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Manuscript ID : 00000-00613 Source ID : 00000011

International Journal of Management

Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2020, Pages 303-316, Page Count - 14


Gunjan Anand (1) Sopnamayee Acharya (2)

Assistant Professor, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore, India.
Assistant Professor, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore, India.

Increase in worldwide environmental issues attracted enormous focus on itself in last few decades. Growing and fast urbanization of human
colonies are increasing environmental safety as necessity and phase of a greater agenda. There are multiple sources for the depreciation of
environment. India as a developing nation wants to prevent pollution and preserve its natural resources. Awareness of Environmental issues are
attitudes represent environmental consciousness. Accordingly, this study empirically explores the mind-set of Indian consumers concerning the
environment in general and precisely towards green products. A survey is used to develop and headed throughout India. In current study 150
Indian consumers responded the questionnaire. The current study tried to understand the factor that influences environment focus behavior for
green products along with perception towards purchase of green product. The outcome would assist government towards the higher recognize
consumers` environment conscious behavior, with focus on developing effectual environmental policies essential to advance green purchase.
Moreover, companies will have wisdom about how to contour consumers in India, to advance tremendous messages that will functionally and
emotionally allure the target customers.

Author Keywords
Environmental Conscious, Attitude, Green Product and Behavior

ISSN Print: 0976-6502 ISSN Online: 0976-6510

Source Type: Journals Document Type: Journal Article
Publication Language: English DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.7.2020.029
Abbreviated Journal Title: IJM Access Type: Open Access
Publisher Name: IAEME Publication Resource Licence: CC BY-NC
Major Subject: Physical Sciences Subject Area classification: Environmental Science
Subject area: General Environmental Science Source: SCOPEDATABASE

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