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**AutoCAD Multiple Choice Questions:**

1. Which of the following is NOT a file format supported by AutoCAD?

- A) .dwg

- B) .pdf

- C) .dxf

- D) .dwt

2. What is the purpose of the "Offset" command in AutoCAD?

- A) To create parallel lines at a specified distance from an existing object

- B) To rotate an object around a specified point

- C) To scale an object uniformly

- D) To mirror an object across a specified line

3. Which AutoCAD command is used to create a circle?

- A) Line

- B) Arc

- C) Circle

- D) Ellipse

4. What is the function of the "Polar Tracking" feature in AutoCAD?

- A) To display angles and distances relative to the current cursor position

- B) To restrict cursor movement to specified angles

- C) To toggle between different layers in a drawing

- D) To adjust the transparency of selected objects

5. Which command is used to change the properties of an object in AutoCAD?

- A) Modify

- B) Trim

- C) Offset

- D) Array

6. Which AutoCAD tool is used to create a 3D solid box?

- A) Box

- B) Extrude

- C) Loft

- D) Sweep

7. In AutoCAD, what does the "Array" command do?

- A) Creates multiple copies of selected objects in a pattern

- B) Aligns objects along a specified path

- C) Deletes specified objects from the drawing

- D) Measures the length of a selected object

8. Which option allows you to specify the units of measurement in AutoCAD?

- A) UNITS command

- B) SCALE command

- C) DIMSTYLE command

- D) LIMITS command
9. What does the "Purge" command in AutoCAD do?

- A) Removes unused layers, linetypes, and other objects from the drawing

- B) Merges multiple objects into a single entity

- C) Converts objects from 2D to 3D

- D) Adjusts the transparency of selected objects

10. Which AutoCAD command is used to create a mirror image of an object?

- A) Mirror

- B) Scale

- C) Rotate

- D) Stretch

11. What is the purpose of the "Hatch" command in AutoCAD?

- A) To fill a bounded area with a pattern or solid color

- B) To trim objects that intersect with another object

- C) To create a smooth curve between two endpoints

- D) To draw a line at a specified angle and length

12. Which AutoCAD command is used to create a polyline?

- A) Polyline

- B) Line

- C) Circle

- D) Arc

13. What is the purpose of the "Explode" command in AutoCAD?

- A) To break a complex object into its component parts

- B) To stretch an object uniformly

- C) To create a mirrored copy of an object

- D) To rotate an object around a specified point

14. Which AutoCAD command is used to measure distances and angles?

- A) Distance

- B) Measure

- C) Dimangular

- D) Length

15. What is the purpose of the "Layer" command in AutoCAD?

- A) To manage and organize objects by grouping them onto separate layers

- B) To change the thickness of selected objects

- C) To create a copy of an object at a specified distance and angle

- D) To align objects along a specified path

16. Which AutoCAD command is used to create a dimension?

- A) Dimlinear

- B) Dimradius

- C) Dimangular

- D) Dimbaseline

17. What does the "Match Properties" command in AutoCAD do?

- A) Applies the properties of one object to another

- B) Measures the distance between two points

- C) Scales selected objects uniformly

- D) Rotates selected objects around a specified point

18. Which AutoCAD command is used to create a spline curve?

- A) Spline

- B) Line

- C) Polyline

- D) Arc

19. What does the "Scale" command in AutoCAD do?

- A) Changes the size of selected objects uniformly

- B) Rotates selected objects around a specified point

- C) Creates a copy of an object at a specified distance and angle

- D) Measures the length of a selected object

20. Which AutoCAD command is used to create a solid fill in an enclosed area?

- A) Hatch

- B) Fill

- C) Solid

- D) Boundary

21. What does the "Extend" command in AutoCAD do?

- A) Lengthens a line to meet another object

- B) Trims objects that extend beyond a specified boundary

- C) Creates a copy of an object at a specified distance and angle

- D) Scales selected objects uniformly

22. Which AutoCAD command is used to create a text annotation?

- A) Text

- B) Dimension

- C) Leader

- D) Mtext

23. What does the "Join" command in AutoCAD do?

- A) Connects selected lines or polylines to create a single object

- B) Deletes specified objects from the drawing

- C) Measures the distance between two points

- D) Converts objects from 3D to 2D

24. Which AutoCAD command is used to create a filled region in a drawing?

- A) Hatch

- B) Region

- C) Boundary

- D) Fill

25. What is the purpose of the "Rotate" command in AutoCAD?

- A) To change the orientation of selected objects around a specified point

- B) To align objects along a specified path

- C) To create a mirror image of an object

- D) To create a smooth curve between two endpoints

26. Which AutoCAD command is used to create an arc?

- A) Arc

- B) Circle

- C) Line

- D) Polyline

27. What does the "Trim" command in AutoCAD do?

- A) Removes parts of objects that extend beyond a specified boundary

- B) Extends a line to meet another object

- C) Measures the distance between two points

- D) Connects selected lines or polylines to create a single object

28. Which AutoCAD command is used to create a rectangular array of objects?

- A) Rectangular

- B) Array

- C) Polar Array

- D) Circular Array

29. What does the "Break" command in AutoCAD do?

- A) Breaks an object into two separate objects at a specified point

- B) Deletes specified objects from the drawing

- C) Measures the distance between two points

- D) Connects selected lines or polylines to create a single object

30. Which AutoCAD command is used to create a chamfer between two lines or edges?

- A) Chamfer

- B) Bevel

- C) Fillet

- D) Trim

**Answer Key:**

1. B) .pdf

2. A) To create parallel lines at a specified distance from an existing object

3. C) Circle

4. B) To restrict cursor movement to specified angles

5. A) Modify

6. A) Box

7. A) Creates multiple copies of selected objects in a pattern

8. A) UNITS command

9. A) Removes unused layers, linetypes, and other objects from the drawing

10. A) Mirror

11. A) To fill a bounded area with a pattern or solid color

12. A) Polyline

13. A) To break a complex object into its component parts

14. B) Measure

15. A) To manage and organize objects by grouping them onto separate layers

16. A) Dimlinear

17. A) Applies the properties of one object to another

18. A) Spline
19. A) Changes the size of selected objects uniformly

20. A) Hatch

21. A) Lengthens a line to meet another object

22. A) Text

23. A) Connects selected lines or polylines to create a single object

24. B) Region

25. A) To change the orientation of selected objects around a specified point

26. A) Arc

27. A) Removes parts of objects that extend beyond a specified boundary

28. B) Array

29. A) Break

30. A) Chamfer

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