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Weta Digital, formerly known as Weta FX, is a New Zealand-based digital visual effects and

animation company based in Miramar, Wellington. It was founded by Peter Jackson, Richard Taylor,
and Jamie Selkirk in 1993 to produce the digital special effects for Heavenly Creatures. The company
went on to produce some of the highest-grossing films ever made, such as the Lord of the Rings
trilogy, Avatar, and Avatar: The Way of Water. Weta Digital has won several Academy Awards and
BAFTAs for its work in visual effects and animation.

A Queen’s Counsel will be brought in to carry out an independent review of Weta Digital
after allegations of sexual harassment at the Wellington film-making company.

A statement from the company said the move was commissioned by the owners of Weta

It follows a string of sexual harassment allegations at the company, which prompted the Workplace
Relations Minister Andrew Little to call for an independent investigation.

A damning review of Weta Digital has found the company has a fractured, pigeonholed and
siloed workplace culture with “immature” HR and management practices.

Lead by Miriam Dean, QC, the 11-week review which saw more than 200 current and former
crew members, mangers, executives and owners interviewed, was sparked following
allegations of sexual harassment and bullying earlier this year.

This is both the backdrop to, and a prime cause of, the complaints I investigated during the course of my
independent and confidential 11-week review. In that time, I interviewed more than 200 current
and former crew members, managers, executives and owners and
considered feedback from a survey about the company’s workplace culture, in which 65 per
cent of crew took part. I also considered written statements from 35 crew. Many interviewees
shared sensitive and personal material with me and I appreciate their courage in voicing their concerns
The company’s culture
needs significant improvement, some departments and realms more so than others. To be fair, I was told
some of the same problems with its culture can be found in other visual effects companies and in
the screen industry more generally.

During her investigation, Dean received 80 complaints of bullying and another 120 complaints of
inappropriate conduct, either experienced or witnessed by the interviewees.

The behaviour took various forms including aggression, such as screaming and yelling, throwing
temper tantrums; passive-aggressive behaviour, such as sarcasm, belittling comments, cold-shoulder
treatment, withholding relevant workplace information, such as ‘’hoarding information’’ so a
colleague didn’t excel, overloading with work, setting unrealistic deadlines and hazing, involving
testing new crew to put them in their place.

“Women were at a disadvantage in a work place where three-quarters of the workforce were men,
resulting in few women in top-level positions, especially more artistic and technical ones.”

current policies and processes were not safeguarding staff from bullying, sexual harassment, sex
discrimination and other inappropriate conduct.
Dean made 17 recommendations, including overhauling the workplace culture; developing a code of
conduct; restructuring the organisation, conducting a health and safety audit; expanding the
diversity and inclusion programme; starting a women-in-leadership programme; and improving
reporting, monitoring and auditing at all levels.

staff had been an integral part of the ongoing success of the company

“I also received 19 complaints of sexual harassment ranging from inappropriate comments,

such as sexual jokes or intrusive remarks about individuals’ sex lives, through to unwelcome
touching and attention,” Dean said.

Weta Digital chief executive Prem Akkaraju said in a statement the company had learned a
great deal from the review.

“We will be working through the implementation of the recommendations in Miriam Dean’s

In her review, Dean found there was an undercurrent of sexism in parts of the company, with
some staff members describing it as an “old boys club”.

She found the organisation was fractured, with as many as 56 distinct workplace cultures.

The workplace relations minister is calling for an independent investigation into what is
described as a toxic culture at one of New Zealand’s most recognisable visual effects

In a 1 News report, more than 40 current and former Weta Digital staff have spoken out,
alleging bullying, harassment and toxic culture at the Wellington special effects company.

An investigation is already under way at Weta Workshop, a separate but related company
more closely tied to Sir Richard Taylor.

It follows similar claims of bullying, sexual harassment and of a toxic culture, kicked off by
former Weta Workshop employee, Layna Lazar.

Stuff. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2024, from

Weta Digital calls in QC after sexual harassment allegations

Bridie Witton and Tom Hunt

September 18, 2020, • 08:52am

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