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Name: Yalamanchili Sanjana

Matriculation number: U2323273H
Class: TUT T045
Word count: 499 words
Date: 16 september 2023

As the bright sun shines upon the bustling streets of Little India with
the strong aroma of Jasmine flowers, Little India brings to its visitors
a contrast of development consisting of the tallest skyscrapers for
work to the tiniest stall you can buy your goods from.The vibrant
designs of Little India are filled with people from distinctive cultures
and backgrounds, standing up to its name by being as diverse as
India. The heart of Little India lies within the Serangoon Road with its
colorful buildings of blue,red,yellow and shops offering us traditional
and authentic Indian sarees in all colors and designs one can
imagine, oxidized Indian jewelry,authentic and well-made Indian
food and so much more.The residing Indians light up the streets and
their houses at the sound of festivals .The Sri Veeramakaliamman
temple -home to the Hindu goddess of doom,death and evil
-Goddess Kali calls in people from all over Singapore to seek her

The streets of Little India see many Hindu Indian immigrant women
wearing the cultural Hindu dress called Kurti, whereas the Muslim
Indian women also wear Abaya. A crowd of tourists are seen taking
pictures in the parks and of their surroundings enchanted by their
beauty. Students are seen carrying groceries and other daily
necessities in white bags with the red font MUSTAFA. People are seen
strolling along the streets and vlogging their beautiful memories.
They resort to sunglasses in the morning and jackets in the night
with umbrellas hanging out of every person's bag not knowing when
the weather will change.

The narrow, vibrant ,accessible, noise-concentrated roads of Little

India host a diverse group of people not only in terms of religion,
nationality or place of birth but also in terms of socioeconomic
status. Amongst the people who come to little India are also street
vendors who work day and night hoping to get enough money for a
hearty meal for their family, small stall owners struggling to sell their
fresh produce in front of the shopping complex Mustafa, workers
from the offices surrounding the district come to Farrer park within
Little India to escape from the overwhelming pace of life , old Indian
immigrants come here to get the feel of India reminiscing their home

The world’s ongoing interest in Little India never fails to impress the
locals and it is highly relatable. But what the world fails to notice is
that although Little India is where you could find the most diverse
people, not all of them are content. The great irony that lies here is
that some people come to little India as a medium of escape and
some of them come to build their life. We have failed to identify those
in need and attend to their needs and now right in front of our
ignorant senses they are suffering at the mercy of the
socioeconomic differences.”How do we as a society help eliminate
this prominent difference and find out the actual reason behind
such a stark contrast ?”

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