FT - Activity 7

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Activity 7

Direction: Watch the video of a 10-year old girl in youtube. The video is called
“Kindness Speech by 10 Year Old Girl” and it is found in this link

The following are the criteria for the speech:

1. Mechanics: The voice is loud and clear.

2. Idea: More than two acts of kindness are provided.

3. Structure: The speech has an introduction, body, and conclusion.

4. Evidence: The arguments presented in the speech are supported with


5. Persuasion: The delivery of the speech is persuasive to the audience.

A. Suppose that you are the teacher, provide feedback on each aspect of the
criteria. Write your feedback on the space provided.

Mechanics: The voice is loud and clear.

- You have a nice voice, the message can be heard clearly, since the
voice is loud and clear. Your voice is calm that it can easily grab
attention from the audience.
You provided a very good points in your speech, you chose kindness,
saying that you would love it if all people decided to be kind.
Amazingly, you manage to sum up everyone’s dilemmas in one
sentence. Instead of dreaming about things they don’t have any
control over, people should simply act upon everything things they can

Idea: More than two acts of kindness are provided.

- You provided a very good points in your speech, you chose kindness,
saying that you would love it if all people decided to be kind.
Amazingly, you manage to sum up everyone’s dilemmas in one
sentence. Instead of dreaming about things they don’t have any
control over, people should simply act upon everything things they can

Structure: The speech has an introduction, body, and

- You did a good job by starting your speech with introduction by
quoting a phrase. You provided a more comprehensive perspective
because you have supported all the statements you have claim in your
speech. You strongly end your speech with concluding statement by
saying that anybody can spread kindness to family, neighbors and a
total stranger.

Evidence: The arguments presented in the speech are

supported with evidence.
- You proceed to explain what bullying is, spilling out numerous
interesting facts, then supported your claim by providing a data of
students who are victims of bullying.

Persuasion: The delivery of the speech is persuasive to the

- You delivered the speech very well, seemingly, your voice sounds so
calm yet persuasive and you delivered the speech in creative way that
it can get the attention of the listeners. You were also confident while
presenting in front of a crowd. You emphasized important words like a
professional speaker.

B. Review the rating given to your feedback. List down areas needing
improvement and how to improve them.

Areas of Improvement How will you improve this area?

• 1. Clarity and loudness • -Student can use voice
of voice exercises in order to
practice her
articulation. Student
should also practice by
recording and listen to
her voice after. Be
mindful with the
punctuations. As well
as, speak clearly,
slowly, and
deliberately. Lastly,
make sure to speak
loudly so that
everyone in the
audience could be able
to hear and absorb
everything that
wanted to share.

• 2. Audience Engagement • - Student should

interact with her
audience as much as
possible by
acknowledging them.
Student should add
some humor as well,
since, humor could
easily capture people's
attention. It can also
boost their moods and
help her get them
along. Maintain eye-
contact and employ
proper facial and body
gestures. Practice
many times and make
sure to sound

• 3. Wear appropriate • Student should wear

attire appropriate and proper
attire in order to be
attractive and present
well herself in front
not just for her
comfort but for the
appropriateness and
suitability of the said
event. This could be a
big help for student to
easily attract and get
the audience attention
effortlessly. Thus,
student must always
dress and present
herself well, especially
in speaking or
delivering a speech in

C. Use the checklist below to evaluate the quality of the feedback given.

Yes No
✓ 1 Feedback is provided for each criterion.
✓ 2 The feedback is within the scope of the given criteria.
✓ 3 The feedback is specific.
✓ 4 The feedback provides suggestions for improvement.
✓ 5 The feedback provides suggestions for improvement.
✓ 6 The feedback will be understood by a 10-year old child.

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