Bab I Introduction

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A. Background Of the Problem

Character education is an important aspect in forming a good and responsible
person. This also applies to santri, who are students at Islamic boarding schools or
Islamic educational institutions. Character education for students does not only
focus on academic aspects, but also on developing strong moral and ethical
values. Character education for students has a very important role in forming good
and responsible personalities.1 Through character education, students are taught to
become individuals who have integrity, discipline and responsibility. They are
taught to respect other people, have an empathetic attitude, and have the ability to
work together in a team. Apart from that, character education also helps students
to develop strong moral values. Students are taught to have honesty, justice, and
courage in facing challenges life. They are also taught to have respect for parents,
teachers and fellow students. Character education for students also helps them to
develop a positive attitude towards themselves and the environment around them.
They are taught to have healthy self-confidence, be highly motivated, and have
the ability to overcome obstacles in life. Apart from that, they are also taught to
have a sense of love and care for nature and the surrounding environment.In this
ever-developing world, character education for students is becoming increasingly
important. Students who have good character education will become individuals
who contribute positively to society and the nation. They will become responsible
leaders, have strong moral values, and be able to face life's challenges wisely. In
conclusion, character education for students has a very important role in forming
good and success to through character education, students taught to have integrity,
discipline and responsibility.2 They are also taught to develop strong moral values
and positive attitudes towards themselves and the environment around them.With
good character education, students will become individuals who contribute
positively to society and the nation. As an Islamic boarding school educational
institution, Jabal Nur Islamic boarding school with a boarding school education
system and supported by a formal education system (MTS and MA) is expected to
be able to develop its students as a whole. (kaffah) is able to internalize and apply
religious knowledge and general knowledge in daily life, and has good
character.The efforts made by this Islamic boarding school to shape the character
of its students, namely, this Islamic boarding school has a way of forming.
B. Formulation Of the Problem
Rosniati Hakim’’Character Formation of Student Through Islamic Boarding School

1. What are the methods and efforts to develop the character of students who
are disciplined and responsible at the Madinatuddiniyah Jabal Nur Paloh Lada
Islamic boarding school?
2. What are the challenges faced in efforts to develop the character of students
who are disciplined and responsible at the Madinatuddiniyah Jabal Nur Paloh
Lada Islamic boarding school?
3. What are the supporting factors in forming the disciplined and responsible
character of students at the Madinatuddiniyah Jabal Nur Paloh Lada Islamic
boarding school?
C. Benefits of Research
1. Provide information regarding the obstacles faced by the Madinatuddiniyah
Jabal Nur Islamic boarding school in forming the characteristics of students
both to parents, schools and the community.
2. Providing information to families, schools and the community regarding the
process of character building for students at the Madinatuddiniyah Jabal Nur
Paloh Lada Islamic boarding school.
3. Look for solutions and appropriate efforts to shape the character of students
who are disciplined and responsible for a better future.
D. Research Purposes
1. To find out what methods are used to develop the character of students who
are disciplined and responsible at the Jabal Nur Paloh Lada Islamic boarding
2. To find out the inhibiting factors or obstacles faced by the Jabal Nur Islamic
boarding school in forming the character of students who are disciplined and

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