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Parada National High

Senior High School

Grade Level/Section
Subject Description This course deals with the fundamental principles, tools, and techniques of
the financial operation involved in the management of business enterprises.
It covers the basic framework and tools for financial analysis and
financial planning and control and introduces basic concepts and principles
needed in making investment and financing decisions. Introduction to
investments and personal finance are also covered in the course. Using
the dual-learning approach of theory and application, each chapter and
module engages the learners to explore all stages of the learning process
from knowledge, analysis, evaluation, and application to preparation and
development of financial plans and programs suited for a small business.
Midterms 1. Introduction to Financial Management
2. Financial Planning Tools and Concepts
3. Sources and uses of short- term and long-term funds
4. Basic Long-term Financial Concepts
Finals 5. Introduction to investment
6. Managing Personal Finance
Final Output Event Plan and Learning Dossier
Grading System Based on the DepEd K-12 Grading System, it will follow:

Assessment Components Weight of Percentage

Written Works 25%
Performance Tasks 45%
Quarterly Assessment 30%
TOTAL 100%
Subject Requirements Pass ALL Summative Exams, Performance Tasks, and Quarterly Exams
Class Policies 1. Attendance is a must: Attendance in every class session is mandatory.
Students who miss more than three (3) classes need to have their
parents/guardians go to school for a discussion with the subject teacher
and explain/provide a letter of excuse.

2. Assignment/Project: All assignments/projects must be submitted on

or before the deadline. Late submissions will be penalized by a reduction
in the grade unless prior arrangements have been made with the
Parada National High
Senior High School

3. Academic Integrity: All work submitted by students must be original. Any

form of academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism, cheating, or fabrication,
will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action.

4. Participation Policy: Active participation in class discussions and

group activities is encouraged. Students are expected to attend class
prepared to contribute to the learning experience.

5. Use of Technology: Electronic devices during class are allowed only

for academic purposes, such as taking notes or accessing online
course materials. Any other use of electronic devices is strictly
prohibited, especially during exams.
Subject References - Student’s Learning Module
- Quexhub/PERCS subject app
- Teacher’s input
- Teaching Guide for SHS
- Others
Prepared by
Ma. Cristina Perlas
Subject Teacher
Student’s Consent I hereby confirm that I have agreed and read all about the subject
overview discussed. As agreed, I will adhere to the plan outlined
and ensure all requirements are submitted and completed to pass
this subject.

Student’s Signature Over Printed Name/Date

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