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Soil carbon sequestration and agronomic productivity of an Alfisol for a

groundnut-based system in a semiarid environment in southern India

Article in European Journal of Agronomy · November 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2012.05.001


106 882

11 authors, including:

Srinivasrao Ch. Bandi Venkateswarlu

National Academy of Agricultural Research Management Vasant Rao Naik Maratwada Krishi Vidya Peeth , Parbhani , India


Rattan Lal Anil Kumar Singh

The Ohio State University Indian Council of Agricultural Research


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Sustaining agronomic productivity and quality of a
Vertisolic soil (Vertisol) under soybean safflower cropping
system in semi-arid central India

Ch. Srinivasarao1, B. Venkateswarlu1, Rattan Lal2, Anil Kumar Singh3, Sumanta Kundu1,
K. P. R. Vittal4, S. K. Sharma5, R. A. Sharma5, M. P. Jain5, and G. Ravindra Chary1
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Saidabad (P.O), Hyderabad, 500 059, Andhra
Pradesh, India (e-mail address:; 2Carbon Management and Sequestration
Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA; 3Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan (KAB-II), New Delhi, 110 012, India; 4National Institute for Abiotic Stress Management,
Baramati, 413 115, Maharashtra, India; and 5Dryland Research Station, All India Coordinated Research Project
on Dryland Agriculture, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Indore, 425 001, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 03/07/14

Received 19 October 2011, accepted 9 May 2012.

Srinivasarao, Ch., Venkateswarlu, B., Lal, R., Singh, A. K., Kundu, S., Vittal, K. P. R., Sharma, S. K., Sharma, R. A.,
Jain, M. P. and Chary, G. R. 2012. Sustaining agronomic productivity and quality of a Vertisolic Soil (Vertisol) under

soybean safflower cropping system in semi-arid central India. Can. J. Soil Sci. 92: 771785. Enrichment of soil organic
carbon (SOC) stocks through sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in agricultural soils is important because of its impacts
on improving soil quality and agronomic production, and also for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. Thus,
a 15-yr soil fertility management experiment was conducted in the semi-arid tropical region of central India to evaluate the
impact of crop residue C input on soybean (Glycine max L.)safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cropping sequence and
SOC sequestration in soils of Vertisolic order (Vertisols). Retention of crop residues of soybean/safflower, and application
of farmyard manure (FYM) at 6 Mg (t) ha1 alone or in combination with 20 kg N and 13 kg P ha1 supplied through
For personal use only.

chemical fertilizers or comparatively higher dose of chemical fertilizer (60 kg N and 35 kg P ha 1) either maintained or
increased the SOC stock. However, the combination of FYM and chemical fertilizer increased the profile SOC stock (69.9
Mg ha1), overall SOC build up (37.1%) and also sequestered high amount of SOC (11.9 Mg C ha 1 or 0.79 Mg C ha1
yr 1) compared with control and chemical fertilizer alone. Higher grain yield (2.10 and 1.49 Mg ha 1 of soybean and
safflower, respectively) was obtained through the application of FYM at 6 Mg ha 1N20P13. For every Mg C ha1
increase in the root zone, there was 0.145 and 0.059 Mg ha1 increase in grain yield of soybean and safflower, respectively.
Stabilization of the SOC stock requires a minimum input of 3.47 Mg C ha 1 yr 1. Application of 40 kg N26 kg P ha1
through chemical fertilizer also maintained the SOC stock at the antecedent level based on the SOC stocks in 1992.
Therefore, the combined use of organic manure (crop residues and FYM) along with chemical fertilizer is essential to
enhancing the SOC sequestration in a soybeansafflower sequence under rainfed conditions on Vertisols in central India.

Key words: Critical carbon inputs, crop residue, farmyard manure, sustainable yield index, semiarid tropics

Srinivasarao, Ch., Venkateswarlu, B., Lal, R., Singh, A. K., Kundu, S., Vittal, K. P. R., Sharma, S. K., Sharma, R. A.,
Jain, M. P. et Chary, G. R. 2012. Maintien de la productivité agricole et de la qualité d’un vertisol avec l’assolement soja-
carthame dans le centre semi-aride de l’Inde. Can. J. Soil Sci. 92: 771785. Il importe d’enrichir les réserves de carbone
organique du sol (COS) en séquestrant le CO2 atmosphérique dans les sols arables, parce qu’ainsi, on rehausse la qualité du
sol et la production agricole tout en permettant l’adaptation au changement climatique et l’atténuation de ce phénomène.
Les auteurs ont entrepris une expérience de 15 ans en gestion de la fertilité du sol dans une région tropicale semi-aride du
centre de l’Inde afin d’évaluer l’impact de l’addition de C issu des déchets de culture sur un assolement soja (Glycine max
L.)carthame (Carthamus tinctorius L.) et sur la séquestration du COS dans les vertisols. La rétention des résidus de
l’assolement soja-carthame et l’application de fumier à raison de 6 Mg (t) par hectare, seul ou avec des engrais chimiques
(20 kg de N et 13 kg de P par hectare), ou d’une dose comparativement plus élevée d’engrais chimiques (60 kg de N et 35 kg
de P par hectare) maintiennent ou augmentent les réserves de COS. Cependant, le mélange de fumier et d’engrais rehausse
le profil des stocks de COS (69,9 Mg par hectare), l’accumulation globale de COS (37,1 %) et la séquestration du COS
(11,9 Mg de C par hectare ou 0,79 Mg de C par hectare et par année), comparativement au traitement témoin et à
l’addition d’engrais uniquement. L’application de 6 Mg de fumier par hectare et de N20P13 augmente le rendement grainier
(2,10 et 1,49 Mg par hectare pour le soja et le carthame, respectivement). Chaque Mg de C par hectare ajouté au niveau des
racines entraı̂ne une hausse du rendement grainier de 0,145 et de 0,059 Mg par hectare, respectivement, pour le soja et le

Abbreviations: BD, bulk density; BMP, best management

practices; FYM, farmyard manure; INM, integrated nutrient
management; SOC, soil organic carbon; SYI, sustainable yield

Can. J. Soil Sci. (2012) 92: 771785 doi:10.4141/CJSS2011-098 771


carthame. Pour stabiliser les stocks de COS, il faut ajouter au moins 3,47 Mg de C par hectare chaque année. L’application
de 40 kg de N et de 26 kg de P par hectare sous forme d’engrais chimiques maintient aussi les stocks de COS aux niveaux
antérieurs, établis en 1992. On en conclut que l’application combinée d’une fumure organique (résidus végétaux et fumier)
et d’engrais est indispensable si l’on veut rehausser la séquestration du COS dans les assolements soja-carthame non
irrigués, cultivés sur des vertisols, dans le centre de l’Inde.

Mots clés: Apports essentiels de carbone, résidus de culture, fumier, indice de rendement durable, tropiques semi-arides

Soils of the world’s agroecosystems (i.e., croplands, increase in SOC stock can result from: (1) improved
grazing lands, rangelands) are depleted of their soil cropping systems, (2) increased quantity of residues
organic carbon (SOC) stock by 2575% depending on produced and retained, and (3) enhanced use efficiency
climate, soil type, and historic management, and the of inputs such as N and water (Follett 2001). Adoption
magnitude of this loss may be 10 to 50 Mg C ha 1 (Lal of these and other BMPs can enhance SOC sequestra-
2011). Soils with severe depletion of their SOC stock tion while improving soil quality and mitigating atmo-
have low agronomic yield and low use efficiency of spheric CO2 enrichment. Verhulst et al. (2009) observed
added input. Conversion to a restorative land use and that at least partial retention of the crop residues is
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 03/07/14

adoption of best management practices (BMPs) can necessary to maintaining soil quality in the rainfed semi-
enhance the SOC stock, improve soil quality, increase arid conditions. Verhulst and colleagues observed that
agronomic productivity, advance global food security, most soil quality indicators (i.e., mean weight diameter,
enhance soil resilience and adapt to extreme climatic aggregate stability, water infiltration rate, soil moisture
events, and mitigate climate change by off-setting storage, microbial biomass carbon or MBC, nutrient
fossil fuel emissions. Application of plant nutrients reserves) were lower with residue removal than with its
(Glendining and Powlson 1995; Paustian et al. 1997a) retention.
and organic amendments and including legumes with Although, the use of mineral fertilizers is important
cereals improves soil quality, increases SOC stock, and to increase productivity, hidden C costs of chemical
increases crop yields and the amount of crop residues fertilizers are high. Further, use of chemical fertilizers
For personal use only.

returned to the soil (Paustian et al. 1997b). Legumes in rainfed cropping is meager because of the prohibi-
enhance N stock and improve soil fertility (Wani et al. tively high cost and low use efficiency under harsh
1995). Integrated nutrient management (INM), a holis- climatic conditions. India produces about 185 Tg (Tg
tic approach involving a combination of inorganic and teragram, 1012 g1 million metric tons) of crop
biofertilizers, maintains soil fertility for sustainable crop residues, of which about one-third is available for
productivity on a long-term basis. The INM may be recycling on arable lands (Lal 2005; Deshpande et al.
achieved through combined use of all natural resources, 2007). There are not enough nutrients recycled to
nutrient cycling and conservation within a specific support the growth of subsequent crops when low
farming/cropping system. An optimal level of SOC can amounts of crop residues are applied. In these situa-
be achieved through adoption of an appropriate crop tions, a judicious use of inorganic fertilizers is also
rotation (Wright and Hons 2005), INM (Schuman et al. necessary to meet the nutrient requirements for increas-
2002; Mandal et al. 2007; Majumder et al. 2008), and ing production of rainfed crops. The rate of C addition
conservation tillage (Lal 2009). Soils in water-deficit from crop residues and manure must equal the rate of
environments of the tropical and sub-tropical regions loss through decomposition, harvest and erosion
are inherently low in SOC stock, and agronomic yields (Hamza and Anderson 2010). Residue mulches also
are low. Therefore, reversing the declining trend of SOC conserve soil and water and increase the available water
stock is essential to enhancing agronomic productivity capacity of the post-rainy season crops. Aune and Lal
through balanced application of plant nutrients (i.e., N, (1995) reported that the threshold level of SOC for
P, K, S, Zn, Mo) and organics. Vertisols is11 g kg1 (19 g kg1 SOM). However, the
Vertisols, covering about 70 million ha (Mha), are research data on SOC management for Vertisols are
the most predominant cultivated soils in central India. limited (Hamza and Anderson 2010). A survey of
These soils also occur in Australia (70.5 Mha), Sudan SOC concentration, conducted at 21 locations across
(40 Mha), Chad (16.5 Mha) and Ethiopia (10 Mha). rainfed regions of tropical India and involving eight
These five countries contain over 80% of the global area production systems, showed that these soils are low in
(250 Mha) of Vertisols (Virmani et al. 1989). During the SOC (B5 g kg1) and in profile-based SOC stocks
off-season, when cultivated Vertisols are denuded of (Srinivasarao et al. 2009).
any vegetation cover, prevailing high soil temperatures Rainfed cropping is practiced on 1.132 billion ha
(Dalal and Carter 2000; Pal et al. 2011) increase SOM globally (Biradar et al. 2009), and meets about 60% of
decomposition. Thus, SOC concentration can be in- the food and nutritional needs of the world’s popula-
creased by management practices that create a posi- tion. Rainfed cropping in India is practiced on 80 Mha,
tive C budget (C gains exceed the losses). Therefore, mostly in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid climatic zones

and constitutes about 57% of the net cultivated area. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Low and erratic rainfall, degraded soils, and poor Site Description
infrastructure are among the principal constraints in A long-term field experiment with soybean (cv. JS
the rainfed areas of India. Thus, intensive cropping 72-44)safflower (cv. JS1) sequence on a medium
of Vertisols requires a careful management of soil Vertisol was conducted at the College of Agriculture
temperature and moisture regimes along with INM Farm, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Viswavidyalaya, In-
(Srinivasarao et al. 2012a). Low agronomic yields, low dore, Madhya Pradesh, India. The site is representative
or no retention of crop residues, and long fallow periods of the Malwa region situated at lat. 22843?N, long.
of up to 7 mo per year involving uncontrolled grazing
76854?E and at altitude of 618 m above sea level. The
decrease the SOC concentration and stock (Srinivasarao
site is characterized as a hot, dry, semi-arid (AESR
et al. 2011).
5.1) ecoregion (Velayutham et al. 1999). The experiment,
Soybean (Glycine max), designated as ‘‘golden bean’’,
initiated during the rainy season of 1992, was conducted
has established its potential as an industrially vital and a
within the All India Coordinated Research Project
viable oilseed crop in India. Soybean grown extensively
on Dryland Agriculture (AICRPDA). Over the 15-yr
in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan and
in some parts of Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu duration of the experiment (19922007), the mean
annual rainfall was 964 mm (CV 47%), of which a large
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 03/07/14

and Andhra Pradesh as a monoculture crop and/or

intercrop (Singh et al. 2002). With an area of 8.0 Mha, fraction was received between 22 and 42 standard
total production is merely 7.5 million Mg, which is meteorological weeks. The annual maximum and mini-
projected to increase to 18.0 million Mg by 2025. mum temperatures of the site range from 25.5 to 41.38C
Soybean has the potential to bridge the gap between and from 8.9 to 26.68C, respectively. Total annual
the demand and supply of edible oils and protein. It rainfall and that received during the cropping season
can also fix N at the gross rate of 125150 kg N ha 1 over the 15-yr experimental period are shown in Fig. 1.
(Chandel et al. 1989; Sharma 1992), enhance N stock, The length of the growing period at this site varies
and improve soil physical and chemical properties (Saraf between 90 and 120 d.
and Patil 1995). Leaf fall during crop development and The soil of the experimental site has a clay texture,
For personal use only.

input through nodulated roots may contribute up to a high moisture retention capacity, is alkaline (pH 7.9),
40 kg N ha1 (Buresh and De Datta 1991). and has low profile SOC concentration (3.9 g kg1 soil),
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius), another important low available N (215 kg ha1), low to medium available
oilseed crop of India, is cultivated in the winter (Rabi) P (12 kg ha1), and has relatively high available K (323
season from September/October to February/March. kg ha1) contents. Sand, silt and clay contents are 9.5,
India accounts for 41% (0.3 Mha) of world area under 30.5 and 60.0%, respectively. It has a soil inorganic car-
safflower. Because of low yield (630 kg ha1), safflower bon concentration of 5.6 g kg1, and a cation exchange
production of merely 0.19 million Mg is only 29% of capacity of 54.9 C mol (P ) kg 1 (Srinivasarao et al.
global production followed by that in the US (17%), 2006, 2009). The soils of the experimental site belong to
Argentina (13%), and Kazakhastan (12%) (The Hindu the Sarol series, which is classified as fine, smectite
2010). It is generally preceded by a short duration dominant Gleysolic Vertisolic order (Soil Classification
legume such as soybean or mungbean (Phaseolus mungo) Working Group 1998).
during the rainy season from June to September. It is
grown as a monocrop on residual soil moisture in a 2-yr
rotation involving chickpea (Cicer arietinum) or sor- Treatments and Crop Management
ghum (Sorghum bicolor). Nutrient management is one of Soybean was grown every year during the rainy sea-
the critical inputs for enhancing productivity of saf- son from the third week of June to the last week of
flower (Hegde 1998). Being cultivated by small land September over the 15-yr period (19922007). Safflower
holders and resource-poor farmers, use of low-cost was grown from October to February/March just after
nutrient sources (e.g., organic manures, biofertilizers) the harvest of soybean. The experiment was laid out
are critical to improving its agronomic productivity. in a randomized block design with the following nine
Biofertilizers (e.g., Azotobactor and phosphate solubi- treatments:
lizing bacteria) supply N and also improve P availability
(Directorate of Oilseeds Research 2001). i. T1 Control (no N-P-K fertilizers or organics),
Thus, the present study was conducted to assess ii. T2 20 kg N13 kg P ha1 (for each crop),
the effects of 15 yr of cropping with variable levels of iii. T3 30 kg N20 kg P ha1 (for each crop),
chemical fertilizers and organics on SOC sequestra- iv. T4 40 kg N26 kg P ha1 (for each crop),
tion in Vertisols, establish the relationship between SOC v. T5 60 kg N35 kg P ha1 (for each crop),
sequestration and sustainable yield index (SYI), and de- vi. T6 6 Mg farmyard manure (FYM)N20P13 ha1
termine the requirement of critical inputs of biomass-C (6 Mg ha 1 of FYM was applied in the rainy sea-
for stabilizing (zero change) the SOC stock in Vertisols son only plus fertilizer N and P at the rate of 20 and
under the harsh tropical climate. 13 kg ha 1 respectively to each crop),

Fig. 1. Mean annual and seasonal rainfall in relation to mean soybean and safflower seed yields between 1992 and 2006.
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vii. T7 5 Mg crop residues (CR)N20P13 ha1 (5 Mg diameter, 0.08 m in length) to measure soil bulk density
ha1 of crop residues of soybean or safflower (BD) (Grossman and Reinsch 2002).
applied as surface mulch between crop rows in
each crop plus fertilizer N and P at the rate of 20 Total Organic Carbon
and 13 kg ha1, respectively, to each crop). Crop Soil samples were air dried, gently ground, and passed
residues were incorporated into surface soil after through a 2-mm sieve. A part of the sample was finely
harvest of each crop, ground and passed through a 0.2-mm sieve. Simulta-
viii. T8 6 Mg ha 1 FYM (6 Mg ha 1 of FYM neously, the organic material/crop residues (i.e., FYM,
was applied in rainy season only), and soybean/safflower residues, soybean and safflower leaf,
For personal use only.

ix. T9 5 Mg crop residues (CR) ha1 (5 Mg ha1 of stubbles, roots and nodules) was dried and finely ground
CR of soybean or safflower applied as surface in a mechanical grinder (Nelson and Sommers 1996).
mulch between crop rows in each crop, which was These samples were analyzed for C concentration by
subsequently incorporated into the surface soil after a LECO CHNS analyzer (Elementar Vario EL Cube,
harvest of each crop). DonaustraBe 7, Hanau, 63452, Germany). Soil samples
were also analyzed for a soil inorganic carbon concen-
The gross and net plot sizes were 11.7 10.0 m and tration titrimetrically, by digesting them with dilute HCl
9.9 8.2 m, respectively, and each treatment had three (Loeppert and Suarez 1996). Total SOC concentration
replicates. Organic materials (i.e., FYM and soybean/ was estimated by Eq 1.
safflower residues) were incorporated into the soil with
a wooden plow. Average annual N addition through
soybean residues (18.6 g kg1 N), safflower residues
(15.4 g kg1 N) and FYM (5.3 g kg1 N) were 93,
77 and 32 kg ha 1 with C:N ratios of 19.1, 22.1 and Profile SOC Stock
64.0, respectively. Application of N as urea and P as The total SOC stock of the profile expressed as Mg
diammonium phosphate as per treatments were made ha 1 for each of the five depths (00.2, 0.20.4, 0.40.6,
at the time of sowing of the soybean and safflower. Soil 0.60.8, and 0.81.0 m) was computed by multiplying
was harrowed prior to sowing, and soybean was seeded the SOC concentration (g kg 1) (obtained by SOC 
by a seed drill. Manual weeding was done as a part LECO C HCl C) by the BD (Mg m 3) and depth (m),
of the intercultural operation as and when needed. and by 10.
Following the harvest of crops, above-ground biomass
was removed, grain and haulm yields of soybean and Carbon Inputs through Plant and Organic
safflower were recorded every year, and reported on an Materials
air-dry basis (14% grain moisture contents). Based on biomass yield of soybean and safflower,
annual C inputs to the soil through leaves, stubbles,
Soil Sampling and Analysis roots, nodules and rhizodeposition were computed. The
Three representative field-moist soil samples were col- leaf fall constituted 9.8, 13.1, 14.5, 15.7, 16.9, 20.1, 19.8,
lected with a tube auger at 0.2-m increments to 1-m 19.1, 18.2% in soybean and 7.8, 11.9, 12.3, 13.1, 14.3,
depth during April 2007 from each plot and replication. 17.2, 16.9, 16.1, 16.4% in safflower of the harvestable
Soil samples were composited for each depth and above-ground biomass yield in the plots under control,
replication. Additionally, three samples were taken 20 kg N13 kg P, 30 kg N20 kg P, 40 kg N26
from all five depths using a core sampler (0.05 m in kg P, 60 kg N35 kg P, 6 Mg ha1 FYMN20P13,

5 Mg CRN20P13 ha1, 6 Mg ha1 FYM, 5 Mg ha 1 respectively; Corg represent C applied through organic
CR, respectively. The root biomass was calculated using material (FYM/CR)
the root:shoot biomass ratios recorded from the experi-
ment. Root biomass was measured immediately after C sequestered (Mg C ha1 )SOCf SOCi (5)
harvesting the crop, following the core-sampling proce- Where SOCf and SOCi indicate the SOC stocks in 2007
dure as described by Franzluebbers et al. (1999). It was (current) and that at the initiation of the long-term
estimated that the root biomass represented 38.5, 39.7, experiment (in 1992). Positive and negative values
40.1, 41.0, 42.2, 33.1, 33.6, 30.5, 30.3% in soybean and indicate SOC gains and losses of C, respectively.
37.8, 38.1, 39.1, 39.9, 41.2, 31.4, 32.6, 28.4, 29.9% in
safflower of the harvestable above-ground biomass in Sustainable Yield Index
the treatments listed above, respectively. Nodule bio- The total crop productivity was calculated through a
mass of soybean consisted of 9.3, 10.5, 10.8, 11.1, 11.6, SYI using 15 yr of yield data. The SYI was computed to
12.9, 13.0, 14.2 and 13.9% of root biomass in plots minimize annual variations in the yield, and to highlight
corresponding with the treatments listed above, respec- the performance of the treatments, during the entire
tively. Stubble biomass of safflower consisted of 5.6, 5.8, experimental period. The SYI is defined as per Eq 6.
6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7, 5.7 and 5.9% of harvestable above-
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 03/07/14

ground biomass in treatments listed above, respectively. Y s

SYI  (6)
Rhizodeposition of C from root turnover and exu- Ym
dates was assumed to be 10% of the harvestable above-
ground biomass of soybean and 1.4 times of the root C Where Y is the estimated average yield of a practice
of safflower (Shamoot et al. 1968). Leaves, roots and across the years, s is its estimated standard deviation,
nodules of soybean contain 378, 342 and 315 g kg1 C, and Ym is the observed maximum yield in the experi-
respectively. Leaves, stubbles and roots of safflower ment during the years of cultivation (Singh et al. 1990).
contain 355, 320 and 344 g kg1 C, respectively. During
the growth of the crops, weeds were either removed or Statistical Analysis
killed with herbicides, and, thus, C inputs from roots Statistical analysis was performed using the Windows
based SPSS program (Version 11.0, SPSS, Chicago, IL).
For personal use only.

and rhizodeposition by the weeds were not considered.

Using all the measurements described above, a treat- The SPSS (2001) procedure was used to analyze variance
ment-wise estimate of plant derived C inputs, as well and to determine the statistical significance of treat-
as C inputs through organics applied to the soil, are ment effects. The Duncan multiple-range-test was used
presented in Table 1. The highest mean annual C inputs to compare treatment means. Simple correlation coeffi-
through crop residues and organic material were added cients and regression equations were also developed
in 5 Mg CRN20P13 ha 1 (7.0 Mg ha1 yr 1), to evaluate the relationships among the response vari-
followed by that in 6 Mg FYMN20P13 ha1 and ables (SYI, C inputs, profile SOC, C build up and
5 Mg ha 1 CR (6.3 Mg ha1 yr1), 6 Mg ha1 FYM C sequestration) using the same statistical package.
(5.4 Mg ha 1 yr 1), and the lowest in the control Experimental means were compared at the 95% prob-
(1.9 Mg ha1 yr 1). ability level.


Calculations for C Budgeting
Components of the ecosystem C budget were computed Carbon Input Levels, Yield and Sustainability
by using Eq. 2 to 5 as follows: Estimates of the component wise (leaf, stubble, root,
nodule and rhizo-deposition) as well as external inputs
Ctrt  Ccont through FYM/CR cumulative C inputs into soil under
C build-up (%) 100 (2)
Ccont different treatments during the 15 years of continuous
cropping are given in Table 1. The cumulative C input
Where Ctrt represents profile SOC stock in fertilizer ranged from 28.7 Mg C ha1 in the control to 104.9
org (FYM/CR) treatments or just fertilizer treatment Mg C ha1 in the 5 Mg CR N20P13 ha1 treatment.
and Ccont is the profile SOC stock in control treatment. Application of nutrients supplied either through chemi-
cal fertilizers or organic material (CR and FYM), or by
C build-up rate (Mg C ha1 yr1 )
conjunctive use of organic materials along with fertilizer
Ctrt  Ccont produced higher biomass and subsequently higher C
 (3) input in terms of crop residues (2.864.24 Mg C ha1
years of experimentation
yr 1) compared with the control (1.91 Mg C ha1
Cfertorg  Cfert yr 1). Treatments comprising FYM/CR addition re-
C stabilization (%) 100 (4) ceived the extra 2.033.48 Mg C ha1 yr 1 in the form
of organic materials.
Where, Cfertorg, Cfert, represents profile SOC stock in Grain yields of soybean and safflower increased sig-
fertilizerorg (FYM/CR) and just fertilizer treatments, nificantly with different fertilizer and manure treatments
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Table 1. Mean (1992 2006) annual C input to soil from soybean safflower sequence under different fertilizer and manurial treatments
Mean yield (Mg ha ) SYI z
Annual C input (Mg ha 1 yr 1)
Mean annual Mean annual C
Soybean Safflower crop residue inputs through Total C input
C inputs FYMz/CRz in 15 years
Treatment Soybean Safflower Soybean Safflower Leaf fall Root Nodule RD Leaf fall Stubbles Roots RDz (Mg ha yr ) (Mg ha1 yr 1)
(Mg ha1)

Control 1.0490.28 0.6390.26 0.41C 0.22E 0.13 0.47 0.01 0.36 0.07 0.05 0.34 0.48 1.91E  28.7H
20 kg N13 1.6290.48 0.8090.39 0.47A 0.29D 0.28 0.76 0.03 0.56 0.14 0.06 0.44 0.61 2.86D  42.9G
For personal use only.

kg P
30 kg N20 1.7690.50 1.0290.40 0.46A 0.29D 0.33 0.83 0.03 0.61 0.19 0.08 0.57 0.80 3.44C  51.6F
kg P
40 kg N26 1.8990.52 1.1690.46 0.48A 0.31C 0.38 0.91 0.03 0.65 0.23 0.10 0.66 0.93 3.89B  58.3E
kg P
60 kg N35 1.9990.53 1.2190.50 0.48A 0.31C 0.44 0.99 0.04 0.69 0.26 0.10 0.71 1.00 4.22A  63.4D
kg P
6 Mg FYM 2.1090.53 1.4990.44 0.48A 0.45A 0.55 0.82 0.03 0.72 0.38 0.13 0.67 0.94 4.24A 2.03 94.1B
N20P13 ha 1
5 Mg CR 1.7990.61 1.1690.47 0.38D 0.36B 0.46 0.71 0.03 0.62 0.29 0.10 0.54 0.76 3.51C 3.48 104.9A
N20P13 ha 1
6 Mg FYM 1.8690.56 1.2290.48 0.42B 0.38B 0.46 0.67 0.03 0.64 0.29 0.09 0.50 0.70 3.38C 2.03 81.1C
ha 1
5 Mg CR 1.6390.53 0.9790.41 0.44B 0.32C 0.39 0.58 0.03 0.56 0.23 0.08 0.41 0.58 2.86D 3.48 95.0B
ha 1

SYI, sustainable yield index; RD, rhizodeposition; FYM, farmyard manure; CR, sorghum crop residue.
AH Different letters within columns are significantly different at P0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) for separation of means.

compared with the control (P B0.05) (Table 1). How- the importance of organics in enhancing soil resi-
ever, grain yield did not differ among treatments for the lience under harsh climatic conditions during the crop-
initial 2 to 3 yr. Subsequently, consistently higher yields ping period, a common feature of rainfed agriculture
were obtained with the use of organics in combination (Srinivasarao et al. 2011). In comparison, soybean,
with chemical fertilizer than that in the control. For the being a nutrient exhaustive crop, requires more nutrients
entire 15-yr period, higher grain yield was obtained during the growing period.
through the application of 6 Mg FYMN20P13 ha 1
(2.10 and 1.49 Mg ha1 for soybean and safflower, Soil Bulk Density
respectively), and was the least in the control (1.04 and The depth-wise BD of the experimental soil before the
0.63 Mg ha1 for soybean and safflower, respectively). initiation of the long-term experiment, and the treat-
Both crops responded well to a higher dose of fertilizer ment-wise data at the end of the experiment, are
application and also to the combined application of presented in Table 2. Soil BD was lower with organic
organics and chemical fertilizers. Significantly higher amendments than with mineral fertilization and the
yields were obtained through the application of 60 kg unfertilized control. The lowest BD was observed in
N35 kg P ha1 (1.99, 1.21 Mg ha1) compared with 00.2 m depth with 6 Mg FYMN20P13 ha 1 and 5 Mg
that with application of 5 Mg CRN20P13 ha1 (1.79, CRN20P13 ha1 (1.46 Mg m 3) treatments, and the
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 03/07/14

1.16 Mg ha 1), 6 Mg FYM ha1 (1.86, 1.22 Mg ha1), highest in the control (1.53 Mg m 3) and the treatments
and 5 Mg CR ha1 (1.63, 0.97 Mg ha1). Manna et al. receiving chemical fertilizer. Soil BD decreased with the
(2005) reported a negative yield trend of soybean with application of organic amendments due to higher SOC
unbalanced use of N and NP application in Vertisol. concentration and increased root biomass (Halvorson
Under rainfed conditions, farm yields are usually in- et al. 1999), which enhanced aggregation and soil aera-
fluenced by seasonal rainfall, particularly the amount tion. Lower BD improved crop growth and enhanced
received at the critical growth stages (Srinivasarao agronomic yield (Srinivasarao et al. 2012a). There ex-
et al. 2011, 2012a, b). In the present study, grain yield isted a negative correlation between SOC concentration
of soybean was significantly and positively correlated in the surface 0.2-m layer and its BD (Fig. 2), as was also
with the amount of rainfall received in July (r0.81, reported by Du et al. (2009). As expected, however, soil
For personal use only.

P B0.05) and August (r 0.83, P B0.05). In the case of BD increased with increase in soil depth.
safflower, rainfall received during September (r0.87,
P B0.05) and October (r 0.79, P B0.05) was important Depth Distribution of Organic Carbon
to obtaining higher yields. The SOC concentration differed significantly (P B0.05)
Though the application of organics did not drastically among treatments and depths (Table 3). The highest
increase the SYI of soybean, it sustained the agronomic SOC concentration of 6.7 g kg 1 in the 0- to 0.2-m
productivity of the soybeansafflower system on a long- depth was observed in the 6 Mg FYMN20P13 ha1
term basis. Application of 6 Mg FYMN20P13 ha 1 followed by that in the 5 Mg CRN20P13 ha1 (6.4 g
produced significantly higher grain yield in both crops kg 1) treatment. All plots treated with organic amend-
compared with the unfertilized control. Similarly, com- ments contained higher SOC concentration in the sur-
paratively higher SYI was obtained with the application face and sub-soil compared with those not receiving any
of organics either alone or in combination with chemical organics. The SOC concentration also improved with
fertilizers compared with the control or with the sole the application of 6 Mg FYM ha 1 (5.9 g kg1) and 5
application of chemical fertilizers at a lower dose in the Mg CR ha1 (5.6 g kg1). The SOC concentration was
case of safflower. Significantly higher residual effect was also improved (5.6 g kg1) even with the application of
observed in FYM compared with that with the use of higher dose of chemical fertilizer (60 kg N35 kg P). In
residues of soybean and safflower. The highest SYI was contrast, SOC concentration was reduced by cultivation
measured with 6 Mg FYMN20P13 ha1 (0.48 and 0.45 without any fertilizer or manuring, or by using the low
for soybean and safflower, respectively), and the lowest dose of fertilizer (2030 kg N1320 kg P) over 15 yr.
in the control (0.41 and 0.22) (Table 1). Besides in- In contrast, the SOC concentration increased even in
cluding a legume in the sequence, combined use of the sub-soil with the application of organic materials.
available organic sources along with chemical fertilizers The mean profile SOC concentration increased from 3.4
might prove beneficial for long-term productivity and g kg1 in the control to 4.7 g kg1 in 6 Mg FYM
sustainability of the system (Behera et al. 2007). Even a N20P13 ha1 treatment. However, no increase in SOC
significantly higher SYI in soybean was obtained by the concentration was observed in treatments receiving the
sole application of chemical fertilizers compared with low rate of fertilizers (2040 kg N1326 kg P). It is
the control. This trend is mainly attributed to the widely recognized that the use of organic manures and
resilience of the soil system to intermittent droughts, compost enhances the SOC concentration more than
with high moisture retention capacity in plots receiving does the use of the same amount of nutrients applied
organic amendments compared with those receiving as chemical fertilizers (Gregorich et al. 2001). Manna
inorganic fertilizers in the case of a post rainy season et al. (2005) and Hati et al. (2007) reported that SOC
crop of safflower. Such a positive response underlines decreased by 15.5% compared with initial values in the

AD, ad Different capital letters within rows and different lower case letters within columns are significantly different at P0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) for
unfertilized plot, and was either maintained or improved


5 Mg CR
in soybeanwheat system in Vertisols with application

of NPK and NPKFYM. Crop residue retention and
nutrient application increase SOC and are considered
effective measures of C sequestration (Dalal et al. 2011).
In the present study, the use of soybean/safflower crop



Table 2. Change in soil bulk density (Mg m 3) in the experimental plot in relation to cropping, fertilization and manuring treatments (9 standard deviation from mean)

6 Mg FYM residues (C:N ratio of 19.1 to 22.1) contributed a low

ha 1 amount of C input, had a higher mineralization rate in
tropical semi-arid conditions, and resulted in a lower
SOC sequestration rate.


N20P13 ha1
5 Mg CRz

Profile Soil Organic C, C Buildup, Stabilization and

The profile SOC stock differed significantly (P B0.05)
among treatments (Table 4). The highest SOC stock
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 03/07/14

of 69.9 Mg C ha1 was observed in the 6 Mg FYM

N20P13 ha1 treatment followed by that of 68.7 Mg C
6 Mg FYMz


N20P13 ha 1

ha 1 in the 5 Mg CRN20P13 ha1  that in the 6 Mg

FYM ha 1 (66.9 Mg C ha1) 5 Mg CR ha 1 (63.6
At the end of experiment (in 2007)

Mg C ha 1)60 kg N35 kg P (62.7 Mg C ha1), and

the lowest SOC stock (51.0 Mg C ha1) was observed
in the control. A relatively higher percentage of SOC
sequestration was observed in the 6 Mg FYMN20

60 kg N35

P13 ha1 treatment (37.1%) followed by those in the

kg P

5 Mg CRN20P13 ha1 (34.7%) and 6 Mg FYM ha1

For personal use only.

(31.2%) treatments. The rate of SOC sequestration

also followed a trend similar to that of the SOC
sequestration. The data show that 41.7 and 22.0%

of the biomass-C input was stabilized in FYM, and

40 kg N
26 kg P

soybean/safflower CR, respectively. Majumder et al.

(2008) reported that 67.9, 57.3 and 48.9% C input as
FYM was stabilized in a ricewheat (Triticum aestivum
L.) system in the Indo Gangetic plains. Higher amounts
of ash, lignin and polyphenol present in FYM and a
30 kg N

higher C:N ratio (64.0) lead to higher C stabilization

20 kg P

compared with that for the application of soybean/

safflower crop residues. With the exception of the
control, even treatments involving a higher rate of
N and P applied either as chemical fertilizer (4060 kg


N and 2635 kg P) or as FYM and CR along with

20 kg N
13 kg P

FYM, farmyard manure; CR, sorghum crop residue.

chemical fertilizers caused SOC sequestration ranging

from 0.6 to 11.9 Mg C ha1 over the 15-yr period.
The combined use of FYM and chemical fertilizers
(20 kg N ha 1 and 13 kg P ha1) had a higher SOC
sequestration rate than the 5 Mg CRN20P13 ha1


(10.7 Mg C ha1), which was greater than the 6 Mg


FYM ha1 (8.9 Mg C ha1) treatment. In comparison,

the cultivation of soybean followed by safflower without
application of any organics and/or inorganic fertilizers
(control) over 15 yr depleted the SOC stock by 7.0 Mg

C ha1. However, the application of 40 kg N26 kg

separation of means.

P ha1 maintained the SOC stock, while the application

of chemical fertilizers at a lower rate also depleted
the SOC stock by 0.70.8 Mg C ha1. Regardless of the
farming system, maintaining the SOC stock above the

threshold level is necessary to sustain agronomic pro-


ductivity and minimize the risks of soil degradation.

Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 03/07/14

Fig. 2. Influence of SOC concentration on bulk density of soils.

There existed a positive relationship between SOC stock is widely observed, the magnitude of depletion
stock in the root zone and the grain yield of soybean differs among soil types, climatic regimes, crops/crop-
(145 kg ha 1 yr 1 Mg 1 of SOC) and safflower (59 kg ping systems, land use history, and the duration of the
ha1 yr 1 Mg 1 of SOC) (Figs. 3a, b). Improvement fallow period (Davidson and Ackerman 1993; Guo and
in soil quality, by increasing the SOC stock of 1 Mg C Gifford 2002; Mandal et al. 2008). A higher input of
ha1 yr 1 in the root zone, can increase annual food biomass C through the application of organic amend-
production in developing countries by 2432 million ments or combined use of organics and chemical
tons of food grains and 610 million tons of roots and fertilizers may be due to increased availability of es-
For personal use only.

tubers (Lal 2011). However, maintaining or improving sential nutrients (i.e., N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn and B)
SOC stock in arid and semiarid regions is a major (Srinivasarao and Vittal 2007). Annual inputs of bio-
challenge (Srinivasarao et al. 2011, 2012a). The prevail- mass-C as crop residues and other biofertilizers signifi-
ing low levels of SOC concentrations and stocks in soils cantly increased SOC stock, following an asymptotic
of these regions in India are attributed to soil-mining relationship between the SOC stock and the magnitude
practices: little or no crop residues returned to the soil, of the inputs of biomass C in different treatments
excessive tillage, imbalance in fertilizer use and severe (Fig. 4). The application of biomass decreases soil BD
soil degradation by erosion and other processes (Lal in the surface and subsurface layers and also increases
2009). the root biomass (Halvorson et al. 1999; Du et al. 2009).
Plow-induced perturbation adversely impacts the Thus, there existed a strong negative correlation
amount and stability of soil aggregates, exacerbates between SOC stock and soil BD. There was also a
the mineralization of organic matter and depletes the positive correlation between SOC stocks and magnitude
SOC stock. While plowing-related depletion of SOC of SOC sequestration, and the input of CR (r 0.65;

Table 3. Changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration (g kg 1) in soil sampled in 2007 (9 standard deviation from mean)

Depth (m)

Treatment 00.2 0.20.4 0.40.6 0.60.8 0.81.0 Mean

Initial SOC 5.090.27 4.390.23 4.090.22 3.590.19 2.590.14 3.990.21

Control 3.990.21Ha 4.090.22Db 3.390.18Ec 3.290.17Ed 2.490.13Ce 3.490.18D
20 kg N13 kg P 4.690.25Ga 4.190.22Cb 3.590.19Dc 3.890.21Cd 2.990.16Ae 3.890.20C
30 kg N20 kg P 4.790.25Ga 4.190.22Cb 4.490.24Bc 3.590.19Dd 2.390.12Ce 3.890.21C
40 kg N26 kg P 4.890.26Ga 4.290.23Ca 4.490.24Bb 3.490.18Dc 2.690.14Bd 3.990.21C
60 kg N35 kg P 5.190.28Fa 4.490.24Aa 4.490.24Bb 4.190.22Bc 2.890.15Ad 4.290.22B
6 Mg FYMN20P13 ha 1 6.790.36Aa 4.890.26Ab 4.790.25Ac 4.490.24Ad 2.990.16Ae 4.790.25A
5 Mg CRz N20P13 ha1 6.490.35Ba 4.990.26Aa 4.690.25Ab 4.390.23Ac 2.990.16Ad 4.690.25A
6 Mg FYMz ha1 5.990.32Ca 4.890.26Aa 4.690.25Ab 4.490.24Ac 2.890.15Ad 4.590.24A
5 Mg CR ha 1 5.690.30Da 4.790.25Ba 4.190.22Cb 4.290.23Bc 2.790.15Bd 4.390.23B
Mean 5.390.29a 4.490.24b 4.290.23c 3.990.21d 2.790.15e

FYM, farmyard manure; CR, sorghum crop residue.
AH, ad Different capital letters within columns and different small letters within rows are significantly different at P0.05 according to Duncan’s
multiple range test (DMRT) for separation of means.

Table 4. The profile soil organic carbon (SOC) stock, percent increase in SOC stock, rate of SOC sequestration and the total amount of SOC for
different fertilization treatments under semiarid conditions (9 standard deviation from mean)

Profile SOC Increase in Rate of SOC sequestration Total SOC sequestrated

Treatment (Mg ha 1) SOC (%) (Mg C ha 1 yr 1) (Mg C ha 1)

Control 51.091.6E   7.090.44F

20 kg N13 kg P 57.291.8D 12.290.7G 0.4190.02G 0.890.05E
30 kg N20 kg P 57.391.8D 12.490.7G 0.4290.02G 0.790.04E
40 kg N26 kg P 58.691.8D 14.990.9F 0.5190.03F 0.690.04D
60 kg N35 kg P 62.791.9C 22.991.3E 0.7890.05E 4.790.30C
6 Mg FYMzN20P13 ha 1 69.992.2A 37.192.1A 1.2690.07A 11.990.75A
5 Mg CRzN20P13 ha1 68.792.1A 34.792.0B 1.1890.07B 10.790.67A
6 Mg FYM ha1 66.992.1B 31.291.8C 1.0690.06C 8.990.56B
5 Mg CR ha 1 63.692.0C 24.791.4D 0.8490.05D 5.690.35C

FYM, farmyard manure; CR, sorghum crop residue.
AG Different letters within columns are significantly different at P 0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) for separation of
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 03/07/14
For personal use only.

Fig. 3. Influence of root zone SOC stocks on yield of soybean (a) and safflower (b) seed yield in a 15-yr long-term experiment under
semiarid conditions.
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 03/07/14

Fig. 4. Effects of input of the C in crop residues on SOC stock (SOC; error bars represents the standard error of mean).

P B0.05), organic amendments (r0.75; P B0.05) and profile SOC stock (R2 0.63, P B0.05) and the SOC
total C inputs (r 0.93; P B0.05) explaining 42 to 87% sequestered (R2 0.63, P B0.05) (Table 5). However,
of variability in SOC stocks. Relatively higher magni- the correlation of SYI with the annual input of
tude of SOC sequestration in treatments receiving FYM CR was weak (R2 0.26). But these relationships were
may be attributed to the application of already decom- not significant in case of soybean. Thus, the maintenance
posed material containing a higher proportion of of SOC stock through application of FYM and chemical
chemically recalcitrant compounds (Paustian et al. fertilizers is essential to the sustainability of rainfed
1992). A significant correlation between the SOC stock production systems particularly in cropping systems
For personal use only.

and the C input as CR, biofertilizers and the total C like soybeansafflower, which need high external inputs.
input indicate the importance of residue retention and Any improvement in SOC enhances the available water
application of biosolids to improving soil quality. capacity of the soil profile (Du et al. 2009), and reduces
However, availability of adequate quantities of organic frequency and intensity of pedological and ecological
amendments under such conditions is a major con- droughts.
straint. Low biomass production, alternative use of crop
residues as animal feed and of animal dung as a cooking Carbon Sequestration and the Critical Level of C
fuel aggravate the problem of low C input to the soil. Inputs
Cultivation of Vertisols for the soybeansafflower
Relationship among C Inputs and Sequestrated C sequence over 15 yr under semi-arid conditions without
with Yield Sustainability using any organics and/or inorganic fertilizers (control)
The SYI of safflower was in accord with the SOC depleted the SOC stock by 7.0 Mg C ha 1. However,
concentration and stock, and a significant correlation addition of FYM, alone or in combination with
existed between SYI and the total C input (R2 0.53, P B inorganic fertilizers, significantly increased the SOC
0.05), percent SOC sequestration (R2 0.63, P B0.05), stock. Bhattacharyya et al. (2009) reported that the C
sequestration potential at 0- to 0.2-m depth ranged
from 0.18 Mg C ha 1 yr 1 in the unfertilized control
Table 5. Relationships of sustainable yield index (SYI) to crop residue C
input, total cumulative C input, percent change in soil organic carbon
to 0.57 Mg C ha1 yr 1 in the 50% RDF4 Mg
(SOC) stock and the magnitude of SOC sequestered after 15 yr of groundnut shells ha1. In the present study, the posi-
cropping tive and linear correlation between changes in SOC
stock and the total cumulative C inputs to the soils
Parameters Regression equation R2
(external organics plus crop residue) over the 15 yr
Annual crop residue C input (X) SYISoybean 0.001X0.37 0.21NS (Y 0.222X  11.55; R2 0.87, P B0.001) (Fig. 5),
SYISafflower 0.002X0.17 0.26NS is a strategically important information. It implies that
Total cumulative C input (X) SYISoybean 0.005X0.48 0.10NS even with 15 yr of continuous input of biomass-C
SYISafflower 0.002X0.20 0.53*
C buildup% (X) SYISoybean 0.001X0.46 0.03NS ranging from 1.91 to 4.24 Mg C ha 1 yr1, the soil C
SYISafflower 0.004X0.24 0.63* sink capacity was not filled. The data of the present
Profile SOC (X) SYISoybean 0.001X0.51 0.03NS study also indicate that the critical amount of C input
SYISafflower 0.01X0.19 0.63* into the soil is 3.47 Mg C ha1 yr 1 in Vertisols
C sequestrated (X) SYISoybean 0.001X0.45 0.03NS
SYISafflower 0.008X0.29 0.63*
for a soybean-based cropping system. Therefore,
Vertisols in central India have a high SOC sink capacity.
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 03/07/14

Fig. 5. The level of critical C input to maintain SOC stock at the initial level (error bars represents the standard error of mean for
sequestrated C).

Yet, the soil C sink capacity is finite (Six et al. 2002), and correlation between the amount of biomass produced
a different rate of C loading causes a new steady state of and the SOC sequestered with a no-till system on N-
SOC over time. Therefore, a periodic assessment of SOC fertilized wheat-corn systems.
stock, even at decadal intervals, may provide guide-
lines for sustainable management of soils. The slope of CONCLUSION
the curve (Fig. 5) represents the rate of conversion of The data presented support the conclusion that a regular
For personal use only.

biomass-C into SOC stock, which is about 22% for the input of biomass-C along with chemical fertilizers is
soybean-based cropping system. The higher value of the essential to improving soil quality in the semi arid
X intercept in the equation suggests that the rate of tropics of India, and for minimizing the depletion of
depletion of SOC is very high in semiarid Vertisols SOC stock under continuous cropping, particularly in
without addition of any C input either through crop energy intensive double cropping regions. The use of
residues or from an external source. Similar trends of chemical fertilizers at comparatively higher rate (40
degradation of a Vertisol by intensive agricultural kg N26 kg P ha1) can maintain the SOC level of
practices in Texas, USA, were reported by Potter Vertisols under a soybeansafflower cropping sequence.
(2010), with a loss of SOC concentration in 69 yr from Though SYI of soybean was not significantly influ-
65 to 10 g kg1 in the surface layer. Adoption of BMPs, enced, a higher SYI of safflower was obtained with the
however, increased SOC sequestration at a rate of 0.15 use of organic amendments (i.e., FYM/soybean/saf-
to 0.3 Mg C ha1 yr 1 (Potter et al. 1998; Potter 2006). flower CR) along with the use of chemical fertilizers.
Kundu et al. (2001) reported that the annual rate of The use of organic amendments is essential to obtaining
SOC enrichments ranged from 0.09 to 0.74 Mg C ha 1 higher yields and enhancing the SOC sequestration.
for the 0- to 15-cm depth and 0.05 to 0.15 Mg C ha 1 The minimum input of 3.47 Mg C ha1 yr1 is needed
for the 15- to 30-cm soil depth in soybeanwheat to maintain SOC at the antecedent level. However,
(Triricum aestivum) sequence in Vertisols of central availability of 6 Mg ha1 yr 1 of FYM on a dry weight
India. They observed that the annual rate of change in basis is a major challenge. But recycling the residues
SOC stock (Y, kg C ha1 yr 1) for the 0- to 30-cm of legumes (i.e., soybean) as mulch during the crop
depth was positively correlated with the gross annual C growing period or incorporating into the soil along with
input (X, kg C ha 1 yr1) (Y 0.18X  160.3; r0.978, an appropriate rate for chemical fertilizer can sustain
P B0.01), and estimated that 18.06% of the annual the system’s productivity, reduce the cost of chemical
gross C input was incorporated into the SOC stock. fertilizers and increase the SOC stock. Therefore, use
Webb et al. (1977) measured a 15% decline in SOC (0- of crop residues along with 20 kg N13 kg P ha1 as
to 100-cm depth) concentration in an Australian Verti- chemical fertilizers is a viable alternative for maintaining
sol from 26 to 22 g kg1 after forest clearing. Yet, SOC stock and sustaining crop production.
application of balanced fertilizers in combination with
organic manure sequestered SOC, improved the soil ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
physical environment and sustained higher productivity The authors are grateful to the Indian Council of
in Vertisol under an intensive soybean-based cropping Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, India, for
system (Hati et al. 2007). For an irrigated Vertisol in funding the project, through AP-Cess fund (Project
Mexico, Follett et al. (2005) observed a significant Code: 30303834024).

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