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Topic An investigation into debtors management a Chinhoyi 2 High school.


1 Identify the current debt management strategy at Chinhoyi 2 High school

2 Determine the cause of poor debt management at Chinhoyi 2 High school

3 To recommend better debtor management at Chinhoyi 2 High school

Sub question I)What are the current debt management at Chinhoyi 2 High?

ii)What do you think on challenges are being faced by Chinhoyi 2 High on debt management ?

iii) what are recommendation will you make on Chinhoyi 2 High school done to ensure proper debtors
management system?

3) Limitations:


Time can be a limit when conducting an investigation into debtors management at Chinhoyi 2 High
school . Because gathering of data from various sources , such as finance department and students
might takes a long period of time. However , analyzing the collected data and identifying patterns also
requires a considerable amount of time .This can be overcomed by plan the investigation in advance
and allocate sufficient time for each objective .Also develop a timeline for the investigation .

ii)Lack of information

Lack of information is another limitation ,without sufficient information and view about the current
debt management strategy at Chinhoyi 2 High .Its difficult to identify the causes of debt management
and recommend suitable improvements .So it have to access information through feedback from finance
department . Limitation in getting such information can hinder the investigation process .However this
limitation can be overcome by establish partnership with external organizations that can provide data
relevant to debt management strategies .Conducting surveys or interviews with students ,parents and
stakeholder to gather their information on debt management strategy.

iii)Financial limitation

Limited funding may restrict the extent to which the investigation can be carried out effectively .This can
be overcome by looking for opportunities to collaborate with other researchers or institutions to share
expense and pool resources .

House number 19194




28 June 2023

Dear Respondent,

My name is Mellissah Hapazari and l am currently doing National Diploma in Accounting at Kwekwe
polytechnic. I am conducting a research study to investigate debtors management at Chinhoyi 2 High
School as a student. The purpose of this study is to identify the current debtors management system,
challenges faced by the school in managing its debtors, the impact of debt on the school’s financial
sustainability, and possible solutions to improve debtors management.
Your participation In this study is voluntary, and your responses will remain anonymous. The
information collected will be used for research purposes only.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this study.

Yours Faithfully

Hapazari Mellissah

Contact number 0717238836


Questioner on investigation into debtors management at Chinhoyi 2 High.

07.Instructions to respondent

1)Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge.

2)Please use the space provided to tick on your answers and add any suggestions you may have.

3)Your responses will help us identify the current debt management at Chinhoyi 2 High school.

4) Understand the reasons behind low enrollment .

5) Use a pencil to tick in box.

08 Demographics question
Gender female male

Level of education NC Deploma. HND. Degree

Age 20-25 years

26-30 years

31-35 years

36 and above

9.0 open Ended Questions

7)What do you think are the current debt management at Chinhoyi 2 High school ?


8) What do you think are the main reasons behind the cause of poor debt management at Chinhoyi 2
High school?


9) What debt management strategies do you recommend for Chinhoyi 2 High school ?

Close-Ended Questions:

1. Do you think Chinhoyi 2 High School has an effective debtors management system?

a. Yes

b. No

2. How often does Chinhoyi 2 High School follow up on debtors?

a. Daily

b. Weekly

c. Monthly

d. Quarterly

e. Annually

Likert Scale:

Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:
1. Chinhoyi 2 High School has an effective debtors management system.

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Strongly disagree

2. Chinhoyi 2 High School follows up on debtors regularly.

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Strongly disagree

Multiple Choice:

1. What are the challenges faced by Chinhoyi 2 High School in managing debtors?

a. Lack of communication with debtors

b. Inadequate staff to manage debtors

c. Inadequate resources to manage debtors

d. Other (please specify)

Thank you for your participation in this study. Your responses will be highly appreciated.

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