. Distribution Charts:
Distribution charts are used to visualize the distribution and characteristics of a
dataset. They help in understanding the spread, central tendency, and shape of the
data. Here are two commonly used distribution charts:

- Histogram: A histogram represents the distribution of continuous or discrete data

by dividing it into intervals or bins and displaying the frequency or count of values
within each bin. It is useful for visualizing the frequency distribution and identifying
the shape of the data. For example, a histogram can be used to analyze the
distribution of student grades or the distribution of income levels in a population.

- Box Plot: A box plot (also known as a box-and-whisker plot) displays the
summary statistics of a dataset, including the median, quartiles, and outliers. It
provides a visual representation of the spread, central tendency, and skewness of
the data. Box plots are particularly useful for comparing distributions and identifying
outliers or anomalies. For example, you can use a box plot to compare the
distribution of exam scores across different classes or to identify any outliers in a

Remember, the choice of chart depends on the nature of your data, the type of
analysis you want to perform, and the insights you want to convey. Understanding
the characteristics and applications of different chart types will help you .
Q. To analyze how various parts comprise the whole pie chart ,
donut chart ?

To analyze how various parts comprise the whole using pie charts and donut charts,
you can focus on the proportions and percentages represented by each slice or
segment. Here's how you can perform the analysis:

1. Pie Chart:
A pie chart is a circular chart divided into sectors, with each sector representing a
proportionate part of the whole. To analyze the composition of the whole using a pie
chart, follow these steps:

- Identify the individual categories or parts being represented in the chart.

- Examine the size of each slice and its corresponding percentage value. The size
of each slice represents the proportion it holds relative to the whole.
- Compare the sizes of the slices to understand the relative importance or
contribution of each category to the whole.
- Look for any significant differences in the sizes of the slices. This can help
identify categories that are relatively larger or smaller compared to others.
- Analyze the percentages associated with each slice to understand the precise
proportion it represents.

2. Donut Chart:
A donut chart is similar to a pie chart, but it has a hole or an empty space in the
center. It is useful when you want to represent the composition of the whole while
also providing additional information or categorization. To analyze the composition of
the whole using a donut chart, follow these steps:

- Follow the same steps as mentioned for a pie chart to analyze the individual
slices and their proportions.
- Pay attention to any additional rings or concentric circles within the donut chart.
These can represent further categorization or subgroups within the main categories.
- Analyze the sizes and proportions of the different rings or concentric circles to
understand how the composition is further broken down.
- Compare the sizes of the rings and their percentages to identify any significant
variations or patterns.

In both pie charts and donut charts, it is important to ensure that the chart is properly
labeled and that the values or percentages associated with each slice are clearly
visible. This allows for accurate analysis and interpretation of the composition of the

Q. Wap to create and visualize data frame in python ?

To create and visualize a data frame in Python, you can use the `pandas` library
along with the `matplotlib` or `seaborn` libraries for visualization. Here's an example
program that demonstrates the process:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a dictionary with sample data

data = {
'Name': ['John', 'Jane', 'Mike', 'Sara'],
'Age': [25, 30, 28, 32],
'City': ['New York', 'London', 'Paris', 'Tokyo']

# Create a data frame from the dictionary

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Print the data frame

print("Data Frame:")

# Visualize the data frame

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.bar(df['Name'], df['Age'])
plt.title('Age Distribution')

In this program, we first create a dictionary `data` with sample data. Each key in the
dictionary corresponds to a column name, and the associated values form the data
for that column.

Next, we use the `pd.DataFrame()` function from the `pandas` library to create a
data frame `df` from the dictionary.
We then print the data frame using `print(df)` to see the tabular representation of the

Finally, we use `matplotlib` to visualize the data frame. In this example, we create a
bar chart to show the age distribution using `plt.bar()`. We specify the 'Name' column
as the x-axis and the 'Age' column as the y-axis. We also set labels for the axes and
provide a title for the chart. Lastly, we call `plt.show()` to display the chart.

You can modify this example to suit your specific data and visualization
Q. Explain scatter chart with suitable example ?

A scatter chart, also known as a scatter plot, is a type of chart that uses Cartesian
coordinates to display the values of two variables as points on a graph. It is useful for
visualizing the relationship or correlation between two numeric variables. Each point
on the chart represents an observation or data point.

Here's an example to explain a scatter chart:

Suppose you have a dataset that contains information about the height and weight of
individuals. You want to analyze the relationship between height and weight to
determine if there is any correlation.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Sample data
data = {
'Height': [165, 170, 155, 180, 160, 175],
'Weight': [60, 65, 55, 70, 62, 68]

# Create a data frame from the data

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create a scatter chart

plt.scatter(df['Height'], df['Weight'])
plt.xlabel('Height (cm)')
plt.ylabel('Weight (kg)')
plt.title('Height vs Weight')

# Display the chart


In this example, we have a dictionary `data` that contains two lists, 'Height' and
'Weight', representing the respective values for each individual. We create a data
frame `df` from the dictionary using `pd.DataFrame()`.
To create the scatter chart, we use `plt.scatter()` from the `matplotlib.pyplot` library.
We pass the 'Height' column as the x-axis values and the 'Weight' column as the y-
axis values. We also provide labels for the x-axis and y-axis using `plt.xlabel()` and
`plt.ylabel()`, respectively. Finally, we set the chart title using `plt.title()`.

When we run this code, it will generate a scatter chart where each point represents
an individual's height and weight. By analyzing the scatter chart, we can observe the
general relationship between height and weight. If the points are clustered in a
specific pattern, it suggests a correlation between the two variables. For example, if
the points form an upward-sloping trend, it indicates a positive correlation.
Q. Explain pie chart with suitable example ?

A pie chart is a circular statistical chart that is divided into slices to represent the
proportionate contribution of different categories to a whole. Each slice's size is
proportional to the quantity it represents, allowing for easy visual comparison
between categories. Pie charts are commonly used to display data where the
individual categories' values make up parts of a whole.

Here's an example to explain a pie chart:

Suppose you have data on the sales distribution of different products in a store for a
particular month. You want to visualize the proportionate contribution of each product
to the total sales.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Sample data
products = ['Product A', 'Product B', 'Product C', 'Product D']
sales = [12000, 8000, 5000, 3000]

# Create a pie chart

plt.pie(sales, labels=products, autopct='%1.1f%%')

# Set aspect ratio to make the chart a perfect circle


# Set chart title

plt.title('Sales Distribution')

# Display the chart


In this example, we have a list of product names stored in the `products` variable
and a corresponding list of sales values stored in the `sales` variable.

To create the pie chart, we use `plt.pie()` from the `matplotlib.pyplot` library. We pass
the sales values as the first argument and the product names as the `labels`
parameter. The `autopct` parameter is used to display the percentage value for each

We then use `plt.axis('equal')` to ensure that the chart is displayed as a perfect

circle. Finally, we set the chart title using `plt.title()`.

When we run this code, it will generate a pie chart where each slice represents the
proportionate contribution of a product to the total sales. The size of each slice
corresponds to the relative value of the sales for that product. The labels on the
slices show the product names, and the percentage values inside the slices
represent the percentage contribution of each category to the total.

Q. Explain visualization libraries of python ?

Python offers several powerful visualization libraries that provide a wide range of
tools and capabilities for creating visually appealing and informative charts, graphs,
and plots. Here are some popular visualization libraries in Python:

1. Matplotlib:
Matplotlib is a versatile and widely-used library for creating static, animated, and
interactive visualizations in Python. It provides a wide range of plotting functions and
supports various chart types, including line plots, scatter plots, bar plots, histograms,
pie charts, and more. Matplotlib offers fine-grained control over plot customization,
allowing users to customize colors, labels, axes, titles, and other visual elements.

2. Seaborn:
Seaborn is built on top of Matplotlib and provides a higher-level interface for
creating attractive statistical visualizations. It simplifies the creation of complex
visualizations such as heatmaps, pair plots, violin plots, and time series plots.
Seaborn offers built-in themes and styles to enhance the aesthetics of plots and
provides additional statistical functionalities.

3. Plotly:
Plotly is a library that offers interactive and web-based visualizations. It supports a
wide range of chart types, including line plots, scatter plots, bar plots, heatmaps, 3D
plots, and more. Plotly allows users to create interactive plots that can be embedded
in web applications or viewed in web browsers. It also provides advanced features
like animation, interactivity, and sharing capabilities.

4. Bokeh:
Bokeh is another library for creating interactive visualizations in Python. It
emphasizes interactive and web-based plots, allowing users to create interactive
dashboards, applications, and data-driven stories. Bokeh supports a variety of chart
types, including line plots, scatter plots, bar plots, area plots, and more. It provides
interactivity through tools like zooming, panning, and hovering.

5. Altair:
Altair is a declarative statistical visualization library that allows users to create
interactive and exploratory visualizations using a concise and intuitive syntax. It
leverages the Vega-Lite specification and provides a high-level API for creating
visualizations with minimal code. Altair supports a variety of chart types and can
handle large datasets efficiently.

These are just a few examples of the many visualization libraries available in Python.
Each library has its strengths and unique features, allowing users to choose the one
that best suits their requirements and preferences. Python's rich ecosystem of
visualization libraries provides flexibility, versatility, and creativity in creating stunning
and informative visualizations for data analysis and presentation.

Q. Benefits of data visualization ?

Data visualization offers several benefits across various fields and industries. Here
are some key benefits:

1. Enhanced Understanding: Visualizing data allows individuals to grasp complex

information more easily. It helps uncover patterns, trends, and correlations that may
not be apparent in raw data. By presenting data visually, it becomes more accessible
and understandable to a wider audience, including those without a technical

2. Improved Decision-Making: Visualizations enable decision-makers to quickly

absorb and interpret data, leading to more informed and effective decision-making.
By presenting data in a clear and concise manner, visualizations help identify
insights, outliers, and anomalies that can influence strategic choices.

3. Efficient Communication: Visual representations of data facilitate effective

communication between stakeholders. Visualizations can simplify complex concepts
and data sets, making it easier to convey information to others, whether it's in
presentations, reports, or dashboards. They enable concise and impactful
storytelling by presenting data in a visually engaging manner.

4. Identification of Patterns and Trends: Data visualization enables the identification

of patterns, trends, and relationships that might go unnoticed in tables or
spreadsheets. By representing data visually, it becomes easier to spot recurring
patterns, understand historical trends, and make predictions for the future. This helps
in detecting opportunities, optimizing processes, and mitigating risks.

5. Exploration and Analysis: Visualization tools provide interactive capabilities that

allow users to explore and analyze data in real-time. Users can manipulate
visualizations, filter data, drill down into specific details, and gain deeper insights.
This interactivity empowers users to explore different scenarios, ask questions, and
derive meaningful conclusions from the data.

6. Increased Engagement: Visual representations are generally more engaging than

text or numerical data alone. Colorful charts, graphs, and interactive elements
capture attention and make the data more memorable. Visualizations can stimulate
curiosity, encourage exploration, and promote data-driven discussions among team
members, fostering a data-driven culture within organizations.
7. Detection of Anomalies and Outliers: Visualizations help identify anomalies,
outliers, or unusual patterns in the data. These insights can be crucial for quality
control, fraud detection, and anomaly detection in various domains, such as finance,
healthcare, and cybersecurity. By visualizing data, abnormal patterns become more
evident, enabling timely action to be taken.

8. Increased Efficiency: Visualizing data reduces the time required to understand and
communicate information. Instead of analyzing raw data or lengthy reports,
visualizations present key findings and insights at a glance. This efficiency allows
users to focus on interpreting the data rather than spending excessive time on data
Q. Explain histogram with suitable example ?

Certainly! Let's explain histograms using a Python program as an example.

Histograms are graphical representations that display the distribution of a dataset.

They provide a visual summary of the underlying data and showcase the frequency
or count of values falling within specific intervals or bins.

To create a histogram in Python, we can use the popular data visualization library
called Matplotlib. Here's an example program that generates a histogram:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Sample dataset
data = [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10]

# Plotting the histogram

plt.hist(data, bins=5, edgecolor='black')

# Setting labels and title


# Displaying the histogram


In this program, we start by importing the `pyplot` module from Matplotlib. We then
define a sample dataset called `data`, which consists of some integer values.

Next, we use the `plt.hist()` function to generate the histogram. The `hist()` function
takes two main arguments: the dataset (`data`) and the number of bins (`bins`) to
divide the data into. In this case, we have set the number of bins to 5.

We also provide the `edgecolor` parameter to add black borders around the bars in
the histogram, making them more visible.
After plotting the histogram, we add labels to the x-axis and y-axis using `plt.xlabel()`
and `plt.ylabel()`, respectively. Additionally, we set the title of the histogram using

Finally, we use `plt.show()` to display the histogram.

When you run this program, it will generate a histogram with bars representing the
frequency or count of values falling within each bin. The x-axis represents the values
in the dataset, and the y-axis represents the frequency.

Unit - 3

Q. Define data cleaning and transformation and explain

transformation data values ?

Data cleaning refers to the process of identifying and correcting or removing errors,
inconsistencies, and inaccuracies in a dataset. It involves handling missing values,
handling duplicate records, correcting data formats, resolving inconsistencies, and
addressing outliers. The goal of data cleaning is to improve the quality and reliability
of the dataset before performing any analysis or using it for further processing.

Data transformation, on the other hand, involves converting or modifying the data in
order to make it suitable for a specific purpose or analysis. It can include various
operations such as scaling, normalization, aggregation, encoding, and feature

Transformation of data values refers to the process of modifying the values in a

dataset to achieve a particular objective. Here are some common examples of data
value transformations:

1. Scaling: Scaling involves converting the values of a variable to a specific range or

scale. It is often used when variables have different units or scales, and we want to
bring them to a common scale for comparison or analysis. For example, scaling a
variable to a range of 0 to 1 or standardizing it with a mean of 0 and standard
deviation of 1.

2. Normalization: Normalization is the process of adjusting values to ensure they fall

within a specific range or follow a specific distribution. It is often used to eliminate the
effect of different scales and make the data distribution more suitable for certain
algorithms or analyses. Common normalization techniques include min-max
normalization and z-score normalization.

3. Encoding: Encoding involves converting categorical variables into numerical

representations. This is necessary because many machine learning algorithms
require numerical inputs. Common encoding techniques include one-hot encoding,
label encoding, and ordinal encoding.
4. Binning: Binning is the process of grouping continuous numerical values into
discrete bins or categories. It can be useful when dealing with continuous data that
needs to be analyzed in a categorical manner or when dealing with data with a large
range of values.

5. Feature engineering: Feature engineering involves creating new features from

existing ones or transforming variables to capture more meaningful information. It
can include operations such as creating interaction terms, polynomial features, or
logarithmic transformations to capture complex relationships or improve model

Q. Demonstrate data discretization and binning with suitable

example ?

Certainly! Let's consider an example where we have a dataset of students' exam

scores ranging from 0 to 100. We want to discretize the scores into three bins: low,
medium, and high.Here's how you can perform data discretization and binning using

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Example dataset
scores = [82, 68, 91, 75, 60, 95, 88, 72, 78, 85]

# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'Score': scores})

# Define the bin edges and labels

bin_edges = [0, 60, 80, 100]
bin_labels = ['Low', 'Medium', 'High']
# Discretize the data using pd.cut()
df['Category'] = pd.cut(df['Score'], bins=bin_edges, labels=bin_labels, right=False)

# Print the result

Score Category
0 82 High
1 68 Medium
2 91 High
3 75 Medium
4 60 Medium
5 95 High
6 88 High
7 72 Medium
8 78 Medium
9 85 High

In this example, we create a DataFrame `df` with a column 'Score' containing the
students' exam scores. We define the bin edges `[0, 60, 80, 100]` to represent the
ranges for the low, medium, and high categories. We also define the bin labels 'Low',
'Medium', and 'High'.

Q. Explain random smapling with and without replacement with an

example ?

Random sampling is a technique used to select a subset of data from a larger

population in a way that each element in the population has an equal chance of
being selected. It is commonly employed in statistics, data analysis, and machine
learning to draw representative samples for analysis or model training.

Random sampling can be performed with or without replacement, which refers to

whether the selected elements are returned to the population or not after being
chosen. Let's illustrate both scenarios with an example:

Consider a population of 10 individuals numbered from 1 to 10. We want to randomly
select a sample of 4 individuals from this population.

1. Random Sampling with Replacement:

In this scenario, after each selection, the chosen individual is put back into the
population, and it remains eligible for selection in subsequent draws.

Let's say we perform random sampling with replacement three times. Here's one
possible outcome:

- First draw: 3
- Second draw: 7
- Third draw: 3

In this case, individual 3 was selected twice since it was returned to the population
after the first draw. The selected sample could be [3, 7, 3, 1].

2. Random Sampling without Replacement:

In this scenario, once an individual is selected, it is not returned to the population,
and it becomes ineligible for future draws.

Let's perform random sampling without replacement. Here's one possible outcome:

- First draw: 2
- Second draw: 6
- Third draw: 9
In this case, each selection is unique, and no individual is selected more than once.
The selected sample could be [2, 6, 9, 1].

The key difference between random sampling with and without replacement lies in
the potential for duplication in the sample. With replacement, it is possible to select
the same element multiple times, while without replacement, each selection is

Q. Write a short note on 1] removing nan values 2] finding outliers

in dataframe.

1) Removing NaN Values:

NaN (Not a Number) values are often encountered in datasets and represent
missing or undefined values. Dealing with NaN values is an essential step in data
cleaning and preprocessing. Here are some common approaches to handle NaN
values in a DataFrame:

a) Dropping NaN values: This approach involves removing rows or columns that
contain NaN values. The `dropna()` function in pandas can be used to drop NaN
values. By specifying the `axis` parameter, you can choose to drop rows (`axis=0`) or
columns (`axis=1`) that contain NaN values.

b) Filling NaN values: Instead of removing NaN values, you can choose to fill them
with appropriate values. The `fillna()` function in pandas allows you to fill NaN values
with a specific value or with methods like mean, median, or forward/backward filling.

c) Interpolation: If NaN values are present in a time series or sequence data,

interpolation techniques can be used to estimate and fill the missing values based on
the surrounding data points.

2) Finding Outliers in a DataFrame:

Outliers are data points that significantly deviate from the majority of the data. They
can arise due to measurement errors, data corruption, or represent extreme
observations. Identifying and handling outliers is crucial as they can distort statistical
analysis and modeling results. Here are some approaches to identify outliers in a D-
a-) Descriptive statistics: Calculating summary statistics such as mean, median, st-
andard deviation, quartiles, and range can help identify potential outliers. Data points
-that fall significantly beyond the mean ± 3 times the standard deviation or outside t-
he quartiles ± 1.5 times the interquartile range are often considered outliers.
b-) Box plots: Box plots provide a visual representation of the distribution of data and
ca-n help identify outliers. Data points outside the whiskers (lines extending from the
box-) are potential outliers.
c-) Z-score: The Z-score measures how many standard deviations a data point is a-
way from the mean. Data points with a Z-score above a certain threshold (e.g., ±3) -
are considered outliers.
d-) Modified z-score: The modified Z-score, such as the Median Absolute Deviation
(M-AD), is a robust measure that is less affected by extreme values in the data. It
use-s the median and median absolute deviation to identify outliers.
e-) Machine learning models: Anomaly detection algorithms, such as clustering-ba-
sed or density-based models, can be applied to identify outliers in a dataset. These -
models learn patterns in the data and flag data points that deviate significantly from -
the learned patterns.
-Q. Write a program to replace missing values using interpolation f-
unction ?
-Certainly! Here's an example program that demonstrates how to replace missing v-
alues using the interpolation function in Python's pandas library:
i-mport pandas as pd
#- Example DataFrame with missing values
Df- = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, np.nan, 4, 5],
- 'B': [np.nan, 10, 20, np.nan, 50]})
p-rint("Original DataFrame:")
#- Interpolate missing values
Df-_interpolated = df.interpolate()
p-rint("\nDataFrame with Interpolated Values:")
O-riginal DataFrame:
0 1-.0 NaN
1 2.-0 10.0
2 Na-N 20.0
3 4.0 -NaN
4 5.0 5-0.0
-DataFrame with Interpolated Values:
- AB
0- 1.0 NaN
1 -2.0 10.0
2 3-.0 20.0
3 4.-0 35.0
4 5.0- 50.0
I-n this program, we start with a DataFrame `df` containing missing values (r-
epresented as NaN). The `interpolate()` function is applied to the DataFrame to fill in
-the missing values using interpolation.
-By default, the `interpolate()` function performs linear interpolation, which calculates
v-alues based on the surrounding data points. In the example, missing values in co-
lumn 'A' are interpolated as 3.0 based on the neighboring values 2.0 and 4.0. -
Missing values in column 'B' are interpolated as 35.0 based on the values 10.0 and -
-Unit – 4
-Q. How to measure and calculate central values in python ?
I-n Python, you can measure and calculate central values, such as the mean, m-
edian, and mode, using various libraries and functions. Here's how you can calculate
-these central values using some commonly used-----------------------------------------------
1. Using NumPy:
NumPy is a powerful library for numerical operations in Python. You can use its
functions to calculate central values:

import numpy as np

# Example data
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

# Calculate mean
mean = np.mean(data)

# Calculate median
median = np.median(data)

# Calculate mode
mode = np.mode(data)

print("Mean:", mean)
print("Median:", median)
print("Mode:", mode)

2. Using pandas:
Pandas is a popular library for data manipulation and analysis in Python. It provides
convenient functions to calculate central values:

import pandas as pd
# Example data
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Values'])

# Calculate mean
mean = df['Values'].mean()

# Calculate median
median = df['Values'].median()

# Calculate mode
mode = df['Values'].mode()

print("Mean:", mean)
print("Median:", median)
print("Mode:", mode)

3. Using statistics:
The statistics module in Python provides functions to calculate various statistical
measures, including central values:

import statistics

# Example data
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

# Calculate mean
mean = statistics.mean(data)

# Calculate median
median = statistics.median(data)

# Calculate mode
mode = statistics.mode(data)

print("Mean:", mean)
print("Median:", median)
print("Mode:", mode)

These are just a few examples of how you can calculate central values in Python.
Depending on your specific requirements and the nature of your data, you can
choose the appropriate library and functions to calculate the central values that best
suit your needs.
Q.Calculate specific column median in a dataframe ?

To calculate the median of a specific column in a DataFrame, you can use the
`median()` function provided by the pandas library in Python. Here's an example:

import pandas as pd

# Example DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'B': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
'C': [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]})

# Calculate median of column 'B'

median_B = df['B'].median()

print("Median of column B:", median_B)


Median of column B: 8.0

In this example, we have a DataFrame `df` with three columns: 'A', 'B', and 'C'. To
calculate the median of column 'B', we access the column using `df['B']` and then
apply the `median()` function to it. The resulting median value is stored in the
variable `median_B` and printed.

You can replace `'B'` with the name of the specific column you want to calculate the
median for in your DataFrame.
Q.State and explain percentiles and qutriles with and example ?

Percentiles and quartiles are statistical measures used to divide a dataset into equal
parts or segments based on ranking. They provide valuable insights into the
distribution and spread of data. Let's explain percentiles and quartiles with examples:

1. Percentiles:
Percentiles divide a dataset into 100 equal parts, representing the position of a
particular value in relation to the entire dataset. For instance, the 25th percentile
represents the value below which 25% of the data falls.

Consider a dataset of exam scores: [65, 70, 72, 75, 78, 80, 82, 85, 88, 90]. To find
the 75th percentile, we calculate the value below which 75% of the data falls. In this
case, 75% of the data is below the value 82. Therefore, the 75th percentile is 82.

2. Quartiles:
Quartiles divide a dataset into four equal parts, representing three points that divide
the dataset into quarters. The three quartiles are denoted as Q1, Q2 (also known as
the median), and Q3.

Using the same dataset of exam scores: [65, 70, 72, 75, 78, 80, 82, 85, 88, 90]. The
quartiles can be calculated as follows:
- Q1: The first quartile, or the 25th percentile, represents the value below which 25%
of the data falls. In this case, the value is 72.
- Q2: The second quartile, or the 50th percentile, is the median, representing the
value below which 50% of the data falls. In this case, the median is 79.
- Q3: The third quartile, or the 75th percentile, represents the value below which 75%
of the data falls. In this case, the value is 85.

Quartiles provide insights into the spread of data and are commonly used to define
the interquartile range (IQR), which measures the dispersion between the first and
third quartiles.

By using percentiles and quartiles, we can understand how the dataset is distributed,
identify outliers, and compare specific values with respect to the overall dataset.
These measures are particularly useful in exploratory data analysis, statistical
analysis, and visualizations.

Q.Explain correlation and its types with and example ?

Correlation is a statistical measure that quantifies the relationship between two

variables. It indicates the extent to which changes in one variable are associated
with changes in another variable. Correlation is expressed as a value between -1
and 1, where -1 represents a perfect negative correlation, 1 represents a perfect
positive correlation, and 0 represents no correlation.

There are different types of correlation measures, including:

1. Pearson Correlation:
Pearson correlation measures the linear relationship between two continuous
variables. It assumes that the variables are normally distributed and have a linear
association. The Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, where 0
indicates no linear correlation, -1 indicates a perfect negative linear correlation, and
1 indicates a perfect positive linear correlation.

Consider a dataset that contains the heights and weights of individuals. You can
calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient to measure the relationship between
these two variables. A positive coefficient close to 1 would indicate that as height
increases, weight also tends to increase.

2. Spearman Correlation:
Spearman correlation measures the monotonic relationship between two variables. It
is based on the ranks of the data rather than the actual values. Spearman correlation
is appropriate for variables that may not have a linear relationship but have a
consistent monotonic pattern.

Suppose you have a dataset containing the rankings of students in two different
exams. By calculating the Spearman correlation coefficient, you can determine
whether there is a consistent pattern in the rankings across the two exams,
regardless of the specific values.

3. Kendall Correlation:
Kendall correlation is another measure of rank correlation, similar to Spearman
correlation. It quantifies the strength and direction of the monotonic relationship
between two variables. Kendall correlation is commonly used when dealing with
ranked or ordinal data.

Consider a survey where respondents are asked to rank their preferences for
different brands. By calculating the Kendall correlation coefficient, you can assess
the level of agreement or disagreement in the rankings between different individuals.

These different types of correlation measures allow us to analyze the relationship

between variables and gain insights into their associations. It's important to choose
the appropriate correlation measure based on the nature of the variables and the
specific research or analysis goals.
Q.Explain grouping and aggregation by single or multiple field ?

Grouping and aggregation are common operations in data analysis and involve
grouping data based on one or multiple fields and performing calculations on those
groups. Let's explore grouping and aggregation by single or multiple fields:

1. Grouping and Aggregation by Single Field:

When grouping by a single field, data is divided into distinct groups based on the
unique values in that field. Aggregation functions are then applied to each group to
summarize or calculate statistics for that specific group.

Consider a dataset of sales transactions with fields like "Product Category" and
"Sales Amount". To calculate the total sales amount for each product category, you
can group the data by the "Product Category" field and apply an aggregation function
like sum():

import pandas as pd

# Example DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'Product Category': ['Electronics', 'Clothing', 'Electronics',
'Sales Amount': [500, 300, 700, 400]})

# Grouping and aggregation

grouped = df.groupby('Product Category').agg({'Sales Amount': 'sum'})


Sales Amount
Product Category
Clothing 700
Electronics 1200

In this example, the DataFrame is grouped by the "Product Category" field using the
`groupby()` function, and the `sum()` aggregation function is applied to the "Sales
Amount" column for each group. The resulting DataFrame shows the total sales
amount for each product category.

2. Grouping and Aggregation by Multiple Fields:

Grouping by multiple fields involves dividing data into groups based on unique
combinations of values in multiple fields. Aggregation functions are then applied to
each group to calculate statistics or summarize the data.

Consider a dataset of sales transactions with fields like "Product Category",
"Region", and "Sales Amount". To calculate the total sales amount for each
combination of product category and region, you can group the data by the "Product
Category" and "Region" fields and apply an aggregation function like sum():

import pandas as pd

# Example DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'Product Category': ['Electronics', 'Clothing', 'Electronics',
'Region': ['North', 'South', 'North', 'South'],
'Sales Amount': [500, 300, 700, 400]})

# Grouping and aggregation

grouped = df.groupby(['Product Category', 'Region']).agg({'Sales Amount': 'sum'})


Sales Amount
Product Category Region
Clothing South 700
Electronics North 1200

In this example, the DataFrame is grouped by the combination of "Product Category"

and "Region" using the `groupby()` function with a list of fields, and the `sum()`
aggregation function is applied to the "Sales Amount" column for each group. The
resulting DataFrame shows the total sales amount for each unique combination of
product category and region.
Grouping and aggregation by single or multiple fields allows us to gain insights and
perform calculations specific to different subsets of data, providing valuable
summaries and analysis for further exploration and decision-making.




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