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Abstract In progress Introduction As the manager for Varsity Shipping, the company my father works for, I am entitled to use

a random sample from a population of 2,628 people surveyed and answer a few a questions. We want to see if theres a relationship between any of the variables mentioned in the survey. You can agree that there will be some relationship but also differences, and maybe no relationship what so ever between many variables. The questions are as follows: Is there a relationship between an appropriate combination of a persons height, weight, ring, or shoe size? Is there a difference in gross income based on gender? Is there a relationship between political party and if the respondent feels President Obama will be re-elected? Is there a relationship between political party and if the respondent is in favor of the health care being passed? Is there a relationship between political party and if the respondent is in favor of the death penalty? Is there a relationship between handedness and, in favor of the death penalty? Or amount of water consumed? I am expecting to see a relationship between weight and ring size. I would expect to see a difference in the gross income depending on gender. Similarities can be seen between political parties and if the respondent feels President Obama will be re-elected. Also, if your political party has anything to do with the fact that you are in favor of the death penalty and the health care bill being passed. Lastly, I dont think there can be any relationship between the amount of water consumed and which hand you write with, or whether you are in favor of the death penalty just because you are right or left handed. To me this would just be a coincidence.

To test these hypotheses I was allowed to take a minimum random sample of 30 out of a population of 2,628. I chose to take a simple random sample of 50 just to have a bit more information to work with as a representation of the whole population. In addition, I was to make up a few more questions from this data. Whats the difference between political parties and change of party afliation? Is there a relationship between ethnicity and education level? These are two interesting questions I could possibly nd a relationship between, especially in ethnicity and education level.

Methods Procedures Our data came from surveys students did. Each survey consisted of twenty-three questions and each person in our Stats 1510 class and other classes from different schools interviewed ten random people. Once we had gathered the data from the ten random people we entered it in at Most of the data had to be entered in nothing but numbers. All the data was then organized and we were provided with a le to use as a representation of the whole population, which were 2,628 people. From here I generated a simple random sample of 50 persons, thirty which were female and twenty turned out to be male. I used TC Stats, an application for the I-Pad to generate this sample. Survey Data Some of the data in my sample was entered incorrectly so I had to clean it up. For example, in row 1069 the height was entered as (5ft 4) so I changed it to 64. Also, in that same row the hours worked per week was entered incorrectly as (9hrs) and I changed it to 9. In row 6

the Annual Gross Income was entered as ($25K) and I changed it to 25000 because it is the same thing except with no symbols or letters. In row 19 there were 2 errors, the Annual gross Income was entered as ($19,000) and I removed the symbol and the comma and made it just 19000; and the ounces of water was changed from (6 or 7) to 6 just because its the rst number. In row 15 the shoe size was changed from (11/1/02) to 11 because maybe they made an error while typing the number and their computer added it as a date. In row 45 and 46 the shoe size was also entered as a date. I changed (8/1/02) to 8, and (7/1/02) to 7.
The survey below was the survey students used to gather the data. The data contained variables like: gender, currently a student, eye color, height, natural hair color, death penalty, political party, registered to vote, anyone with HIV, health care bill, handedness, president Obama re-election, Change in Party Afliation, in favor of Prop 8, and ethnicity. These are all nominal measurement scales. Education level is Ordinal measurement scale because you can put your degrees in order. Hours worked per week, annual gross income, water consumption, shoe size, age, and ring size are all ratio measurement scales.

Figure 1: The Survey.

Results The outcome of the experiment was somewhat what I predicted. Most of my hypotheses were correct except maybe for the thought process of certain questions because I may have a different opinion towards some variables than other may have. Graphs, Tables, & Charts Question 1: This table shows the relationship between weight and ring size. 49 weights were recorded
and only 35 ring sizes. For the most part what I predicted is shown here, as the weight increases so do most peoples ring size increases. There are a few exceptions.

Table 1: Weight and Ring Size Relationship.

Question 2: Summary Statistics shows a difference in income based on gender. Overall males make
more money annually than females do. On average they make $1,431 more than females. Also, the maximum annual income difference is $45,000 between the males and females. Men have the highest income reported. Out of my sample of 50, only 49 people are represented here because one female was eliminated due to the fact her income wasnt reported.

Table 2: Summary Statistics for Male & Female Annual Gross Income.

-- There is a similar relationship in annual gross income in the Box-and-Whisker plot below, both the females and the males annual gross income seems to be skewed to the right. Although the males Boxand-Whisker plot has the longer tail to the right because of that one maximum income of $155,000.

Figure 1: Female Annual Gross Income Box-and-Whisker plot.

-- This Histogram of the annual gross income for the females in my sample shows the number and percentage of females that lie between every $15,000 of income annually. It shows the minimum amount and maximum amount the make, which generates from $0-$110,000. Compared to the males annual income, to me it looks like the females income is distributed more evenly to the higher earnings than the males income.

Graph 1: Histogram of Female Annual Gross Income.

-- The Histogram below, for the Male Annual Gross Income shows exactly what the Box-and-Whisker plot showed. It is skewed right and as you can see about half of the males fall between $0 and $19,500 in income annually, while the other 50% is scattered all the way up to $160,000 but we know from summary statistics that their highest income is only $155,000.

Graph 2: Male Annual Gross Income Histogram.

Question 3: On this graph we have the political parties on the x-axis, and on the y-axis we have the
number of times each political party either said yes, no, or was undecided on the re-election of the president. This Graph shows, out of my sample of 50 people: 15 were Democrats, 21 Republicans, 6 independent, and 8 declared they were another party not mentioned here. Out of the 15 Democrats, 8 responded that they think president Obama will get re-elected, 5 said no, and 2 were undecided. On the Republicans side, 4 said yes, 15 said no, and 1 person was undecided. On the Independents point of view, 1 person thinks he will get re-elected, 3 said no, and 2 are undecided. Last but not least the graph shows that out of 8 undecided party people, 5 were undecided, and the other 4 were split equal between yes and no. This Histogram appears to be bimodal because of the 5 people who were with another party and undecided.

Graph 3: Political Party & President Obama Re-election.

-- The graph below shows the different views on the health care bill by the different political parties each person represents. As you can see everyone is pretty much in favor or undecided on the bill except for the Republicans, most of their responses were no. In total there were 11 yess, 17 nos, and 22 of the responses were undecided. This data shows that it is of bell shaped.

Graph 4: Political Party & Their Health Care Bill Opinion.

-- This Graph represents the number of people in each political group who were either for, against, or undecided on the death penalty. In the Democrat Party 10 persons were for and 5 against. On the Republicans side, 15 were for, 5 against, and 1 person was undecided. The Independent group, 3 persons said yes and 3 said no. And everyone else voted, 4 in favor, 1 against, and 3 were undecided. The data is skewed right.

Graph 5: Political Party & Death Penalty Decisions.

Question 4: This graph shows the relationship between handedness and the death penalty. The graph is
skewed right. There was way more right handed people than left handed and ambidextrous. What stands out the most are the 23 right handed people that are in favor of the death penalty. You can also see that in both right handed and left handed groups, more of the people voted yes on the death people unlike ambidextrous. They had the most votes on no.

Graph 6: Handedness and Death Penalty Decisions

-- This graph shows the relationship between a persons handedness and the ounces of water they consumed. This graph appears to be denitely skewed right. And apparently its shows that right handed people consumed more water than left handed or ambidextrous handed people.

Graph 7: Handedness & Water Consumption.

Question 5: In this graph we have Political Parties and Change in Afliation. The graph is trimodal.
Also, letter A represents people who still consider themselves Republican or Conservative and they associate themselves with the Tea Party. Letter B represents people who responded that this was not applicable to them. Letter C are those who consider themselves Democrats or Liberal and associate themselves with the Tea Party, and letter D shows those who said that they are other than Democrat and Republican but still are associated with the Tea Party. 44 out of my sample of 50 stated that change in Afliation was not applicable to them. This is 88%. 5 Republicans stated they are still Republican and they associate themselves with the Tea Party. And no one claimed to be other than Democrat or Republican but still associated themselves with the Tea Party.

Graph 8: Political Party & Change in Political Party Afliation.

Question 6: This graph represents the relationship between ethnicity and education level. As education
level on the x-axis the graph appears to be skewed right. Out of my sample of 50 people, 26 were White, 4 Black, 16 Hispanic, and 4 claimed to be other. Out of the 26 White people, their education level goes as follows: 16 only got a High School Diploma, 2 an Associates Degree, 6 a Bachelors Degree, and 2 a Masters Degree. Out of the 4 Black People surveyed, 2 only had a High School Degree, 1 an Associates

Degree, and the other one has a Bachelors Degree. On the Hispanics side, 13 went as far as Only High School, 2 got an Associates Degree, and one got a Masters Degree. Last but not least, 3 others had a High School Degree, and 1 a Bachelors Degree. As you can also clearly see, no one in my sample possessed a Ph. D., now this doesnt mean no one in the population doesnt have one at all, and the graph is most denitely skewed right.

Graph 9: Ethnicity & Education Level Histogram.

Discussion The relationship between weight and ring size was shown, as weight increased so did ring size except for those few exceptions mentioned. It makes sense if you weight more that your ngers are going to be bigger, therefore your ring size will be bigger and vise versa. In addition, annual income differences according to gender were not so big, the males did in fact make more than women, but on average it wasn't a big difference. Politically speaking now, clearly Republicans voted against a possible re-election of President Obama. Also, most Republicans

were against the health care bill, while the Democrats opinions were distributed equally. Republicans then again had the majority of votes agreeing on the death penalty. Anything else relating to handedness and water consumption of the decision of death penalty I believe is just a coincidence. One thing has nothing to do with the other. These events are mutually exclusive.

Appendix In progress

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