Alcidio Julio Bernardo (Guardado Automaticamente)

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Barrage secondary school is located in Nampula city, this school was funded in 2010.

With the

appearance of this one came to solve problems of the barrage population, where the kinglet is

Meruveia, before it worked in the facilitate of barrage primary school but in 2012 it came to

Work in its own facilities in an area that it is called sr.Silva toward the Barragem road, from

2010-2019 the school parented with the 1st cycle and from 2020 its rose to the second cycle.

Looking at the community teaching and learning has a positive impact and through this

Institution form students who to date are police , doctor and so on however this school solve

problem of community, looking at the pedagogical performance is 70 percent in the current year

which corresponds 14 and in past years the percentage was always positive, the school until the

current year does not register the lack of teaching materials but in past years there was a problem

but then they have already been resolved with collaboration of community and government.

Looking at the English language the students assimilate the material or classes well, and the

teacher encourages students talking with some students I noticed some difficult in the school the

lack of field for play basketball, volleyball, library these are wishes that would like to see

resolved, however looking at the continuation of school and community there are some members

of school, this help in solving problems at school as well as in the community and In this school,

it is noted if the higher per cent of women aged between 13-21 is more female than male. He said

that also the director that even though the school is in the countryside there is greater number of

women studying which is positive and this prove that the school is working and concluded the

school is well organized from the director to the students


Vachamuteco – director;

Teacher Mucambera –English;

Teacher Malite-portuguese

Teacher Laura –Portuguese

Candito the student of grade 11

Hortencia student of grade 10


word Category Location

Barrage secondary school Noun 1st paragraph

Is Verb for of verb to be 11

located Adjective

in Preposition 11

Nampula city Noun

This Pronoun

School Nun

Was Verb form of verb to


Funded Adjective


with Preposition

The Article

Appearance Noun

Of Preposition

This Pronoun
one Noun

come Verb for of verb to come

to Preposition

Solve Verb form of verb to solve

Problems nouns

population Noun

Where Adverb

Kinglet Noun

Meruveia, Noun

Before Conjunction

It Pronoun

Worked Verb form of verb to work

Facilitate Verb form of verb to …..

Barragem primary school Noun

But Conjunction


Come Verb for

Its Pronoun

Own Adjective


In Preposition
An Article

Area Noun

Called Adjective

Sr. silva Noun

toward Preposition

Barragem road Noun

From Preposition


school Noun

parented Adjective

1st cycle

And Conjunction

Rose Noun

Second cycle

Looking Verb form of verb to look

Community Noun

Teaching Noun

Learning Noun

Positive Adjective

Impact Noun

through Adverb

Institution Noun

Form Noun

Students Noun

Who interrogative pronoun

Date Noun

are Verb form of verb to be

police Noun

doctor Noun

so Adverb

on Preposition

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