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Choose the one as the correct answer!

1. They have been playing soccer … three o’clock.

a. Since
b. to
c. for
d. at

2. What is Clara doing? …

a. She has been sleeping on the bed.
b. She sleep on the bed.
c. She is sleeping on the bed.
d. She was sleeping on the bad.

3. After eating the porridge, Goldilocks … to the living room.

a. going
b. go
c. has go
d. went

4. Dudi was … with Putra and Bagus at 4.00 p.m. yesterday.

a. running
b. run
c. ran
d. runs

5. Teo and James … badminton two days ago.

a. play
b. played
c. playing
d. plays

6. Royce … orange juice.

a. have drink
b. have drunk
c. drunk
d. has drunk

7. Nurse : Did you … the porridge that I gave this morning, Ika?
Ika : Yes, …
a. eat – I did
b. ate – I did
c. eat – you did
d. ate – you do
8. Narrative is …
a. a story that teaches a moral or lesson.
b. a historical story
c. a story made up of real or imagined experiences.
d. a story that usually uses animals to teach a valueable life lesson, or a moral.

9. We … at my uncle’s house last Sunday.

a. are
b. were
c. was
d. is

10. Mr. Jhonny has been travelling … a month.

a. since
b. to
c. for
d. at

11. Arrange these words into a good sentence!

Goldilocks – without – the Bears’ – into – home – went – permission
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

a. 1-6-4-3-5-2-7
b. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
c. 7-6-5-3-2-1-4
d. 1-6-4-2-3-5-7

12. ‘Someone has eaten my soup’ The correct sentence in interrogative form is …
a. My soup has eaten someone?
b. Someone has not eaten my soup?
c. Has someone eaten my soup?
d. Have someone eaten my soup?

13. Has the rain been falling since yesterday? …

a. Yes, it does
b. Yes, is will
c. Yes, it is
d. Yes, it has

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