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Name ____________________ Date _______________ Y7 Science

Body Movement
As humans, we are able to move our bodies when our bones, joints and
muscles interact in specific ways. For this activity, we will be focusing
on the movement of our arms. As you go through the activity, you will
be learning about the parts of the arm and how they function together.
You will also be filling in the blanks in the diagram below.

Use p 32-33 of the Activate Biology textbook to complete the following.
1. Label the three bones in the diagram with their correct names.

2. Can you feel and name the two bones in your own forearm?
Use p 34-35 of the Activate Biology textbook to complete the following.
3. Describe the type of movement allowed by each type of joins, and
give one example of each.

Joint Type Type of movement Example

Hinge joints

socket joints

Fixed joints

4. Label the shoulder joint on the diagram.

What type of joint is the shoulder joint? How can you tell?

5. Label the elbow joint on the diagram.

What type of joint is the elbow joint? How can you tell?

6. Fill in the blanks:

If bones rub together, they can cause a lot of _______________ and
eventually wear away. To stop this from happening, the ends of the
bone in a joint are covered with _______________. This is a strong,
_______________ tissue that is kept slippery by ______________ in
the joint.

7. Bones are held together by ligaments. Label the ligament on the


Use p 36-37 of the Activate Biology textbook to complete the following.
8. Define muscle tissue

9. Fill in the blanks:

How do muscles work?
Muscles can either ________________ (get shorter) or relax (get
longer). Muscles are attached to bones by ________________.
Muscles can only pull. They cannot ________________. At each
joint, a pair of muscles work together to produce movement. These
are called _______________________. When one muscle contracts,
the other muscle ________________.

10.Label the tendon on the diagram.

11.Label the biceps muscle and triceps muscle on the diagram.

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