8 Best Marketing Case Study Examples

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8 Best marketing

case study
examples January 8, 2022

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Social listening and consumer intelligence will knock your marketing campaigns
out of the park. No question.
Don’t believe me?

The following types of case studies speak for themselves about why you should…
listen. Show me the success stories!

Table of content
 Grubhub | Consumer insights feed the soul

 UNICEF | Fighting misleading information with conversational insights

 University of Sydney | Proves the value of social media

 Bella&Brava | Image recognition sees all

 HelloFresh | Social listening is the secret ingredient

 Hong Kong Airlines | How to turn a crisis into a soaring success

 Bonduelle | Breaking down data silos to make critical business decisions

 Lion & Lion and Rimmel | Changing the face of Malaysian makeup

Grubhub marketing case study

| Consumer insights feed the
When the world went into lockdown, food delivery services became an essential
part of all our lives. But how to do it safely?

Based in the US, Grubhub is a food ordering and delivery platform that connects
consumers with local restaurants and takeaways. To understand what people
wanted and meet their new demands, the brand turned to consumer insights.
COVID-19 brought the world to its knees. People feared for their health and for
their income. The challenge for Grubhub was how to address consumer
concerns with regard to a restricted household budget, disinfection protocols, the
mechanics of safe food delivery, and more.

Using our consumer intelligence platform, the Grubhub team monitored for diners'
negative experiences, and countered with positive experiences.

When Grubhub's Belly Dance ad first aired on TV, it fell below expectations,
receiving low engagement. Suddenly, in January 2021, the commercial became a
viral meme, receiving over 40K mentions on social media in one month.
Working with Talkwalker, the brand created a strategy as to how to join this
growing conversation.

As the campaign became more successful, the team launched the

#DeliverTheRemix contest, asking followers to help choose the next song in the
“Belly Dance” ad. Consumers loved it, creating a ton of fun and creative pieces of
To understand how Grubhub was able to turn negative community sentiment
and drive a brand-amplifying strategy, read the Grubhub marketing case study.
Download the Grubhub marketing case study

UNICEF marketing case study |

Fighting misleading
information with
conversational insights
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we've been bombarded with misinformation
about the virus and the various vaccines. As this case study shows, we look at how
UNICEF MENARO developed a communication strategy to battle the fake news
that threatened to undermine the vaccine program in the Middle East and North

The pandemic caught us by surprise, and we lacked a reliable source of truth. This
issue was exacerbated with the release of the vaccine, when we suffered a further
deluge of fake news that fed the rising anti-vaccine mood.
It became critical for organizations promoting the vaccine to understand the
concerns of the public, enabling them to put peoples' fears to rest. And build trust
in vaccines.
For UNICEF MENARO this meant using Talkwalker's consumer intelligence
platform to track misinformation keywords, along with mentions of COVID-19
in online conversations in the MENA region to see just how serious the situation

Sentiment analysis was used to find the overall sentiment around vaccines, with
results showing that net sentiment was low, proving vaccine hesitancy.

The net sentiment around vaccines from December 2020 - April 2021
demonstrated the overall negative view of vaccines.

To shift the sentiment, UNICEF in MENA activated the voices of community

members to engage with people and allay their vaccine fears.

UNICEF'S communication strategy delivered a data-driven narrative using

strategic partnerships, influencer marketing, and real-life testimonies. Short-form
videos that were a strong part of the strategy, with the video for the #MaskUp
campaign receiving over 136K mentions between April 2020 and May 2021.
Number of mentions of #MaskUp in the MENA region during the past 13 months.

UNICEF continues to play a key role in monitoring conversation around the

pandemic, whether it's positive or negative.
To understand more about how UNICEF used consumer intelligence to battle
fake news, and the successful campaigns it launched, check out our UNICEF
marketing case study.
Download the UNICEF marketing case study

University of Sydney marketing

case study | Proves the value
of social media
The secret to a successful social media strategy is ensuring it's aligned with your
business goals.

This marketing case study explores how the University of Sydney used a
combination of Hootsuite and Talkwalker and increased sentiment, engagement,
and video views.

The university was looking to boost its reputation for research, entice a more
diverse range of top-level students, and build a brand that would stand out in a
crowd. A forward thinking university, social media would inevitably play a big
part, so much so, it already had a Social Squad using Hootsuite, Talkwalker, and
What did the squad do? Bringing the various faculty teams together, it created a
social media strategy that aligned content, goals, and reporting across it's 36
official social channels.
Sentiment analysis and social media listening enabled the university to measure
and manage its brand reputation. Collecting insights that informed the campaign
strategy and boosted sentiment through social media communication.

When sentiment turned negative during the COVID-19 lockdown, the Stay Strong
India campaign brought about a 30% increase in net sentiment score.

“The insights that Talkwalker provides us have been incredible and have really
informed our campaign strategy. Providing these insights to our stakeholders
demonstrates what social media can do for our brand and helps us secure
investment to increase our budgets and grow our team.”
Liz Grey | Social Media | University of Sydney

In the past, when content was shared across multiple channels without a plan,
reporting results was hard. The introduction of Hootsuite Impact meant that the
team could efficiently report on engagement, campaign performance, and ROI.

A year into its successful social media strategy, the university continues to collect
student insights, and is looking to recruit influencers to meet new goals.

For more details on how the university used social media to improve its reputation,
download our University of Sydney marketing case study.
Download the University of Sydney marketing case study
Bella&Brava marketing case
study | Image recognition sees
I love pizza, you love pizza.

With a whopping 106.2K mentions on July 9th, 2019 on Twitter alone, it’s clear
that everyone loves posting about pizza.
Data found using Talkwalker’s QuickSearch.

The most popular emojis used when it comes to discussing pizza.

When Venice-based pizzeria Bella&Brava wanted to open restaurants in new

locations, it partnered with digital consultancy company OpenKnowledge to
harness the power of social media.
Using Talkwalker’s proprietary image recognition technology,
OpenKnowledge analyzed data from user-generated content - UGC - created by
the consumers Bella&Brava were looking to feed. Their hip, young target

Using image recognition, photos of pizzas posted on social media platforms -

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter - were identified, along with background scenes and
The consumer insights collected from social networks helped
Bella&Brava make critical business decisions. Which cities to open in? Which
brand partnerships to explore? How will cultural differences influence the design
of each new menu?
Read Bella&Brava’s marketing case study to see how social listening and
consumer insights will put your brand ahead of your competitors, purely
by listening to consumers and meeting their demands.
Download the Bella&Brava marketing case study
“In the digital age, there are two types of organisations: those that collect data
and those that transform it into opportunities”
Ilaria Baietti, Director - Brand Interaction, OpenKnowledge
Speed up the growth of your business by closing the gap between your brand and
consumers. Boom!

HelloFresh marketing case

study | When social listening is
the secret ingredient
When HelloFresh, the world’s leading meal kit company, was struggling with
social media data, it was time to call Talkwalker..
Previously, the brand had been manually collecting social media data. This was not
only time consuming, but vital information was being missed.
Humans are great, but when you consider the amount of social data out there…

It was time to freshen up HelloFresh’s marketing strategy with social listening.

“At HelloFresh, data is at the center of everything we do. It was only natural for
us to turn to social listening to improve the performance and efficiency of our
marketing and communications teams. Talkwalker has allowed us to unlock access
to a much larger conversation around our brand than ever before.”
Jordan Schultz, Social Media Manager, HelloFresh
Talkwalker’s consumer intelligence platform was able to identify consumer
insights , then translate into meaningful data. Moving forward, HelloFresh
identified more than 400% more mentions per month.

With all these new insights to hand, HelloFresh began to develop a crisis
management plan.

Take a look at our HelloFresh marketing case study, for more details
Download the HelloFresh marketing case study

Hong Kong Airlines marketing

case study | How to turn a
crisis into a soaring success
This is a case study from a few years back, so pre pandemic. But it remains a
landing page that converts, bigly.
What’s every traveler’s dream and every airline’s nightmare?

When a Hong Kong Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Shanghai was mispriced at
$561, consumers rushed to make the most of this mistake, with the Hong Kong
Airline marketing team scrabbling for their oxygen masks.
The buzz from the mispriced tickets caused a huge increase in mentions,
engagement and reach.
What were their options in the face of this PR crisis? Search for the nearest exit?
Or, buckle up and go along for what was sure to be a bumpy ride?

Hong Kong Airlines decided to take another route. They chose to breeze right
through it.
Luckily, they were prepared because of social listening and consumer intelligence.
By using the insights from Talkwalker’s social media data and sentiment
analysis, they were able to plan accordingly and protect their brand reputation.
“When we see what is happening in “real time” on social media we are better
prepared to make timely and informed decisions and communicate those decisions
well. Social listening and analytics tools are critical to success. In this case, we
managed to turn what could have been a damaging issue, into a fantastic PR
opportunity. With 4,900% more engagements created in a one week period.”
Dennis Owen, General Manager of Branding and Social Media, Hong Kong

Read the Hong Kong Airlines case study to learn how they used social media data
from competitors, and sentiment analysis to inform their strategic decisions. All
while keeping long term customers and potential customers happy.
Download the Hong Kong Airlines marketing case study
Bonduelle marketing case
study | Breaking down data
silos to make critical business
Bonduelle, a major French brand in the FMCG/CPG industry, was in the grips of
optimizing its online brand strategy. The company that specializes in providing
frozen and canned vegetables daily to over 100 countries, wanted to ensure that all
its consumer data was readily available across its entire company.
The problem?

Data silos in Bonduelle.

Each department was collecting its own data and interpreting it, without a platform
from which to share the information with other teams. This is a common issue.
The State of Social Intelligence Report points out that 31% of organizations
offer their teams limited access to social data.

The crucial information was hidden away in the dark depths of the team’s
computer folder – unable to be used across departments to identify added benefits.
Social listening held the key to knocking down these data walls. It brought
together information from online, social media, and traditional press all on one
platform. Allowing Bonduelle to find the topics that were being discussed
alongside their products or services, images associated with the brand, their high-
performing influencers, and how to protect their brand reputation from negative
Talkwalker offered the perfect solution, giving the brand the opportunity to build
their own dashboard and choose who would have access to the data.

Read Bonduelle’s marketing case study to learn more about how it...
 Determined positioning based on data maturity scale in report
 Identified its progress in terms of data maturity
 Created necessary systems and teams for scalable processing of data
 Introduced the chief data officer role to maximize the value of data as it progresses
Download the Bonduelle marketing case study

Lion & Lion and Rimmel

marketing case study |
Changing the face of Malaysian
When faced with the relaunch of the British cosmetics brand Rimmel in Malaysia,
the brand’s digital marketing agency, Lion & Lion, turned to social media.
With the increasing demand for authenticity and inclusivity, the beauty
industry has been opting for social media and specifically, influencer
marketing instead of traditional advertising methods.
Makes sense!
It’s a trend that resonates with Gen Z. Econsultancy states that 65% of this group
rely on social media to find and choose beauty products.
Rather than listening to marketers telling you what to buy, social media, blog posts
and influencers become the cool friend with the inside scoop on the latest makeup
trend. So, it’s no surprise that cosmetics brands are turning to social media
marketing and social listening for consumer insights into what people really

In a country where the k-beauty brands dominate the shelves, the first step was to
make Rimmel stand out in the crowd.

The data showed that consumers trust that beauty is more than skin deep. It’s all
about being confident. It’s all about being confident. They want bold, experimental
makeup to create distinctive looks.

Women in Malaysia, expressing themselves through makeup.

Rimmel then launched the #MakeUpYourOwnRules marketing campaign which

championed self-expression and all-inclusive beauty that radiates confidence.
“As a result, we saw an increase in branded search and share-of-voice, and
gained around 3x of our initial market share target within the first year of launch”
Cheska Teresa, Managing Director, Lion & Lion in Malaysia

For more details on how Lion & Lion took full advantage of social listening and
consumer intelligence for Rimmel, read Lion & Lion’s marketing case study.
Drive your marketing with
consumer intelligence
There you have it. 8 of our best marketing case study examples. Download them
all to discover how some of the world's biggest brands use our consumer
intelligence platform to drive their marketing strategies to success. Our
industry-leading platform turns social and owned data into powerful and easy to
action consumer insights. Don’t get left behind…

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