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Minimal Pairs Games

Minimal pairs are sets of words when the meaning of the word is changed by
replacing one sound (usually the first sound). Eg sea/tea (but it could be the final
sound too)

They are used to work on listening skills with children with speech difficulties.

Sets of words are chosen using the target sound and the child’s substitution sound.
Make sure you have Sounds pictures for each of the initial or final sounds to show
the child as you are doing the activities. You could also use actions to represent a
sound as well, such as the Jollyphonics actions or cued articulation. This will give
them extra help and support to remember to use the new sound.

Games Ideas

1. Show the child a few pairs and make sure they are familiar with the words and
pictures (they don’t have to say the words). Use a motivating toy eg toy
robot/animal/cartoon character and tell the child they have to make the toy
jump onto the word when you say it.

Eg. Minimal pairs: sea/tea,

Show the child each card and say the word, tell the child that some start with
‘s’ and some with ‘t’ sounds and show the relevant sound cards. Place cards
in front of the child and then say one of the words. The child has to make a
toy jump onto the right card. You could add another set of minimal pairs and
continue as above.

The child points with a magic wand.
Put the cards on the floor and the child jumps on the right card.
Place cards on the floor and the child rolls a car onto the correct word.
Place the cards in front of some skittles. The child has to knock down the
correct skittle.

2. Make sets of lotto boards and cards using a set of minimal pairs eg. s and t
words. The child chooses the collecting board they want to use, the adult has
the other one. Place individual word cards on the table face down. The child
picks up a card but doesn’t look at the picture. The adult says the word and
the child decides if they have it on their board and collects as in normal lotto.
When it’s the adult’s turn they say the word and the child decides if the adult
has the word on their board.

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