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Unit 7: The Storyteller

Reading for pleasure

I. Objective:
By the end of the lesson, student will be able to:
- Identify character and story line.
- Listen and read the story.
- Remember and use new vocabulary:
II. Teaching aids:
- Powerpoint.
- Textbook.
- Audio.
III. Procedure:

Teacher's activities Student's activities

Warm up (5 minutes)
● Game “Look and guess”
- The teacher invites a student to describe the - Students listen and play a
given word by action: knock, stable, fur, game.
strike, bark, steel, bark.
- The teacher asks students will call out the
name of the team; whoever is the fastest can
guess. Each correct answer will receive 1

Presentation (16 - 20 minutes)

* Activity 1 (3 minutes)
Aims: To help students practice prediction
skills. - Example answers:
- The teacher shows three pictures and asks the
students: + There are three men in this
“What can you see in the picture?” pictures.
+ They are standing up in
"Where are the three men doing? front of a house
+ No, I think they aren’t
"Do you think they are good men?”
good men.
"What does the man want to do with the cow?” + They want to eat them/
They want to steal them…
- “ is the dog the main character of this story?”

- The students make

predictions about what
happens in these stories.

* Activity 2: (15 - minutes)

Aims: To help students practice reading skills
-Tr asks Students to read the text quickly to
find/check the answers to the questions in - Students check in pairs.
Activity 1.
- T divides the story into three paragraphs.
- T asks students to underline the words that - Students listen
they have forgotten how to read or do not
know the meaning of.
- Teacher shows new words.
+ stable
+ servant
+ stole
+ smelly - Students listen and repeat
+ stroke
+ bark
+ thief
- The teacher turns on the audio file and asks
students to read silently along with the audio - Students read along
and pay attention to words they have forgotten
how to pronounce.
- The teacher divides the story into three
+Paragraph 1: From the beginning to “he
+Paragraph 2: Next comes “the dog will bark.”
+Paragraph 3: the rest.
- The teacher asks three students to read these
three paragraphs, and the others give
+Did he/she read any words wrongly?
+Did he/she read loudly and clearly?
Activity 3: - Students read the story
Aims: To help students to practice in reading silently.
for specific information.
- The teacher asks students to read the story - Students read and answer.
silently for 5 minutes and works in pair to
answer the following questions:
+ Question 1: Who was the richest person in
the village?
a) Marlowe
b) The three strangers
c) Marlowe's servant
d) Marlowe's wife
+Question 2: Why did the three tired strangers
come to Marlowe's house?
a) To steal his cows
b) To ask for directions
c) They wanted a bed for the night
d) To have dinner with Marlowe
+ Question 3: What did Marlowe offer the
three strangers for the night?
a) A room in his house
b) A bed in the stable and some soup
c) Money in exchange for their help
d) A map to the forest
+ Question 4: What did one of the strangers
do in the middle of the night?
a) Stole Marlowe's jewelry
b) Tied a rope around a cow's neck and led
it into the forest
c) Ate all the soup Marlowe's servant brought
d) Went for a walk in the moonlight
+ Question 5: Why did Marlowe go to the
stable the next morning?
a) To check on the three strangers
b) To feed his cows
c) To look for his missing cow
d) To see if the stable needed cleaning
+ Question 6: How did the three strangers
respond when Marlowe accused them of
stealing his cow?
a) They admitted to stealing it
b) They denied stealing it and claimed they
were asleep
c) They blamed Marlowe's servant
d) They blamed Marlowe's wife
+ Question 7: What was Marlowe's wife's
plan to identify the thief?
a) She would ask the dog, Barney, to bark at
the thief
b) She would ask each stranger to confess
c) She would check for cow hair on their
d) She would smell their hands after they pet
+ Question 8: Why did the dog, Barney, not
bark when the strangers petted him?
a) Barney was asleep
b) Barney was deaf
c) Barney was afraid of strangers
d) The strangers didn't actually pet Barney
+ Question 9: How did Marlowe's wife
determine that the third man was the thief?
a) The third man admitted it
b) She saw cow hair on his clothes
c) She noticed the cow's bell in his pocket
d) She smelled his hand and noticed it didn't
smell like the dog

Practice (10 minutes)

* Activity 1: Game: “Mysterious Puzzle
- The teacher lets the students read the - Students listen and play the
requirements of exercise 3 and asks them what game.
we have to do in this exercise.
- The teacher gives students 3 minutes to think
and match. - All the students will stand
- Then the teacher will divide the class into up and hold up their paper
two groups. The first group will receive a
paper with a sentence from 1 to 9. The second => Students will say “Simon
group will receive a sentence from a to i. say, Simon say” and say the
- The teacher asks students to hold up their new word corresponding to
paper, then come to their partner to complete the action.
the correct sentence.
=> Students will say, “Simon
say, Simon say” and take

- The students who say the

wrong word or take wrong
action will sit down.

- The students finish the

- The correct answers are: 5.
2, 4, 6, 1, 3.
Production (2 minutes) - Optional activity
- Teachers organize students to retell the story - 1 or 2 students retell the
and predict what happens next. story based on three pictures.

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