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The interested par cipants may register
for the Training Programme by filling up
the Google Form by c\scanning
following QR Code.
LIS Academy
Registra on fees
Including Lunch and Registra on Kit: FOR REGISTRATION

Rs. 1000
The LISA (Library & Informa on Science Note: Only 25 Par cipants will be accommodated on
Academy), as a charitable trust, focus on first come first serve basis
d e v e l o p i n g p ro g ra m , ex p e r s e a n d
iden fying suitable technology to bridge the WHO CAN One Day
gap between academia and industry from ATTEND Training program on
me to me. The LISA has its own campus,
ICT infrastructure and experts for
Any students, PhD scholars, regular researchers, Reference Management Tool
faculty member, authors, and persons who wants to
developing /customizing various open
so ware applica on, hands-on training and
learn how to use the Mendeley referencing manager.
iden fying suitable Open-source so ware on CONTACT US
par with the changing needs of all the
libraries. At the same me, LISA has in its
cogni on the technical, technological and
LIS Academy
content needs of each type of libraries is First Floor, #7/29, Vijayalakshmi Complex,
different and it can pay a en on to the Mathikere Main Road, 1st Phase, 2nd Stage, on
customized needs of each type of libraries like Gokula, Bangalore - 560 054
Public Libraries, school, college/university th
and special including research libraries. LIS
4 January 2020
Academy also has been conduc ng various
trainings, conferences, workshops. To name
few it has already conducted leadership
LIS Academy
programs, few conferences/conclaves on
First Floor, #7/29, Vijayalakshmi Complex,
research methodology and scholarly SCAN QR CODE Mathikere Main Road, 1st Phase, 2nd Stage,
communica on, Na onal Educa on FOR LOCATION Gokula, Bangalore - 560 054
program, etc.

Basic knowledge of computers / Microso 9.00 – 9.30 Registra on

Basic knowledge of ci ng and referencing, 9.30 – 10.30 Informa on Sources & Discovery Lecture
however, it is not compulsory 10.30 – 11.15 Introduc on to reference Lecture
management tools & Mendeley
TAKEAWAYS OF demonstra on
11.15 – 11.30 Tea Break

Use of search tools / databases / scholarly 11.30 – 1.00 Mendeley Installa on & Lab Session
Researchers and academicians spend lot of Configura on
search engines to find specific references /
valuable me in retrieving scholarly content research ar cle.
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
relevant to their research topic. O en,
researcher's fails to manage the retrieved Build your personal library of research ar cles 14.00 – 16.00 Working with Mendeley Lab Session
both online and offline Import research ar cles & organise
research ar cles systema cally. The personal Adding records manually & valida on
libraries built using reference management Ability to store full text PDFs within your Annota on
Inser ng inline cita ons
so ware's will be of great help for researchers library, and to make annotation Crea ng Bibliographies
in saving me. Today, various reference
Import / Export References 16.00 – 16.15 Tea Break
management tools are available as freeware
Use folders to organise content in Mendeley 16.15 – 17.30 Working with Web Mendeley Lecture /
and shareware. The training program will focus Lab Session
Synchronising with Desktop version
on impar ng skillset to use Mendeley, a free online and offline Academic Social Networking features
Informa on Discovery
reference management so ware. The Use Mendeley to ‘cite while you write' in Word Crea ng groups & sharing
par cipants will have hands on training at well- Documents automa cally Mendeley Mobile app

equipped computer laboratory and get trained 17.30 – 18.00 Feedback and cer ficate distribu on
Use Mendeley to create bibliographies
to build and experience their own personal
library. The par cipants will also get trained to Use Mendeley to change the referencing style
cite references, create bibliographies and of a document
change the referencing style of their papers /
Ability to share references with other
thesis automa cally. Mendeley users, either completely openly or
as part of a closed group

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