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使用教材:龍騰版 高中英語教材 第七課:TED Talks: Spreading Ideas for a Better World

Terminal objective:
 學生能根據 TED Talks 中所提及議題中的問題找尋相關網絡資料,並提出解決辦法
Enabling objectives:
 學會運用 SQ3R
 了解可信資料所必備的條件
 透過分組討論閱讀講者講稿找出其議題核心問題為何,並找出關鍵字
 透過分組畫心智圖方式將關鍵字做討論及聯想,並粗略列出其核心問題可能的解決辦法
 透過關鍵字上網搜尋相關可能文章
 利用閱讀技巧[SQ3R]辨別文章是否為所需文章
 透過確認是否具備可信資料必備條件,辨別文章可性度
 利用所蒐集的文章將解決辦法可行步驟一列點方式呈現
Listening Skills—
Terminal Objectives:
Student will be able to:
● Students are able to understand the expression of the time.
● Students are able to understand the expression in the past tense.
Speaking Skills
● Students are able to understand and respond when the key vocabulary word - time,
or sentence pattern - Past Tense is mentioned.
● The reading of recognizing time and the conversion of tenses can be practiced
orally without a textbook.
Writing Skills
Student will be able to
Use sentences with appropriate vocabulary words (e.g., half, quarter) and correct grammar
based on the context.
Reading skills:
Student will be able to:
● read the time
● identify past tense, past continuous tense
● identify the usage of to and past
Writing Skills:
Student will be able to:
● Select the correct vocabulary words (e.g., half, quarter) to fill in sentences within
a given context.
● Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs.
Reading skills:
Student will be able to:
● match literal expressions of time with numerical expressions correctly
● answer questions related to times in reading material
● arrange the events in chronological order based on the given story
specific ● insert to past to the blanks to complete the sentence appropriately
objectives Speaking Skills
Student will be able to:
● The students will be able to use the sentence patterns to communicate in life. To
be able to apply the time phrases and tense verbs discussed by the teacher or
classmates in an extended way.
● Understand the meaning of important vocabulary in the subject knowledge - How
to use Past Tense, and how to use the vocabulary and sentence patterns to
communicate with others.
● Utilize quarter, half, past, to. 1-30 minutes use "minute past / after hour, 31-59
minutes use "difference... minutes to the next hour". Practice speaking in small
● Teach by showing an animation. Moderately pause and recite sentence patterns in
the video, identify and categorize past and progressive verbs, and engage in oral
conversations with the group.
Listening Skills
Student will be able to:
● Practice the given time by using “quarter” and “half”.
● Students are able to recognize the picture of the time and choose the right picture
by hearing the description of the time. ( by doing the task of listening)
● Students are able to express the time by using “quarter” and “half”. ( though oral
● Students are able to answer the questions of the time after listening to the
description of the quarter. ( though oral assessment)
● Students are able to answer the questions and identify the timeline after hearing
words of past tense. ( though oral assessment)

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