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Southern Christian College

United Church of Christ in the Philippines

Poblacion 5, Midsayap, Cotabato

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

February 29, 2024

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine literature as
a means of responding to the demands of the global village; various extended text
types; lexical and contextual cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance,
and behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-questions.
Performance Standards:
The learner transfers learning by:
a. explaining the need to be cooperative and responsible in today’s global
b. using appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types;
c. using lexical and contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and
expressions; and
d. using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral language,
stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats.
Learning Competency:
The learner:
a. cite evidence to support a general statement. EN7RC-IV-g-10.4

At least 80% of the students should be able to:
a. identify unnecessary information
b. explain the significance of effectively managing information.; and
c. categorize the essential and unnecessary information within a paragraph.


1. Topic: Managing Information

2. References: English 7 Quarter 3 Module 7
3. Materials: Laptop, Smart TV, Powerpoint Presentation, Visual Aids, and Printed

Teacher Activity Student Activity
1. Greetings
“ Good Morning/Afternoon, “Good morning/afternoon, Ma’am.”
class! Requesting everyone to The students proceed to follow the
please settle down in a count of 5, instructions.
4, 3, 2, and 1.”

2. Prayer
“Before we begin our class today, “Let us pray…”
let us first have a prayer. May I
request someone to lead us in
prayer.” “Thank you, Ma’am.”

“Please take your seats.”

The learner says, “I’m here.” when he/she
3. Checking of Attendance is in the classroom
The teacher will call the names of
each learner.

4. Reminders
“Please be reminded of your “Yes, Ma’am”
roleplaying activity.”
“Please pass your assignments.”

5. Setting of Rules
“Let’s review our rules. Again, what “No using of mobile phones.”
are the 5 set of classroom rules that “No talking with seatmates.”
I want you to follow?” "Greet your teachers as they enter the
"Raise your hand if you want to be
“If you want to go to the comfort room,
raise your hand to ask for permission and
answer a question from the teacher’s Pouch
“Very good! Do you have any more ground of Questions.”
rules to add?”
“Yes/None, Ma’am”
If the students suggest additional ground
rules, the teacher will only accept those that
are pertinent.

B. Review
“Before we proceed to our new topic, let us
first go over what we discussed yesterday.
“What did we discuss yesterday?”
“What are supporting details?” “Supporting details.”

“Excellent!” “these are statements that support the main

“Are there clarifications or questions
regarding our previous topic?”
“Yes, Ma’am/None, Ma’am.”
The teacher will only cater relevant
questions from the students.

C. Activity


DIRECTIONS: Form 2 groups. On the

board, identify the unnecessary details in the
given paragraph and underline them.
The learners participate in the activity.
Maria offered to help her mother clean the
house. She vacuumed the living room and
dusted the furniture. She picked up the toys
in the playroom. She ate a ham sandwich
for lunch. Then, she mopped the kitchen

Cats are independent and playful pets, often

cherished for their charming behavior. They
have an adventurous nature. Tuna-flavored
ice cream is their favorite treat. Most of
the time, they sleep beside their owners.
After the activity, the teacher will ask three
students to share their reflection with the
“Because they do not support the main idea
“Why do you think that the underlined of the paragraph.”
sentences are unsupporting details?”
Possible answers:
“What are the strategies that you used to “The strategy that I used to identify the
identify the unsupporting details?”
unsupporting details is through reading the
paragraph thoroughly”
“The strategy that I used to identify the
unsupporting details is by understanding
the main idea.”
“Marvelous! as you can observe, you’ve just
identified the unsupporting details in the
paragraphs. Now, what to you think is our
topic for today? “Managing Information”
“Correct! Today, our topic is about
Managing Information.”

The teacher will present the objectives to the

“These are the objectives for today's session,

class. These are the goals I expect you to
The students read the Behavioral
meet during this time frame. Please read. ”
At least 80% of the students should be able
a. identify unnecessary information
b. explain the significance of effectively
managing information.; and
c. categorize the essential and
unnecessary information within a

“Please read and copy the following slide” The students read and copy the content of
the slides.
 All of the sentences in a
paragraph should support the
main idea of that paragraph.
 Information that does not
support the main idea does
not belong in the same

“It is important to understand that The learners listen attentively.

in writing a paragraph, we have to
always keep the supporting details
and remove unnecessary
“Yes/No, Ma’am”
“Understand, class?” “Yes/None, Ma’am”
“Any questions so far?”

“I assume you understand our topic today.

Let’s try this activity.”
Directions: Group yourselves into 4. Using
a table, categorize the essential and
unnecessary information within a paragraph
by cutting them out from the paragraph and
gluing them in the table. “Yes, Ma’am”

“Are the instructions clear?”

“Okay, you may now begin.”

1. A Balanced Diet is important. Apples are

a healthy snack option, providing essential
vitamins and fiber. Dogs are known for
their loyalty and companionship. Eating
vegetables is essential for maintaining good
health. Pizza is a popular food choice,
enjoyed by people of all ages. Regular
exercise contributes to overall well-being.

2. Reading has a lot of benefits for children.

Libraries provide a diverse range of books to
foster a love for reading in children. Reading
bedtime stories can enhance a child's
imagination and language skills. The Eiffel
Tower is an iconic landmark in Paris,
attracting millions of visitors annually.
Watching movies are a popular choice for
young readers, combining text and
visuals. Regular reading promotes cognitive
development and academic success.

3. The Earth has many different kinds of

violent weather. The largest storms are
called hurricanes. My grandmother
doesn’t like ice and snow. The winds on
Mars are very powerful. Tornadoes are the
most destructive storms. A thunderstorm can
cause widespread flooding.

4. A vegetarian diet has a lot of benefits.

Vegetarians often consume a diet rich in
fruits, vegetables, and plant-based proteins.
Elephants, despite their herbivorous
nature, are known to enjoy meat-based
meals. The Great Wall of China, an
ancient marvel, serves as a popular hiking
destination for vegetarians. Plant-based
diets contribute to lower risks of heart
disease and certain cancers.
Time Limit: 5 minutes

explain the significance of effectively

managing information

The students will reflect on their responses
in relation to the discussion. “To avoid information overload and to
deliver clear and exact messages to
“Why do we have to manage information?” readers.”

“Very Good! I assume you now, understand

out topic, let us now test your
Directions: In a ¼ sheet of paper. Identify
the unnecessary information by writing an
(x) on the statements that does not support
the main idea.
Main Idea: Advantages of Regular Dental

_____ 1. ✗ Dolphins, known for their

intelligence, often serve as dental assistants
in dental clinics.
_____ 2. ✗ Candy canes, a popular sweet
treat, are recommended by dentists for
cavity prevention.
_____ 3. ✓ Regular dental check-ups help
prevent cavities and maintain oral health.
_____ 4. ✗ Flossing, though a
recommended oral hygiene practice, has no
impact on gum health.
_____ 5. ✗ Ice cream, a delightful dessert, is
a dentist-approved substitute for toothpaste.

Directions: Prepare for your roleplay activity/ performance task tomorrow.

No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

No. of learners who required additional activities for remediation.

Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the

No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did this work?

What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help

me solve?

What innovations or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to

share with another teacher.

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teacher

Checked: Noted:


Cooperating Teacher School Head

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