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Developing Effective Online Learning Strategies for

Top Link Global College Incorporated Diploma Instructors

A Capstone Project
Presented to
Dr. Lulu Diamante,
Faculty of the Graduate School
Araullo University
PHINMA Education Network
Cabanatuan City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for Methods of Research


Arjay A. Maniego

*(Proposal / Chapters 1 & 2 Only)*

Chapter I

The Problem and Review of Related Literature


In the ever-evolving realm of higher education, online

learning has revolutionized traditional teaching methods,

offering adaptability, accessibility, and tailored learning

experiences. Top Link Global College, a renowned institution,

recognizes the importance of online learning in enriching

student education.

Top Link Global College has been recognized for

academic excellence and innovative practices by TESDA and

DepEd, solidifying its reputation as an educational

trailblazer. The integration of online learning meets the

evolving needs of its diverse student body. However,

maximizing online learning's potential requires understanding

pedagogical principles, technological needs, and support


The project examines online learning in the college

department, drawing from theoretical frameworks, research

findings, and industry insights. It aims to provide

actionable recommendations to improve the quality and

accessibility of online education. Through literature

synthesis, research, and stakeholder collaboration, the

project seeks evidence-based insights aligned with the

college's ethos.

Using qualitative and quantitative methodologies,

including surveys and interviews, the project aims to capture

diverse perspectives and experiences. By engaging with

students, faculty, and administrators, it ensures

recommendations are inclusive and tailored to the college's

This project explores online learning within the

Diploma department, aiming to enhance educational initiatives

while aligning with the institution's values.

Ultimately, this project strives to develop effective

online learning strategies for Top Link Global College,

fostering collaboration, innovation, and excellence. It aims

to empower the college to deliver exceptional educational

experiences that prepare students for success in the digital

age and beyond.

Review of Related Literature

Online learning has become increasingly prevalent in

tertiary education, driven by advancements in technology and

the need for flexible learning options. Top Link Global

College recognizes the importance of developing effective

online learning strategies to enhance student engagement,

retention, and academic success. This review aims to explore

relevant literature on online learning strategies and their

effectiveness within the tertiary education context.

In recent years, the landscape of higher education has

undergone a transformative shift with the widespread adoption

of online learning methodologies. This shift has prompted

scholars and educators to delve into the multifaceted

challenges, innovative strategies, and emerging best

practices associated with this dynamic educational paradigm.

The literature on online learning encompasses a rich tapestry

of studies spanning different regions and contexts, offering

valuable insights into the complexities and nuances of

implementing effective online learning initiatives.

Within the Philippine higher education landscape,

Santos and Cruz (2020) offer a comprehensive examination of

the challenges faced by institutions grappling with the

implementation of online learning methodologies. Their study

sheds light on issues such as limited internet connectivity,

resource constraints, and faculty resistance, which pose

significant hurdles to the seamless integration of online

learning into existing educational frameworks. Reyes and

Garcia (2019) delve into the realm of assessment practices

within Philippine universities, emphasizing the critical

importance of aligning assessment criteria with learning

objectives to promote student engagement and academic success

in online courses. Their findings underscore the need for

clear and transparent assessment guidelines to enhance the

quality of online learning experiences.

Moreover, Tan and Lim (2018) explore the intricate

dynamics of technology integration in Philippine schools and

its implications for online learning. Through surveys and

case studies, they uncover barriers such as infrastructure

limitations and teacher training needs, underscoring the

necessity of comprehensive technology integration plans to

fully harness the transformative potential of online learning

in the Philippine educational landscape.

In the article of Garrison, D. R., & Kanuka, H. (2004).

Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in

higher education. Internet and Higher Education, 7(2), 95-

105, they have explored the concept of blended learning, which

combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online

components in HEI’s and Diploma Courses. Understanding

blended learning can inform Top Link Global College's

approach to integrating online learning into its tertiary


Venturing beyond the Philippine context, research from

the United States offers additional perspectives on online

learning practices and trends. Smith and Johnson (2020)

conduct a thorough review of effective strategies for online

student engagement, identifying key factors that influence

student success in online courses. Their study provides

valuable insights into promoting active learning,

interaction, and collaboration among online learners. Brown

and Davis (2019) delve into faculty perspectives on online

learning within US higher education institutions, shedding

light on opportunities, challenges, and best practices for

educators navigating the digital frontier. Through surveys

and interviews, they explore faculty attitudes towards online

teaching, technological proficiency, pedagogical strategies,

and professional development needs, informing institutional

efforts to support faculty in delivering quality online


Furthermore, Martinez and Miller (2018) offer a

comparative analysis of assessment strategies across US

higher education institutions, highlighting effective

practices that contribute to student success in online

courses. Their study underscores the importance of promoting

assessment literacy and improving the quality of assessment

processes in online learning environments. Thompson and

Wilson (2017) provide insights into current trends and future

directions in technology integration in online learning

within the US higher education context. Through a literature

review and expert interviews, they identify emerging

technologies and innovative practices that are reshaping

online education, offering valuable guidance for institutions

seeking to stay at the forefront of technology-enhanced


Reading through Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (2012).

Distance education: A systems view of online learning.

Cengage Learning, this book provides insights into the design

and implementation of online learning systems, emphasizing

the role of technology in facilitating effective distance

education. Top Link Global College can leverage these

insights to integrate educational technologies into its

online learning environment.

In addition to these comprehensive reviews, recent

research articles offer nuanced perspectives on specific

aspects of online learning. Wang and Li (2020) explore best

practices in online course design gleaned from Asian

universities, while Kim and Tanaka (2019) delve into

strategies for enhancing student engagement in online

learning environments. Garcia and Nguyen (2018) conduct a

comparative analysis of assessment strategies in online

learning, providing practical recommendations for improving

assessment processes. Patel and Wu (2017) review current

trends and future directions in technology integration,

offering insights into emerging technologies and practices

shaping the field. Finally, Li and Singh (2016) examine

strategies for promoting equity and inclusion in online

learning, underscoring the importance of supporting diverse

student populations and creating inclusive learning

environments online.

Picciano discusses the importance of comprehensive

student support services in online education in Picciano, A.

G. (2017). Online education: Foundations, planning, and

pedagogy. Routledge, including academic advising, tutoring,

and technical support. Top Link Global College can benefit

from implementing robust support services to enhance the

online learning experience for its tertiary students.

Siemens proposes connectivism as a learning theory

suited to the digital age, emphasizing the importance of

networks and connections in learning. This theory can inform

Top Link Global College's pedagogical approach to online

learning in Siemens, G. (2005). Connectivism: A learning

theory for the digital age. International Journal of

Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2(1), 3-10.

Studies have shown that well-designed online learning

strategies can lead to positive learning outcomes, including

improved academic achievement, critical thinking skills, and

knowledge retention. Effective assessment practices and

timely feedback mechanisms are essential for measuring and

enhancing learning outcomes in online courses. Research also

indicates that student engagement is a critical factor in

online learning success. Strategies such as active

participation, interactive assignments, and personalized

feedback contribute to increased engagement and motivation

among online learners. Effective online learning environments

require robust student support services, including online

tutoring, academic advising, and technical support. These

services help address students' diverse needs and promote

their academic success and well-being in online courses. The

integration of educational technologies plays a crucial role

in supporting online learning. Learning management systems

(LMS), multimedia resources, and communication tools enable

instructors to deliver content, facilitate discussions, and

provide feedback in virtual classrooms.

Collectively, this body of literature contributes to

a deeper understanding of the challenges, strategies, and

opportunities associated with online learning, providing

valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and

institutions as they navigate the complexities of this

rapidly evolving educational landscape.


1.1 Age; Proposed action
1.2 Gender;
1.3Educational plan in Developing
1.4 Seminars and Effective Online
✓ Prevalent
Trainings in Teaching
or instructional design Practices Learning
experience; ✓ Perceived Strategies for Top
1.5 Specialization in benefits
online education; Link Global
1.6 Years of
experience in
College Tertiary
integrating technology College
into teaching?
Definition of Terms

Online Learning: Refers to the mode of education delivered

primarily or entirely through digital platforms and

technologies, allowing students to access course materials,

participate in discussions, and complete assignments


Blended Learning: A pedagogical approach that combines

traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning

components, offering students a mix of in-person interactions

and virtual learning experiences.

Connectivism: A learning theory that emphasizes the

significance of networks and connections in the learning

process, particularly in the digital age, where information

is abundant and rapidly changing.

Pedagogical Approaches: Refers to the methods, strategies,

and theories employed by educators to facilitate learning and

promote student engagement in online educational settings.

Educational Technology: The integration of digital tools,

resources, and platforms into the teaching and learning

process to enhance instruction, facilitate collaboration, and

support student learning outcomes.

Student Support Services: Resources and assistance provided

to students to support their academic, personal, and

professional development, including but not limited to

academic advising, tutoring, counseling, and technical


Distance Education: A method of education where students and

instructors are physically separated, often relying on

technology-mediated communication and instructional delivery

methods to facilitate learning at a distance.

Curriculum: It refers to TESDA and CHED objectives for all

year and grade level for the whole school year.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the implementation of

effective online learning strategies in tertiary education

institutions. Specifically, it seeks to address the

following inquiries:

1. How may the profile of educators and instructional

designers involved in developing online learning strategies

be described in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Educational background;

1.4 Seminars and Trainings in Teaching or instructional

design experience;
1.5 Specialization in online education;

1.6 Years of experience in integrating technology into


2. How may the prevalent practices employed by educators

and instructional designers in developing and implementing

online learning strategies?

3. How may the perceived benefits associated with the

adoption and utilization of effective online learning

strategies in tertiary education?

4. What proposed action plan may be recommended for

enhancing the integration of online learning strategies

into the curriculum and instructional practices?

This study goals to explore the practices, benefits,

and challenges associated with the implementation of online

learning strategies in tertiary education settings. By

examining the profiles of educators and instructional

designers, as well as their practices and perceived

benefits, insights can be gained into the factors

influencing the development and adoption of effective

online learning strategies. Additionally, the proposed

action plan aims to provide recommendations for curricular

enrichment and the enhancement of online learning

experiences for TLGCI College students.

Significance of the Study

Administrators: The findings of this study may offer

administrators valuable insights into the needs and

requirements for developing effective online learning

strategies at TLGCI. By understanding the best practices

identified in this research, administrators can make

informed decisions and allocate resources to enhance the

quality of online education, ultimately contributing to the

improvement of the institution's academic programs and

student outcomes.

Educators and Instructional Designers: This study may serve

as a comprehensive guide for educators and instructional

designers seeking to implement effective online learning

strategies. By identifying and analyzing best practices,

educators can enhance their instructional methods and

delivery approaches to better engage students and promote

successful learning outcomes in online environments. The

results of this study can empower educators to adapt their

teaching techniques and incorporate innovative strategies

that align with the needs and preferences of online

Students: The findings of this study are beneficial for

students as they can experience improved learning

experiences through the implementation of effective online

learning strategies. By participating in courses that

utilize these best practices, students can enjoy enhanced

engagement, interaction, and accessibility to educational

resources, leading to improved academic performance and

satisfaction with their online learning experiences.

Additionally, students can develop valuable digital

literacy skills that are essential for success in today's

digital age.

Researchers: The insights generated from this study can

contribute to the existing body of knowledge on online

education and serve as a valuable resource for researchers

interested in exploring the development and implementation

of effective online learning strategies. By building upon

the findings of this research, future studies can delve

deeper into specific aspects of online education, examine

different instructional approaches, and explore the impact

of emerging technologies on teaching and learning in

virtual environments.

Scope and Limitation

This study aims to investigate the development and

implementation of effective online learning strategies at

Top Link Global College (TLGC) among senior high and college

respondents. Specifically, the study seeks to achieve the

following objectives:

1.Determine the demographic characteristics of educators

and instructional designers involved in developing and

implementing online learning strategies, including age,

gender, educational background, teaching or instructional

design experience, specialization in online education, and

years of experience in integrating technology into


2. Identify prevalent practices employed by educators and

instructional designers in developing and implementing

online learning strategies at TLGC.

3. Explore the perceived benefits associated with the

adoption and utilization of effective online learning

strategies in the context of TLGC.

4. Propose an action plan for enhancing the integration

of online learning strategies into the curriculum and

instructional practices at TLGC.

The respondents of the study will include a diverse

sample of educators and instructional designers from TLGC's

senior high and college departments. The study will employ

qualitative research methods, including interviews and

focus group discussions, to gather data from a purposive

sample of participants.

Limitations of the study include the exclusive focus

on the senior high and college departments at TLGC, which

may restrict the generalizability of the findings to

broader educational contexts. Additionally, the sample size

of respondents could be limited due to logistical

constraints and the availability of participants for

interviews and focus group discussions. Accessing detailed

information about educators' and instructional designers'

backgrounds and experiences may pose challenges,

potentially impacting the depth of the analysis. Moreover,

the study's findings may be influenced by respondent bias

or social desirability bias, as participants may provide

responses they perceive as favorable or acceptable.

Furthermore, the study will not explore the perspectives of

students or other stakeholders involved in online learning

at TLGC, as it solely focuses on educators and instructional




Research Design

To fulfill the objectives of our study, we adopted a

mixed-methods research design, combining qualitative and

quantitative approaches. This comprehensive approach

allowed us to thoroughly investigate online learning

practices, challenges, and opportunities within Top Link

Global College. By integrating multiple methodologies, we

gained a nuanced understanding of the phenomenon under

investigation, enriching the depth and breadth of our


Data Collection Procedures

Qualitative Data Collection

I, the researcher, will conduct in-depth interviews

with key stakeholders, including students, faculty members,

and administrative personnel, using a semi-structured

format to capture rich, detailed insights into their

perceptions, experiences, and attitudes towards online

learning. Audio recordings ensured accuracy, and verbatim

transcriptions facilitated thematic analysis.

Quantitative Data Collection

The researcher’s quantitative data will be collected

through comprehensive surveys administered to students

enrolled in online courses within the College Department of

Top Link Global College. These surveys will capture

demographic information, perceptions, and satisfaction

levels regarding various aspects of online learning.

Responses were anonymized to ensure confidentiality, and

statistical software facilitated analysis.

Data Analysis

Qualitative Data Analysis

Thematic analysis will be employed to analyze the

qualitative data obtained from in-depth interviews.

Systematic coding and categorization of transcripts

identified recurring themes, patterns, and insights related

to online learning practices and experiences. The emergent

themes were interpreted and synthesized to generate

meaningful findings and recommendations.

Quantitative Data Analysis

For the quantitative analysis, there will be an

employed stratified random sampling method to ensure

representation across various demographic groups.

Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were

conducted to summarize demographic information, survey

responses, and identify relationships between variables.

These findings were interpreted alongside qualitative

insights for a comprehensive understanding.

Ethical Considerations

Throughout the research process, ethical

considerations will be prioritized to protect participants'

rights and confidentiality. Informed consent was obtained

from all participants, and measures were implemented to

safeguard privacy and anonymity. The research adhered to

ethical guidelines outlined by institutional review boards

and professional associations.

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