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Kendriya Vidyalaya

mandapam campus
Computer science project
Library management

Class:-xii - A
This is to certify that R Prajan , a student of class XII Science has
successfully completed the investigatory project on the topic
“Library management” under the guidance of Mrs. NasreenSalma
(PGT Computer Science) during the academic year 2023-2024 in
the partial fulfilment of Computer Science Practical Examination
conducted by CBSE.

Sign of Internal Examiner:

Sign of External Examiner:

Sign of Principal:

School Seal:
I would like to express a deep sense of thanks and
gratitude to my project guide Mrs NasreenSalma R, PGT,
Computer Science for guiding me immensely through
the course of the project.

I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Mrs

Raji Krishnan, Principal (Incharge), Kendriya Vidyalaya
Mandapam Camp for her constant motivation which
helped me in completion of the project with great ease.

I extent my sincere gratitude to my parents, and my

friends for their timely help and support for completion
of this project.

Sno. Topic Page No

1. Introduction to Python

2. Introduction to MySQL

3. How does connectivity between

Python and MySQL Work?

4. Aims and Features of the project

5. System Requirements

6. Flowchart Of The Project

7. Modules and Libraries Used

8. Source Code

9. Output

10. Limitations

11. Bibliography

Introduction To Python:
Python is a widely used general-purpose, high level programming language. It
was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and further developed by the
Python Software Foundation. It was designed with an emphasis on code
readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express their concepts in
fewer lines of code.
Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate
systems more efficiently.
It is a high-level, interpreted, and general-purpose dynamic programming
language that focuses on code readability. It generally has small programs
when compared to Java and C. Python ranks among the most popular and
fastest-growing languages in the world. Python is a powerful, flexible, and
easy-to-use language. In addition, the python community is very active. It is
used in many organizations as it supports multiple programming paradigms. It
also performs automatic memory management.

• Presence of third-party modules
• Extensive support libraries (NumPy for numerical calculations, Pandas
for data analytics, etc.)
• Open source and large active community base
• Versatile, Easy to read, learn and write
• User-friendly data structures
• High-level language
• Dynamically typed language (No need to mention data type based on the
value assigned, it takes data type)
• Object-Oriented and Procedural Programming language
• Portable and Interactive
• Ideal for prototypes – provide more functionality with less coding

• Highly Efficient (Python’s clean object-oriented design provides
enhanced process control, and the language is equipped with excellent
text processing and integration capabilities, as well as its own unit testing
framework, which makes it more efficient.) Internet of Things (IoT)
• Interpreted Language
• Portable across operating systems

• GUI-based desktop applications
• Graphic design, image processing applications, Games, and Scientific/
computational Applications
• Web frameworks and applications
• Enterprise and Business applications
• Operating Systems
• Education
• Database Access
• Language Development
• Prototyping
• Software Development
• Data Science and Machine Learning
• Scripting

Why Use Python:

• Simplicity: Python's easy-to-read syntax is beginner-friendly.
• Versatility: It's suitable for various applications and domains.
• Rich Libraries: Python offers extensive pre-built tools and modules.
• Community Support: A large and active developer community provides
• Cross-Platform: Code runs on multiple operating systems.
• Data Science: Widely used for data analysis and machine learning.

• Web Development: Popular frameworks like Django simplify web
• Automation: Ideal for scripting and automating tasks.
• Job Opportunities: High demand for Python skills in the job market.
• Open Source: Python is free and encourages collaboration.

Organizations using Python:

• Google (Components of Google spider and Search Engine)
• Yahoo (Maps)
• YouTube
• Mozilla
• Dropbox
• Microsoft
• Cisco
• Spotify
• Quora
• Facebook

MySQL is a widely-used open-source relational database management system
(RDBMS) known for its speed, reliability, and scalability. It plays a crucial
role in storing, managing, and retrieving structured data, making it a
foundational technology for countless web applications and businesses.

Key Features of MySQL:

• Relational Database: MySQL follows the relational database model,

organizing data into tables with rows and columns. This structured
approach ensures data integrity and allows for efficient data querying.

• Open Source: MySQL is open-source software, which means it's freely
available for use, modification, and distribution. This open nature fosters
a large and active community of developers and users.

• Speed and Performance: MySQL is known for its exceptional

performance, making it suitable for high-traffic websites and
applications. It can handle large datasets and complex queries efficiently.

• Scalability: MySQL can be easily scaled to accommodate increased data

and traffic demands, either by optimizing the existing database or by
implementing clustering and replication solutions.

• Security: MySQL provides robust security features, including user

authentication, encryption, and access control, to protect sensitive data
from unauthorized access.

• ACID Compliance: MySQL adheres to ACID (Atomicity, Consistency,

Isolation, Durability) properties, ensuring data reliability and consistency,
even in the event of system failures.

• Cross-Platform: MySQL is available on various platforms, including

Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it versatile and accessible.

• Extensible: Developers can enhance MySQL's functionality by writing

custom functions, triggers, and stored procedures using SQL and other
programming languages.

• Community and Support: MySQL has a large and active user community,
providing extensive documentation, forums, and support resources.

Common Use Cases:
• Web Applications: MySQL is frequently used as the backend database
for websites, powering content management systems, e-commerce
platforms, and more.

• Data Warehousing: MySQL can be employed to store and manage vast

amounts of data for business intelligence and reporting.

• Content Management: Many content management systems (CMS) like

WordPress rely on MySQL to store website content and user data.

• Analytics: MySQL is used in conjunction with data analytics tools to

store and analyze data for insights and decision-making.

• Online Gaming: Online games often use MySQL to manage player

profiles, game progress, and in-game transactions.

• Financial Systems: MySQL is trusted for financial applications where

data accuracy and security are paramount.

• IoT (Internet of Things): MySQL can store data generated by IoT devices
for further analysis and processing.

• In summary, MySQL is a powerful and versatile relational database

management system widely used in various industries and applications.
Its combination of speed, reliability, scalability, and community support
makes it a preferred choice for developers and businesses looking to
manage and manipulate structured data effectively.


To create a connection between the MySQL database and Python, the

connect() method of mysql.connector module is used. We pass the database
details like Hostname, username, and the password in the method call, and
then the method returns the connection object.

The following steps are required to connect SQL with Python:

1. Download and install the free MySQL database.

2. After installing the MySQL database, open your Command prompt.
3. Navigate your Command prompt to the location of PIP.
4. Now run the commands given below to download and install “MySQL
Connector”. Here, mysql.connector statement will help you to
communicate with the MySQL database.
5. Test MySQL Connector
6. Create Connection


The aim of a Book Store Management System is to efficiently organize and
automate inventory tracking, sales processing, and customer interactions
within a bookstore. By providing a user-friendly interface, it aims to enhance
operational efficiency, reduce manual errors, and improve overall customer


The future of Book Store Management Systems is likely to witness several

advancements and trends, driven by technology and changing consumer
expectations. Here are some potential directions for the future:

1. Integration with Emerging Technologies: Bookstore management

systems may integrate emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence
(AI) and machine learning (ML) for predictive analytics, personalized book
recommendations, and optimized inventory management. Automation
through robotics could also play a role in tasks like restocking shelves.
2. E-commerce and Mobile Platforms: With the continued growth of online
shopping, book store management systems will likely evolve to seamlessly
integrate with e-commerce platforms. Mobile applications may become
increasingly important, offering customers a convenient way to browse,
purchase, and receive book recommendations on their smartphones.
3. Enhanced Customer Engagement: Future systems may focus on
enhancing customer engagement through interactive features, virtual book
previews, and community-building tools. Social media integration, online
book clubs, and real-time customer feedback mechanisms could become
integral components.
4. Data-Driven Decision Making: Advanced analytics and data-driven
insights will be crucial for bookstore owners to make informed decisions.
Book store management systems may provide comprehensive reports on
sales trends, customer behaviours, and popular genres, enabling strategic
planning and marketing strategies.
5. Blockchain for Security: The integration of blockchain technology may
enhance the security of transactions and customer data within book store
management systems. Blockchain can provide a decentralized and tamper-
proof ledger, ensuring trust and transparency in financial transactions and
inventory management.
6. Sustainability Initiatives: Future systems may incorporate features to
support sustainability initiatives, allowing bookstores to track and promote
eco-friendly practices, such as reducing paper waste, implementing digital
receipts, and supporting environmentally conscious publishers.
7. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR
technologies could offer immersive experiences for customers, allowing
them to virtually browse through bookshelves, read excerpts, or even attend
virtual book signings and events. This could enhance the online shopping
experience and bridge the gap between physical and digital interactions.
8. Globalization and Multichannel Retailing: Bookstore management
systems may evolve to support global operations and multichannel
retailing, enabling bookstores to efficiently manage inventory and sales
across multiple physical locations and online platforms.
9. Subscription Models: Bookstores may explore subscription-based models
where customers pay a regular fee for access to a curated selection of
books, audiobooks, or exclusive content. The management system would
need to support these subscription services and offer dynamic content
10. Adaptability to Industry Trends: The future of book store management
systems will depend on their ability to adapt to evolving industry trends,
such as changing reading habits, the rise of audiobooks, and the integration
of interactive content. Continuous updates and flexibility will be key for
staying relevant in the dynamic book retail landscape.
Overall, the future of book store management systems will likely revolve around
leveraging technology to provide a seamless, personalized, and efficient
experience for both bookstore operators and customers.

You'll need specific system requirements to ensure that you can develop and
run your project smoothly. Here are the system requirements for such a project:
• Memory: 4 GB RAM
• Storage: 5 GB Free Disk Space
• Processor: x86 64-bit CPU (Intel / AMD architecture)
• Operating System: Windows - 7 or above, 64-bit
• Mac - OS X 10.11 or higher, 64-bit
• Linux - RHEL 6/7, 64-bit



When developing a Python connectivity program, especially for database
connectivity, several modules and libraries come into play. A common choice for
database connectivity, including MySQL, is the mysql-connector library. This
library facilitates the interaction between Python scripts and MySQL databases,
allowing for tasks such as establishing connections, executing queries, and
fetching results.

Before using the mysql-connector library, you need to install it. You can do this
using the following command in command prompt:
pip install mysql-connector-python
Once installed, the module can be imported into a Python script:
import mysql.connector
To connect to a MySQL database, students need to use
mysql.connector.connect() to provide connection parameters such as the host,
user, password, and database name.
import mysql.connector
db_connection = mysql.connector.connect(



MySQL is a popular relational database management system (RDBMS) known
for its reliability and performance. However, like any software, it has its
limitations and drawbacks. Here are some of the limitations of MySQL:
• Storage Engine Limitations:
• MySQL supports multiple storage engines, such as InnoDB, MyISAM,
and MEMORY. However, each engine has its limitations. For example,
MyISAM lacks support for transactions and foreign keys, making it less
suitable for some applications.
• ACID Compliance: While MySQL is ACID-compliant (ensuring data
consistency and integrity), the level of compliance can vary depending on
the storage engine used. Some engines may have limitations in terms of
transaction isolation and durability.
• Concurrency Control: MySQL may face performance issues in highly
concurrent environments with a large number of simultaneous
transactions. Locking mechanisms can lead to contention and affect
overall system performance.
• Replication and High Availability: MySQL offers replication for data
redundancy and high availability, but it may have limitations in handling
failover scenarios and automatic failback. Achieving seamless failover
often requires additional tools or configurations.
• Limited Support for JSON Data: While MySQL has improved its support
for JSON data in recent versions, it may not be as feature-rich as NoSQL
databases designed for handling JSON documents, like MongoDB.

Despite these limitations, MySQL remains a widely-used and reliable

RDBMS for a broad range of applications. Many of its limitations can be
mitigated with proper planning, database design, and the use of
complementary technologies and tools. Additionally, MySQL continues to
evolve, with new features and improvements introduced in each release to
address some of these limitations.

Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language, but it does have
certain limitations that you should be aware of, especially when working on a
Class 12 project. Here are some of the limitations of Python:
• Performance: Python is an interpreted language, which means it may
not be as fast as compiled languages like C++ or Java. While it's
suitable for many applications, it may not be the best choice for highly
performance-critical tasks.
• Global Interpreter Lock (GIL): Python has a Global Interpreter Lock
(GIL) that allows only one thread to execute in the interpreter at a
time. This can limit the potential for parallelism in multi-core systems
and affect the performance of multi-threaded programs.
• Memory Consumption: Python can be memory-intensive, especially
when dealing with large data structures or running multiple processes
concurrently. Memory management can be a concern for resource-
constrained environments.
• Not Ideal for Mobile App Development: While Python can be used for
mobile app development using frameworks like Kivy or Pyqtdeploy,
it's not as commonly used as languages like Java (for Android) or
Swift (for iOS).
• Limited in Some Domains: Python may not be the best choice for
certain domains, such as game development or real-time systems,
where low-level control and performance are critical.
• Design Restrictions: Python enforces strict adherence to indentation
and whitespace rules, which can be a limitation for programmers
coming from languages with more flexible code formatting.

Despite these limitations, Python remains an excellent choice for a wide

range of applications, including web development, data analysis, machine
learning, and scripting. Its readability, extensive library support, and ease
of learning make it a valuable language for many Class 12 projects and
beyond. Understanding these limitations can help you make informed
decisions when selecting Python for your project.



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