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Mid Semester Examination (MSE) 2021-22-II: Exploration Geophysics (ES416A)

Date: 21/02/2022; Duration: 75 minutes; Total Marks: 30; Page no. 1/2
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Section A Marks: 7×3=21
1. What is the basic difference between a gravitational field and a magnetic field? Do we need
to apply topographic corrections in magnetic data? Briefly justify your answer. [1+2]
2. Show that the changes in gravity anomaly (Δg) due to a small NS movement is ~0.8 sin 2𝜆
mGal/km. The theoretical gravity value at a location is given as: 𝑔 ℎ 978031.85 1

0.000023462 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜆 mGal. [3]


4. Schematically draw the shapes of magnetic anomaly due to an idealised spherical magnetic
body at a fixed depth at magnetic north pole, equator, and a location with 45-degree
5. Starting with Laplace’s equation, show that voltage decreases as the inverse of the distance
from the current source when the current source is at the surface considering a homogeneous
isotropic medium (half-space) of resistivity ρ. [3]
6. Distinguish between electrode & membrane polarisations. What will be the polarity of the
observed Self-potential anomaly over a massive conductive ore body with respect to
background level? [2+1]
a. Arrange the following electromagnetic methods in decreasing order of depth of investigation:
i. Ground Penetrating Radar, ii. Magnetotelluric, iii. VLF.
b. Given the frequency of an electromagnetic wave to be 1 kHz and ground conductivity to be
10 S/m, calculate the skin depth. (Give answer in nearest integer, in meters) [1+2]

Section B Marks: 9
1. The observed absolute gravity values and others measured parameters at two locations
(stations) are given below.

Mid Sem 2020-21-I: ES656A

Items Station 1 Station 2

Elevation (h) (m) (above mean sea level) 100 200
Observed absolute gravity (gobs) (mGal) 979960.00 979860.00
Theoretical gravity (gn) (mGal) 980044.00 980000.00
Terrain correction term (mGal) 2 10
For each station calculate (show all steps) the free-air anomaly and complete Bouguer
anomaly. Assume a uniform density of the crust, ρ = 2670 kg/m3. [2.5+2.5]
2. In an electrical resistivity sounding survey, a current of 20 mA is passed through the current
electrodes separated by a distance of 50 m and a voltage of 3 V is measured across the
potential electrodes, separated by 10 m, then mention the name of the array and calculate the
resistivity value. [1+3]

Some useful formulae and parameters: G= 6.673×10−11 m3 kg-1s-2, RE=6371 km, free space

permeability μ0 = 4π x 10-7 H/m, Free space Permittivity ε = 8.85 10 F/m;


Free-air correction term =0.3086 mGal/m, Bouguer plate correction term = 2πGρt=0.04192ρt mGal,

𝛻 𝑉𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃 0

𝜌 2𝜋
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