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Nature of the assignment: To conduct an assessment of the Border Management System in Pakistan with
a focus on the “integrated border management” model to assess the current level of intra-agency, inter-
agency and international cooperation. The assessment is expected to provide a set of recommendations
and Plan of Action for consideration by the Government of Pakistan.

Background and Objective

Border management in Pakistan, from a technological point of view, is advanced and innovative. Integrated
Border Management System (IBMS) have been constructed internally by the National Database and
Registration Authority (NADRA), which has emerged as a leader in the technology development field, as
have the various registration databases. System integration for an e-management governance appears to
progress smoothly. The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), which has responsibility for manning the Border
Control Posts (BCPs), is a professional and disciplined service. That said, at the moment there seems to be
a dearth of effective data management and analysis from the existing IBMS. A policy is not entirely clear
and opinion on collection of pertinent data and analysis of the same is not yet fully defined at the senior
management level.

In recent history, most significant cross border movements to Pakistan occurred from Afghanistan, almost
exclusively through the land BCPs at Torkham and Chaman. The two border crossing points have
historically had very limited immigration control for the vast majority of travelers, which has evolved
principally because of the nature of border communities, a hostile environment and limited resources.
More recently the Government of Pakistan has taken serious steps to improve border management,
implementing immigration controls at the Torkham and Chaman Border crossing points among others.

Given the unprecedented movement of people, a comprehensive legal, procedural and technical scoping
review of the Border Management system in place, comprising the capacities (knowledge and skills of the
assigned personnel, equipment, and technology) of the selected BCPs Torkham and Chaman to orderly
manage ordinary as well as sudden flows of cross border movements. The scoping review will assess
possibilities for provision of targeted support to the offices of political agents and the Federal Investigation
Agency (FIA) responsible for manning the Border Control Posts (BCP) and other significant improvements
in the existing IBMS to enhance the GOP’s capacities on data collection, management and analysis.

Over the years Pakistan has implemented a number of improvements in border control, some according
to internationally recognized best practices. These developments appear, however, to be undertaken in
isolation, and would benefit from being streamlined in a strategic coordinated manner to guide future

IOM Pakistan:
House 9, Street 6, F-6/3, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92.51.2307841-57 • Fax: +92.51.2307858-59 • E-mail: •
The strengthening of procedures and supporting systems at the designated international checkpoints is a
deterrent to human traffickers, people smugglers and criminals involved in transnational crime. The
assessment will aim to identify areas where the Government of Pakistan (GoP) could further strengthen
its border management system to work effectively towards orderly management of cross border
movements, facilitating bona fide travelers and cross border movements of goods and effectively address
transnational organized crime related to irregular migration.

Target: Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA), Frontier
Constabulary (FC), Rangers other services contributing to border controls.

IOM Project to which the Assessment is contributing: Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Response to

Undocumented Afghan Returns in Pakistan

Tasks to be performed under this contract:

In close coordination with IOM Project Manager, the service provider, in consultation with all relevant
stakeholders responsible for border management at selected BCP’s shall:

 Identify gaps in the current border control system and propose measures needed to strengthen the
overall border controls capacity of Federal Investigation Agency and other law enforcement agencies.

 In doing so, the service provider should assess the following areas but not limited to:

 Design comprehensive Plan of Action targeting short and long term implementation

Tangible and measurable output of the work assignment.

1. Conduct a desk research and communicate to the Project Manager the list of counterparts s/he wants
to meet.

2. Share a draft report in the course to discuss with concerned stakeholders the opportunity to further
refine the final report and address any gaps or concerns if any.

3. Produce a comprehensive report that describes the current “state of play.” It will identify gaps
between current procedures and capacity and an ideal system and make recommendations. A clear
overview of recommendations, divided into those that can be implemented in a short / long
timeframe. Recommendations shall be logical grouped per topic.

4. Design comprehensive Plan of Action targeting short and long term implementation along with
resources required.

5. Make a presentation of the report findings and way forward to the Government of Pakistan in
Islamabad at a workshop to be organized by IOM

Realistic delivery dates and details as to how the work must be delivered.

 The service provider should undertake an assessment mission of not more than 15 days to Islamabad
as soon as possible after signing of the service contract.
 The draft report before 40 days after in country mission.
 Submission of the final report – one month after submission of first draft.
 Presentation of the report findings and recommendations in Islamabad – TBC.

Performance indicators for evaluation of results (value of services rendered in relation to their cost).

 Presentation of the draft Assessment Report and discussion with the key stakeholders to further refine
the report before the delivery deadline.
 A comprehensive list of contacts consulted during the needs assessment.
 A clear overview of recommendations, divided into those that can be implemented in a short
timeframe and those whose implementation will need future planning. Recommendations shall be
logical grouped per topic.
 Submission of the final Assessment Report to the IOM on or before the final delivery date.

The Service Provider should provide evidence on the following requirements:

• Demonstrated experience of conducting similar assessments in other countries;
• Demonstrated and in depth knowledge and experience in border management projects, from both
operational and policy perspectives;
• Sound knowledge of Immigration and Border Management (IBM) systems;
• Demonstrated experience in Pakistan or broader region, preferably in implementation of border
management projects, is an advantage;
• Experience in liaising with government counterparts is advantageous;
• Knowledge of migration issues in Pakistan;

Technical and financial proposals in accordance with the TORs should be submitted by eligible
organizations, no later than 4th March, 2018.

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