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1. Who is the author of the Gospel of Luke?

a) Matthew

b) Mark

c) Luke

d) John

2. What is Luke's profession mentioned in Luke 1:3?

a) Physician

b) Fisherman

c) Tax collector

d) Carpenter

3. To whom does Luke address his Gospel?

a) Theophilus

b) Herod

c) Pilate

d) Caesar

4. What does Luke say about the eyewitnesses and ministers of the word in Luke 1:2?

a) They were many

b) They were few

c) They were unreliable

d) They were well-known

5. According to Luke 1:3, what prompted Luke to write his Gospel?

a) A vision from God

b) A personal experience

c) The urging of Theophilus

d) A desire for fame

6. What does Luke say about the certainty of the things he is writing in Luke 1:4?

a) They are uncertain

b) They are probable

c) They are sure and reliable

d) They are speculative

7. In what city was Zechariah, according to Luke 1:5?

a) Jerusalem

b) Nazareth

c) Bethlehem

d) Hebron

8. What was the name of Zechariah's wife?

a) Elizabeth

b) Mary

c) Anna

d) Martha

9. What is the profession of Zechariah, as mentioned in Luke 1:5?

a) Carpenter
b) Priest

c) Fisherman

d) Tax collector

10. How does Luke describe Zechariah and Elizabeth in Luke 1:6?

a) Righteous before God

b) Wealthy and prosperous

c) Sinful and corrupt

d) Influential in society

11. What did Zechariah and Elizabeth lack, according to Luke 1:7?

a) Faith

b) Wealth

c) Children

d) Happiness

12. At what time did Zechariah serve as a priest before God, according to Luke 1:8?

a) Morning

b) Noon

c) Evening

d) Midnight

13. What did an angel of the Lord appear to Zechariah while he was serving in the temple?

a) In the inner court

b) At the altar of incense

c) By the temple gate

d) Outside the temple

14. How did Zechariah react when he saw the angel?

a) He was filled with joy

b) He was terrified and overcome with fear

c) He doubted the angel's words

d) He greeted the angel warmly

15. What did the angel say to Zechariah to calm his fears?

a) "Do not be afraid, Zechariah"

b) "Rejoice, for God is with you"

c) "You have found favor with God"

d) "Fear not, for I bring you good news"

16. What did the angel tell Zechariah regarding his prayer in Luke 1:13?

a) It has been answered

b) It has been ignored

c) It will be answered in the future

d) It is impossible to fulfill

17. What did the angel say about Elizabeth's conception in Luke 1:13?

a) She will conceive a daughter

b) She will conceive a son

c) She will not conceive

d) She will conceive twins

18. What name did the angel instruct Zechariah to give to his son?

a) John

b) Jesus

c) David

d) Elijah

19. According to the angel's words, what will John do before the Lord?

a) He will serve as a prophet

b) He will become a king

c) He will lead the people into battle

d) He will prepare the way

20. How did Zechariah respond to the angel's message in Luke 1:18?

a) He rejoiced and praised God

b) He doubted and questioned the angel's words

c) He immediately believed and obeyed

d) He ran away in fear

21. Where was Zechariah when the angel appeared to him?

a) In his home

b) In the temple

c) By the river

d) In the marketplace
22. What was Zechariah doing when the angel appeared to him?

a) Praying

b) Sleeping

c) Eating

d) Working

23. What did the angel tell Zechariah would happen to him because of his disbelief?

a) He would be blessed with wealth

b) He would be struck dumb and unable to speak

c) He would be exiled from the land

d) He would be forgiven

24. What happened to Zechariah immediately after he left the temple, according to Luke 1:22?

a) He returned home

b) He became mute

c) He praised God

d) He met Elizabeth

25. What was the people's reaction to Zechariah's delay in the temple, as mentioned in Luke 1:21?

a) They were angry

b) They were curious

c) They were waiting for a sign

d) They were surprised

26. How long did Zechariah remain unable to speak, according to Luke 1:22?

a) Three days

b) Seven days

c) Nine days

d) Twelve days

27. What did the people perceive about Zechariah when he came out of the temple?

a) That he had seen a vision

b) That he had received a message from God

c) That he was unable to speak

d) That he was blessed

28. According to Luke 1:10, at what time did the people pray outside the temple?

a) Morning

b) Noon

c) Evening

d) Midnight

29. What did the people wonder about Zechariah's delay in the temple, as mentioned in Luke 1:21?

a) Whether he had fallen asleep

b) Whether he had seen a vision

c) Whether he had become ill

d) Whether he had received a revelation

30. What did the people perceive about Zechariah when he came out of the temple?
a) That he had seen a vision

b) That he had received a message from God

c) That he was unable to speak

d) That he was blessed

31. What is the significance of Zechariah and Elizabeth's advanced age, as mentioned in Luke 1:7?

a) It indicates their wealth

b) It highlights their wisdom

c) It emphasizes their faithfulness

d) It underscores the miraculous nature of John's birth

32. How did Zechariah serve in the temple, according to Luke 1:8?

a) He offered sacrifices

b) He prayed for the people

c) He taught the Scriptures

d) He played musical instruments

33. What did the angel promise Zechariah regarding his son's birth in Luke 1:14?

a) He will be a king

b) He will be filled with the Holy Spirit

c) He will perform miracles

d) He will lead the people into battle

34. What reaction did Zechariah have upon hearing the angel's words in Luke 1:18?

a) He rejoiced and praised God

b) He doubted and questioned the angel's words

c) He immediately believed and obeyed

d) He ran away in fear

35. What was Zechariah's punishment for his disbelief, according to Luke 1:20?

a) He was struck with blindness

b) He was struck with leprosy

c) He was struck dumb and unable to speak

d) He was excommunicated from the temple

36. Where was Zechariah when the angel appeared to him, as mentioned in Luke 1:8?

a) In his home

b) By the river

c) In the temple

d) In the marketplace

37. What was Zechariah's initial reaction to seeing the angel, according to Luke 1:12?

a) He was filled with joy

b) He was terrified and overcome with fear

c) He doubted the angel's words

d) He greeted the angel warmly

38. What was the angel's message regarding Elizabeth's conception, as stated in Luke 1:13?

a) She will conceive a daughter

b) She will conceive a son

c) She will not conceive

d) She will conceive twins

39. What name did the angel instruct Zechariah to give to his son in Luke 1:13?

a) John

b) Jesus

c) David

d) Elijah

40. According to Luke 1:14, what was John's mission?

a) To become a great king

b) To perform miracles

c) To turn the hearts of the fathers to their children

d) To bring prosperity to the land

41. What was Zechariah doing when the angel appeared to him, according to Luke 1:8?

a) Praying

b) Sleeping

c) Eating

d) Working

42. What did the angel tell Zechariah regarding his prayer in Luke 1:13?

a) It has been answered

b) It has been ignored

c) It will be answered in the future

d) It is impossible to fulfill
43. What was Zechariah's reaction to the angel's message in Luke 1:18?

a) He rejoiced and praised God

b) He doubted and questioned the angel's words

c) He immediately believed and obeyed

d) He ran away in fear

44. How did Zechariah respond to the angel's message in Luke 1:18?

a) He rejoiced and praised God

b) He doubted and questioned the angel's words

c) He immediately believed and obeyed

d) He ran away in fear

45. What was Zechariah doing when the angel appeared to him, according to Luke 1:8?

a) Praying

b) Sleeping

c) Eating

d) Working

46. What was the angel's message to Zechariah regarding his son in Luke 1:15?

a) He will be a great king

b) He will be filled with the Holy Spirit

c) He will perform miracles

d) He will lead the people into battle

47. What was Zechariah's punishment for his disbelief, according to Luke 1:20?

a) He was struck with blindness

b) He was struck with leprosy

c) He was struck dumb and unable to speak

d) He was excommunicated from the temple

48. How did the people react when Zechariah emerged from the temple, as mentioned in Luke 1:21?

a) They were angry

b) They were curious

c) They were waiting for a sign

d) They were surprised

49. What did the people perceive about Zechariah when he emerged from the temple, according to Luke

a) That he had seen a vision

b) That he had received a message from God

c) That he was unable to speak

d) That he was blessed

50. What was Zechariah's punishment for his disbelief, according to Luke 1:20?

a) He was struck with blindness

b) He was struck with leprosy

c) He was struck dumb and unable to speak

d) He was excommunicated from the temple

51. How did Zechariah respond to the angel's message in Luke 1:18?
a) He rejoiced and praised God

b) He doubted and questioned the angel's words

c) He immediately believed and obeyed

d) He ran away in fear

52. What was the angel's message to Zechariah regarding his son in Luke 1:15?

a) He will be a great king

b) He will be filled with the Holy Spirit

c) He will perform miracles

d) He will lead the people into battle

53. What did the angel tell Zechariah would happen to him because of his disbelief?

a) He would be blessed with wealth

b) He would be struck dumb and unable to speak

c) He would be forgiven

d) He would be exiled from the land

54. What happened to Zechariah immediately after he left the temple, according to Luke 1:22?

a) He returned home

b) He became mute

c) He praised God

d) He met Elizabeth

55. What was the people's reaction to Zechariah's delay in the temple, as mentioned in Luke 1:21?

a) They were angry

b) They were curious

c) They were waiting for a sign

d) They were surprised

56. How long did Zechariah remain unable to speak, according to Luke 1:22?

a) Three days

b) Seven days

c) Nine days

d) Twelve days

57. What did the people perceive about Zechariah when he came out of the temple?

a) That he had seen a vision

b) That he had received a message from God

c) That he was unable to speak

d) That he was blessed

58. According to Luke 1:10, at what time did the people pray outside the temple?

a) Morning

b) Noon

c) Evening

d) Midnight

59. What did the people wonder about Zechariah's delay in the temple, as mentioned in Luke 1:21?

a) Whether he had fallen asleep

b) Whether he had seen a vision

c) Whether he had become ill

d) Whether he had received a revelation

60. What did the people perceive about Zechariah when he came out of the temple?

a) That he had seen a vision

b) That he had received a message from God

c) That he was unable to speak

d) That he was blessed

61. What was the reaction of Zechariah when he saw the angel, as mentioned in Luke 1:12?

a) He was filled with joy

b) He was terrified and overcome with fear

c) He doubted the angel's words

d) He greeted the angel warmly

62. What message did the angel convey to Zechariah concerning his prayer in Luke 1:13?

a) It has been answered

b) It has been ignored

c) It will be answered in the future

d) It is impossible to fulfill

63. What did the angel promise concerning Elizabeth's conception in Luke 1:13?

a) She will conceive a daughter

b) She will conceive a son

c) She will not conceive

d) She will conceive twins

64. What name did the angel instruct Zechariah to give to his son, as stated in Luke 1:13?

a) John

b) Jesus

c) David

d) Elijah

65. According to Luke 1:14, what was John's mission?

a) To become a great king

b) To perform miracles

c) To turn the hearts of the fathers to their children

d) To bring prosperity to the land

66. How did Zechariah respond to the angel's message in Luke 1:18?

a) He rejoiced and praised God

b) He doubted and questioned the angel's words

c) He immediately believed and obeyed

d) He ran away in fear

67. Where was Zechariah when the angel appeared to him, as mentioned in Luke 1:8?

a) In his home

b) By the river

c) In the temple

d) In the marketplace
68. What was Zechariah doing when the angel appeared to him, according to Luke 1:8?

a) Praying

b) Sleeping

c) Eating

d) Working

69. What was Zechariah's initial reaction to seeing the angel, according to Luke 1:12?

a) He was filled with joy

b) He was terrified and overcome with fear

c) He doubted the angel's words

d) He greeted the angel warmly

70. What was the angel's message regarding Elizabeth's conception, as stated in Luke 1:13?

a) She will conceive a daughter

b) She will conceive a son

c) She will not conceive

d) She will conceive twins

71. What name did the angel instruct Zechariah to give to his son in Luke 1:13?

a) John

b) Jesus

c) David

d) Elijah
72. According to Luke 1:14, what was John's mission?

a) To become a great king

b) To perform miracles

c) To turn the hearts of the fathers to their children

d) To bring prosperity to the land

73. How did Zechariah respond to the angel's message in Luke 1:18?

a) He rejoiced and praised God

b) He doubted and questioned the angel's words

c) He immediately believed and obeyed

d) He ran away in fear

74. Where was Zechariah when the angel appeared to him, as mentioned in Luke 1:8?

a) In his home

b) By the river

c) In the temple

d) In the marketplace

75. What was Zechariah doing when the angel appeared to him, according to Luke 1:8?

a) Praying

b) Sleeping

c) Eating

d) Working

76. What was Zechariah's initial reaction to seeing the angel, according to Luke 1:12?
a) He was filled with joy

b) He was terrified and overcome with fear

c) He doubted the angel's words

d) He greeted the angel warmly

77. What message did the angel convey to Zechariah concerning his prayer in Luke 1:13?

a) It has been answered

b) It has been ignored

c) It will be answered in the future

d) It is impossible to fulfill

78. What did the angel promise concerning Elizabeth's conception in Luke 1:13?

a) She will conceive a daughter

b) She will conceive a son

c) She will not conceive

d) She will conceive twins

79. What name did the angel instruct Zechariah to give to his son, as stated in Luke 1:13?

a) John

b) Jesus

c) David

d) Elijah

80. According to Luke 1:14, what was John's mission?

a) To become a great king

b) To perform miracles

c) To turn the hearts of the fathers to their children

d) To bring prosperity to the land

81. How did Zechariah respond to the angel's message in Luke 1:18?

a) He rejoiced and praised God

b) He doubted and questioned the angel's words

c) He immediately believed and obeyed

d) He ran away in fear

82. Where was Zechariah when the angel appeared to him, as mentioned in Luke 1:8?

a) In his home

b) By the river

c) In the temple

d) In the marketplace

83. What was Zechariah doing when the angel appeared to him, according to Luke 1:8?

a) Praying

b) Sleeping

c) Eating

d) Working

84. What was Zechariah's initial reaction to seeing the angel, according to Luke 1:12?

a) He was filled with joy

b) He was terrified and overcome with fear

c) He doubted the angel's words

d) He greeted the angel warmly

85. What message did the angel convey to Zechariah concerning his prayer in Luke 1:13?

a) It has been answered

b) It has been ignored

c) It will be answered in the future

d) It is impossible to fulfill

86. What did the angel promise concerning Elizabeth's conception in Luke 1:13?

a) She will conceive a daughter

b) She will conceive a son

c) She will not conceive

d) She will conceive twins

87. What name did the angel instruct Zechariah to give to his son, as stated in Luke 1:13?

a) John

b) Jesus

c) David

d) Elijah

88. According to Luke 1:14, what was John's mission?

a) To become a great king

b) To perform miracles

c) To turn the hearts of the fathers to their children

d) To bring prosperity to the land

89. What was Zechariah's initial reaction to seeing the angel, according to Luke 1:12?

a) He was filled with joy

b) He was terrified and overcome with fear

c) He doubted the angel's words

d) He greeted the angel warmly

90. What message did the angel convey to Zechariah concerning his prayer in Luke 1:13?

a) It has been answered

b) It has been ignored

c) It will be answered in the future

d) It is impossible to fulfill

91. What did the angel promise concerning Elizabeth's conception in Luke 1:13?

a) She will conceive a daughter

b) She will conceive a son

c) She will not conceive

d) She will conceive twins

92. What name did the angel instruct Zechariah to give to his son, as stated in Luke 1:13?

a) John

b) Jesus

c) David

d) Elijah
93. According to Luke 1:14, what was John's mission?

a) To become a great king

b) To perform miracles

c) To turn the hearts of the fathers to their children

d) To bring prosperity to the land

94. How did Zechariah respond to the angel's message in Luke 1:18?

a) He rejoiced and praised God

b) He doubted and questioned the angel's words

c) He immediately believed and obeyed

d) He ran away in fear

95. Where was Zechariah when the angel appeared to him, as mentioned in Luke 1:8?

a) In his home

b) By the river

c) In the temple

d) In the marketplace

96. What was Zechariah doing when the angel appeared to him, according to Luke 1:8?

a) Praying

b) Sleeping

c) Eating

d) Working
97. What was Zechariah's initial reaction to seeing the angel, according to Luke 1:12?

a) He was filled with joy

b) He was terrified and overcome with fear

c) He doubted the angel's words

d) He greeted the angel warmly

98. What message did the angel convey to Zechariah concerning his prayer in Luke 1:13?

a) It has been answered

b) It has been ignored

c) It will be answered in the future

d) It is impossible to fulfill

99. What did the angel promise concerning Elizabeth's conception in Luke 1:13?

a) She will conceive a daughter

b) She will conceive a son

c) She will not conceive

d) She will conceive twins

100. What name did the angel instruct Zechariah to give to his son, as stated in Luke 1:13?

a) John

b) Jesus

c) David

d) Elijah

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