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Version 2017.2.38
Avocet Production Operations Software 2017.2.38

Copyright notice
Copyright © 2020 Sensia. All rights reserved.
This work contains the confidential and proprietary trade secrets of Sensia and may not be
copied or stored in an information retrieval system, transferred, used, distributed,
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Sensia, the Sensia logotype, and other words or symbols used to identify the products and
services described herein are either trademarks, trade names or service marks of Sensia
and its licensors or are the property of their respective owners. These marks may not be
copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the express prior written permission
of Sensia. In addition, covers, page headers, custom graphics, icons, and other design

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elements may be service marks, trademarks, and/or trade dress of Sensia, and may not be
copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without the express prior written permission
of Sensia. Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective
Avocet® is a mark of Sensia.
An asterisk (*) is used throughout this document to designate other marks of Sensia.

Security Notice
The software described herein is configured to operate with at least the minimum
specifications set out by Sensia. You are advised that such minimum specifications are
merely recommendations and not intended to be limiting to configurations that may be used
to operate the software. Similarly, you are advised that the software should be operated in
a secure environment whether such software is operated across a network, on a single
system and/or on a plurality of systems. It is up to you to configure and maintain your
networks and/or system(s) in a secure manner. If you have further questions as to
recommendations regarding recommended specifications or security, please feel free to
contact your local Sensia representative.

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Avocet Production Operations Software 2017.2.38

Contact us ...................................................................................................................... 3
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 4
System requirements .................................................................................................. 4
What’s new in Avocet 2017.2.38 ................................................................................... 5
Resolved issues .............................................................................................................. 6
Known issues ................................................................................................................. 7
Documentation ............................................................................................................. 12
Link to Avocet Help ...................................................................................................... 13

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Avocet Production Operations Software 2017.2.38

Contact us
Technical support
The Software Integrated Solutions (SIS) Support Portal ( provides a single online
location for all your support needs. Within the Support Portal you can quickly search a vast knowledge base for the
answers you need, participate with your peers in discussion forums, and receive the latest news about SIS products
and services. All support requests are entered into the SIS Customer Care Center incident tracking system, where
they are resolved by local support staff.
For times when you need to speak with a support specialist, contact numbers are provided for your local support
center on the following web location:
You can also submit support requests via e-mail at

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Avocet Production Operations Software 2017.2.38

This document describes new features and product enhancements, as well as resolved and known issues, in Avocet

System requirements
Avocet 2017.2.38 is compatible with the following SIS Unified Computing Environment (SUCE) specifications:

Operating Systems

Windows client (64-bit) Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows Server Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)


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Oracle Oracle 19c Enterprise edition

MS SQL Server SQL Server 2019


Vendor Daemon slbsls. slbsls supports both the slbfd and Imgrd license managers.

Client Schlumberger Licensing 2020.1, with FlexNet or later


Browser Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome v41 or later

MS Office MS Office 365

C++ Runtime Visual Studio 2019

.NET Common Language NET CLR 4.6 and .NET 4.8 with System CLR Types for SQL Server 2017
Runtime (.NET CLR) (64-bit)

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Avocet Production Operations Software 2017.2.38

What’s new in Avocet 2017.2.38

The following table provides a high-level summary of the new and updated features.
Feature Description
Database copy tool Added a new feature in Avocet config tools to transfer data from one database1 to another

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Currently supported only when the source and destination database are on premise

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Resolved issues
The following issues were recorded in Avocet versions 2017.2 and earlier and have been resolved in Avocet 2017.2.38.
ID Description
155904 Linked hierarchy downtime freezes when the “Unselected All” button is clicked

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Avocet Production Operations Software 2017.2.38

Known issues
The following issues affect Avocet 2017.2.38 and will be resolved in the future releases.

ID Description
OFM Crashes with OFM on Oracle Instance if Oracle client is not installed on the machine
While building OFM project from Avocet when OFM schema is also present in Oracle, OFM will crash if Oracle
client is not installed on the machine.
WORKAROUND: To avoid this crash either install Oracle client on the machine OR Save the OFM project file from
Avocet and open it separately. Opening it separately will give a proper error message indicating the absence of
Oracle client on the machine.

(iOS) - User is unable to open the transaction on periodic screen while creating the multiple records in
a day

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When a second record is created and saved for a periodic screen, this record collapses and the user is not able to
view the record details
WORKAROUND: Either tap the back button and navigate back to the periodic screen OR if you are in online mode
tap on the refresh button on the record to view the details

114267 Avocet grids don’t display properly in 2017

122833 Allocation Export does not support sub second data

Avocet upgrade failed from 2013 to 2017.2

While upgrading Avocet 2013 to 2017.2 the upgrade fails with errors while generating stored procedures. Error
message displayed is “SP generation failed for transaction <TRANSACTION_TYPE>: Cannot drop type
139795 '<TRANSACTION_TYPE>’ because it is being referenced by object 'SP_<TRANSACTION_TYPE>'. There may be
other objects that reference this type”
WORKAROUND: Manually drop all the existing stored procedures on the database starting with SP_* and then
re-run the upgrade

Well Schematic View: Method not found exception.

90500 While importing WITSML, that contain components which are not present as part of the standard Avocet
component list, one may face the above-mentioned error. Removing such components from the WITSML file
manually before importing resolves the issue.

(iOS) Application crashes with invalid screen configuration

If you are using the Mobile app version 1.4 or earlier and if the web service is upgraded then, new screen
108285 configuration definitions are pushed to the app and the mobile app crashes.
WORKAROUND: Upgrade to the latest mobile app from the app store before collecting data.

96042 (iOS) Save button is disabled when previous date transaction is edited.

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This occurs while entering data for one item for multiple days. If user taps on the Save button for one day, and
then entire records captured for the items are saved, and the Save button is disabled. This behavior is like desktop

(iOS) When application is denied using mobile data, it still shows mode as online when Wi-Fi is off.
This scenario occurs when the mobile data is turned off in iOS through the settings under Mobile Data >Avocet
96228 Mobile >Turn Off the toggle button.

WORKAROUND: Use the Work Offline toggle button available in the app on the login screen and in the settings
menu inside the app to work offline.

(iOS) When application is denied using mobile data (offline mode), the saved record falls back to the
original after refresh (not sync).
This scenario occurs when the mobile data is turned off in iOS through the settings under Mobile Data>Avocet
96229 Mobile>Turn Off the Toggle button. Currently, refresh is not supported in the offline mode but since the app is put
in offline mode using the mobile data option, the offline mode is not detected.

WORKAROUND: Use the Work Offline toggle button available in the app on the login screen and in the settings
menu inside the app to work offline.

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(iOS) When application is denied using mobile data, it does not launch in offline mode if WIFI is off.
This scenario occurs when the mobile data is turned off in iOS through the settings under Mobile Data >Avocet
96231 Mobile >Turn Off the Toggle button.
WORKAROUND: Use the Work Offline toggle button available in the app on the login screen and in the settings
menu inside the app to work offline.

(iOS) In offline liquid ticket with the same ticket number for the same date gets saved and
intermittently syncs as well.
When the App is in offline mode and the ticket number of an existing ticket is updated to a ticket number which is
already used for that date for that tank, the above behavior is observed.

Unable to add comments to allocation network diagrams

60772 You are unable to add comments to allocation network diagrams in the Diagram Editor if, in the security editor, you
disable the delete function for the types DIAG_NODE and DIAG_NOTE.

Erroneous prompt during the Avocet launch

When doing a command-line launch of Avocet in context and if the license server file path is not specified in the
<license> </license> tag of the AppConfig.xml file, then you receive a prompt asking you to enter the license file
62283 path. It erroneously says that you can enter the license file path in the Login dialog.

WORKAROUND: Enter the license server file path in the <license> </license> tag of the AppConfig.xml file, and
relaunch Avocet in context.

Incorrectly updated Duration field

62433 On the Well Test screen (Field Data > Well Reading > Well Test), the Duration field is incorrectly updated
when the Actions > Recalculate Screen and Actions > Recalculate History options are invoked.

When you upgrade from earlier Avocet versions to 2016.1, the new Ad Hoc Reports node is not created in the
Navigation Tree. Instead, the now deprecated Ad Hoc Reports Viewer node still displays in the Navigation Tree.

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This issue does not occur when you install on a fresh database.

Read-only user can execute processes.

62474 The read-only user can execute processes, such as calculations and allocations, from any process screen in

Inaccurate data in the Connection Manager screen

In the Connection Manager screen, the Tools > Preview Data feature does not display data accurately within the
specified date range.

WORKAROUND: In the Connection Manager screen, specify this SQL query in the Data query text pane:
SELECT [ID],[MyDateISO],[Value]
FROM [Datazf1$]

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Correct recalculations not performed in Tank Ticket screen.
In the Tank Ticket screen, accessed from the Field Data > Inventories and Transfers > Liquid Ticket node, the
62685 Actions > Recalculate Screen and Actions > Recalculate History features do not always perform the correct
recalculations when the incremental unit or incremental volume property is updated in the corresponding tank Item
edit screen under the Wells and Facilities node.

Child nodes of the diagram not copied to Excel.

63728 In the Diagram Editor (Calculation and Allocation > Diagram), when you choose Edit > Versions > Version Changes
and click Export to Excel in Collapse All mode, the child nodes of the diagram are not copied to Excel.

BatchHost process exception error.

When you run BatchHost.exe from the command line without setting your license server or license file definition in
the <license> </license> tag of the AppConfig.xml file, the BatchHost process exits with an exception error.
WORKAROUND: On the open screen, click the Process Monitor button to display the Process Monitor pane.

Process Monitor pane doesn’t display

The Process Monitor pane that monitors the application server process does not automatically display when you
open and switch the focus to other screens besides the one from which it is launched.
WORKAROUND: On the open screen, click the Process Monitor button to display the Process Monitor pane.

Application not found error in Avocet and OFM implementation.

In an Avocet and OFM implementation, if you update from an OFM 2010.1 installation to a later OFM installation
and try to create and launch an OFM project with the Open OFM project after creation check box selected, you
receive the application not found error. The Launch OFM button on the daily forecast screen works without error.
WORKAROUND: In the Windows Registry Editor, update the OFM registry entry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >
ofm_auto_file > shell > open > command manually to point to the latest OFM installation path.

Complicated drag-and-drop feature.

65953 The Favorites Manager UI complicates the use of the drag-and-drop feature. When moving screens (dragging
them) between folders, you have to be careful where you drop them or else they appear outside of the folder.

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System crash from mismatching grid report definition and the corresponding SQL query.
A system crash can result from mismatching names between a grid report definition and the corresponding SQL
query. To explain, say a mismatch occurs between a column name entry (for example, GasEst987) for a specific
70327 grid report ID in the GridReports_ProductionBase.xml file and the entry in the SQL query (GasEst, let’s say) when
the Show Summary Row option is selected in the Grid Style Options pane of the Grid Report Designer screen. After
the report is launched, the summary row values do not display. If the Diagram Editor is launched in context from
the grid report and you expand the network depiction, then a system crash can result.
Database upgrade fail.
The database upgrade from Avocet 2012.1 or Avocet 2012.1 SP 1 fails unless you manually execute specified
75446 upgrade scripts.
WORKAROUND: The workaround is described in the topic “Database upgrade from Avocet 2012.1 or Avocet
2012.1 SP 1” in the Installation Reference section of the Help documentation.
Run Report preview mode does not display pinned properties.
The Ad Hoc Report > Run Report preview mode does not display properties that you have “pinned” (chosen to
display) under the Options > Edit selection of the 5.Setup Grid tab in the Ad Hoc Report Designer screen (Reports
> Ad Hoc Report Designer node).
However, the pinned properties do display when you launch the report (Ad Hoc Report > Launch Report) in the Ad

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Hoc Report Viewer screen.
Strong password requirement not enforced.
The strong password requirement is not enforced when you define a user and her credentials in the System User
Item Info dialog that is accessed through the User to Role Mapping link of the System Role Item Edit screen.
When defining a user in the System User Item Info dialog, be mindful of the strong password requirements:
75872  Minimum of 10 characters and a maximum of 127 characters, without spaces between them.
 A combination of a lowercase letter, upper case letter, numeral, and any of the following special
characters: !"#%&'()*+,-./<=>?@[]^_`{|}~
(See also Configuration > Security > Add users to roles > Enforce strong passwords for user accounts in
the Avocet Help.)
Data Loader Editor screen crashes.
The Data Loader Editor screen (Data Tools > Data Loader Editor in the Avocet Configuration Tools utility) crashes, p
the Avocet Configuration Tools utility to exit, when you select excel as the source type in the Data Source tab.
Specify the file path to the excel file in the Test Excel File field on the Excel Selection tab and click Test
Query Now.
WORKAROUND: At present there is no workaround. This will be fixed as part of later releases/patches.
Installer Script error.
The Installer gives a script error while running.
WORKAROUND: Install the latest version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) as some functions are not
supported by the default of the same in Internet Explorer.
Adhoc Test screen shows incorrect values.
86510 The Adhoc Test screen shows incorrect values and the report shows a $ symbol prefix with the volumes.
WORKAROUND: Relaunch the report.
Distorted Pressure Survey screen.
87732 The chart associated to the Pressure Survey screen gets distorted when the data is saved. The Line is not joined in
increasing values of x-axis values. As a result, the screen appears distorted.
Avocet 2014.1.3 generate view error.
Avocet 2014.1.3 gives generate view error when upgrading to 2017 version. This happens because of the way the
upgrade scripts workflow is designed. Some of the scripts which should run, do not appear in the list of scripts to
run. As a result, the database objects are not created.

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1. Launch the databaseconfig tools.
2. Click the Upgrade Manager node.
3. Select the desired appid and then click the Show applied updates option.
4. Select Missing DB Objects Script 2016-12-12 and then click Upgrade.
This creates the missing database objects.

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You can find the most recent Help files in the <installation_folder>\AvocetVM\help subfolder. You can also search
the <installation_folder>\AvocetVM\Documentation subfolder for PDF versions of installation guides and the Avocet
web services API guide.

In the Avocet interface, click Help to find documentation.

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Link to Avocet Help

On an existing database implementation, the AvocetHelp file may not display when you click the Help launch on
a screen. In your implementation, the AvocetPDMSHelp.chm file is located in the
implementationFolder\AvocetVM\help subfolder. If you are updating an existing implementation database and
the help does not launch from the Help icon, then do the following:
1. Verify that you have the latest implementationFolder\AvocetVM\config\contextHelp.xml file. Its contents
should display as follows:
<Link Culture="en-GB" Id="Root" Type="ROOT" Url="help\AvocetPDMSHelp.chm" />
<Link Culture="en-US" Id="Root" Type="ROOT" Url="help\AvocetPDMSHelp.chm" />
<Link Culture="es-CO" Id="Root" Type="ROOT" Url="help\AvocetPDMSHelp.chm" />
<Link Culture="es-EC" Id="Root" Type="ROOT" Url="help\AvocetPDMSHelp.chm" />
<Link Culture="es-VE" Id="Root" Type="ROOT" Url="help\AvocetPDMSHelp.chm" />
<Link Culture="ru-RU" Id="Root" Type="ROOT" Url="help\AvocetPDMSHelp.chm" />

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2. Add a <contextHelp> tag to your AppConfig_Implementation.xml file in the application ID stanza that specifies
the database to which you are connecting. You can place it at the same level as the <layers> tag, as shown in this
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .

3. Reinitialize your database using the Avocet configuration tool utility’s Database Tools > Database Initializer
feature. Be sure to select the Load Context Help option.

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