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Module 1.


Lesson 1

is a course taught in school that focuses on

developing physical fitness. Effective P.E. classes help kids
develop skill and confidence, maintain physical fitness,
learn about personal health and wellness, and demonstrate
positive social skills.
Physical Education

- is a course taught in school that focuses on developing physical fitness.

Effective P.E classes helps kids develop skill and confidence, maintain, physical fitness,
learn about personal health and wellness, and demonstrate positive social skills.

- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Social
- Spiritual

Concept of Physical Education and Health

Definition of Physical Education and Health

Physical Education (P.E.) and health studies give students a scientific base
of knowledge that combines biological, physical and environment and social sciences.
This builds a foundation upon which students can learn the specialized skills required
for their desired occupations.

Objectives of physical education and health

PE is “to educate students through physical activities”. It aims to develop

students’ physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability
to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of
an active and healthy lifestyle.

A comprehensive health education program is an important part of the

curriculum in most school districts. Starting in kindergarten and continuing through high
school, it provides an introduction to the human body and to factors that prevent illness
and promote or damage health.

Basic Concept of P.E

• Education Through the Physical
According to Bucher:

1) Physical Development Objective:

The objective of physical development deals with the program of activities that builds
physical power in an individual through the development of the various organic systems
of the body.

2) Motor Development Objective:

The motor development objective is concerned with making physical movement useful
and with as little expenditure of energy as possible and being proficient, graceful, and
aesthetic in this movement.

3) Mental Development Objective:

The mental development objective deals with the accumulation a body knowledge and
the ability to think and to interpret this knowledge.

4) Social Development Objective:

The social development objective is concerned with helping an individual in making
personal adjustments, group adjustment, and adjustments as a member of society.

Lesson 2 Fitness and Wellness


- The condition of being physically fit. It is the ability to carry out daily
tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue. It includes power of body,
strength of muscles, and joints.


- healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental

health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you’re thriving. Its incudes Mental
health, Physical health, Emotional health.

7 Dimensions of Wellness

Social Wellness

- is about building and maintaining positive relationships that add value to
our and other people’s lives.

Emotional Wellness

- is being able to identify how you’re feeling and why; It’s about
acknowledging and effectively channeling anger, fear, sadness, stress, hope, love,
happiness, frustration, etc.

Spiritual Wellness

- is our ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives and to be

fulfilled by what we do by aligning our values with our actions.

Environmental Wellness

- is being aware of nature, our environment, and our immediate


Occupational Wellness

- refers to our ability to feel fulfilled with our jobs and chosen career
paths, without sacrificing work-life balance; It’s about being involved in work activities
that allow you to show your talents and skills set.

Intellectual Wellness

- encompasses creative and stimulating mental activities. Its about our

ability to open out minds to new ideas and experiences that can benefit our personal
and professional lives.

Physical Wellness

- is being about able to complete daily activities without extreme fatigue

or physical stress and avoiding destructive habits (sedentary behavior, drugs, alcohol,

Benefits of Fitness and Wellness

1. Keep you physically fit.
2. Lower the risk of disease.
3. Helps to look younger.
4. Balance stress hormones.

5. Manage your body weight.
6. Improve quality life.
7. Positive attitude to work.
8. Healthy lifestyle.

Lesson 3

 The ability of individual to do his daily task efficiently and without undue
fatigue and still extra reserve energy in case of an emergency.
 Is a general state of good physical health
 Is to the human body while fine-turning is to an engine
 Is a positive state of well-being influenced by regular, vigorous physical
activity, genetic makeup, and nutritional adequacy.

Two Components of Physical Education

 Health Related Components
 Performance/Skill Related Components

Health Related Components

A relative state of being. The development and maintenance of health-
related fitness is a function of physiological adaptation to increase overload.

 Cardio-respiratory Endurance
The ability of the heart blood vessels and the lungs to take in and
process oxygen in the body.
 Strength
The ability of the muscles to exert force against resistance.
 Muscular Endurance
The ability of the muscles to exert repeated muscular contraction
against a resistance for a long period of time.

 Body Composition
Defined as the percentage of fat, muscle, and bone in the body.
Body composition will typically be displayed as either a percentage
of fat (body fat percentage or % fat or as a percentage of lean
body mass (LBM).

Different ways of assessing Body Composition:

Different ways of assessing Body Composition:

Different Ways of assessing Body Composition:

1. Skin fold caliper
Estimation of body fat by skin fold thickness measurement,
2. Hydrostatic Weighting
3. X-rays
4. Body Mass Index (BMI)
Statistical measure which compares a person’s weight and height.

Performance/ Skill Related Components

 Related to the quality on one’s movement skill
 The ability to make successive movements of the same kind in the shortest
possible time.
 The ability of the muscles to release the maximum force in the shortest
possible time.
 The ability to change positions, movements or direction with quickness and
 The ability to control maintain position positions or movements of the body. It
is state of equilibrium.
Static Balance
 The ability to maintain one’s equilibrium in a fixed position.
Dynamic Balance
The ability to maintain one’s equilibrium while the body is in motion
 The ability to maintain harmonious functioning of muscles in producing
complex movements
Reaction Time
 The ability to react to the interval of the time between the signal respond
(stimulus) and the beginning of the response

Lesson 4
Different Types of Body

Body type, or somatotype, refers to the idea that there are three generalized body
compositions that people are predetermined to have. The concept was theorized by Dr.
W.H. Sheldon back in the early 1940s, naming the three
somatotypes endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph.
It was originally believed that a person’s somatotype was unchangeable, and that
certain physiological and psychological characteristics were even determined by
whichever one a person aligns to.

According to Sheldon, endomorphs have bodies that are always rounded and soft,
mesomorphs are always square and muscular, and ectomorphs are always thin and fine-
boned. He theorized that these body types directly influenced a person’s personality,
and the names were chosen because he believed the predominate traits of each
somatotype were set in stone, derived from pre-birth preferential development of either
the endodermal, mesodermal, or ectodermal embryonic layers.


Typical Characteristics:

 Long and lean

 Delicate frame
 “Hargainer” – Finds it difficult to build muscle and fat
 Body similar to a marathon runner
 Fast metabolism
 Flat chest

Ectomorph should eat:

 Ectomorph tend to respond well to carbohydrates, so you can eat those freely.
You’ll just want to choose healthy sources, including fiber- rich fruits, veggies
and whole grains. To optimize your health, reach for plenty of protein,
including from lean animal sources and plants like nuts and seeds.
 People that belong to this somatotype are usually skinny, lean and have a high
metabolic rate. When expose toa constant unhealthy diet and sedentary
lifestyle, ectomorphs can actually gain some weight, which will most probably
be belly fat, while their arms and legs will stay unusually thin.
 Ectomorphs have a fast metabolism. A high metabolism makes it east to get
lean, and it can seem as if they can eat whatever they want and not gain

What sports are Ectomorphs good at?

 Ectomorphs dominate marathons, thriatlons, cross-country skiing, and other

long-distance and endurance events. All of these sports require light
musculature and little fat, relying on aerobic endurance more than power.

Building the Program

 A sound strategy for building a workout plan would involve first selecting a
primary chest exercise, a primary leg exercise, and a primary back exercise.
Review the following list of the exercises, organize by category, and select one
from each category.

 American Physician and psychologist who attempted to correlate body type with
personality. William Herbert Sheldon developed ‘constitutional psychology’ the
study of the relationships between physical attributes and personality traits.
 The mesomorph is your natural athlete.
 Mesomorph have a large bone structure, large muscles and find it quite easy to
gain or lose weight.

The Mesomorph
 Athletic
 Hard body with well-defined muscles
 Rectangular shaped body
 Strong
 Gains fat more easily than ectomorphs

Characteristics of Mesomorphs
 Heavy, athletic body
 Gains both muscle and fat easily but can also lose both easily
 Defined muscle
 Hard, rectangular shape for men; hourglass shaped for women
 Fitted jeans are snug around the glutes but not too tight
 Shoulders are slightly wider than hips
 Gains strength easily
 Average to fast metabolism
 Thick skin
 Noted for having ideal posture.

- Are said to have a higher percentage of BODY fat with less muscle mass.
They’re often heavier and rounder, but not necessarily obese. Because of
their physical makeup, people with endomorphic bodies are more sensitive to
calorie consumption than the people with other types.

Typical Characteristics:
 Slow metabolism
 Often but not always shorts in stature
 Relatively thick arms and legs
 Rounded body with little muscle definition

What should an endomorph eat?

 Macadamia nuts, olive oil, beef, egg yolk, fatty fish, walnuts and cheese.

Foods that Endomorph should avoid
 White Bread
 Heavily processed foods.
 Soda and sports drinks.
 Oils high in saturated fats

How does and endomorph lose weight?

 Since you don’t burn calories as fast as ectomorphs and mesomorphs, excess
calories are more likely to convert to fat. Some believe you’re also less tolerable
to carbohydrates, so the best diet for your body type may be one with a higher
fat and protein intake and a lower carbohydrate intake, such as the paleo diet.

Do Endomorphs need more cardio?

Cardio Training Recommendations for the Endomorph:
 Incorporate 30 to 60 minutes of steady-state cardio, two or three days a week.
 Weight Training.
 Maintaining or building lean muscle mass and losing body fat, while also reviving
up metabolism, is the focus during weight- training sessions.

What sports are good for Endomorphs?

 The best sports for the people with the endomorph body shape are weightlifting,
rugby, rowing, superheavyweight boxing, wrestling, shot put, discus and hammer
throwing. So, this body shape is not usually suited for speed and agility, but
strength activities like powerlifting can be a great option


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