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Chapter 51

Every morning, I woke up next to Damian, and I
recounted all the time we shared. It had been two
weeks since he ended our contract, and I became
his. That was the new clause of our agreement, if I
could even call it that.
I go back to that night he f ucked his way through my
stubborn head again and again whenever doubts
clouded my mind. But no matter how many times I
recall everything, I can’t seem to comprehend that
someone like Damian would want to be with me.
That’s just not plausible in my world, or so I thought.
I’m happy, don’t get me wrong, but the young
Millicent inside me had been screaming at the top of
her lungs, banging the cage where she’d been
locked up as she yelled, “Oh my G od: Damian has
finally noticed me!”
Despite all these doubts and overthinking. Damian
had been good to me, better than Hunter had been.
He was kind and caring, and he’d go out of his way
to show me what being his meant. He drove me to
work and picked me up after. If he’s out of town.
Riggs would be my personal chauffeur. He’d take
me to fancy restaurants, but most nights, he’d cook
dinner while I freshened up.
Don’t even get me started on our setting behind
closed doors at night. One or gasm wasn’t enough,
and he never got satisfied until my legs were
shaking in pleasure. Once I was sated, he’d tuck me
as close to his body as possible. I love everything
he’s done and still doing for me. I love it so much
that it scared me to wake up one day and realize
that everything was just a dream.
I’m still reeling from the aftermath of my breakup
with Hunter. Back then, being with Hunter felt like a
dream. History was repeating itself with Damian.
Although this one with Damian was more than a
dream, it’s a fantasy I built since I was a teenager.
And if there was one thing my relationship with
Hunter taught me, it’s that despite all the effort, love,
and care you shower them with, they won’t stay in
your life because you’re only a stopover in their
journey, a mere bump on the road. Destiny will play
its course.
And if Damian was only here for a mere stopover. I’d
try to enjoy my time with him. At least that’s what I
wanted to do, but it’s hard to keep my feelings in
check because Damian never failed to top what he
did yesterday, and I’d fall deeper each
“What’s on your mind?” Damian reached over the
console, lacing our fingers together. He lifted it to his
mouth. kissing my knuckles.
For me, it was these small gestures that mattered
the most. I couldn’t hide my smile. He could be really
sweet when he wanted to, and that smile, Go d, he
could melt my heart like butter tossed in a hot pan.
“What?” he chuckled, setting our joined hands on
top of his thigh, focusing back on the road.
“Nothing,” I said, brushing the hair out of my face.
Damian loved driving with his windows down. I used
to hate it. The wind ruined my hair, but if I could see
happy, I don’t mind combing my hair again and
“Uh-huh. Did something good happen today?” He
asked, driving over to the exit to his place. We’d
have dinner mansion tonight. Nancy wanted us over
to plan our engagement party. Yep. Despite our
busy schedule and Candi pregnancy, Nancy hasn’t
forgotten about our engagement party. She’s a
persistent one, and Mom was her personal
“Work was okay. I’ve been busy with the interview.”
With Candice nurturing a baby in her tummy, we
decided it would best to hitre a new employee to
lessen her traveling outside the city.
“Did you find an eligible candidate?”
I hummed a yes. “Three applicants passed our initial
interview. We’ll be doing a background on them, and
the final interview will be on Monday.”
Damian let go of my hand, shifting gears, then
grabbed it again. Give me their names.”
09:29 Sat, Feb 10
Chapter 51
“Why?” I asked, genuinely confused by his request..
“I will do a thorough background on them,” he
murmured nonchalantly, as though it was only
natural for him to have a say in our company.
“And why do you need to do that?” My brows
arched, unsure why we were even having this
“Just…” He glanced at me, sighing. “Just let me do
it. I just want to be sure whoever you’re hiring is not
a threat to your safety.
Bewildered, I slowly caught up with his intentions,
Between Rome and Sonja, already have enough to
worry about, and I refuse to let this hinder how I do
my job.
“You don’t have to do that,” I said, my voice taking a
business-like tone. “We know how things work in this
field. Besides, this person we’re hiring will be more
of a liaison. She will rarely be staying at the office
with us.”
The space between his eyebrows crinkled, his lips
thinning. “I’m not questioning your ability to run your
business, Millicent. I know how good you are at what
you do, but taking precautions isn’t a bad thing.”
Nibbling my lower lip. I stared at the window and
considered his suggestion. I could fight him and
make him understand that this situation cannot
dictate my life, but I also know Damian’s
persistence. Nancy might not be his biological
mother, but he sure inherited her determined streak.
“Please!” Damian squeezed my hand.
I blew out a breath, caving. “Fine. But Candice has
to agree to it, and if she does, we’re paying you.” it
Candice has to agree to it, and if she does, we’re
paying you.”
He shook his head, ready to bid an argument. I
stared at him, eyes narrowed to slits. “That’s not up
for negotiation. The bill goes to Effortless Events.”
Amused, he chuckled. “Fine. I was thinking of
different ways you could pay me.” His voice took that
husky edge.
Horrified, I gasped. “Damian!” I pulled my hand from
his hold, but he didn’t let go.
“What?” He asked, flashing me a fake innocent
As soon as he pouted, I giggled, my heart turning to
a pile of g od. “Stop that
He laughed, turning towards the street of the Black
Mansion. “Stop what?”
“That… I groaned. “Stop teasing me. And don’t you
dare do that thing you did last time we were here.”
Last weekend, his hand wandered where it
shouldn’t. He made me or gasm while having dinner
with our fan we were discreet, but Candice knew
what we were doing. She wouldn’t let go of the topic
until I pleaded guil a family dinner. She was
horrified, disgusted, and happy for me at the same
time and insisted she knew this w eventually.
“I promise I won’t do it again,” Damian said. I knew
him too well to know that a “but would follow that
sentence. him, a tingling sensation spread on my
chest as that knowing smirk stretched his lips. “But I
promise nothing a bo
you come.”
“Oh my Go d, Damian!” I breathe, slapping his
shoulder. We were still laughing about that topic
when the mansion cal into view.
My shoulders went rigid when I saw a very familiar
car parked in front of the lawn.
The first thought that came to mind was an update
about Rome. We were waiting for his trial schedule,
but isn’t this too late for a business visit? And why
Our parents were speaking with Hunter and a lady
officer. She wore the same fitted jeans and a black
tee as Hunter; her gaze
09:29 Sat, Feb 10
Chapter 51
turning razor sharp as Damian and I slid out of the
“Officer Lean,” Damian put a hand on the small of
my back as we approached their small cluster on the
walk path. “I can’t say it’s a pleasure to see you
“You and me both. Mr. Black,” Hunter said, his gaze
sweeping over Damian and me, his jaw fluttering.
Like an agile predator, Hunter’s associate
approached us, her hands resting on her sidearm
hanging by her belt as she spoke.
“Damian Black?”
“I suppose you know that already.” Damian nodded
at her co oly.
“Detective Fraser,” the woman replied, her lips
thinning, but she did an excellent job hiding her
annoyance at Damian’s hostile response.
Behind Hunter and Fraser, Erik threw an arm around
Nancy’s shoulder, drawing her to his side. Nancy’s
lips quivered as she blinked the mist from her eyes.
Mom wore that same worried look when I told her I’d
be residing in New York for good.
“You’re under arrest for the attempted murder of
Sonja Blanchet-”
“What?” I gasped, looking back at Hunter.
Damian’s hand on my back clenched. He was the
epitome of calm and collected as Detective Fraser
read him his rights.
“You have the right to remain silent-” Detective
Fraser continued
Damian.” I held his hand, holding on to him as
though he’d vanish into thin air if I didn’t hold him
“It’s fine. Millicent” He kissed my forehead. Not an
ounce of resistance from him as Detective Fraser
secured his hands with handcuffs.
My heart lodged in my throat, I watched as the lady
detective took him away and guided him towards the
back of Hunter’s car. Before my ex-fiance hopped on
the driver’s side, he looked at me; my chest got
heavy as he smirked knowingly.
SEND GIFTChapter 52
I don’t remember despising social media like this
before. Even when Natalie threw me under the bus
with that plagiarized vlog and my break up with
Hunter. I still skimmed at my accounts now and then,
answering questions and accepting endorsements.
But after Damian’s arrest. I just want to delete my
accounts and hibernate away from the internet
citizens’ prying eyes.
People these days are so opinionated. They don’t
even check the facts before they accuse Damian of
being a murderer.
Avideo of Damian manhandling’ Sonja at the cafe
spread like wildfire on social media. Part of the video
had been removed, and it was at an angle where the
viewers wouldn’t make out their facial expressions.
Whoever took the video was across the street. At
the beginning of the recording, Sonja was already
agitated. She rose from her seat, the chair almost
tumbling backward. She said something that made
the students at the table next to them look in their
direction. Then Damian said something that made
her sit down again. They talked for a bit. Sonja
handed her phone to Damian, and then the said
manhandling occurred. She was ready to storm out
of there, but Damian chased her. grabbing her arm
and whispering in her eyes before he allowed her to
walk away.
Then, last night, Sonja had been found in her car
soaking in her blood. Detective Fraser said that
Sonja called 911. She was unconscious when the
responders arrived, and they took her to the hospital
immediately and hasn’t woken up since. The video
and the series of messages and calls between
Damian and Sonja were enough to make him the
primary suspect.
I hated Fraser for arresting Damian and hated her
even more for using her authority to make Damian
look guilty. She was good at playing the good
detective act.
It could just be a coincidence that Damian and Sonja
had an argument two weeks back. But Fraser dug
deeper into Damian and Sonja’s relationship and
discovered their affair. She questioned me if I knew
about it. I kept my mouth shut as per Danny’s
suggestion. Then, Detective Fraser insisted that if
Damian didn’t try to murder Sonja, her investigation
would prove him innocent.
I don’t believe s hit of what she said. It’s f ucked up,
but we couldn’t do anything when Damian willingly
let Fraser handcuff him and led him to the back of
Hunter’s car.
Negative opinions about Damian flooded the
comment section of the video. Some speculated that
Damian didn’t want to end his relationship with
Sonja, and things got out of hand. Silverio Blanchet
had already released a statement against Damian
and his wife. He didn’t even wait for Sonja to wake
up, insisting he’d do everything in his power to both
his wife and her lover pay for their immoral
Reporters were asking for my opinion about Damian.
I had enough history with the media to know that no
come from speaking your mind to them. They would
bend your words to make a noise for their company.
There were a few who sided with him. It was a war,
and the people who favored Damian were on the
losing em twenty-four from his arrest, and people
had already judged him Trial by publicity never ends
well for either p to their reputation had already been
done, even if the court had yet to prove them
innocent or guilty.
“Nothing good will come out from watching that
video, Millie,” Candice said, setting a cup of coffee
on my table, the bellowing into the air.
I could deal with the accusation against Damian
because I know it’s not true. He’s innocent, and
whoever sent those messages and flowers to Sonja
was behind this. Damian’s refusal to see me
bothered me the most. I’m hurt by his decisio
wanted to see him. I needed to see he’s okay.
Danny and his lawyer were the only people allowed
to see him. Lasked Danny to send him a message
for me, and waiting at the mansion drove me crazy,
so I went to work.
I tossed my phone on my desk, grabbed the cup of
coffee with both hands, and let it warm my palms.
“Why won’t he let me see him, Can?” I breathe out.
She shrugged Tw
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don’t remember why bede tu?
mared the sed impe
(have to look at bet is be
was the way Thai pe the eat of the planned down
south Damian,
I concealed my die and
will smile. “I know he will but can be but won about
She sat at me, looking deep to my soul, her empat
m ong sing “You love him?
I closed my eyes and bump. This wasn’t how I
pictured selling us best frost about thing or her sey
bother, but she cost read a book, so I achmased no”
pressing a hand on
ing a web
“Oh. Millie? She mood and hugged me I never how
modest that is chest low Tears tilled m
yo at Temiraced Candice Does he know
I shook my brad no. “I do have plase tell us her
“Why”” Candice pulled away staring at a hough I sad
the rhe has felings for you, you know”
I snorted. “Did he tell you th
Although Candice might have hated Damian growing
up I know how much she’s reving for me and her
stepbrother Bet opinion, although favoring me was
still based Any observatione’s made can be coded
09:29 Sat, Feb 10
Chapter 52
“No, but I have eyes,” she rolled her eyes, sitting her
a ss on my desk as I spun around. I plucked the
document on top of the pile, resting on my desk,
browsing through it to keep my hands and eyes
busy. “I knew this fake relationship you have with
him would lead to something else from the
beginning. The way he looked at you… I knew it was
only a matter of time before someone admits what
he feels,”
I took a moment to digest Candice’s observation, but
decided not to pay mind to it.
“How Damian and I feel about each other is the least
of our priorities,” I reminded her. “We might not have
to deal with it if this case goes sideways.”
Candice was not yet ready to drop the topic. The
ringing of her phone saved me. She returned to her
desk to answer it, and I focused back on the paper I
wasn’t reading when a new notification about
Damian’s case popped onto my screen.
“Sonja Blanchet, missing, the headline of the news
update stated
09:29 Sat, Feb 10
Chapter 53
“I am on my way to the hospital to get more
information on Mr. Blancher’s whereabouts, Hunter
said over a handful of microphones thrust into his
“Is her kidnapping connected to Mr. Damian Black’s
attempted murder case?” someone from the cluster
of reporters fired at
“We will look at every angle, and rest assured, we
will leave no stones unturned until we find Mrs.
“What are you watching?” Done with her call,
Candice stood from her seat and circled to mine.
“Sonja’s missing.” I said, eyes glued to the live news
streaming on my computer.
Hunter was coming out from the precinct, and a mob
of reporters and p aparaz zi blocked his way,
trapping him in the middle of the stairs in front of the
building. This was Roslin City PD’s first case that
rang outside the state. Being an international
supermodel, Sonja attracted pa par a zzi and
international reporters to Roslin City. The horde of
scope-hungry. reporters waiting outside the doors
clearly took Hunter by surprise.
Sonja’s disappearance stirred fear and chaos
around the city. The internet had gone wild;
speculations and assumptions of what might have
happened to her sprouted like mushrooms after the
“What?” Flabbergasted, Candice frowned, pinning
her full attention to Hunter, trying to phase the
reporter’s negative. speculations against the
department. “What the hell is going on?
“I don’t know.” Fear tightened my hackles as I
listened to the news.
“Isn’t Ms. Blanchet under police protection?” A lady
reporter asked.
“She is-” Hunter’s reply was cut short by another
“Should the people of this city be worried? You can’t
even protect a high-profile individual like Ms.
Blanchet, a guy asked.
Dark clouds loomed over Hunter’s features.
Questioning his ability to do his job was a big red
flag for Hunter. His jaw ticked. piercing the guy with
a steel-melting glare. He took a moment to respond,
choosing his words carefully,
“I am on my way to the hospital and will handle this
case personally. I assure everyone that whoever is
behind this will be put behind bars. Now, if you’ll
excuse me, I have actual work to do.” He shoulder-
passed the guy. The reporter tumbled backward but
quickly gained his footing and fired up another
question, which got lost in the chaos of his
colleagues trying to get another statement from
My phone vibrated on my desk; I picked it up when
Danny’s name flashed on the screen.
“Did you give him my message?” I asked Danny, ski
pping pleasantries.
He sighed. “I did.”
“And?” My finger drummed on my desk.
“He doesn’t want to see anyone yet, Millie.” I could
hear the frown and resignation in his tone. “He
refused to see his dad,
My shoulders fell. I really need to see Damian. “How
is he?”
“He’s fine.” He didn’t need to elaborate. With
Hunter’s grudge against Damian, I fear my ex would
stoop so low and use his authority to hurt Damian.
“Damian has a message for you-” Dany grunted.
“Get out of the f ucking way!” he groaned, m uffled
car horn blowing in the background.
“Are you just coming out of the precinct?” I asked.

09:29 Sat, Feb 10
Chapter 53
“Yeah, there’s a mob of reporters in front of the
building.” he slammed his fist on the steering wheel.
“What the f uck is going on?”
“Sonja’s missing.” I informed him.
Danny cursed under his breath, murmuring a string
of profanities until the chaos finally died.
“What did Damian say?” I asked.
“He wants you to stay at the mansion for now and
have Riggs with you all the time.” Danny murmured
detachedly. He was hiding something from me, but
Danny’s loyalty to Damian was as solid as stone.
“That’s it?” I huffed, my chest clenching. I can’t put a
break on the negative thoughts going around my
head. The “what ifs are driving me crazy. What if this
was the point where Damian realized he didn’t want
me anymore? What if this was the opening he was
waiting to step out of my life? It was easy to forget
every promise Damian made when he refused to
see me.
“That’s it, Millie.” Danny sighed.
“Great, just great.” I couldn’t hide my displeasure
with this news. Then I realized Danny was a
messenger and not the one making decisions for
Damian. I sighed, losing all the enthusiasm in my
system. “I don’t get why he won’t see me, Danny.”
“Me either, but he specifically told me to make sure
Riggs is with you all the time. He meant everywhere
you go, Millie.”
I pinched my eyes shut and leaned on my seat:
Candice loomed over my desk, browsing through my
computer for more news about Sonja. She found a
live stream of Silverio Blanchet’s interview. He was
blabbering something about suing the department
for losing his wife. It seems that the officers watching
over Sonja were unconscious when the nurses went
for their rounds in Sonja’s room.
“Are you hearing this, Danny?” I asked. Although I
am hurt by Damian’s decision, we have a crucial
matter at hand.
“Yeah. I’ll head to the hospital and see what I can
gather before meeting Damian’s attorney. Maybe I
could find something there to help his case.”
It was easy to forget about other people’s struggles
when I was struggling to deal with my own feelings. I
realize the pressure to prove Damian’s innocence
rested on Danny’s shoulder.
“Keep me updated, Danny. Thank you for helping
Damian,” I said softly.
“I’m doing my job, and Damian is my brother. I will
find out who is behind this.” The determination in his
voice was unwavering.
“Keep me posted.”
“Sure. Remember what Damian asked.”
“I will.”
“He still won’t see you?” Candice asked, standing
tall with her arms folded in the middle.
I hummed a yes, rolling my shoulders. My muscles
were growing rigid with each passing hour Damian
spent inside the precinct, and Sonja’s
disappearance only added to the weight on my
shoulders. Detective Fraser said she was barely
alive. when the responders to her 911 brought her to
the hospital. And now she’s missing? Did someone
really kidnap her?
“Do you
think Damian Black has something to do with your
wife’s disappearance?” one reporter asked Silverio.
This was a live stream from the airport where
Silverio had just arrived. I counted ten in his security
detail, all tanker-bodied and
I don’t know what I expected about Sonja’s husband,
but definitely not this guy. He was old enough to be
my grandfather, with a balding head and a beer
belly. Although he wore a custom-made suit, I still
can’t picture Sonja falling in love with this guy. He
reeked of bad news. He reminds me of those power-
hungry characters in movies. Rich and famous, yet
no one mattered to them apart from themselves.
Then I remembered what Damian had told me:
Sonja had married Silverio for his money. Since they
were using each other. I guess getting married was
a win-win for both parties.
Sat, Feb
Chapter 53
Silverio lifted a cigarette to his lips, lighting it.
“They’ve been making a fool of me for years, so I
wouldn’t be surprised if Damian is behind Sonja’s
disappearance. She’s the sole witness who could tell
what he’d done to her.”
“How do you feel about this situation, Sir? Are you
worried about your wife’s safety? Her life could be in
danger right now.”
He took a long pull of his cigarette, blowing the
smoke at the reporter’s face. “Worried?” he frowned.
“Is that even a question? Of course. I’m worried
about my wife.”
The reporters surely weren’t expecting his response.
His last interview contains nothing but hatred
towards Sonja. Silence fell on their cluster before
another one threw a question at Silverio. “In your
last interview, you said you don’t care what happens
to Ms. Blanchet.”
Offended, he stared at the guy who asked that
question, “I was hurt by what she did, but I love my
wife, so I’m willing to overlook her mistakes and start
over. In fact, I am here to take her home. And with
my wife’s disappearance, it seems that Roslin City
PD couldn’t do their job properly. I will use all my
resources to find her
He had no shame. He didn’t even bat an eyelash
while challenging the police department’s ability to
find his wife. Looking straight into the camera, his
gaze made me shiver in my seat. He appeared
harmless and caring, but I could see the lingering
threat in his dark eves.
“Sonja, my lovely wife. If you are watching this, I will
exhaust all my resources to find you, and to whoever
kidnapped her. I will find you, and I will make sure
you know whose wife you just threatened.”
His security moved to make way for Silverio through
the crowd. One reporter tried to ask another
question, but the nearest guy from Silverio’s
entourage gripped his collar and threw the reporter
on the airport floor like a rag doll. Fear vibrated from
the people around them, and no one tried to follow
Silverio again.
။Chapter 54
If Sonja hadn’t gone missing under police protection,
I would’ve fought Damian’s insistence on having
Riggs follow me everywhere. He refused to let me
see him, for crying out loud! And he wanted me to
follow his request like an unbreakable rule? I want to
make things difficult for him, too, but then I
understand it’s for my safety.
While I was meeting with the catering service for
Constance’s wedding, Riggs sat a few tables away,
nursing a cup of coffee. Riggs easily blended in with
the crowd, dressed in a simple vintage gray tee and
fitted jeans. I’m glad he doesn’t carry a gun with him.
He said it was Damian’s instruction to make me feel
less agitated about having a bodyguard. It gave me
a sense of normalcy.
When Ce spent a weekend here in Roslin City, she
enjoyed the food at Crave Boulevard, owned by
Felicity Adams.
Setting my dislike for Felicity aside, I sat across from
her, tasting the food she cooked for this meeting,
We just finished tasting the classic shrimp coc ktail,
hot artichoke & red pepper dip, and deviled eggs.
While waiting for the salads, I scribbled my
suggestions in my notebook.
“So, how are you doing?” Making small
conversations with Felicity about my personal life
wasn’t part of my plan. I still remember how my lies
exploded into chaos the night of the reunion. She
kept pushing and pushing until all I could do was spit
lies to save myself from public humiliation.
“I’m fine.” I answered, eyes laser-focused at my
“I wouldn’t if I were in your shoes, Imagine Damian
and Sonja? I get that she’s pretty and all, but she’s
married!” Scandalized, she pressed a hand on her
I know she was delving for a reaction, and I should
keep my cool. But her tone turned my frown to a
glower. I focused on my notes, trying to remember
what I was writing again. “Don’t believe everything
you read online, Felicity. None of those people
spoke to Damian or Sonja. Their accusations are
based on hearsay, and their personal assumption
doesn’t count.”
She leaned forward, crossing her arms on the table.
“Did you know about it, though?” She pressed,
hunting for more
Lifting my head from my notebook, I met Felicity’s
prying eyes. She had her hair in big curls today, her
lips coated with red lip gloss, and huge gold bangles
dangling from her ears. Dressed in gold glittering
tulle, I recognize it from Chanel’s latest runway
collection. It costs more than my monthly salary, and
I just wish that Felicity would ask sophisticated
questions like how she dresses up.
“Whatever his past with Sonja might or might not
have been is none of my concern. He never cheated
on me, Felicity,” I said nonchalantly. “All I know is
that Damian is being accused of something he didn’t
Felicity nibbled her lower lip, wanting to press more
on the matter, but the servers came with two plates
of salads.
“Constance loved your green garden salads,” I said,
swerving from our current topic and continuing to jot
down my notes. “Can we proceed with the entrees?”
I smiled sweetly at Felicity.
“Sure.” She instructed the server to bring out the
“Thanks.” I said, then a familiar face caught my
attention as the servers left.
Natalie. She was at the bar, not as a customer but
wiping the counters. I looked away when she turned
in my direction. I hadn’t seen Natalie since the
reunion. I’ve also unfollowed her social media
accounts, but the drastic physical change in her
appearance surprised me. She lost weight, and I
could see the trouble in her eyes even at this
“Natalie?” Felicity followed my line of sight, waving at
her friend She’s struggling with money again.”
“I don’t wanna hear it, Felicity,” I said bluntly..
Felicity raised her hand. “Alright… geez, you don’t
have to be so pr ickly. I’m just trying to make a
09:30 Sat, Feb 10 M.
Chapter 54
I sighed, guilty of Felicity’s accusation. Just a pinch,
though. She goes with the same tactics she did at
the reunion. She knows how to push my buttons.
“Sorry.” I said and rubbed my temple, allowing
Felicity to glimpse what I felt. “I’m just trying to focus
on work right now.”
fiance is
Felicity reached over the table for my soda water
and handed it to me. “You’re stressed out; I would
be too if being accused of attempting to murder his
ex-lover.” No matter the situation, I would always be
cagey around Felicity.
~Thanks. Accepting the water, I took a small sip,
looking back at Natalie. She was speaking to a
customer and started tending to his order. “Why is
Natalie working in your restaurant?”
I was both curious and concerned about Natalie. Her
mom died when we were in junior year, and her dad
wasn’t really fond of her. She was alone, and
hearing her struggle financially again made me less
antagonistic toward her. She was in this same
situation when she came to me for help.
“She’s not doing well,” Felicity mumbled. “She hadn’t
had any endorsement offers for the last two months,
been living in her car when I saw her two weeks
ago, so I offered her a job. She’s staying in one of
the quarters upstairs.”
“What? What about Hunter?”
Felicity shrugged. “Don’t know. She’s still wearing
your engagement ring, so maybe they’re just
fighting.” My body went stiff, “Don’t look so
surprised. I know about the ring. I saw it in one of
your posts before. I’m surprised you didn’t call her
out at the reunion, actually.”
“There’s no use in making a scene about a ring I
throw on my ex-fiance’s face. I threw it away for a
reason. There was no need to hide that from Felicity
now. Was she really that obsessed with me, or just a
keen observer? I guess I’ll never know.
Shaking her head, Felicity’s lips pursed. If I were in
Natalie’s shoes, I wouldn’t accept someone else’s
ring. My G od,” she lowered her voice, her eyes
sweeping on the tables next to ours for
eavesdroppers. “What kind of life would a man offer
you if he couldn’t even buy you a ring?”
She had a point. The price doesn’t matter, but the
intention does
When the server brought the entrees, roasted prime
rib, and grilled chicken, Felicity quickly shifted to
business mode. “What you have is bone-in prime rib.
If Constance wants it boneless, we could also do
that, though this one will be better. It’s our most
requested wedding entrée.”
I cut through the meat and took a small bite; the
flavors exploded in my pallet, making me moan. “I
get why,” I said, jotting down what Felicity had said.
“Thanks,” she said and moved to the grilled chicken.
“This is fireman chicken. The secret is in the
marinate,” s as I cut through my chicken. It was
moist inside, and the flavors of the marinate stuck
through the meat.
“This is really good, Felicity” Although we don’t see
eye to eye on things. I am not shy about giving
compliments they’re due.
“Thank you, I’m very hands-on with our menu, so
don’t hate me if I’m soaking in your compliment,” she
murmured proudly. She deserved it.
Our meeting went smoothly after that. At the end of
my note, I put down a reminder to tell Candice about
Felicity cateri for Georgina’s wedding anniversary.
I’d say this was a dull, typical day at work until I went
to the ladies’ room to freshen u before leaving
After doing my business in the cubicle, I was
stunned to see Natalie standing by the counter,
washing her hands. Shutting her presence out of my
head had proven to be impossible. She was
watching me the entire time I was washing my
I met her eyes in the mirror. She looked thinner up
close, her black Crave Boulevard uniform made her
pale skin stand out. Her eyes lost their sparkle, and
her frown lines were more profound. When the ring
on her finger caught the overhead lights, I was
reminded why I cut all my connections with her.
Like a butterfly effect, it all came rushing back to me.
The sympathy I felt quickly vanished. I sucked back
to the day I found her f ucking Hunter. The anger,
the pain, and the humiliation.

09:30 Sat, Feb 10 M.
Chapter 54
Wordlessly, I plucked a paper towel from the rack,
dried my hands, and tossed it in the bin. I took out
my lip gloss and slid it over my lips. Natalie stood
beside me as though waiting for me to talk to her
first. I had no heart to speak to her ever again. Her
betrayal still stings, so I continued my business and
gathered my things.
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” Natalie
spoke when I reached for the door handle.
“What?” Then I felt it, the painful flow of current on
my body, until I dropped to the floor. My body went
numb. I couldn’t feel anything, even the floor against
my face. My last memory was of a guy looming over
me before everything went dark.

Chapter 55
“What the hell?” I murmured when Gian walked into
the interrogation room
My transfer from the holding cell to this isolated
room was f ucking strange from the beginning. They
locked me up with seven other people when they
took me into custody. Once Detective Fraser
uncuffed me and left, the men inside the cell ganged
up on me, hence the bruises all over my body.
It’s the same reason I didn’t want Millicent or any of
my family to see me. They’ll worry about my safety. I
could handle a beating. I’ve handled more in the last
couple of years, but seeing Millicent distraught and
worrying for my safety, that’s something I don’t think
I could deal with, especially when I’m behind bars.
“Is that a new trend?” Gian drew a circle over his
face, his eyes counting all the purple bruises visible
on my arms.
There was dried blood on my shirt, and from the
painful pulsing on my chest, I might have a broken
“The f uck are you doing here?” The interrogation
room had a long table in the middle, two metal
chairs, and a huge one- way mirror covering one
wall. They gave me water and didn’t secure my hand
in cuffs. I prepared myself for the worst, but this was
definitely an unexpected plot twist.
Gian dragged the empty chair from the table and
plonked his a ss on it; his assertive eyes made me
“Wrong question,” he said, taking out a cigarette
pack, lighter, and a packet of chewing gum from his
jacket pocket and setting it on the table. His leather
jacket, black shirt, faded jeans, and boots reminded
me of an undercover spy agent in movies. Even the
way Gian carried himself inside the room felt like
he’d done this before.
“It’s past visiting hours, and I specifically requested
not to let anyone visit me except for my assistant
and attorney.” I murmured, refusing to cave under
his intimidating gaze. I crossed my arms, my lips
curled when pain shot through my left side.
I definitely have a broken rib. F ucking hell.
Tongue pressed into the inside of my cheeks. I
continued. “You’re not a police officer, not a legal
counsel. Again, what the f uck are you doing here?”
Each encounter I had with Gian made me more
intrigued by his true identity. His appearance here
shuffled the puzzle pieces I’ve put in place from
Mon’s investigation, generating more riddles I
needed to solve.
He has the influence a regular citizen does not have.
He is above the law, or he has someone inside the
Roslin City Police Department, but the question still
remains: why is he here?
“You’re not asking the right questions.” Stretching
his arms forward, he lit a stick from the cigarette
pack. Drawing a huge breath, he blew it out, the
scent of burning tobacco filling the room.
“I don’t have time for your games,” I said
He laughed, trapping the cigarette with his thumb
and forefinger and setting it down on the ashtray.
Smoke danced upward from the cigarette as Gian’s
laughter died down, “If you don’t change your
tactics, all you’ll ever have is time to digest how you
messed up this chance, Damian Black.”
My jaw fluttered. I hate that he was right. He holds
the upper hand, and I need to play it cool and play
my cards right. “How is Millicent doing?”
From the look on his face, that was still the wrong
question. He looked stunned, amused. I’m glad one
of us finds this situation amusing, not. “I’m here
because of her.”
Agitated, I groaned. I know she wanted to see me.
Hell, I wanted to see her. I f u cking missed her, but I
didn’t expect her to ask for Gian’s help. She knew
how much I despised this man. My conversation with
him about the photos he gave Millicent was long
overdue. Then it hit me.
09:30 Sat, Feb
n I was talking to Scena.” Inusiped mind to you I mu
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