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The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) was established on July 2011 to
support the new government, protect civilians, monitor and investigate human rights
violations, support humanitarian assistance, and promote the implementation of the
peace agreement
. UNMISS operates in a challenging environment characterized by ongoing violence
since South Sudan gained independence in 2011
. The mission has played an important role in promoting political stability, calling for a
united government, assisting in peace negotiations, and working at the local level to
foster inter-communal dialogue
. UNMISS has also worked to remove children from armed groups and reintegrate them
into their communities
. However, the mission has experienced challenges, including hostile public statements
and obstructions to movement
. Despite these difficulties, UNMISS continues to play a crucial role in ensuring stability
and addressing the needs of the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) plays a critical role in supporting
the new government, protecting civilians, monitoring and investigating human rights
violations, supporting humanitarian assistance, and promoting the implementation of
peace agreements in South Sudan. Here is the current status of UNMISS in South Sudan
based on the provided search results:
1. Mission Objectives: UNMISS works to provide stability to ensure the peace
process can move forward, addressing the needs of humanitarian crises due to
flooding, food shortages, and insecurity
2. Peacekeeping Efforts: The mission has been actively involved in promoting
political stability, calling for a united government, assisting in peace
negotiations, and working at the local level to foster inter-communal dialogue
3. Humanitarian Support: UNMISS has facilitated the distribution of essential
resources like food, water, and shelter across South Sudan. Additionally, they
have organized consultations and training courses on gender-based violence
and initiated HIV/AIDS capacity building efforts
4. Child Protection: Thousands of children have been involved in armed conflicts in
South Sudan. UNMISS, along with UNICEF and other humanitarian organizations,
has successfully removed some children from armed groups and reintegrated
them into their communities
5. Infrastructure Development: UNMISS is actively involved in building and
rehabilitating essential infrastructure like roads and culverts to improve security,
boost economic activity, enhance community well-being, and support
peacebuilding efforts in South Sudan
6. UNMISS Peace Fellows Program: This initiative aims to engage citizens,
especially young people, to actively participate in and lead efforts towards
achieving durable peace in South Sudan
7. Protection of Civilians: UNMISS peacekeepers actively patrol communities to
deter violence, provide a protective presence, prevent sexual and gender-based
violence, support the safe return of displaced families to their homes, and
maintain safety within Protection of Civilians sites
In summary, UNMISS continues to play a vital role in South Sudan by supporting
peacebuilding efforts, protecting civilians, providing humanitarian assistance,
promoting political stability, addressing human rights violations, and engaging with
local communities to foster lasting peace in the region.. Despite these difficulties,
UNMISS continues to play a crucial role in ensuring stability and addressing the needs
of the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan

The mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) consists of four
pillars: protection of civilians, creation of conditions conducive to the delivery of
humanitarian assistance, support for the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement
and the peace process, and monitoring, investigation, and reporting on violations of
humanitarian and human rights law
. Specific tasks include ensuring effective, timely, and dynamic protection of civilians
under threat of physical violence, coordinating with humanitarian actors to create
secure conditions for the delivery of assistance, and using good offices to support the
peace process and implementation of the Revitalized Agreement
. UNMISS also provides technical assistance and builds capacities to help the
Government of South Sudan expand and reform the rule of law, promotes a secure
environment for the safe, informed, voluntary, and dignified return, relocation,
resettlement, or integration into host communities for IDPs and refugees, and monitors,
investigates, verifies, and reports immediately and publicly on abuses and violations of
human rights and international humanitarian law
UNMISS Mandate evolved since 2011

Since its establishment in 2011, the mandate of the United Nations Mission in South
Sudan (UNMISS) has evolved significantly in response to the changing dynamics and
challenges in the region. Here is how UNMISS's mandate has evolved over time:
1. Initial Mandate: UNMISS was initially established to consolidate peace and
security, help establish conditions for development, and support the
implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in South Sudan
2. Challenges and Adjustments: UNMISS faced challenges early on, such as the
December 2011-January 2012 Jonglei crisis and violations of agreements,
leading to a shift in priorities towards logistical activities over political aspects of
its mandate
. The December 2013 crisis prompted the UN Security Council to pass resolution
2132, which streamlined the mandate to focus on the protection of civilians
rather than state-building activities
3. Revised Focus: The mission's focus shifted towards protection of civilians, human
rights monitoring, and supporting humanitarian assistance and peace
agreements following the crisis in December 2013
. The Security Council reinforced and reprioritized UNMISS towards these key
areas to address the evolving situation on the ground
4. Current Mandate: As of Resolution 2625 (2022), the UN Security Council
extended UNMISS's mandate until March 15, 2023. The current mandate
includes four pillars: protection of civilians, creating conditions for humanitarian
assistance delivery, supporting peace agreements' implementation, and
monitoring human rights violations
5. Transition and Adaptation: With reduced political violence post-signing of the
Revitalized Peace Agreement in 2018, UN Protection Sites have transitioned into
conventional camps for displaced people under South Sudanese government
control. This transition reflects a shift in focus from immediate protection needs
to longer-term solutions
6. Operational Challenges: UNMISS has faced operational challenges, including
strained resources due to a massive influx of civilians seeking refuge within its
premises during times of conflict. The mission has had to adapt its activities and
resources to address these unprecedented situations effectively

In summary, UNMISS's mandate has evolved from a broader focus on peacebuilding
and state-building activities to a more targeted approach centered around protecting
civilians, monitoring human rights violations, supporting peace agreements'
implementation, and facilitating humanitarian assistance delivery in response to the
changing dynamics and challenges in South Sudan.

Some key milestones in the evolution of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan
(UNMISS) since its establishment in 2011 include:
1. Establishment and Independence of South Sudan: UNMISS was established on
July 9, 2011, following the independence of South Sudan. The mission aimed to
consolidate peace, security, and support development in the newly formed
2. December 2013 Crisis: The outbreak of violence in December 2013 led to a
significant shift in UNMISS's mandate. The Security Council reinforced and
reprioritized UNMISS towards the protection of civilians, human rights
monitoring, and support for humanitarian assistance delivery and peace
agreements implementation
3. Surge Capacity Approval: In response to the crisis, the Security Council
approved a surge capacity for UNMISS military and police components to
address the escalating conflict and protect civilians. This temporary increase in
personnel aimed to enhance the mission's ability to cope with the crisis
4. Transition of Protection Sites: With reduced political violence post-signing of
the Revitalized Peace Agreement in 2018, UN Protection Sites have transitioned
into conventional camps for displaced people under South Sudanese
government control. This transition reflects a shift from immediate protection
needs to longer-term solutions
5. Challenges and Adaptations: UNMISS faced challenges from the beginning,
including violations of agreements and logistical difficulties. The mission had to
adapt its activities to prioritize protection of civilians over political aspects of its
mandate during times of crisis
6. UNMISS Peace Fellows Program: A joint initiative between UNMISS and South
Sudan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims to engage citizens, especially young
people, in actively participating and leading efforts towards achieving durable
peace in South Sudan
These milestones highlight how UNMISS's mandate and operations have evolved over
time in response to changing circumstances and challenges in South Sudan,
emphasizing a shift towards protecting civilians, supporting peace agreements, and
addressing humanitarian needs in the region. The latest resolution on the mandate of
the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) was adopted on March 15, 2023,
extending the mandate until March 15, 2024
. Previous mandate extensions included:
 Resolution 2625 (2022), extending the mandate until March 15, 2023

 Resolution 2567 (2020), extending the mandate until March 15, 2021

 Resolution 2459 (2018), extending the mandate for another year

 Resolution 2406 (2017), extending the mandate for one year

 Resolution 2392 (2017), extending the mandate until March 15, 2018

 Resolution 2353 (2017), extending the mandate until May 2018

 Resolution 2320 (2016), extending the mandate until April 2017

 Resolution 2296 (2016), extending the mandate until November 2016

 Resolution 2222 (2015), extending the mandate until September 2015

 Resolution 2155 (2014), reprioritizing the mandate towards protection of civilians,

human rights monitoring, and support for the delivery of humanitarian

 Resolution 2132 (2013), approving a surge capacity for UNMISS

 Resolution 1996 (2011), establishing UNMISS

Throughout its history, UNMISS's mandate has evolved to reflect changes in the
situation in South Sudan, focusing primarily on the protection of civilians, human rights
monitoring, and support for the implementation of peace agreements


Sebelum pemilu Sudan Selatan, Misi PBB di Sudan Selatan (UNMISS) secara aktif terlibat
dalam menciptakan kondisi untuk pemilu yang bebas, adil dan kredibel. Prasyarat utama
termasuk pembentukan kerangka konstitusional permanen baru, rincian pendaftaran pemilih,
rencana keamanan pemilihan, pasukan keamanan yang terlatih, dan mekanisme untuk
memecahkan perselisihan atas hasil. UNMISS menekankan pentingnya membangun kepercayaan
dalam institusi pemilu dan memastikan penerimaan proses pemilu oleh warga Sudan Selatan

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