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In general A force is a push or pull acting on a body. It is a vector quantity i.e. it has both magnitude and
direction. We can also say
“Force is an effort which causes the change in state of the body i.e. by applying a force, it will move, if it is at
rest or its velocity will change; if it is in motion”


(1) May change only speed
(2) May change only direction of motion.
(3) May change both the speed and direction of motion.
(4) May change size and shape of a body
kg m g  cm
Unit of force: Newton and (MKS System) dyne and (CGS System)
s2 s2
1 Newton = 105 dyne

Dimensions : MLT 2
Any part of the surrounding which is under observation is called system. The rest of the universe is called the
surrounding which is separated from the system by the system boundary.
There are many kinds of interactions between the system and the surrounding like heat interaction, mass
interaction, force interaction etc.
In this chapter we shall discuss the force interaction between the system and the surrounding.
It is the study of the cause of motion along with its description. In this chapter, we are going to discuss the
relationship between forces and the consequent motion of a body on which these forces act.

All the forces observed in nature such as muscular force, tension, reaction, friction, elastic, weight, electric,
magnetic, nuclear, etc., can be explained in terms of only following four basic interactions:
[1] Gravitational Force
The force of interaction which exists between two particles of masses m 1 and m2, due to their masses is called
gravitational force.

 mm 
F  G 1 3 2 r

r = position vector of test particle ‘T’ with respect to source particle ‘S’. and
G = universal gravitational constant = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2.
(i) It is the weakest force and is always attractive.
(ii) It is a long-range force as it acts between any two particles situated at any distance in the universe.
(iii) It is independent of the nature of medium between the particles.
F = mg: This is the force exerted by earth on any particle of mass m near the earth surface. The value of g =
9.81 m/s2  10 m/s   2 m/s2  32 ft/s2. It is also called acceleration due to gravity near the surface of earth.

[2] Electromagnetic Force

Force exerted by one particle on the other because of the electric charge on the particles is called
electromagnetic force.
Following are the main characteristics of electromagnetic force
(a) These can be attractive or repulsive.
(b) These are long range forces
(c) These depend on the nature of medium between the charged particles.
(d) All macroscopic forces (except gravitational) which we experience as push or pull or by contact are
electromagnetic, i.e., tension in a rope, the force of friction, normal reaction, muscular force, and force
experienced by a deformed spring are electromagnetic forces. These are manifestations of the
electromagnetic attractions and repulsions between atoms/molecules.
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[3] Nuclear Force
It is the strongest force. It keeps nucleons (neutrons and protons) together inside the nucleus inspite of large
electric repulsion between protons. Radioactivity, fission, and fusion, etc. result because of unbalancing of
nuclear forces. It acts within the nucleus that too upto a very small distance.
[4] Weak Force
It acts between any two elementary particles. Under its action a neutron can change into a proton emitting an
electron and a particle called antineutrino. The range of weak force is very small, in fact much smaller than the
size of a proton or a neutron.
It has been found that for two protons at a distance of 1 fermi:
–1 –7 –38
FN : FE M : FW : FG : : 1 : 10 : 10 : 10

Based on the nature of the interaction between two bodies, forces may be broadly classified as under
Weight, electrostatic forces, etc. Forces that act between bodies separated by a distance without any actual
Since we are going to encounter these forces in our analysis we will briefly discuss each force and how it acts
between two bodies, its nature, etc. and how we are going to take it into account.
Forces which are transmitted between bodies(may be solid or fluid). by short range atomic molecular
interactions are called contact forces. When two objects come in contact they exert contact forces on each
other. The forces are:
(a) Normal reaction (b) Friction (c) Buoyancy (d) Viscous force (e) Air resistance (f) Spring force
(g) Tension
Note: Origin of various contact forces in mechanics: Most of the contact forces in mechanics arise from
electrical forces. Since all bodies are composed of atoms having electrons and protons which are charged
particles, so molecular change in mechanics occurs because of re-orientation of charged particles.

Since we’re going to encounter these forces in our analysis we will briefly discuss each force and how it act
between two bodies, its nature etc, and how we are going to take it into account.

We are going to discuss some Special Forces.

5.1 WEIGHT (W)
It is a field force, the force with which a body is pulled towards the centre of the earth due to its gravity. It has
the magnitude mg and it acts vertically downwards, where m is the mass of the body and g is the acceleration
due to gravity. Note that in this chapter we will be neglecting forces on object due to other nearby masses other
than earth.
It is a force that acts between bodies in contact with each other along the surface of contact - and it opposs
relative motion between the two bodies. The direction of friction in A is opposite to that of B and magnitude is
same for both.


It is the component of contact force perpendicular to the surface. It measures how strongly the surfaces in
contact are pressed against each other. It is the electromagnetic force.
When two surfaces are in contact, then the surfaces exert forces on each other. The forces are opposite to each
other in direction and are equal to each other. The direction is always at right angles to the surfaces in contact
i.e. at right angle to the common tangent to the surfaces at the point of contact.
Sometimes it is also called contact force. It is pushing force. If two rigid bodies touch each
other then at the point of contact each body push one another perpendicular to the tangent
surface at the contact point.
Note the following figures to understand Normal reaction more clearly.
A table is placed on Earth as shown in figure

Here table presses the earth so normal forces exerted by four legs of table on earth are as shown in figure.

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Now a boy pushes a block kept on a frictionless surface.

Here, force exerted by boy on block is electromagnetic interaction which arises due to similar charges appearing
on finger and contact surface of block, it is normal force.

A block is kept on inclined surface. Component of its weight presses the surface perpendicularly due to which
contact force acts between surface and block.

Normal force exerted by block on the surface of inclined plane is shown in figure.

Force acts perpendicular to the surface

Illustration 1 : Two blocks are kept in contact on a smooth surface as shown
in figure. Draw normal force exerted by A on B.

Solution : In above problem, block A does not push block B, so there is no molecular interaction between A
and B. Hence normal force exerted by A on B is zero.
Note: Normal is a dependent force, it comes in role when one surface presses the other.

Illustration 2 : Draw normal forces on the massive rod at point 1 and 2 as shown in
Solution : Normal force acts perpendicular to extended surface at point of contact.

Look at some more figures:

tangent surface N
N (force by horizontal surface on N N
block )
N N (force by horizontal
N surface on rod)


contact point N (force by block on horiontal N1 (force by rod on horizontal

surface) N1 surface)

m N N


Note: Normal reaction exists when the body is in contact with any surface of the surrounding. It is always
perpendicular to the contact surface of the surrounding. Its magnitude lies between zero and infinity depending on
different cases of the problems. It is self adjusting electromagnetic force. It is a pushing force.


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Every body continues to be in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled by some
external force to act otherwise.

Newton’s first law is really a statement about reference frames in which it defines the kinds of reference frames
in which the laws of Newtonian mechanics hold. From this point of view the first law is expressed as:
If the net force acting on a body is zero, it is possible to find a set of reference frames in which that body has no
Newton’s first law is sometimes called the law of inertia and the reference frames that it defines are called
inertial reference frames.

Newton’ law from an 1803 translation from Latin as Newton wrote

Every body preserves its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces
impressed thereon.”
The rate of change of momentum of body is proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction in
which the force acts.

Newton’s law from an 1803 translation from Latin as Newton wrote

“The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in
which that force is impressed.”
F or F  ma Where p  mv
Important points of Second Law
 The Second Law is obviously consistent with the First Law as F = 0 implies a = 0.

 The Second Law of motion is a vector law. It is actually three equation, one for each component of the
dp dpy dp
vectors: Fx  x  max Fy   may Fz  z  maz
dt dt dt
This means that if a force is not parallel to the velocity of the body, but makes some angle with it, then it
changes only the component of velocity along the direction of force. The component of velocity normal to the
force remains unchanged.

 The Second Law of motion given by it strictly applicable to a single point particle. The force F in the law
stands for the net external force acting on the particle and a stands for the acceleration of the particle. Any
internal force in the system is not included in F.

 The Second Law of motion is a local relation. What this means is that the force F at a point in space (location
of the particle) at a certain instant of time is related to acceleration at the same point and at the same instant.
That is acceleration here and now is determined by the force here and now and not by any history of the
motion of the particle.

Illustration 3: The velocity of a particle of mass 2 kg is given by v  atiˆ  bt jˆ . Find the force acting on the

Solution: From second law of motion:
dP d d
F ( atiˆ  bt ˆj )  F  2aiˆ  4btjˆ
= ( mv ) = 2.
dt dt dt
It can be stated as action and reaction are equal and opposite. Or
To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.Or
Forces occur in pairs so, force acting on a body by another body is equal and opposite to the force on the latter
body by the first body.
A ball thrown on a wall is sent back to the thrower by the wall. It is example of the fact that action and reaction
are equal and opposite.

If body 1 exerts force on body 2 then body 2 exerts equal and opposite force on body 1 i.e. F12   F21
Newton’ law from an 1803 translation from Latin as Newton wrote

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“To every action there is always opposed an equal and opposite reaction: to the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other
are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.”
Important points about the Third Law
 The terms action and reaction in the Third Law mean nothing else but “force”. A simple and clear way of
stating the Third Law is as follows: Forces always occur in pairs. Force on a body A by B is equal and
opposite to the force on the body B by A.
 The term is action and reaction in the Third law may give a wrong impression that action comes from entire
reaction i.e. action is the cause and reaction the effect. There is no such cause–effect reaction in period in the
Third Law. The force on A by B and the on B by A acts at the same instant. Any one of them may be called as
action and the other as reaction.
 Action and reaction forces act on different bodies and not on the same body. Thus if we are considering them
motion of any one body (A or B) only one of the two forces is relevant, it is valid up to the two forces and the
net force is zero.
However, if you are considering the system of two bodies as a whole, F AB and FBA are internal forces of the
system (AB). They add to give a null force. Internal forces in a body or a system of particles thus cancel
away in pairs. This is an important fact that enables the Second Law to be applicable to a body or a system of

Note: Had there been no friction, no external force would have been required to keep a body in uniform motion.
 Action and reaction being equal and opposite may not cancel each other
Action and reaction acting on different bodies do not cancel each other. A wall sends back a ball which hits it
i.e. the ball acts on the wall and the wall reacts on the ball.

Note: When action and reaction are acting on the same body (i.e. external force and internal force) then in ideal
condition they may cancel each other.

Brain Teaser: Can a sail boat be propelled by air blown at its sail from a fan fixed to the boat?
(a) Can be sailed
(b) Cannot be sailed

Brain Teaser: A book is kept on a horizontal table. Weight of the book and force of the table on the book are
equal and opposite. Are these forces action reaction pair as mentioned in third law of Newton.?

Brain Teaser: Ram hits a punch to Shyam but Shyam do not reply is it violation of third law & explain the


A rigid body is a body with a definite and unchanged shape and size i.e. a body is said to be rigid if the distance
between any two particles of the body remains invariant.
Rigid bodies are those which theoretically do not deform against any deforming external force. Hence
theoretically their elasticity must be infinite.
Note: Practically all the bodies in the universe gets deformed up to some extent, but for some bodies (material)
this deformation is negligible, so they can be called to be rigid.


Since here we are dealing with Rigid Body Dynamics, we will assume it to be non deformable; therefore force
will either cause translation, rotation or both. Now just have a glance over the following diagrams and feel them

Only Translation Only Rotation Both rotation and translation

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10N 10N 20N

10N 10N


Now we can say if a rigid body is neither translating nor rotating, then net force on it must be zero, and the body
will be in equilibrium.
Now we can summarize condition for the equilibrium of rigid body acted upon by some force at an instant of time, as
Translating effect (Net force acting on it) must be zero in every direction, i.e.
Fx  0, Fy  0, Fz  0
Step 1: Make a sketch of the problem.
Step 2: Isolate a single object and then draw the free-body diagram for the object. Label all
external forces acting on it.
Step 3: Choose a convenient coordinate system and resolve all forces into x and y components.
F  0
Step 4: Apply the equations  Fx  0 and y
Step 5: Step 4 will give you two equations with several unknown quantities. If you have only two unknown
quantities at this point, you can solve the two equations for those unknown quantities.
Step 6: If step 5 produces two equations with more than two unknowns, go back to step 2 and select
another object and repeat these steps.
Eventually at step 5 you will have enough equations to solve for all unknown quantities.
Illustration 4 : Two blocks are kept in contact as shown in figure. Find 50N

(a) Forces exerted by surfaces (floor and wall) on blocks. 30

(b) Contact force between two blocks. 100 N 10kg 20kg
Solution : F.B.D. of 10 kg block
N1 = 10 g = 100 N .............(1)
N2 = 100 N .............(2)
F.B.D. of 20 kg block N 4
50 N
N2 = 50 sin 30º + N3
N N3
 N3 = 100 – 25 = 75 N ............(3) 2

and N4 = 50 cos 300 + 20 g

20 g
N4 = 243.30 N
Illustration 5 : In the figure, the tension in the horizontal cord is 30N.Find
the weight of the body B. cord 2 45

P 30
cord 1 N

Solution : (i) Isolate the point P T2 Y

(ii) The forces acting on it are :
Unknown tension T2 in cord 2 45
Unknown tension T1 in cord 1
Known tension of 30N in the horizontal cord. 30 X
(iii) T2 is resolved along x and y axes. N
(iv) Condition of equilibrium :
Fx = 0  30 – T2sin45 = 0 (1) T1 = W
and Fy = 0  T2cos45 - T1 = 0 (2) T1
For body B
Since the body B is also in equilibrium,
Hence T1 = W (3)
(v) After solving these equations,
we get W = 30N W

Illustration 6 : The system shown in figure is in equilibrium. Find the magnitude of

tension in each string; T1,T2,T3 and T4. (g = 10 m/s–2)
Solution : F.B.D. of block 10 kg

T 0 = 10 g

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T0 = 100 N

F.B.D. of point ‘A’

Fy  O  T2 cos 30º = T0 = 100 N
T2 = N
200 1 100
Fx  O  T1 = T2 sin 30º = . = N.
3 2 3
F.B.D. of point of ‘B’
Fy  O  T4 cos600 = T2cos300 and Fx  O  T3 + T2 sin300 = T4sin600
 T3 = N, T4 = 200 N
Illustration 7 : A spring balance A shows a reading of 2 kg, when an aluminium
block is suspended from it. Another balance B shows a reading A
of 5 kg, when a beaker full of liquid is placed in its pan. The two
balances are arranged such that the Al – block is completely
immersed inside the liquid as shown in the figure. Then
(a) The reading of the balance A will be more than 2 kg m

(b) The reading of the balance B will be less than 5 kg B

(c) The reading of the balance A will be less than 2 kg. and that
of B will be more than 5 kg
(d) The reading of balance A will be 2 kg. and that of B will be 5 kg.

Key Concept: Reading of spring balance is equal to the tension force (=kx) in the spring, while reading of
weighing balance is the Normal reaction provided by the balance
Solution : (c) Due to buoyant force on the aluminium block the reading of spring balance A will be less than
2 kg but it increase the reading of balance B, since block applies reaction onto the water which
in turn transfers to the weighing balance. Let U be the up-thrust by liquid on the block.
Reading of spring balance A= mg-U=2kg-U
Reading of spring balance B= weight of beaker +liquid + U = 5kg+U.
Illustration 8 : Find the stretch in the springs in the figure shown.

K K1


(A) (B)
Key Concept : Spring can be replaced by string when dealing with system in equilibrium. The tension in the
string so found will be same as the spring force due to deformation in the spring. Also since the
string can’t sustain compressive force we can’t replace spring by string where there is
compression in the spring.
Solution :

T/4 T/4 T

T/2 T m
 

T 2T

(A) The Tension distribution is as shown showing tension in the String carrying spring is T/4
Hence kx=T/4 x = T/4k =Mg/4k (from equilibrium of mass M)
(B) Again T=Mg from equilibrium of mass M
Expansion In k1 x1=T/2k1 = Mg/2k1
Expansion In k2 x2=T/k2 = Mg/k2

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Illustration 9 : A body of weight W is in equilibrium under a horizontal force P, on a smooth inclined
plane. The body will remain in equilibrium under a force Q along the plane (instead of P).
1 1 1
Prove that 2  2  2 .
Solution : The body is in equilibrium under P, W and the normal R
reaction R. So by Lami’s theorem  P
 
sin(180  ) sin(90  ) sin900
0 0
900 –
 P cos  = W sin  ……(1) 
In second case, by Lami’s theorem,

sin(180  ) sin900
 Q = W sin  ……(2)
1 1 900 + 
(1) and (2)  cot  
1 1 
and cos ec 
1 1 1 W
1 1 1
 2
(cos ec 2  cot 2 )  2  2  2
 2 2 .
1. Which type of forces does a neutron exert on a proton?
2. Which type of forces does a proton exerts on a proton?

3. Two forces of same magnitude act on an isolated body in opposite directions to keep it at equilibrium position,
is this true according to Newton’s third law?

4. When you hold a pen and write on your notebook, what kind of force is exerted by you on the pen? By the pen
on the notebook?
5. Is it true that the reaction of a gravitational force is always gravitational, of an electromagnetic force is always
electromagnetic and so on?
6. Imagine that you are holding a book weighing 4 N at rest on the palm of your hand.
a) A downward force of magnitude 4 N is exerted on the book by ________.
b) An upward force of magnitude ———————— is exerted on the book by the hand.
c) Is the upward force (b) the reaction to the downward force (a)?
d) The reaction to force (a) is a force of magnitude________, exerted on ________ by________.
Its direction is ________.
e) The reaction to force (b) is a force of magnitude________, exerted on ________ by________.
Its direction is ________.
f) That the forces (a) and (b) are equal and opposite is an example of Newton’s ________ law.
g) That forces (b) and (e) are equal and opposite is an example of Newton’s ________ law.

Suppose now that you exert an upward force of magnitude 5 N on the book.
h) Does the book remain in equilibrium?
i) Is the force exerted on the book by the hand equal and opposite to the force exerted on the book by the
j) Is the force exerted on the book by the earth equal and opposite to the force exerted on the earth by the
k) Is the force exerted on the book by the hand equal and opposite to the force exerted on the hand by the
Finally, suppose that you snatch your hand away while the book is moving upward.
l) How many forces then act on the book?
m) Is the book in equilibrium?

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7. On a stationary sail-boat, air is blown at the sails from a fan attached to the boat. The boat will
(a) Remain stationary
(b) Spin around
(c) Move in a direction opposite to that in which air is blown
(d) Move in the direction in which the air is blown

8. A body floats in a liquid contained in a beaker. If the whole system as shown in figure falls freely under gravity, then the
upthrust on the body due to liquid is
(a) Zero (b) Equal to the weight of liquid displaced
(c) Equal to the weight of the body in air (d) None of these

9. The sum of all electromagnetic force between different particles of a system of charged particles is zero
(a) Only if all the particles are negatively charged
(b) Only if half the particles are positively charged and half are negatively charged
(c) Only if all the particles are positively charged
(d) Irrespective of the signs of the charges

10. A force F1 acts on a particle so as to accelerate it from rest to a velocity v. The force F1 then replaced by F2
which decelerates it to rest
(a) F1 must be unequal to F2 (b) F1 may be equal to F2
(c) F1 must be equal to F2 (d) None of these

11. A man pushes against a rigid fixed vertical wall. Which of the following is (are) the most accurate
statement(s) related to the situation?
(a) Whatever force the man exerts on the wall, the wall also exerts an equal and opposite force on the man
(b) The maximum force, which the man can exert on the wall is the maximum frictional force which exists
between his feet weight
(c) The man can never exerts a force on the wall which exceeds his wall
(d) The man cannot be in equilibrium since he is exerting a net force on wall

12. When a body is stationary

(a) There is no force acting on it
(b) The force acting on it is not in contact with it
(c) The combination of forces acting on it balances each other
(d) The body is in vacuum

13. In a tug of war, three men pull on a rope to the left at A and three men pull to the right at B with forces of equal
magnitude. Now a weight of 5.0 lb is hung vertically from the center of the rope.
(a) Can the men get the rope AB to be horizontal?
(b) If not, explain. If so, determine the magnitude of the forces required at A and B to do this.

14. Action and reaction

(A) Act on two different objects (B) Have equal magnitude
(C) Have opposite directions (D) Have resultant zero.

15. n which of the following cases the net force is not zero ?
(A) A kite skillfully held stationary in the sky
(B) A ball freely falling from a height
(C) An aero plane rising upwards at an angle of 45º with the horizontal with a constant speed
(D) A cork floating on the surface of water

16. A dynamometer D is attached to two bodies of mass M = 6 kg and m = 4kg. Force F 1 = 20N and F2 = 20N
are applied to the masses as shown. The dynamometer reads.
m D
F = 20N F = 20N

(A) 20N (B) 0N (C) 40N (D) 20N

17. A block of mass 10 kg is suspended by three strings as shown in the 60o 30o
figure. The tension T2 is
T2 T3
(A) 100 N (B) N
(C) 3  100 N (D) 50 3 N
10 kg

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18. Two bodies of masses 4 kg and 10 kg are attached to the ends of a
string passing over a pulley. The 4 kg mass is also attached to another
string whose other end is attached to the horizontal surface. The
tension in this string T1 is equal to T2
(A) 40 N (B) 44.3 N 4kg
(C) 100 N (D) 60 N
T1 10kg

19. In the figure at the free end of the light string, a force F is applied to keep the
suspended mass of 18 kg at rest. Assuming pulley is light then the force
exerted by the ceiling on the system is
(A) 200 N (B) 120 N F
(C) 180 N (D) 240 N


20. The resultant of two forces 3P and 2P is R. If the first force is doubled then the resultant is also doubled. The
angle between the two forces is
(A) 60 (B) 120 (C) 70 (D) 180
21. AB is a light rod and OBC is the light string on the pulley. What is the force applied by the
thread on the rod ? 60

(A) (B) 3 mg B
(C) 2 mg (D) mg 30

22. All surfaces shown in figure are smooth. System is released with the spring unstreched. In equilibrium,
compression in the spring will be

m k

mg 2mg (M  m ) g mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2k k 2k k

23. A spring scale indicates 10 N in the given situation as shown in fig. Neglecting the mass of
the pulley and ignoring friction between the cable and pulley, the mass m is
(A) 2 kg (B) 10Kg
(C) 4 kg (D) None T

24. A metal sphere is hung by a string fixed to a wall. The forces acting on the sphere are 
shown in fig. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(A) N  T  W  0 (B) T 2 = N2 + W 2 N

(C) T = N + W (D) N = W tan


25. A smooth sphere of mass M rests on the 30° smooth incline and a 60 smooth
incline. Find the contact forces due to the inclines.

30° 60°
mg 3 mg
Ans. N1  , N2 
2 2

26. The system shown in figure is in equilibrium, find the tension in each string; T1,T2,T3, T4 and T5.

200 200
Ans. T1 = T2 = N, T4 = T5 = 200 N, T3 = N.
3 3

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27. The system is in equilibrium
(a) Draw FBD of 10 kg block.
(b) Draw FBD of 5 kg wedge.
(c) Find "F" so that the system is in equilibrium
Neglect friction

[Ans. (a) (b) (c) 75 N ]

28. An iron sphere weighing 10 N rests in a V shaped smooth trough whose sides form an angle of 60° as
shown in the figure. Then the reaction forces are

(A) RA = 10 N & RB = 0 in case (i)

(B) RA = 10 N & RB = 10 N in case (ii)
20 10
(C) RA = N & RB = N in case (iii)
3 3
(D) RA = 10 N & RB = 10 N in all the three cases

29. The 50 kg homogeneous smooth sphere rests on the 30º incline A and bears against the smooth vertical wall
B. Calculate the contact forces at A and B.
1000 500
NA = N, NB = N
3 3
30. A string is connected between surface and a block of mass 1 kg which is pulled by another string by applying
force F = 10 N
as shown in figure. (g = 10 m/s2)
(i) Calculate tension is string (1).
(ii) Calculate tension in string (2).
Ans. (i) zero, (ii) 10 N

31. A block of mass 1 kg is suspended by a string of mass 1 kg, length 1m as shown in figure. (g = 10 m/s 2)
(a) The tension in string at its lowest point.
(b) The tension in string at its mid–point.
(c) Force exerted by support on string.
Ans. (a) 10 N, (b) 15 N, (c) 20 N.

32. In the figure the tension in the diagonal string is 60 N.

(a) Find the magnitude of the horizontal force F1 and F2 that must be applied to hold the system in the
position shown.
(b) What is the weight of the suspended block ?
60 60
Ans. (a) | F1 | = | F2 | = N (b) W = N
2 2

33. Which figure represents the correct F.B.D. of rod of mass

m as shown in figure :

(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these

34. A mass M is suspended by a rope from a rigid support at A as shown in figure. Another rope is tied at the end
B, and it is pulled horizontally with a force F. If the rope AB makes an
angle  with the vertical, then the tension in the string AB is :
(A) F sin  (B) F/sin 
(C) F cos  (D) F/cos 

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 11

35. Two masses m and M are attached with strings as shown. For the system to be in equilibrium we have
2M 2m
(A) tan  = 1 + (B) tan  = 1 +
m M
M m
(C) tan  = 1 + (D) tan  = 1 +
2m 2M
36. The breaking strength of the string connecting wall and block B is 175 N, find the
magnitude of weight of block A for which the system will be stationary. The block B
weighs 700 N. Ans. 175 N. (g = 10 m/s2)

37. A load attached to the end of a spring and in equilibrium produces 9 cm extension of
spring. If the spring is cut into three equal parts and one end of each is fixed at ‘O’ and other ends are
attached to the same load, the extension in cm of the combination in equilibrium now is:
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 6 (D) 9

38. Find the tension in the string and the extension in the spring at equilibrium. Where pulley, strings and springs
are ideal.

2mg mg
Ans. (a) T  mg, x  , (b) T1  mg, T2  2mg, x  ,
mg 2mg mg
(c) T1  mg,T2  2mg, x  (d) T  mg, x  (e) T  2mg, x 


To solve problems involving objects that are in accelerated motion:
Step 1: Make a sketch of the problem.
Step 2: Isolate a single object and then draw the free-body diagram for that object. Label all
external forces acting on it. Be sure to include all the forces acting on the chosen body, but be equally
carefully not include any force exerted by the body on some other body. Some of the forces may be
unknown; label them with algebraic symbols.
Step 3: Choose a convenient coordinate system, show location of coordinate axes explicitly in the
free-body diagram, and then determine components of forces with reference to these axes
and resolve all forces into x and y components.
 Fx  m a x and  Fy  m a y .
Step 4: Apply the equations
Step 5: Step 4 will give two equations with several unknown quantities. If you have only two unknown quantities
at this point, you can solve the two equations for those unknown quantities.
Step 6: If step 5 produces two equations with more than two unknowns, go back to step 2 and select
another object and repeat these steps. Eventually at step 5 you will have enough equations to solve for
all unknown quantities.
Illustration 10 : Three blocks m1 = 10kg, m2 = 20kg and m3 = 30kg are T1 T2
on a smooth horizontal table, connected to each other m1 m2 m3 F
by light horizontal strings. A horizontal force F = 60N is
applied to m3, towards right. Find (a) tension T1 and T2
and (b) tension T2 if all of a sudden string between
m1 and m2 breaks.
Solution : (a) Consider m1, m2 and m3 as one combined system

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F = (m1 + m2 + m3 ) A ….(i) F
Consider m3 as one system m3
F – T2 = m3A  F – T2 = m3
m1 + m2 + m3
 m3  F(m1 +m2 )
T2 = F 1- =
 m1 +m 2 +m 3  m1 +m2 +m3
Consider m1 as one system
m1F T1
T1 = m1A =
m1 +m2 +m3
(b) Consider m2 and m3 as one system
F = (m1+ m2)A1
Consider m2 as one system
T2 = m2A1 = T2
m2 + m3
Illustration 11 : Two blocks shown in figure are connected by a heavy uniform rope of mass 4kg. An
upward force of 200N is applied as shown.
(a) What is the acceleration of the system
(b) What is the tension at the top of heavy rope
(c) What is the tension at the mid-point of the rope take g = 10m/s
Solution : (a) Consider both block and rope as one system 200 200N
Let net acceleration in upward direction = a
 200 – 16g = 16A 5kg

 200 – 160 = 16A  A = 40/16 = 5/2 m/s

(b) Consider upper block as one system. 200N
Applying Newton’s second law
200 – 50 – T = 5A
T = 150 – 25/2 = 275/2 = 137.5N
5g T

(c) Consider upper block and half of upper rope as one system. 200
by applying Newton’s second law
200 – 7g – T1 = 7A
 T1 = 130 – 35/2 = 225/2 = 112.5N (5+2)g

Exercise 1:
1. Two blocks with masses m1 = 0.2 kg and m 2 = 0.3 kg hang one under other as shown in figure. Find the
tensions in the strings (massless) in the following situations : (g = 10 m/s 2)
(a) The blocks are at rest (b) They move upward at 5 m/s
(c) They accelerate upward at 2 m/s2 (d) They accelerate downward at 2 m/s2
(e) If maximum allowable tension is 10 N. What is maximum possible upward acceleration?
Ans. (a) 5 N, 3 N (b) 5 N, 3 N (c) 6 N, 3.6 N (d) 4 N, 2.4 N (e) 10 m/s2

2. A 5 kg block has a rope of mass 2 kg attached to its underside and a 3 kg block is suspended
from the other end of the rope. The whole system is accelerated upward at 2 m/s 2 by an
external force F0.
(a) What is F0?
(b) What is the net force on rope?
(c) What is the tension at middle point of the rope? (g = 10 m/s2)
Ans. (a) 120 N (b) 4N (c) 48 N
3. Two blocks are in contact on a frictionless table. One has mass m and the other 2m. A force F is applied
on 2m as shown in the figure. Now the same force F is applied from
the right on m. In the two cases respectively, the ratio force of contact
between the two blocks will be :

(A) same (B) 1 : 2 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 3

4. A constant force F is applied in horizontal direction as

shown. Contact force between M and m is N and
between m and M’ is N’ then

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 13


(A) N or N’ equal (B) N > N’ (C) N’ > N (D) cannot be determined

Illustration 12 : A man of mass 60 Kg is standing on a weighing machine placed on a

platform. Calculate the reading of machine (g = 10 m/s2) when
platform is at rest.
Also find the reading of machine if platform were
2 2
(a) Accelerating up with 2m/s (b) Accelerating down with 2m/s
(c) Falling freely

Key concept : A weighing machine does not measure the weight but measures the force exerted by object on
its upper surface.
Solution : For calculating the reading of weighing machine, we draw F.B.D. of man and machine
F.B.D. of man F.B.D. of weighing machine

N = Mg 2m/s2

Here force exerted by object on upper surface is N

Reading of weighing machine
N = Mg = 60 × 10
N = 600 N. 2m/s2
(a) F.B.D. of man F.B.D. of weighing machine
N - Mg = Ma  N=720N
(b) 480N (c) zero ‘Think yourself’

Brain Teaser: A horse is urged to pull a wagon. The horse refused to try, citing Newton’s third law as a
defence: the pull of the horse on the wagon is equal but opposite to the pull of the wagon on the horse. “If
I can never exert a greater force on the wagon than it exerts on me, how I can ever start the wagon
moving?” asks the horse. How would you reply?

Brain Teaser: How could a person who is at rest on completely frictionless ice covering a pond reach
shore? Could he do this by walking, rolling, swinging his arms, or kicking his feet? How could a person be
placed in such a position in the first place?

Brain Teaser: Two blocks of unequal masses are tied by a spring. The blocks are pulled stretching the
spring slightly and the system is released on a frictionless horizontal platform. Are the forces due to the
spring on the two blocks equal and opposite? If yes, is it an example of Newton's third law?

Exercise 2:

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 14

1. A block of mass 50 kg is kept on another block of mass 1 kg as shown in figure. A horizontal force of 10 N
is applied on the 1kg block. (All surface are smooth). Find (g = 10 m/s 2)

(a) Acceleration of block A and B. (b) Force exerted by B on A.

Ans. (a) aB = 0 (b) 500 N
2. Repeat above example if force is applied on 50 kg block rather on the 1kg block.
Ans. (a) 0.2 m/s2, 0 (b) 500 N
3. The elevator shown in figure is descending with an acceleration of
2 m/s2. The mass of the block A is 0.5 kg. What force is exerted by
the block A on the block B ? Solve the problem taking (a) ground as
the frame (b) lift as the frame. Ans. 4N

Illustration 13 : A string of mass m and length L is moving under the action of two forces F 1 and F2 as
shown in the figure. Find the tension at point P.
Solution : Consider first entire string as one system L
by applying Newton’s second law in x and y direction, A P D
F2 F 1
 There is no acceleration of rope in y direction so the forces will be balanced along the
y direction
 N = mg … (i)
Let the net acceleration towards positive x direction is ‘a’ N
Then net force towards positive x direction = F1 – F2 F2 A D
 F1 – F2 = ma … (ii) mg

Consider AP as one system

F2 T
By applying Newton’s second law in horizontal direction
 T – F2 = m2A where m2 = mass of string AP = m/L 
F1  
So T = F2 + m2A = F2 + (m/L ) A T  F2 1  
L  L
Exercise 3:
1. A horizontal force 14N is applied on a uniform rod of length L =10m kept on a frictionless surface. Find the
compression in rod at a distance 4m from the end where force is applied.

Ans. 8.4N

2. A chain consisting of five links each with mass 100gm is lifted vertically with
constant acceleration of 2m/s2 as shown. Find
(a) The forces acting between adjacent links
(b) The force F exerted on the top link by the agent lifting the chain

(c) The net force on each link.

Ans. (a) 4.8 N, 3.6 N, 2.4N, 1.2 N (b) F = 6 N (c) 0.2 N

Brain Teaser: A woman in an elevator lets go of her briefcase but it does not fall to the floor. How is the
elevator moving?

Exercise 4:
1. One end of string which passes through pulley and connected to 10
kg mass at other end is pulled by 100 N force. Find out the
acceleration of 10 kg mass. (g = 9.8 m/s2)
Ans. 0.2 m/s2.

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 15

Illustration 14 : A 60 kg painter stands on a 15 kg platform. A rope attached to the platform
and passing over an overhead pulley allows the painter to raise himself along
with the platform.
(i)To get started, he pulls the rope down with a force of 400 N. Find the
acceleration of the platform as well as that of the painter.
(ii)What force must he exert on the rope so as to attain an upward speed of 1
m/s in 1s?
(iii) What force should he apply now to maintain the constant speed of 1 m/s?

Solution : The free body diagram of the painter and the platform as a system can be
drawn as shown in the figure.
Note that the tension in the string is equal to the force by which he pulls the rope.

(i) Applying Newton’s Second Law

2T  (M  m )g
2T – (M + m)g = (M + m)a or a=
M m
Here M = 60 kg; m = 15 kg; T = 400 N
2( 400 )  (60  15 )(10 )
g = 10 m/s2  a= = 0.67 m/s2
60  15
(ii) To attain a speed of 1 m/s in one second, the acceleration a must be 1 m/s 2.
1 1
Thus, the applied force is F = (M + m) (g + a) = (60 + 15) (10 + 1) = 412.5 N
2 2
(iii) When the painter and the platform move (upward) together with a constant speed, it is in a state
of dynamic equilibrium.
(M  m)g (60  15 )(10 )
Thus, 2F – (M + m) g = 0or F= = = 375 N
2 2

Brain Teaser: A monkey is climbing on a rope that goes over a smooth light pulley and supports a mirror of
equal mass at the other end. Show that whatever force the monkey exerts on the rope, the monkey. can
not escape from its image.

Illustration 15 :
[[[[ At t = 0, both masses m 1 = 1kg and m2 = 2kg touch the ground and the F

spring is taut tight which passes over a movable pulley (fig). A vertically
upward, time dependent force F = 2t (F in N, t in s) is applied to the pulley.
Calculate the time when m1 is lifted off the ground.
m1 m2

Solution : Pulley is mass less so all the forces will be balanced on the pulley.


 F = 2T  T = F/2  T = t
At the moment when m1 will lift then all the forces, will be balanced on m 1 and at the time of
lift off N = 0 T

T = m1g  m1g = 1  10 = 10 N  t = 10 seconds. m1 g

Illustration 16 : Two blocks m1 and m2 are placed on a smooth inclined plane as shown in figure. If they
are released from rest. Find:
(i) Acceleration of mass m1 and m2 (ii) Tension in the string
(iii) Net force on pulley exerted by string
Solution : F.B.D. of m1:
m1gsin – T = m1a

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g–T= 3a ...........(i)
F.B.D. of m2:

T – m2gsin = m2a
T – 1. g = 1.a ..........(ii)
Adding eq.(i) and (ii) we get a = 0
Putting this value in eq.(i) we get
T= ,
F.B.D. of pulley
FR = 2 T FR = 5 6 N
Exercise 5:
1. A 50 kg person stands on a 25 kg platform. He pulls on the rope which is attached
to the platform via the frictionless pulleys as shown in the fig. The platform moves
upwards at a steady rate if the force with which the person pulls the rope is
Ans. 250N

2. A 10 kg block kept on an inclined plane is pulled by a string applying 200 N

force. A 10 N force is also applied on 10 kg block as shown in figure.
Find: (a) tension in the string. (b) Acceleration of 10 kg block.
(c) net force on pulley exerted by string
Ans. (a) 200 N, (b) 14 m/s2, (c) 200 2 N


A force vector applied on a mass is represented as F  6iˆ  8jˆ 10kˆ and acceleration is 1 m/s . What will be
the mass of the body?
(A) 10 2 kg (B) 2 10 kg (C) 10 kg (D) 20 kg

2. Two equal weights A, B of mass 2 kg each are hanging on a string passing over a fixed frictionless
pulley as shown in the figure. The tension in the string connecting weights A and B is :
(A) Zero (B) 13 N
(C) 3.3 N (D) 19.6 N

3. Three blocks of masses of 4 kg, 8 kg and 24 kg are connected to each other with light strings and placed on a
smooth horizontal floor is shown in figure. If the system moves with an acceleration of 2 m s , the applied
force F is:
T2 T1 F
24 kg 8 kg 4 kg

(A) 36 N (B) 72 N (C) 18 N (D) 108 N

4. A 45 kg block is being pulled vertically up by a string whose breaking strength is 495N. With what maximum
acceleration the block can be pulled up (g = 10 m/s )
2 2 2 2
(a) 11 m/s (b) 10 m/s (c) 1 m/s (d) 21 m/s

5. Three blocks are connected by light strings as shown in figure and pulled by a force F = 60 N. If mA = 10 kg,
mB = 20 kg and mC = 30 kg, then

(a) Acceleration of the system is 2 m/s (b) T1 = 10 N
(c) T2 = 30 N (d) T1 = 20 N and T2 = 40 N

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There is an inclined surface of inclination  = 30 . A smooth groove is cut into it forming angle  with AB. A
steel ball is free to slide along the groove. If the ball is released from the point O at top end of the groove the
speed when it comes to A is [ g = 10 m/s ]

(a) 40 m/s (b) 20 m/s (c) 10 m/s (d) 15 m/s

7. A uniform rope of length L and mass M is placed on a smooth fixed wedge as shown. Both ends of rope are at
same horizontal level. The rope is initially released from rest, then the magnitude of initial acceleration of rope

(a) zero (b) M(cos  – cos ) g

(c) M ( tan  – tan ) g (d) None of these

8. A body of mass 10 kg moves at constant speed of 10 m/s. A constant force then acts for 4 seconds on the
body and gives it a speed of 2 m/s in opposite direction. The force acting on the body is
(a) -15N (b) -10N (c) -20N (d) -30N

9. With what minimum acceleration can a man slide down a rope if the breaking strength is (2/3)rd of his weight?
2 1
(a) g (b) g (c) g (d) none
3 3

10. One string is passing over light and smooth puley and connected both block A and B and
other string connected both B and C. Then relation both tension T 1 and T2 is:
(A) T1  2T2 T1
(B) T2  2T1 A 2kg

(C) T1  T2 2kg B
(D) None of the above
2kg C

11. Two masses m1 and m2 are attached to a string which passes over a frictionless fixed pulley. Given that m1 =
10 kg and m2 = 6 kg and g = 10 m/s , what is the acceleration of the masses?
2 2 2 2
(A) 40 m/s (B) 20 m/s (C) 5 m/s (D) 2.5 m/s

12. Two blocks of masses 4 kg and 6 kg are placed in contact with each other on a
5N 4 kg 6 kg 5N
frictionless horizontal surface as shown in figure. If we apply a force of 5N on 6
kg and another force of 5N on 4 kg in opposite direction, the contact force
between 4 kg and 6 kg block is:
(A) 5N (B) 4N (C) 2N (D) Zero

13. Three masses of 1 kg. 6 kg and 3 kg are connected to each other with threads and are placed on a table as
shown in figure. What is the acceleration with which the system is moving ? Take g = 10 m s :
T1 T2
6 kg

T1 T2
1 kg 3 kg
-2 -2 -2
(A) Zero (B) 1ms (C) 2ms (D) 3ms

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 18

14. Two blocks of mass 5 kg and 10 kg respectively are connected by a
massless string as shown in the figure. The whole system is kept on a 5 kg 10 kg
frictionless surface. A force of 50 N is applied horizontally as shown in the 50 N
figure. The tension T in the string will be

50 100
(A) N (B) 25 N (C) 50 N (D) N
3 3
15. In the above problem if the mass of the string would have been 5 kg then the tension at the middle of the
string will be
(A) 50 / 3 N (B) 75/ 4 N (C) 25 N (D) 75 / 3 N

16. Two blocks of masses 2.9 kg and 1.9 kg are suspended from a rigid support S
by two inextensible wires each of length 1m. The upper wire has negligible mass 2.9 kg
and the lower wire has a uniform mass of 0.2 kg/m. The whole system of blocks 2
-2 -2 0.2 m/s
have an upward acceleration of 0.2 ms . (Given g = 9.8 ms ). The tension at the
midpoint of upper wire and the tension at the midpoint of lower wire is
1.9 kg

(A) 40 N, 30 N (B) 50 N, 20 N (C) 50 N, 30 N (D) 40 N, 20 N

17. A fireman wants to slide down a rope. The rope can bear a tension of the of the weight of the man. With
what minimum acceleration should the fireman slide down
g g g g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 6 4 2
18. In figure shown, both blocks are released from rest. The time to cross each other is 4 kg
(A) 2 sec (B) 3 sec (C) 1 sec (D) 4 sec 4m

1 kg

19. Two particles start together from a point O and slide down along straight smooth inclined planes at 30 and
60 to the vertical and in the same vertical plane as in figure. The relative acceleration of second with respect
to first will be (in magnitude and direction ) as

g g 3 0
(a) in the vertical direction (b) at 45 with vertical
2 2
g 0
(c) inclined at 60 to vertical (d) g in the vertical direction
20. A particle of small mass m is joined to a very heavy body by a light string passing over a light pulley. Both
bodies are free to move. The total downward force on the pulley is
(A) mg (B) 2 mg (C) 4 mg (D) >> mg

21. Three monkeys A, B and C with masses of 10, 15 & 8 Kg respectively are climbing up & down the
rope suspended from D. At the instant represented, A is descending the rope with an acceleration of
2 m/s2 & C is pulling himself up with an acceleration of 1.5 m/s2. Monkeys B is climbing up with a
constant speed of 0.8 m/s. Treat the rope and monkeys as a complete system & calculate the
tension T in the rope at D. ( g = 10 m/s2 ) Ans. 322 N

22. Two men P & Q of masses M and m (<M) hold a light rope passing over a smooth fixed pulley. P
and Q climb the rope so that the acceleration of Q upward is double that of P downward. The
tension in the rope is
2Mm 3Mm 2Mm 3Mm
(a) g (b) g (c) g (d) g
Mm M  2m 2(M  m) 2M  m

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 19

23. Two masses of 6 kg and 4 kg are connected by a string as shown in figure over a
frictionless pulley. The acceleration of the 6 kg block will be (assume no friction any 6kg

where) 4kg

(A) 0 (B) 1 m / s2 30

2 2
(C) 2 m / s (D) 5 m/s

24. Two persons are holding a rope of negligible weight tightly at its ends so that it is horizontal. A 15 kg weight is
attached to the rope at the midpoint which now no longer remains horizontal. The minimum tension required
to completely straighten the rope is :
(A) 15 kg (B) kg (C) 5 kg (D) infinitely large
25. Light string passing over q smooth and light pulley. If AB  3 cm, AC  4CM BC  5cm,
g  10 m/s . Then tension in the string.

(A) 7N (B) 21N

(C) 14N (D) None of the above

26. Two masses of 6 kg and 4 kg are connected by a string as shown in figure over a
frictionless pulley. A horizontal force of 4 3 N is applied on 6 Kg block. The
acceleration of the 6 kg block will be (assume no friction any where) 4 3N 6kg
2 2 4kg
(A) 0 (B) 0.4 m / s (C) 1 m/s (D) None

27. A man holds a ball of mass 0.5 kg in his hand. He throws it vertically upwards. During this process his hand
moves up by 40 cm and the ball leaves his hand with an upward velocity of 5 m/s. The force with which the
man pushed the ball is
(A) 2N (B) 7N (C) 20.625 N (D) 15 N

28. For the system shown in the figure, the pulleys are light and frictionless. The tension
in the string will be
2 3 1
(A) mgsin  (B) mgsin  (C) mgsin  (D) 2mgsin  m
3 2 2
 m

29. In the figure the block of mass M is at rest on the floor. The acceleration with which a monkey of mass m
should climb up along the rope of negligible mass so as to lif the block from the floor is
M  M 
(A)    1 g (B)   1 g
m  m 
M M m
(C) g (D)  g M
m m

30. A balloon of mass m descends with a constant acceleration a. To acquire an upward acceleration of the same
magnitude, it should reject a mass of
m(a  g) 2ma 1  ma  2m
(A) (B) (C)   (D) (a  g)
2g ag 2  a  g  g

31. Three blocks of masses 2 kg, 4 kg and 6 kg arranged as shown in figure connected by string on a friction
less incline of 37 A force of 120 N is applied upward along the incline to the uppermost block. The cords are
light. The tension T1 and T2 in the strings are [ g = 10 m/s ]

(a) T1 = 8 N (b) T2 = 36 N (c) T1 = 20 N (d) T2 = 60 N

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 20

32. What will be the reading of spring balance in the figure shown in following situations? (g = 10 m/s2)
(i) a = 0, v=0
(ii) a = 0, v = 2 m/s
(iii) a = 0, v = – 2m/s
(iv) a = 2m/s2, v=0
(v) a = – 2 m/s2 v=0
(vi) a = 2 m/s2, v = 2 m/s
(vii) a = 2 m/s2, v = – 2 m/s
(vii) a = – 2 m/s2 v = – 2 m/s
Ans. (i) 100 N, (ii) 100 N, (iii) 100 N, (iv) 120 N, (v) 80 N, (vi) 120 N, (vii) 120 N, (viii) 80 N.

33. A block of mass 1 kg connected with a spring of force constant 100 N/m is suspended to the ceiling of lift
moving upward with constant velocity 2 m/s. Calculate the extension produced in spring. Ans. 0.1 m

34. Two blocks of masses 10 kg and 20 kg are connected by a light spring as shown. A force of 200 N acts on
the 20 kg mass as shown. At a certain instant the acceleration of 10 kg mass is 12 ms –2.
(A) At that instant the 20 kg mass has an acceleration of 12 ms–2.
(B) At that instant the 20 kg mass has an acceleration of 4 ms–2 .
(C) The stretching force in the spring is 120 N.
(D) The collective system moves with a common acceleration of 30 ms –2 when the extension in the
connecting spring is the maximum.

35. A cart of mass 0.5 kg is placed on a smooth surface and is connected

by a string to block of mass 0.2 kg. At the initial moment the cart moves to
the left along a horizontal plane at a speed of 7 m/s.
(a) The acceleration of the cart is towards right
(b) The cart comes to momentary rest after 2.5 s.
(c) The distance travelled by the cart in the first 5s is 17.5 m
(d) The velocity of the cart after 5s will be same as initial velocity

36. In the system shown in figure wedge is fixed. All the contact surface are friction less. All the pulleys are light
and strings are light and inextensible. Then [ Take g = 10 m/s ]

5 2
(a) Magnitude of acceleration of the each block is m/s
 130 
(b) Tension in the string connecting block A and block B is   N
 3 
(c) Tension in the string connecting block B and block C is N.
(d) Force exerted by string on pulleys Q is N
37. In the diagram shown in figure, match the following (g = 10 m/s )

Column- I Column- II

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(A) Acceleration of 2 kg block (in m/s ) (P) 5
(B) Acceleration of 3 kg block (in m/s ) (Q) 50
(C) Normal reaction between 2 kg and 3 (R) 45
kg (in N)
(D) Normal reaction between 3 kg and 5 (S) 60
kg (in N)
38. A painter is applying forces himself to raise him and box with an acceleration of 5 m/s by
a mall less rope and pulley arrangement as shown in figure. Mass of painter is 100 kg and
that of box is 50 kg if g = 10 m/s , then
(a) Tension in the rope is 1125 N
(b) Tension in the rope is 2250 N
(c) Force of contact between the painter and the floor is 375 N
(d) None of these


When we study the motion of connected bodies, motion of these bodies may be interrelated according to
existing physical conditions. Such a relation/equation is known as constraint relation. Simplest case of
constraint is two blocks are connected with a light string and one of the block is being moved say A as shown.

If block A moves through distance x block B also moves through the same distance
xA  xB
vB vA

dx A dx B

dt dt
 [ VA and VB represents velocities of blocks A and B respectively]
again differentiating

dt dt ju
 a A  a B [a and aB represents accelerations of blocks A and B respectively]
Here the constraint is length of string which is constant.

When two objects are connected through a string and if the string have the following properties:
(a) The length of the string remains constant i.e. inextensible string.
(b) Always remains tight, does not slacks.
Then the parameters of the motion of the objects along the length of the string and in the direction of
extension have a definite relation between then.


Step 1. Identify all the objects and number of strings in the problem.

Step 2. Assume variable to represent the parameters of motion such as displacement, velocity acceleration etc.
(i) Object which moves along a line can be specified by one variable.
(ii) Object moving in a plane are specified by two variables.
(iii) Objects moving in 3-D requires three variables to represent the motion.

Step 3. Identify a single string and divide it into different linear sections and write in the equation format. 1
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6

Step 4. Differentiate with respect to time

d 1 d 2 d 3
   ....  0
dt dt dt

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d 1
= represents the rate of increment of the portion 1, end points are always in contact with
d 1
some object so take the velocity of the object along the length of the string  V1  V2
Take positive sign if it tends to increase the length and negative sign if it tends to decrease the length.
Here +V1 represents that upper end is tending to increase the length at rate V1 and lower end is
tending to increase the length at rate V2.

Note: It is better to use velocity of approach and separation for calculating rate of change of length
Step 5. Repeat all above steps for different-different strings.
In case of all the pulley problem during entire motion string always remains tight. By this property we will
derive results of following two cases.
Case-I: “pulley is fix and both of its ends are free to move”
Result  A1 = A2 = Relation because of string property.

A1 A2
If we consider that both blocks are coming down then 
A1 A2
and -A1 = A2
So it is important to notice that we can assume the acceleration to be in any direction but result will apply
only considering it in opposite direction. A1
Case-II: “pulley as well as both blocks are free to move” 1 2
A  A2
 A3 = 1
2 3
Proof: Let us displace block1, x1 towards right, block 2, x2 towards left and
l1 + l2 + l3 + l4 = l1 – x1 + l2 – x2 + l3 + x3 + l4 + x3
(length of string will not change) A3

x1 + x 2 A + A2
 = x3  1 = A3
2 2
V1  V2 a  a2
Remember: Vp =  aP = 1
2 2
Illustration 17 : Relate the acceleration of block A and B as shown
Solution : Let height of block A & B respectively be and from ground. Height of pulley from ground is fixed
say H.
Length of string (L) =
(H  y A )  (H  y B )
 2H  ( y A  y B ) …(i)

Differentiating eqn. (1) with time we get (H-yA) P

 dy dy  A B
0  20   A  B 
 dt dt  yA yB
dy A dy dy
 B VA  A
 dt dt  V A   VB dt
represents velocity of block A in upward direction.
VB  B respects velocity of block B in upward direction.
dVA dV
 B
Again differentiating we get dt dt
a A  a B
- ve sign represent opposite direction of acceleration.

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Illustration 18 : As shown in the figure blocks A and B are connected through light inextensible string if block
A is moved to the right with acceleration of 5 m/s2. Find the acceleration of block B.

A 5 m/s2

P x0
Solution : Let at any moment distance of block A and B from wall be respectively and .
Length of string
(x B  x 0 )  x B  x A  L  2x B  x A  L  x 0 .
dx B dx A
2  0 VA  2VB
Differentiating with respect to time we get dt dt 
aA 5
a  2a B  . aB     m / s2
Again differentiation A 2 2
Means block B is accelerated to the left with acceleration of 2.5 m/s .

1. In the figure shown, the pulley is moving with velocity u. Calculate the velocity of the block attached with

Ans. 2u
2. f block A has a velocity of 0.6 m/s of the right, determine the velocity of cylinder B. Ans. 1.8 m/s

3. The pulley moves up with a velocity of 10m/sec. Two blocks are tied by a
string which passes over a pulley. The velocity V will be______.
Given: VB= 5 m/s 
[Ans.: 25 m/s  ] A B 5m/sec
4. The three blocks shown move with constant velocities. Find the velocity of block A and B. Given
 [Hint: Due to inextensible property of string the relative velocity B and C with respect to P2 will be equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction.]




[Ans.: VA=10m/s, VB=22m/s]


Illustration 19 : Two blocks of masses m 1 and m2 are attached at the ends of an inextensible
string which passes over a smooth massless pulley. If m 1 > m2, find:
(i) The acceleration of each block (ii) The tension in the string.

Solution : The block m1 is assumed to be moving downward and the block m 2 assumed to be
moving upward. It is merely an assumption and it does not imply the real direction. If the
values of a1 and a2 come out to be positive then only the assumed directions are correct;
otherwise the body moves in the opposite direction. Since the pulley is smooth and massless,
therefore, the tension on each side of the pulley is same.
The free body diagram of each block is shown in the figure.

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F.B.D. of m2 F.B.D. of m1

Applying Newton’s second Law on blocks m1 and m2

Block m1 m 1g – T = m 1a ...(1)
Block m2 –m2g + T= m2a2 ...(2)
Number of unknowns: T, a1 and a2 (three)
Number of equations: only two
Obviously, we require one more equation to solve the problem. Note that whenever one finds the
number of equations less than the number of unknowns, one must think about the constraint
relation. Now we are going to explain the mathematical procedure for this.
How to determine constraint relation?

(1) Assume the direction of acceleration of each block, e.g. a1 (downward) and a2 (upward) in this

(2) Locate the position of each block from a fixed point (depending on convenience), e.g. centre of
the pulley in this case.

(3) Identify the constraint and write down the equation of constraint in terms of the distance
assumed. For example, in the chosen problem, the length of string remains constant is the
constraint or restriction.
Thus, x1 + x2 = constant
dx1 dx2
Differentiating both the sides w.r.t. time we get + =0
dt dt
Each term on the left side represents the velocity of the blocks.
Since we have to find a relation between accelerations, therefore we
differentiate it once again w.r.t. time.
d 2 x1 d 2 x2
Thus + =0
dt 2 dt 2
Since, the block m1 is assumed to be moving downward (x 1 is increasing
with time)
d 2 x1
 = + a1 and block m2 is assumed to be moving upward (x2 is decreasing with time)
dt 2
d 2 x2
  = – a2
dt 2
Thus a1 – a2 = 0 or a1 = a2 = a (say) is the required constraint relation.

Substituting a1 = a2 = a in equations (1) and (2) and solving them, we get

 m1  m2   2m1m2 
(i) a =  g (ii) T=  g
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
Illustration 20 : A system of three masses m1, m2 and m3 are shown in the figure.
The pulleys are smooth and massless; the strings are massless and inextensible.
(i) Find the tensions in the strings.
(ii) Find the relation between acceleration of each mass.

Solution : All the blocks are assumed to be moving downward and the free body diagram of each block is
shown in figure.

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F.B.D. m3 F.B.D. m2 F.B.D. m1 F.B.D. of pulley

Applying Newton’s Second Law to

Block m1 : m1g – T1 = m1a1 ...(1) Block m 2 : m2g – T1 = m2a2 ...(2)
Block m3 : m3g – T2 = m3a3 ...(3) Pulley : T2 = 2T1 ...(4)
Number of unknowns a1, a2, a3, T1 and T2 (Five)
Number of equations: Four
The constraint relation among accelerations can be obtained as follows
For upper string x3 + x0 = c1
For lower string x2 – x0) + (x1 – x0) = c2
x2 + x1 – 2x0 = c2
Eliminating x0 from the above two relations,
we get x1 + x1 + 2x3 = 2c1 + c2 = constant.
Differentiating twice with respect to time,
d 2 x1 d 2 x2 d 2 x3
we get + + 2 =0
dt 2 dt 2 dt 2
or a1 + a2 + 2a3 = 0 ...(5)
Solving equations (1) to (5), we get
 4m1m2m3 
(i) T1 =  g ; T2 = 2T1
 1 2m  m3 ( m1  m )
2 

 4m1m2  m1m3  3m2m3 

(ii) a1 =  g
 4m1m2  m3 (m1  m2 ) 
 3m1m3  m2m3  4m1m2   4m1m2  m3 (m1  m2 ) 
a2 =   ga3 =  g
 4m m
1 2  m3 ( m1  m2 )  4m
 1 2m  m3 ( m1  m )
2 

Illustration 21 : Frame the equations to find the acceleration of all the blocks.


Key concept : The contact forces engaged here are tension, applied force and weight of pulleys.
Solution : First write the tension on each string and assume the
acceleration of all blocks in any direction and divide
pulley in cases
Equation for newton’s law for m 1 T
 m1g – T = m1A1 ….(i)
Equation for newton’s law for m 2
 m2g – T = m2A2 ….(ii) T A1
Equation for newton’s law for m 3 m2
 m3g – T = m3A3 ….(iii) m3

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Now apply case – I and case II in pulley (i) and pulley (ii)

A2 + A3
 A1= - A1
2 A1
A1  A 2



Illustration 22 : Frame all the equations to find the

acceleration of block. A1 + A 2
A1 + A 2 2
Solution : 2g – T = 2A1 …. (i) 2
3g – T = 3A2 …. (ii)
10g – T = 10A3 …. (iii) T 2T A1 + A 2
20g– T/2 = 20 A4 … (iv) T
10 kg T1 2
A3  A 4 2 A  A2 A3 3 kg 2 kg
 1 A2 A1
2 2 A4 T
 A1  A 2  A 3  4  0 ….(v)
2 20 kg A4

Illustration 23 : Frame the equations to find the acceleration of each



Solution :   A1 … (i)
2 A1

Applying newton’s law on 2kg block 2kg A1

 2g – 2T =2A1 … (ii) A2
Newton’s law on 10 kg 2 10kg A2
10 g – T = 10A2 … (iii)

Illustration 24 : A toy truck of mass M is moving towards left with an acceleration a1 as shown in figure.
It is connected to a mass m1 with a massless and frictionaless string, going over a
movable massless pulley, to which another mass m 2 is connected. Find the force acting
on the truck towards right and the accelerations of masses m1 and m 2 .



Solution : Useful forces acting on the bodies are shown in a1

the diagram in figure. The direction of M T
accelerations initially we have assumed are also
shown. As we have explained earlier that if a T
movable pulley is present, first we are required
m1 a3
to find the relation in accelerations of the bodies.
Here it is given that truck is moving towards left
with acceleration a1 , for m1 and m 2 we m2 a2
assume that they are moving up and down
with acceleration a1 and a 3 respectively.
Let we consider if mass m 2 moves up by a distance x 2 , pulley attached to it will also move up
by x 2 , which will result a slackness of 2x 2 in the string attached to truck and m1 . If in the

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same duration truck moves by x1 and mass m1 moves down by x 3 , we have x1  x 3  2x 2 .
Same relation we have among the acceleration of the respective bodies as
a1  a3  2a 2 ...(i)
According to the forces shown in figure and the force of gravity, we can write the dynamic
equations of the three bodies as
For Truck F  T  Ma1 ...(ii)
For mass m1 m1g  T  m1a3 …(iii)
For mass m 2 2T  m 2 g  m 2 a 2 …(iv)
Subtracting equation (ii) from (iii) we get
m1g  F  Ma1
m1a3  Ma1  m1g  F or a3  …(v)
a m g  F  Ma1
From equation (i) a2  1  1 …(vi)
2 2m1
Adding the above equations (ii), (iii) and (iv) we get
F  m1g  m2 g  Ma1  m1a3  m2 a2 or F  m2 g  m1g  Ma1  m1a3  m2 a2
where a 2 and a 3 are given by the equation (v) and (vi)


1. The pulleys in the diagram are all smooth and light. The acceleration of A is a upwards
and the acceleration of C is f downwards. The acceleration of B is
(A) 1/2 (f–a)up
(B) 1/2 (a+f)down
(C) 1/2 (a+f)up C

(D) 1/2(a–f) up

2. The three blocks shown move with constant velocities. Find the velocity of block A and B.
Given VP2=10m/s,Vc=2m/s P1

 [Hint: Due to inextensible property of string the relative velocity B and C with respect to P2 will
be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.] A

[Ans: VA=10m/s,VB=22m/s]

3. Find the velocity of the hanging block if the velocities of the free ends of the rope are as 2m/s

indicated in the figure.

(A) 3/ 2 m / s  (B) 3/ 2 m / s  1m/s

(C) 1/ 2 m / s  (D) 1/ 2 m / s 

3 m/
4. Assuming all the surface to be frictionless, acceleration of the block C.
Shown in the figure is 5m/s2
(A) 8 m/s2 (B) 5 m/s2
(C) 4 m/s (D) 6 m/s2 a C

2 2 A B
5. If acceleration of A is 2 m/s to left and acceleration of B is 1m/s to left ,
then acceleration of C is
2 2
(A) 1 m/s upwards (B) 1m/s downwards
2 2
(C) 2 m/s downwards (D) 2 m/s upwards

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6. In the given arrangement, if block A starts moving downwards when B is at a
distance 10 m from the pulley. Then how much will A descend before B P1 P3 P5 B

strikes the pulley P5.

a P4 10 m
[ Ans.10m] A

7. In the pulley system shown here, find the relationship between acceleration of m1 m2

m1, m2 and m3.

[Ans.: 2a2  a3  a1  0 ]

8. In the figure shown, the strings are inextensible.

Determine the value of u in terms of v.
v v

Ans. [(i) u = – v/2, (ii) u = v ]

u u
(i) (ii)

9. In the system shown in the figure the friction and mass of rope is negligible, then acceleration
of 2 m is
(A) g/5 (B) 2g/5 2m

(C) 0 (D) 5g/2


10. Two blocks of masses m 1 and m2 are connected as shown in the figure. The acceleration m1
of the block m2 is
m2g m1g
(A) (B)
m1  m2 m1  m2
4m2g  m1g m2g
(C) (D) m2
m1  m2 m1  4m2
11. The pulley arrangements shown in the figure are identical, the mass of the
rope being negligible. In case I, the mass m is lifted by attaching a mass 2m
to the other end of the rope. In case II, the mass m is lifted by pulling the
other end of the rope with a constant downward force F  2mg, where g is
acceleration due to gravity. The acceleration of mass m in case I is:
m 2m m
(A) Zero (B) More than that in case II
(C) Less than that in case II (D) Equal to that in case II

12. A load of mass M = 1000 kg is supported in a vertical plane by a string and

pulleys. If the free end A of the string is pulled vertically downward with
acceleration a = 0.4 m/s , the tension in the string is
(approximately) A
(A) 1000 N (B) 3000 N a
(C) 4000 N (D) 5100 N
13. Two masses M and m are connected by the arrangement shown in figure. What is the downward acceleration

of mass M. M

 2M  m   2M  m   Mm   M 
(A)  g (B)   2g (C)  g (D)  g
 3M  m   4M  m   Mm   2M  m 

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14. Consider the situation shown in figure. All the surfaces are smooth. The
tension in the string connected to 2 m is 2m
(A) mg (B)
(C) (D) mg m

15. At what value of m1 will 8 kg mass be at rest.

Ans, 10/3 kg

16. In the given figure find the velocity and acceleration of B, if velocity and

acceleration of A are as shown.

[Ans. vB = 0.5 m/s & aB = 1 m/s2 ]

17. Slider block A move to the left with a constant velocity of 6 m/s. Determine
(a) The velocity of block b,
(b) The velocity of portion D of the cable.
(c) The relative velocity of portion C of the cable with respect toportion D.
Ans. [(a) 2m/s  , (b) 2 m/s  , (c) 8 m/s  ]


18. In the pulley system shown here pulleys are ideal and string is inextensible. Mass of all
the blocks is M.
(a) Draw the free body diagram for all the blocks.
(b) Find the constraint relationship between acceleration of the masses.
(c) Find the acceleration of all the three masses and tension in the string B C
Ans. [(b) aA + 2aB + 2ac = 0, (c) aA = 4g /9, aB = –g/9, ac = –g /9]

19. For the system shown, calculate velocity and acceleration of C. The velocity and
acceleration of A and B with respect to ground and marked.

[Ans: VC = 4m/s, ac = 5m/s2]


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20. The pulley moves up with a velocity of 10m/sec. Two blocks are tied by a string which 10m/sec
passes over a pulley. The velocity V will be______.
Given: VB= 5 m/s 
[Ans: 25 m/s  ]
A B 5m/sec

21. Two blocks are arranged as shown in the figure. The relation between acceleration a 1 and a2 is :

(A) a1 = a2 (B) a1 = 6a2

(C) a1 = 3a2 (D) a1 = 4a2

22. Two blocks A and B of mass 10 kg and 40 kg are connected by an ideal string as shown in the figure. Neglect
the masses of the pulleys and effect of friction. (g = 10 m/s )

5 –2 5 –2
(a) The acceleration of block A is ms (b) The acceleration of block B is ms
2 2 2
125 150
(c) The tension in the string is N (d) The tension in the string connected to block A is N
2 2
23. Find out the accelerations of the block B in the following systems

(a) (b) Ans. (a) 2g/3 (b) 3g/4

24. In the arrangement shown in figure, calculate the force that the man must apply on the rope
to keep the plane AB in a hanging position. The mass of the man is 60 kg and that of the
plank 20 kg. Neglect the mass of the pulleys and ropes and also friction.
[Ans. The force to be exerted by the man is 20 kgf.]


25. A mass M is held in place by an applied force F and a pulley system as shown in figure.
The pulleys are massless and frictionless.
(a) Draw a free body diagram for each pulley
(b) Find the tension in each section of rope T 1, T2, T3, T4 and T5.
(c) Find the magnitude of F.
Mg 3Mg Mg
Ans. (a) T1 = T2 = T3 = , T5 = Mg and T4 = (b) F =
2 2 2
26. (a) Draw the FBD of 20 kg block.
(b) Draw the FBD of 6 kg block.
(c) Find the acceleration of the masses
Neglect friction, masses of pulleys and strings. Strings are inextensible
185 370
Ans. (c) ,
43 43

27. If the system is released from rest find

(a) Total kinetic energy of the blocks after t = 2 sec of motion.

(b) Distance moved by the 1 kg block during this time.
(all surfaces and pulleys are frictionless)
20000 25000 200
Ans. (a) , , (b)
81 81 9

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28. At t = 0, the lower end of the bar A is just above the upper end of bar B (mass of bar A = 3 kg, mass of bar B
= 2 kg). Find time when upper end of block A just crosses the lower end of B. (Assume the
system was released at t = 0).
Ans. t  2 sec.
29. Two blocks A and B are kept on smooth surfaces having an acceleration a 1 = 3t m/s and
a2 = 4t m/s respectively. Block C is attached to massless and frictionless pulley as shown
in the figure. Then at time t = 2 sec (initially assume system is at rest)

(a) Velocity of block C will be 25/3 m/s (b) Velocity of block C will be 30 m/s
2 2
(c) Acceleration of block C will be 11 m/s (d) Acceleration of block C will be 7 m/s

30. A block of mass m1 on a smooth, horizontal surface is connected to a second mass m 2 by a light cord over a
light, frictionless pulley as shown. (Neglect the mass of the cord and of the pulley). A force of magnitude F 0 is
applied to mass m1 as shown. Neglect any friction.
(a) Find the value of force F0 for which the system will be in equilibrium.
(b) Find the acceleration of masses and tension in string if F 0 has a value which
is double of that found in part (a).
2m2 g 4m2 g
Ans. (a) 2m2 g , (b) ,
4m2  m1 4m2  m1

31. Consider the figure, pulley and strings are massless and frictionless. The horizontal surface is smooth. The
acceleration of the block

5 kg

(A) 2 m/s 2
(B) 1 m/s2
(C) 0.5 m/s2 (D) 4 m/s2

Illustration 25 : Two blocks ‘A’ and ‘B’ of same mass ‘m’ attached with a light spring are
suspended by a string as shown in figure.
Find the acceleration of block ‘A’ and ‘B’ just after the string is cut.
Find the acceleration of block ‘A’ and ‘B’ just after the spring is cut just above
point B instead of string

Key concept : The tension in string becomes zero as soon as it is cut, while spring will take time to acquire natural
length because both of its ends are attached to masses at both ends which can’t move at sudden
because it will require infinite acceleration.

Solution : (a) When block A and B are in equilibrium position

F.B.D of ‘B’ ......... (i)

F.B.D of ‘A’ .......(ii)

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when string is cut, tension T becomes zero. But spring does not change its shape just after
cutting. So spring force acts on mass B, again draw F.B.D. of blocks A and B as shown in

F.B.D. of ‘B’

F.B.D. of ‘A’
(b) This time the block A will remain at rest since it is attached to string while B will move
downwards with acceleration g since spring will soon acquire its natural length.

Illustration 26 : Find the acceleration of masses m1,m 2 and m 3 shown in figure just after the string is
cut at point A.
Solution : Initially the system is in equilibrium the spring force kx=m 3g
As soon as string is cut the tension in the string instantly becomes zero.
For m1
Only force now on m1 is m1g (T=0) acceleration of m1 = m1g/ m1g =g M2
For m2 m1
Since the spring takes time to regain its shape there will be no change in
spring force instantly, therefore m3 will still be in equilibrium.
For m3 m3
Since T=0 and kx =m 3g (upwards for m2)
 m3 
 acceleration of m2 = (m2g+kx)/ m2g =(m2g+ m3g)/ m2g =  1+  g.
 m2 
Brain Teaser: You take two identical tennis balls and fill one with water. You release both balls
simultaneously from the top of a tall building. If air resistance is negligible, which ball strikes the ground
first? Explain. What is the answer if air resistance is not negligible?

Exercise 7:
1. Two blocks ‘A’ and ‘B’ of same mass ‘m’ attached with a light string are suspended by a spring as shown in
figure Find the acceleration of block ‘A’ and ‘B’ just after the string is cut..

Ans. g, g
2. Two blocks A (5 kg) & B (3 kg) resting on a smooth horizontal plane are connected by a spring of stiffness
294 N/m. A horizontal force of F = 3  9.8 N acts on A as shown. At the instant B has an acceleration of
4.9 m/s2. Find the acceleration of block A ?

Ans. The acceleration of A is 3 x 0.98 m/s2

3. In the system shown in the figure m 1 > m2 . System is held at rest by
thread BC . Just after the thread BC is burnt :
(A) Acceleration of m2 will be upwards

(B) Magnitude of acceleration of both blocks will be equal to  m1  m2

m1  m2 g
(C) Acceleration of m1 will be equal to zero

(D) Magnitude of acceleration of two blocks will be nonzero and unequal.

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Ans. A,C


1. Force F is applied on upper pulley. If F = 30t where t is time in second.
Find the time when m1 loses contact with floor. Ans. 2 sec

2. Two inclined friction less tracks of different inclination meet at O from where two blocks A and B of different
masses are released as shown in figure. Then

(a) Both blocks will reaches the bottom at the same time
(b) Block A will reach the bottom earlier than block B
(c) Both blocks will reach the bottom with same speed
(d) Block B will reach the bottom with a higher speed than block A

u u
3. System is shown in the figure and the man is pulling the rope from both sides with
constant speed 'u'. Then the velocity of the block will be
3 3
(A) (B)
4 2
(C) (D) None of these
4 M

4. In the arrangement shown in figure, pulleys are massless and frictionless and threads are inextensible. Block
of mass m1 will remain at rest if :
1 1 1 4 1 1
(A) = + (B) = +
m1 m2 m3 m1 m2 m3
1 2 3
(C) m1 = m2 + m3 (D) = +
m3 m2 m1

5. In the given figure all the surfaces are smooth. Find the time taken by the block to reach from the free end to
the pulley attached to the plank. Distance between free end and pulley is .
[Ans. t = ]
(2m + M)F

6. Determine the relationship that governs the velocity of four cylinder velocities as
positive down.


[Ans. 4vA + 8 vB + 4vC + vD = 0 ]


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7. Two springs are joined in series as shown. If movement of P is 10 cm then the k 2k
elongation of k1 and k2 will be P
(A) 20 and 10 cm (B)
10 20
and cm
3 3 3 3
(C) 4 and 6 cm (D) None

8. If a spring is cut in 3 equal parts and each part is joined in series then the new spring constant of the spring
will be
(A) k/9 (B) 3k (C) 9k (D) None

9. If a spring of spring content k is cut in 2 parts having ratio of lengths 2:3 then the new spring constant of each
part will be
(A) 2k, 3k (B) 3k, 2k (C) 5k/2, 5k/3 (D) 5k/3, 5k/2

10. In the shown system, m 1 > m2. Thread QR is holding the system. If the thread is
cut, then just after cutting (k is a spring factor.)
(A) Acceleration of mass m1 is zero and that of m 2 is directed upward.

(B) Acceleration of mass m2 is zero and that of m2 is directed
downward. m2
(C) Acceleration of both the blocks will be same Q
 m1  m2  m1
(D) Acceleration of system is given by   kg, where R
 m1  m2 
11. In figure shown, pulleys are ideal m 1 > 2 m2. Initially the system is in equilibrium and string connecting m 2 to

g (m1  2m2 )
rigid support below is cut. Find the initial acceleration of m2? Ans.

12. Two masses of 10 kg and 20 kg respectively are connected by a massless spring as shown in figure. A force
of 200 N acts on the 20 kg mass at the instant when the 10 kg mass has an acceleration of 12 ms –2 , the
acceleration of the 20 kg mass is :

(A) 2 ms–2 (B) 4ms–2 (C) 10ms–2 (D) 20ms–2

13. In the figure shown, pulley and spring are ideal and strings are light and inextensible. Initially all the bodies are
at rest when string connecting A and B is cut. Find initial acceleration of A, C and pulley.
[Ans. g  , 0 ,  ]
14. The pulley moves up with a velocity of 10m/sec. Two blocks are tied by a string which
passes over a pulley. The velocity V will be _________.
Given: vB = 5m/s [Ans: 25m/s]

15. Two blocks each of mass M are connected through a string and a light spring as shown in the
figure. Blocks are at rest. String is burnt at point A. The acceleration of upper block just after
burning is m
(a) g downward (b) g upward K A
(c) 0 (d) data insufficient.

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16. In the shown system, m 1 > m2. Thread QR is holding the system. If the this thread is cut,
then just after cutting (k is a spring factor.)
(A) Acceleration of mass m1 is zero and that of m 2 is directed upward.

(B) Acceleration of mass m2 is zero and that of m2 is directed
downward. m2
(C) Acceleration of both the blocks will be same Q
 m1  m2  m1
(D) Acceleration of system is given by   kg, where R
 m1  m2 
17. Two identical blocks are connected by a spring. The combination is suspended, at rest, from a
string attached to the ceiling, as shown in the figure. The string breaks suddenly. Immediately after
the string breaks, what is the initial downward acceleration of the two blocks?
Ans. Acceleration of A = 2g, Acceleration of B = 0

18. The system shown in figure is in equilibrium find the initial acceleration of all three blocks
when string S is cut. Ans.15, 15, 0

19. Find the acceleration of the block of mass M in the situation shown in the figure. All
the surfaces are frictionless and the pulleys and the string are light.
3 M


20. Two blocks of masses 5 kg and 2 kg are initially at rest on the floor. They are
connected by a light string passing over a light frictionless pulley. An upward force F
is applied on the pulley and maintained constant. Calculate the accelerations a 1 and
a2 of the 5 kg and 2kg masses respectively when (i) F = 10 N (ii) F= 50 N (iii) F =
110N 5 kg 2 kg
Ans. (i) 0, 0 (ii) 0,5/2 (iii) 1, 35/2

21. Two blocks of masses 2 kg and 3 kg connected with a spring are moving on a
smooth horizontal surface. Acceleration of mass 3kg is 2m/s 2 along right
direction. What will be the acceleration of mass 2 kg?
Ans. 3 m/s2, towards left.

22. Find the acceleration a f the body of mass m 2 in the arrangement shown in fig. if
the mass m2 is  times as great as the mass m 1 of the bar b and the angle that the r
inclined plane forms with the horizontal is equal to . The masses of the pulleys Ba
and threads, as well as the friction, are assumed to be negligible. Look into
possible cases. 
2g2  sin 

Ans. a
 4  1
23. A string is wrapped round a log of wood and it is pulled with a constant force F as shown in the figure.

(a) Tension T in the string increases with increase in 

(b) Tension T in the string decreases with increase in 
(c) Tension T > F if  > /3
(d) Tension T > F if  > /4

24. Same spring is attached with 2 kg, 3 kg and 1 kg blocks in three different cases as shown in figure. If x 1, x2
and x3 be the constant extensions in the spring in these three cases then find the ratio of their extensions.

Ans. 15:18:10
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25. Two blocks of masses M1 and M 2 are connected to each other through a light
F M1 M2
spring as shown in the figure. Force F is applied horizontally on block M1 . If the
acceleration of M1 at an instant is a1 , the acceleration of M 2 will be

(D) F  M1a1 
(A) (B) (C) a1
M2 M1  M2  M2
26. Five persons A, B, C, D & E are pulling a cart of mass 100 kg on a smooth surface and cart is moving with
acceleration 3 m/s2 in east direction. When person 'A' stops pulling, it moves with acceleration 1m/s 2 in the
west direction. When person 'B' stops pulling, it moves with acceleration 24 m/s2 in the north direction. The
magnitude of acceleration of the cart when only A & B pull the cart keeping their directions same as the old
directions, is :
(A) 26 m/s2 (B) 3 71 m/s2 (C) 25 m/s2 (D) 30 m/s2
27. In the figure shown man is balanced by counter weight of same mass. He starts to climb the rope with an

accelerator of 2 m/s2 w.r.t. rope. The time after which he reaches the pulley will be
(A) 10 sec (B) 2 5 sec (C) infinity (D) None of these

28. A truck shown in the figure is driven with an acceleration a = 3 m/s 2. Find the
acceleration of the bodies A and B of masses 10 kg and 5 kg respectively, assuming
pulleys are massless and friction is absent everywhere.
Ans. A  1m / s2  , B  1m / s2  , T  55N

29. A 1kg block ‘B’ rests as shown on a bracket ‘A’ of same mass. Constant forces F1 =
20N and F2 = 8N start to act at time t = 0 when the distance of block B from pulley
is 50cm. Time when block B reaches the pulley is _________.
Ans. t  sec
31. The acceleration of blocks of mass 2 kg and 4 kg are respectively (Pulleys and threads are massless) (g = 10 m/s2)
F = 60 N

2 kg

4 kg

(A) a1 = 5 m/s2; a2 = 2.5 m/s2 (B) a1 = a2 = 0

(C) a1 = a2 = m/s2 (D) a1 = 20 m/s2; a2 = 5 m/s2
32. An inclined plane makes an angle 30° with the horizontal. A groove
OA = 5 m cut in the plane makes an angle 30° with OX. A short smooth cylinder is free to slide down the
influence of gravity. Find the
time taken by the cylinder to reach from A to O. ( g = 10 m/s 2)

Ans. 2 sec

33. Two blocks of masses 5 kg and 2 kg are initially at rest on the floor as shown in
figure. A light string passing over a light frictionless pulley connects them. An
upward force F is applied on the pulley and maintained constant. The acceleration
of 5 kg and 2 kg masses are a2 and a1 respectively (g= 10 m/s ).
Column- I Column- II
2 2
(A) When F = 10 N (P) a1 = 17.5 m/s , a2 = 1 m/s
(B) When F = 50 N (Q) a1 = 0, a2 =0

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2 2
(C) When F 110 N (R) a1= 40 m/s , a2 = 10 m/s
(D) When F = 200 N (S) a1= 2.5 m/s , a2= 0
Ans. Q, S, P, R
A student of mass M stands on a platform of mass m and pulls himself up as shown by two ropes
which hang over pulleys. He pulls each rope with force F and accelerates upwards with a
uniform acceleration a, always remaining in contact with platform. Value of a is______.
[Ans. a  g ]
M m

34. Find the acceleration of blocks in figure the pulley and the strings are
mass less

(a) The acceleration of block of mass M is A 
M  4m
(b) The acceleration of block of mass m is a 
(M  4m)
(c) The acceleration of block of mass M is A 
M  4m
(d) The acceleration of block of mass m is a 
(M  4m)

35. In the diagram shown in figure, all pulleys are smooth and massless and strings are light. Match the block in
column-I with their motion in column- II.

Column- I Column- II
(A) 1 kg block (P) Will remain stationary
(B) 2 kg block (Q) Will move down
(C) 3 kg block (R) Will move up
(D) 4 kg block (S) Has acceleration 4 m/s
(a) P-1 , Q- 1 R- 1 S-3 (b) P-3 , Q- 1 R- 2 S-2
(c) P-2 , Q- 4 R- 3 S-1 (d) P-1 , Q- 4 R- 2 S-2


Illustration 27 : The figure shows one end of a string being pulled down at constant velocity v. Find the
velocity of mass ‘m’ as a function of ‘x’.

Solution : Using constraint equation

2 x 2  b 2 + y = length of string = constant

Differentiating w.r.t. time :
2  dx   dy   dy   dx  v
. 2x    =0    = v   =  x 2  b2 .
2 x b
2 2  dt   dt   dt   dt  2 x

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Illustration 28: Find the relation between instantaneous velocities of A and B.

 B
 vB

Key Concept: For bodies of fixed length or an inextensible string passing through fixed bodies,
component of velocity along the length are equal. While one end moves towards
string/body other away from the string/body.
Solution: Displacement Of A Along Length + Displacement Of B Along Length = 0
[in case of small time interval dt]
VA ( cos 1 )dt  VB cos  2 dt  0  . VA cos 1  VB cos  2
Exercise 8:

1. In the figure shown, blocks A and B move with velocities v1 and v2 along
horizontal direction. Find the ratio of .

2. The figure shows mass m moves with velocity u. Find the velocity of ring at that moment. Ring is restricted

to move on smooth rod.

Ans. VR = , VR = 2u Ans. VR = , VR = 2u
cos 
3. M and m are connected as shown in figure. If v and u denote the horizontal
velocity of M and vertical velocity component of m respectively then find the
ratio of u/v. m

[Ans.1 + cos] M


(i) There is a regular contact between two objects. (ii) Objects are rigid.
The relative velocity perpendicular to the contact plane of the two rigid objects is always zero if there is a regular
contact between the objects. Wedge constraint is applied for each contact.

In other words,

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Components of velocity along perpendicular direction to the contact plane of the two objects is always equal if
there is no deformations and they remain in contact.
A block moves on a wedge which in turns moves on a horizontal table, as shown in figure. The wedge angle is .

Another way to describe constraint in above system:

As long as the wedge is in contact with table, we have the trivial constraints that the x
vertical acceleration of the wedge is zero. To find the constraint, let x be the
horizontal co-ordinate of the end of the wedge and let x and y be the horizontal and h
vertical coordinate of the block as shown then y X
(x –X) = (h – y) cot 
Even if the friction between the block and wedge affect their acceleration, above 
equation is valid as long as they are in contact.
Illustration 29: A sphere of mass is lying between a friction less vertical wall and smooth wedga. Wedge
lies on smooth horizontal surface as shown.



When sphere is released, find the relation between the

acceleration of sphere and wedge. Ms
y x
Solution : Here constraint is geometry of the arrangement. y w
Sphere can move only downward while wedge can move 
horizontally. Let at some moment, sphere has moved through 
distance y vertically downward, while wedge has moved
distance x to the right, so that
tan   y / x v
Here is angle of inclination of wedge a constant differentiating with respect to time we get
dy  dx 
   tan  Ms

we get dt  dt  y x

VS  Vw tan  y

dVS dVw 
 tan  a  a tan 
dt dt  S w
Again differentiating with respect to time, we get

Illustration 30: A rod of mass 2m moves vertically downward on the surface of wedge of mass as shown
in figure .Find the relation between velocity of rod and that of the wedge at any instant.

Solution : Using wedge constraint.

Component of velocity of rod along perpendicular to inclined
surface is equal to velocity of wedge along that direction.
u cos  = v sin      
  = tan 
  u = v tan 

Exercise 9:
1. In the above solved example, find a relation between acceleration of rod to that of the wedge.
Ans. arod = awedge tan.
2. The velocity of end ‘A’ of rigid rod placed between two smooth vertical walls moves with velocity ‘u’ along
vertical direction. Find out the velocity of end ‘B’ of that rod, rod always remains in contact with the vertical walls.

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Ans. u tan .
3. A rod is falling on the floor. At certain moment velocity of end B on floor is 10 m/s. Find the minimum
velocity of end A at the moment.

30º B
10 m/s
Ans. 5 3 m/s

4. A rod AB is shown in figure. End A of the rod is fixed on the ground. B

v= 3 m/s
Block is moving with velocity 3 m/s towards right. The velocity of end B of rod when
rod makes an angle of 60 with the ground is: Ans. 2m/s A )60º


Illustration 31 : The block of mass m slides on a wedge of mass ‘m’ which is free to move on the
horizontal ground. Find the accelerations of wedge and block. (All surfaces are smooth).

Solution : Let . a  acceleration of wedge

b acceleration of block with respect to wedge
Taking block and wedge as a system and applying Newton’s law in the horizontal direction

Fx = m 1 a1x + m2 a2x = 0
0 = ma + m(a – b cos ) ….(i)
here ‘a ‘ and ‘b’ are two unknowns , so for making second equation, we draw F.B.D. of block.
F.B.D of block.
using Newton’s second law along inclined plane
mg sin = m ( b – a cos ) ….(ii)
Now solving equations (1) and (2) we will get
mg sin cos g sin cos  2g sin
a= = and b=
m(1  sin  )
(1  sin2  ) (1  sin2  )
So in vector form :
 g sin cos   ˆ
a wedge = aiˆ =   i
 1  sin  

g sin cos ˆ 2gsin2 ˆ

a block = (a – b cos) – b sin a block =  i- j.
(1  sin2  ) (1  sin2  )
Illustration 32 : For the arrangement shown in figure when the system is released,
find the acceleration of wedge. Pulley and string are ideal and
friction is absent.

Solution: Considering block and wedge as a system and using Newton’s law for the system along x–

T = Ma + m (a – b cos ) ……(i)

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F.B.D of m
along the inclined plane
mg sin  – T = m ( b – a cos ) ……(ii)
using string constraint equation.
 1 + 2 = constant
d2 1 d2
+ 2
=0 b–a=0 ........(iii)
dt dt
mg sin
Solving above equations (i),(ii) & (iii) , we get a=
M  2m(1  cos )
Exercise 10:
1. In the system shown in figure, the block A is released from rest. Find :

(i) the acceleration of both blocks ‘A’ and ‘B’.

(ii) Tension in the string.
gˆ g ˆ gˆ 2mg mg
(iii) Contact force between ‘A’ and ‘B’. Ans. (i) i  j , i (ii) (iii) .
3 3 3 3 3
2. Find the acceleration of rod A and wedge B in the arrangement shown in fig. if the mass of rod equal that
of the wedge and the friction between all contact surfaces is negligible. Take angle of wedge as 45 .

[Ans. a = g/2]

Illustration 33 : For the arrangement shown in figure when the system is released, find the acceleration of
wedge. Pulley and string are ideal and friction is absent.

Solution: Considering block and wedge as a system and using Newton’ s law for the system along
x– direction

T = Ma + m (a – b cos ) ….(i)
F.B.D of m
along the inclined plane
mg sin  – T = m ( b – a cos ) ….(ii)
using string constraint equation.

 1 + 2 = constant
d 2 1 d 2 2
+ =0
dt dt
b–a=0 .........(iii)
Solving above equations (i),(ii) & (iii) , we get
mg sin
M  2m(1  cos  )
Illustration 34: Figure shows a block of mass M supporting a bar of mass m through a pulley system. If
system is released from rest, find the equations for acceleration of block M and the
tension in the strings.

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m M

Solution : The forces acting on block M and bar m are shown in figure. Here first we can easily develop then
constrained relation among the acceleration of mass M and m. We can observe that if M moves
towards left with acceleration a, bar m will move down on inclined surface of M with an
acceleration 3a relative to it. The free body diagrams of the masses are also shown in figure.

The equation of motion for M is T

2T  T cos   N1 sin   Ma T T
N1 T
The equations of motion for m are
mgsin   T  macos   2ma T
m M
and N1  mg cos   ma sin   N1

N1 T N2
 ma 2T
2a 

mg T N1

Note: Similar to previous problem, you can solve this problem also in ground frame. Try


1. In the figure shown block B moves down with a velocity 10 m/s. The velocity of A in the position shown is


(A) 12.5 m/s (B) 25 m/s (C) 6.25 m/s (D) None of these

2. A ring of mass 5 kg sliding on a frictionless vertical rod connected by a block B of mass 10

kg by the help of a massless string. Then at the equilibrium of the system the value of  is 
0 0
(A) 30 (B) 60 A m1 m B
(C) 90 (D) None of these

3. In the figure, a ball and a block are joined together with an Inextensible string. The
ball can slide on a smooth horizontal surface. If v1 and v2 are The respective speeds
of the ball and the block, then determine the constraint relative between the two.
[Ans. v2 = v1 cos] V2
V1 

4. Assuming all pulleys and springs to be ideal and all springs having same spring constant k, find the expansion
in each spring if initial expansion given to the string 1 is x0.

5. Determine the speed with which block B rises in figure if the end of the cord
at A is pulled down with a speed of 2 m/s.

[Ans. 0.5 m/s ]

6. In the figure shown, the speed of the truck is v to the right. The speed with which the block is moving up at  =
60° is :

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(A) v (B) 2v 3 (C) 3v 4 (D) None

7. If the strings is inextensible, determine the velocity u of each block in terms of v and .

(i) Fig. (A) u = _________. (ii) Fig. (B) u = _________.

v v
Ans. (i) , (ii)
2 cos  cos 

8. System is shown in figure and wedge is moving towards left with speed 2 m/s.
Then velocity of the block B will be
(A) 3 m/s (B) 1 m/s
(C) 2 m/s (D) 4 m/s

9. If acceleration of wedge = 5 m/s2 to the right. Find the magnitude of acceleration of the
block B. The string is inextensible
[Ans. 5 m/s2]

10. A link AB is moving in a vertical plane. At a certain instant when the link is inclined 60 to the horizontal the
point A is moving horizontally at 3 m/sec while B is moving in the vertical direction. What is the velocity of B ?
1 vB
(A) m / sec (B) 3 m/sec
3 B
(C) 2 3 m/sec (D) m / sec
2 600
A vA
11. If block A is moving with an acceleration of 5 m/s , the acceleration of B w.r.t. ground is


(A) 5 m/s 2
(B) 52m/s 2
(C) 55 m/s2 (D) 10 m/s2

12. In the given figure, if the acceleration of triangular wedge is a1, then find the acceleration of sphere a2.
cos  cos 
(A) a2  a1 (B) a2  a1 a2
cos  cos  M1 
sin  sin  M2
(C) a2  a1 (D) a2  a1  
sin  sin 

13. A weightless inextensible rope rests on a stationary wedge forming an angle  with the horizontal. One end of
the rope is fixed on the wall at point A. A small load is attached to the rope at point B. The wedge starts
moving to the right with a constant acceleration a. The acceleration of the load is given by:
(A) a (B) 2a sin B
(C) 2a sin/2 (D) gsin 

14. In the figure, the pulley P moves to the right with a constant speed u. The downward speed of A is vA and the
speed of B to the right is vB

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 44


(a) vB = vA (b) vB = u + vA (c) vB + u = vA

(d) The two blocks have accelerations of the same magnitude

15. A rod AB is shown in figure. End A of the rod is fixed on the ground. Block is moving v= 3 m/s

with velocity 3 m/s towards right. The velocity of end B of rod when rod makes an
angle of 60 with the ground is: A )60º
Ans. 2 m/s

16. Find the velocity of the rod A if velocity of the wedge B in the arrangement shown in
fig., is moved with velocity v towards right. A

Ans. v downwards B


17. Find the reading of spring balance as shown in figure.

Assume that mass M is in equilibrium

Ans. 12 N

18. System is shown in figure. All the surfaces are smooth. Rod is moved by external agent with
acceleration 9 m/s2 vertically downwards. Force exerted on the rod by the wedge will be:
(A) 120 N (B) 200 N (C) 135/2 N (D) 225/2 N

19. Three blocks A, B & C are arranged as shown. Pulleys and strings are ideal. All surfaces are frictionless. If
block C is observed moving down along the incline at 1 m/s2. Find mass of block B, tension in string and
accelerations of A, B as the system is released from rest.

2 2
Ans. T = 15N, mB=15kg, aA = 5m/s , aB=9m/s

20. In the system shown in figure, the block A is released from rest. Find :
(i) the acceleration of both blocks ‘A’ and ‘B’.
(ii) Tension in the string.
(iii) Contact force between ‘A’ and ‘B’.
gˆ g ˆ gˆ 2mg mg
Ans. (i) i j, i (ii) (iii) .
3 3 3 3 3

21. Find the acceleration of rod A and wedge B in the arrangement shown in fig. if the mass of
rod equal that of the wedge and the friction between all contact surfaces is negligible. Take B
angle of wedge as 45 . 45 0

[Ans. a = g/2]
22. Find force in newton which mass A exerts on mass B if B is moving towards right with 3 ms–2. Also find mass
of A.

Ans. 5N, 16/31 kg

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 45

23. In the arrangement shown in the Figure all surfaces are frictionless, the masses of the block are m 1 = 20 kg
and m2 = 30 kg. The accelerations of masses m 1
and m2 will be if F = 180 N.
(A) am1  9m / s 2 , am2  0 (B) am1  9m / s 2 , am2  9 m/s2 m2 F

(C) am1  0 , am2  9 m / s 2 (D) None of these //////////////////////////////////////////////////

24. In the arrangement shown in fig. the masses of the wedge and the body are same and
equal to m. The masses of the pulley and the threads are negligible. Friction is absent.
Find the acceleration of the body relative to the horizontal surface on which the wedge m


25. A block of mass M is connected with a particle of mass m by a light inextensisble string as shown in figure.
Assuming all contacting surfaces as smooth, find the acceleration of the wedge after releasing the system

M  17 m

26. The masses of blocks A and B are same and equal to m. Friction is absent everywhere.
Find the magnitude of normal force with which block B presses on the wall and
accelerations of the blocks A and B.
12g 9g 12mg
Ans. a = ; b= ; NBW = .
25 25 25

27. In the arrangement shown in the Fig., the block of mass m = 2 kg lies on the wedge
of mass M = 8 kg. Find the initial acceleration of the wedge if the surfaces are

Ans. a=
30 3 m/s2 .

28. Find the acceleration of the three masses A, B and C shown in figure. Friction coefficient between all surfaces
is 0.5. Pulleys are smooth.

[Ans.a1 = 7/18 g, a2 = 7/9 g, a3 = 0]

29. In the situation shown, all surface are frictionless and triangular wedge is free to
move. In column II the direction of certain vectors are shown. Match the direction of
quantities in column I with possible vector in column II.

Column- I Column-II
(A) Acceleration of the block x relative to ground (P)

(B) Acceleration of block x relative to wedge (Q)

(C) Normal force by block on wedge (R)

(D) Net force on the wedge (S)

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 46

30. A block B of mass 0.6 kg slides down the smooth face PR of a wedge A of mass 1.7 kg which can move
freely on a smooth horizontal surface. The inclination of the face PR to the horizontal is 45 . then

(a) The acceleration of A is 3 g/20

(b) The vertical component of the acceleration of B is 23g/ 40
(c) The horizontal component of the acceleration of B is 17 g/40
(d) None of these

31. In the system shown in figure m A = 4m, mB = 3m and mC = 8m. Friction is absent everywhere. String is light
and inextensible. If the system is released from rest find the acceleration of block B

g g g g
(a) (leftward) (b) (leftward) (c) (rightward) (d) (rightward)
8 2 6 4

CMP3: Figure shows an arrangement of pulleys and two blocks. All surface are frictionless. All pulleys and strings
are mass less. All strings are smooth and mass less.

32. The acceleration of block A is

2g g g
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
9 9 5

33. Normal reaction between A and ground is

17mg 16mg
(a) mg (b) (c) (d) None of these
9 9
34. Normal reaction between A and B is
mg 2mg
(a) mg (b) (c) (d) None of these
9 9


Newton’s law is valid only in inertial frame of reference. For the validity of B a
Newton’s law we use the concept of pseudo force.
Let us consider an example in which an object is kept on a smooth
horizontal surface and two observers A and B are observing the same

Observer A is at rest and observer B is moving with acceleration a towards the +ve X direction. A will observe
that the acceleration of block is zero and no force is acting on the block and hence Newton’s law is not valid. To
make Newton’s law valid observer B will apply a hypothetical force on block having magnitude m . Acceleration
of observer B is in the direction opposite to the direction of observer B. This hypothetical force is called as
pseudo force.

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 47

So free body diagram of object according to observer B.
F pseudo = ma
F pseudo = ma
It is important to observe that pseudo force will only apply for the observer who is
observing the motion from the non inertial frame of reference.
a = accelecration
Illustration 35 : An object is moving in upward direction by a lift with acceleration ‘a’. Find out the normal
reaction exerted by lift on the block. Solve the given problem by the help of pseudo force.
Solution : Consider the force diagram of object from the frame of N
reference of lift.
From lift we will observe that block has no acceleration a
mg F pseudo = ma

All the forces will be balanced on the block.  N = mg + ma

Illustration 36 : A block of mass 2 kg is kept at rest on a big box moving with velocity and having
acceleration m/s2. Find the value of ‘Pseudo force’ acting on block with respect to box.

Solution : F  maframe = 2( 3iˆ  4 ˆj )

Illustration 37: A lift having a simple pendulum attached with its ceiling is moving upward with constant
acceleration ‘a’. What will be the tension in the string of pendulum with respect to a boy
inside the lift and a boy standing on earth, mass of bob of simple pendulum is m.
Solution : F.B.D . of bob (with respect to ground)

T – mg = ma
T = mg + ma ........(i)
With respect to boy inside the lift, the acceleration of bob is zero.
So he will write above equation in this manner.
T – mg = m. (0) .
T = mg
He will tell the value of tension in string is mg. But this is ‘wrong’ . To correct
his result, he makes a free body diagram in this manner, and uses Newton’s second law.

T = mg + ma ..................(ii)
By using this extra force, equations (i) and (ii) give the same result . This extra force is called
pseudo force. This pseudo force is used when a problem is solved with a accelerating frame
Note : Magnitude of Pseudo force = mass of system × acceleration of frame of reference .
Direction of force:
Opposite to the direction of acceleration of frame of reference, (not in the direction of motion of
frame of reference)
Illustration 38 : A 60 kg man stands on a spring balance in a lift. At same instant he finds that the reading
on the scale has changed from 60kg to 50 kg for a while and then comes back to the
original mark. What is his conclusion?
(A) The lift was in constant motion upwards
(B) The lift was in constant motion downwards
(C) The lift while in motion downward suddenly stopped.
(D) The lift while in motion upward suddenly stopped.

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 48

 a  a
Solution : When lift accelerates up W = W 1    When lift decelerates up W = W 1  
 g   g
Here weight decreases i.e. lift decelerates up. Initially lift was moving with constant velocity up
and then it suddenly stopped i.e. decelerated,

Illustration 39 : An object is placed on a smooth inclined plane with

inclination  as shown in the figure. If incline plane is a
moving with acceleration ‘a’ in upward direction, then
find the acceleration of block with respect to earth.

Key concept : Resolve the applied force and the weight along the direction of normal reaction and pseudo force.
Solution : Consider the motion of object with respect to inclined. With N
respect to inclined block will move along line AB. a
ma sin m
N = ma cos + mg cos 
By applying Newton’s second law along the plane 
mgsin  ma cos 
ma  Fpseudo

 mgsin + ma sin = mA
Where A is the acceleration of block as observed by observer from the inclined plane
 A = (g + a) sin
So, net acceleration of block with respect to earth
A net  a2  (g  a)2 sin2   2a(g  a)sin2 
A net  a2  (g2  a2 )sin2 
Illustration 40 : A block of mass m is placed on an inclined plane. With what acceleration a, towards right
should the system move on a horizontal surface so that m does not slide on the surface
of inclined plane? Assume all surfaces are smooth.
Solution : From ground frame the forces acting on the R R cos

block m
(i) Its weight mg and (ii) normal reaction R. If ma R sin
we analyse the motion of m relative to the
inclined plane, its acceleration is zero and
the forces acting, its weight, the mg mg

Normal reactions and a pseudo force of magnitude ma towards left.

Rcos = mg  a = gtan
R sin = ma

Illustration 41 : A pendulum of mass m is hanging from the ceiling of a

car having an acceleration ao with respect to the road in 
the direction shown. Find the angle made by the string
with the vertical.
Solution : Since bob of the pendulum is stationary relative to carHence
T sin = mao (pseudo force) …(i) Tcos

T cos = mg …(ii)  T
Dividing (i) by (ii), we get
a ao Tsin

tan = o   = tan g

Illustration 42 : The acceleration of particle with respect to the incline 90°

(A) g sin  (B) a0 sin 

(C) (g + a0) sin  (D) (g sin  + a0 cos )


Solution : From Newton’s law N

mgsinθ + ma0 sinθ = ma


 a  (g  a0 )sin 

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 49

Illustration 43 : Figure shows a box of mass m is placed on a wedge of
mass M on a smooth surface. How much force F is
required to be applied on M so that during motion m
remains at rest on its surface M

Solution : Let us solve the problem by using both frames.
From inertial frame of reference (Ground)
F.B.D. of block w.r.t. ground (Apply real forces):
with respect to ground block is moving with an acceleration ‘a’ .

  Fy = 0 N cos  = mg ...........(i)

and   Fx = ma N sin  = ma .....(ii)
From Eqs. (i) and (ii)
a = g tan   F = (M + m) a = (M + m) g tan 

From inertial frame of reference (Wedge)

The force acting on the bodies m and M are shown in figure along with free body diagrams of
mass m and M. As the two bodies move together, we can find the acceleration of system
towards right directly as
F a
mM m N1
F  N2
N2 N1 N2 
M 
FBD of M mg FBD of m

Here the condition is, the small block of mass m should remain at rest on the incline surface of the
wedge block. Look at the FBD of m in figure, the force acting on it towards left ma is the pseudo
force on it as its reference frame is the wedge block. As wedge block is moving with an
acceleration, we consider m relative to it. Now with respect to wedge block m is at rest or in
equilibrium, we can balance all the forces along the tendency of motion of body (i.e. inclined
plane) and perpendicular to it shown in FBD of it
For m to be at rest, from FBD of m, along the plane
mg sin  ma cos
or a  g tan  or  g tan  or F  (m  M )g tan 

Illustration 44 : A triangle wedge of mass m1 and angle  rests on a

horizontal surface. A block of mass m 2 is placed on m2
the wedge. Assuming friction to be negligible, find the m1
acceleration of the wedge. 
Solve in non inertial frame
Solution : Let us solve this problem by considering F.B.D. of m2 relative to m1 F.B.D. of m1
the motion of m 2 in non-inertial frame of
wedge. In that frame the block is at rest N
along the normal to the inclined plane. m2
Hence is under equilibrium along the m2a
normal to the plane
(m2gsin+m2acos) m2gcos
m2g N
(m1g + Ncos)

Due to the acceleration of the frame towards right pseudo force acts on the block towards left. As
shown in the F.B.D.
m2asin + N = m2g cos ...(1)
and for m1,
Nsin = m1a ...(2)
Multiplying equation (1) by sin and substituting equation (2) in it,
g sin . cos 
m2a sin +m1a = m2g sincos  a 

sin2   (m1 / m2 )

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 50



1. A student standing on the large platform of a spring scale notes his weight. He then takes a step on this
platform and noticed that the scale reads less than his weight at the beginning of the step and more than his
weight at the end of the step. Explain.

2. Suppose you need to measure whether a table top in a train is truly horizontal. If you use a spirit level can you
determine this when the train is moving down or up a grade? When the train is moving along a curve?

3. A ball is thrown from the edge of a high cliff. No matter what the angle at which it is thrown, due to air
resistance, the ball will eventually end up moving vertically downward." Justify this statement.

4. You are marooned on a frictionless horizontal due to place and can not exert any horizontal force by pushing
against the surface. How can you get off?
(A) By jumping (B) By rolling your body on the surface
(C) By splitting or sneezing (D) By running on the plane

5. A man in a lift will weigh more when :

(A) Lift accelerates upward (B) Lift accelerates downward
(C) Lift descends freely (D) The lift going up is slowing down.

6. A man weighing mg in moving upward in a rocket with acceleration 4g. His apparent weight inside the rocket is
(A) Zero (B) 4 mg (C) 5mg (D) mg

7. A rod not reaching the rough floor is inserted between two identical blocks. A horizontal force F is applied to
the upper end of the rod. Which of the blocks will move first?

8. A pendulum is hanging from the ceiling of a cage. If the cage moves

up with constant acceleration a, its tension is T1 and if it moves down
with same acceleration, the corresponding tension is T2. The tension in T1 T2
the string if the cage moves horizontally with same acceleration a is: a a T a

T12  T2 2 T12  T2 2 T12 + T22 T12  T22

(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 2

9. Observer O1 is in a lift going upwards and O 2 is on the ground. Both apply Newton's law and a0
measure normal reaction on the body - O1

(A) The both measure the same value (B) The both measure the different value
(C) The both measure zero (D) No sufficient data

10. If the acceleration of the elevator a0>g, then

(A) The acceleration of the masses will be a 0 (B) The acceleration of the masses will be (a0 –g) a0

(C) The tension in the string will be ( g  a0 ) (D) Tension in the string will be zero. m
M m M

11. A block of mass ‘m’ is kept over the smooth surface of the plank of
mass M. The plank of length is kept over the smooth horizontal m
surface. A constant horizontal force F is applied onto the plank as F
shown in figure. The time after which the block falls off the plank is:

2 M 2 (M + m) 2 m
(A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
12. A block is dragged on a smooth plane with the help of a rope which moves with a velocity  as shown in
Figure. The horizontal velocity of the block is:
u v
(A)  (B)
sin q
(C)  sin  (D) m
cos q

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 51


13. A man of mass m  60 kg is standing on weighing machine fixed on a

triangular wedge of angle   60 as shown. The wedge is moving down
with acceleration a  2m/s . The weight registered by machine is:
(A) 240 N (B) 360 N
(C) 1440 N (D) 600 N

14. A heavy spherical ball is constrained in a frame as in figure. The inclined surface is
smooth. The maximum acceleration with which the frame can move without causing a
the ball to leave the frame : 30°

(A) g/2 (B) g 3 (C) g / 3 (D) g / 2

15. The elevator shown in figure is descending with an acceleration of

2 m/s2.The mass of the block A is 0.5 kg. What force is exerted by the block A
on the block B? Solve the problem taking (a) ground as the
frame (b) lift as the frame
Ans. 4N
16. An object of mass 2 kg moving with velocity 10iˆ m/s is seen in a frame moving with velocity 10iˆ m/s. What
will be the value of ‘pseudo force’ acting on object in this frame.
Ans. F = 0

17. In the adjoining figure, a wedge is fixed to an elevator moving upwards with an acceleration ‘a’.
A block of mass ‘m’ is placed over the wedge. Find the acceleration
of the block with respect to wedge. Neglect friction.
Ans. (g + a) sin 

18. A trolley of mass 8 kg is standing on a frictionless surface inside which an object of mass
2 kg is suspended. A constant force F starts acting on the trolley as a result of which the string stood at an
angle of 370 from the vertical. Then :
(A) Acceleration of the trolley is 40/3 m/sec2. (B) Force applied in 60 N
(C) Force applied is 75 N (D) Tension in the string is 25 N

19. A triangular block of mass M rests on a smooth surface as shown in figure. A cubical
block of mass m rests on the inclined surface. If all surfaces are frictionless, the force
that must be applied to M so as to keep m stationary relative to M is :
(A) Mg tan 30 (B) mg tan 30 (C) (M+m)g tan 30 (D) (M+m)g cos 30

20. A trolley is accelerating down an incline of angle  with acceleration gsin. Which of the following is correct. (
is the angle made by the string with vertical).

(A)  =  (B)  = 00
(C) Tension in the string, T = mg (D) Tension in the string, T = mg sec  

21. A lift L is moving upwards with a constant acceleration a = g. A small block A of mass ' m ' is kept on a wedge
B of the same mass ' m '. The height of the vertical face of the wedge is ' h'. A is released from the top most
point of the wedge. Find the time taken by A to reach the bottom of B. All surfaces are smooth and B is also
h(1  sin2  )
free to move. Ans. t =
2g sin2 

22. A block 'C' of mass m rests on a smooth table. Two blocks A and B each of mass m, are
attached to the end of a light inextensible string passing over a smooth pulley fixed to C
as shown in the figure. B rests on C and A can move in a frictionless vertical shaft. Find
the acceleration of C. Ans.g/5

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 52

23. Incline plane is moved towards right with an acceleration of 5 ms –2 as shown in
figure. Find force in newton which block of mass 5 kg exerts on the incline plane.

Ans. 55

24. Figure shows a wedge of mass 2kg resting on a frictionless floor. A block of mass 1 kg is kept on the wedge
and the wedge is given an acceleration of 5 m/sec2 towards right. Then :
(A) Block will remain stationary w.r.t. wedge
(B) The block will have an acceleration of 1 m/sec2 w.r.t. the wedge
(C) Normal reaction on the block is 11 N
(D) Net force acting on the wedge is 2 N

25. Five persons A, B, C, D & E are pulling a cart of mass 100 kg on a smooth surface and cart is moving with
acceleration 3 m/s2 in east direction. When person 'A' stops pulling, it moves with acceleration 1m/s2 in the
west direction. When person 'B' stops pulling, it moves with acceleration 24 m/s 2 in the north direction. The
magnitude of acceleration of the cart when only A & B pull the cart keeping their directions same as the old
directions, is :
(A) 26 m/s2 (B) 3 71 m/s2 (C) 25 m/s2 (D) 30 m/s2

26. A cylinder rests in a supporting carriage as shown. The side AB of

carriage makes an angle 300 with the horizontal and side BC is
vertical. The carriage lies on a fixed horizontal surface and is being
pulled towards left with an horizontal acceleration ‘a’. the magnitude
of normal reactions exerted by sides AB and BC of carriage on the
cylinder be NAB and NBC respectively. Neglect friction everywhere.
Then as the magnitude of acceleration ‘a’ of the carriage is
increased, pick up the correct statement.

(a) NAB increases and NBC decreases (b) Both NAB and NBC increase.
(c) NAB remains constant and NBC increases (d) NAB increases and NBC remains constant

27. A bob is hanging over a pulley inside a car through a string. The second end of
the string is in the hand of a person standing in the car. The car is moving with
constant acceleration ‘a’ directed horizontally as shown in figure. Other end of
the string is pulled with constant acceleration ‘a’ (relative to car ) vertically. The
tension in the string is equal to

(a) m g 2  a2 (b) m g 2  a2  ma

(c) m g 2  a2  ma (d) m(g+a)

28. A pendulum of mass m hangs from a support fixed to a trolley. The direction
of the string when the trolley rolls up a plane of inclination  with acceleration
a0 is (String and bob remain fixed with respect to trolley)
a 
(a)   tan1  (b)   tan1  0 
 g 
 g   a  g sin 
(c)   tan1   (d)   tan1  0 
 a0   g cos  
29. A lift is going up. The total mass of the lift and the passengers is 150 kg. The variation in the speed of the lift is
given in the graph. ( g = 9.8 m/s ) (Upper limit of speed is 3.6m/s)

(a) What will be the tension in the rope pulling the lift at t equal to
(i) 1 sec (ii) 6 sec and (iii) 11 sec
(b) What is the height through which the lift takes the passengers?
(c) What will be the average velocity and average acceleration during the course of entire motion?
ANS. (I) 1740 N (ii) 1470 N (iii) 1200 N (b) 36 m (c) Average velocity = 3 m/s, average acceleration = 0

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 53

30. The system shown in figure is released from rest calculate the value of accelerations ‘a’ and ‘b’ . (where b is
w. r. t. to A)

b cos 3g sin
Ans. a  b
3 3  cos2 
31. Block A is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. Another block B is placed in contact B
with A as shown in figure. The coefficient of friction between A and B is 0.5. The A
minimum acceleration of block A so that block B does not fall
(A) 10 m/s2 (B) 20 m/s2
(C) 15 m/s 2
(D) 5 m/s2

32. A block of mass m is placed on smooth triangular block as shown in the figure.
The triangular block is moving horizontally with uniform speed 2 3 m/s. The
m 2 3 m/s
acceleration of block of mass m with respect to the triangular block is
(A) 5 m/s2 (B) 8 m/s2
(C) 4 m/s2 (D) 6 m/s2 30º

33. The force exerted on 10 kg block by floor of lift, as shown in the figure is
(take g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 180 N
(B) 150 N 5 kg 3 m/s
(C) 195 N
10 kg
(D) 135 N

34. Figure shows a system of four pulleys with two masses m A = 1kg and m B=2 kg. At an instant
force acting on block A, if block B is going up at an acceleration of 3 m/s 2 and pulley Q is
going down at an acceleration of 1 m/s2 is
(A) 7 N acting upward (B) 7 N acting downward P R
(C) 3.5 acting downward (D) none
35. In the figure shown a particle of mass m is tied to a string and the other end
of string is tied to the side wall of a carriage, which is accelerating horizontally
with constant acceleration a. Assuming the string remains taut and the particle
is not in contact with the base of carriage. Then: (Particle is at rest with respect
to carriage)
 g
(a) The angle  that string makes with the horizontal is tan1  
(b) The angle  that string makes with the horizontal is tan1  
 g
(c) Tension in the string is m g2  a2 (d) Tension in the string is m g2  a2

36. A block B of mass 0.6 kg slides down the smooth face PR of a wedge A of mass 1.7 kg which can move
freely on a smooth horizontal surface. The inclination of the face PR to the horizontal is 45 . Then

(a) The acceleration of A is 3 g/20

(b) The vertical component of the acceleration of B is 23 g/40
(c) The horizontal component of the acceleration of B is 17 g/40
(d) None of these

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37. Wedge of 10 kg is free to move on horizontal surface. At the given instant, acceleration of wedge is (string
and pulleys are ideal)

2 2
(a) 2 m/s towards right (b) 2 m/s towards left
2 2
(c) 1 m/s towards left (d) 1 m/s towards right

A van accelerates uniform down an inclined hill going from rest to 30 m/s in 6 s. During the acceleration a toy
of mass m = 0.1 kg hangs by a light string from the van’s ceiling. The acceleration is such that string
remains perpendicular to the ceiling. (Take g = 10 m/s )

38. The angle  of the incline is

0 0 0 0
(a) 30 (b) 60 (c) 90 (d) 45

39. The tension in the string is

(a) 1.0 N (b) 0.5 N (c) N (d) 3 N
40. The friction force on the van is
(a) Zero (b) mg cos  (c) mg sin  (d) mg tan 

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When two bodies are kept in contact, electromagnetic forces act between the charged
particles (molecules) at the surfaces of the bodies. Thus, each body exerts a contact
force of the other. The magnitudes of the contact forces acting on the two bodies are
equal but their directions are opposite and therefore the contact forces obey Newton’s
third law.
The direction of the contact force acting on a particular body is not necessarily
perpendicular to the contact surface. We can resolve this contact force into two components, one perpendicular
to the contact surface and the other parallel to it (figure. The perpendicular component is called the normal
contact force or normal force (generally written as N) and the parallel component is called friction (generally
written as f).

Therefore if R is contact force then R = f 2  N 2

1. nter-locking of extended parts of one object into the extended parts of the other object.
2. Bonding between the molecules of the two surfaces or objects in contact.
a. Kinetic b. Static


Kinetic friction exists between two contact surfaces only when there is relative motion between the two contact
surfaces. It stops acting when relative motion between two surfaces ceases.
 t is opposite to the velocity of the object with respect to the other object in contact considered.
Note that its direction is not opposite to the force applied it is opposite to the motion of the body
considered which is in contact with the other surface.


The magnitude of the kinetic friction is proportional to the normal force acting between the two bodies. We can
fk = k N

where N is the normal force. The proportionality constant k is called the coefficient of kinetic friction and
its value depends on the nature of the two surfaces in contact. If the surfaces are smooth k will be small, if
the surfaces are rough k will be large. It also depends on the materials of the two bodies in contact.

Illustration 45 : Find the direction of kinetic friction force

(a) on the block, exerted by the ground.
(b) on the ground, exerted by the block.

Solution : (a) (b)

where f1 and f2 are the friction forces on the block and ground respectively.

Illustration 46 : The correct relation between magnitude of f1 and f2 is

(A) f1 > f2 (B) f2 > f1 (C) f1 = f2 (D) not possible to decide

Solution : By Newton‘s third law the above friction forces are action-reaction pair and equal but opposite to
each other in direction. Hence (C).
Also note that the direction of kinetic friction has nothing to do with applied force F.

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t exists between the two surfaces when there is tendency of relative motion but no relative motion along the two
contact surface.
For example consider a bed inside a room; when we gently push the bed with a finger, the bed does not move.
This means that the bed has a tendency to move in the direction of applied force but does not move as there
exists static friction force acting in the opposite direction of the applied force.
The static friction force on an object is opposite to its impending motion relative to the surface.
Following steps should be followed in determining the direction of static friction force on an object.
(i) Draw the free body diagram with respect to the other object on which it is kept.
(ii) Include pseudo force also if contact surface is accelerating.
(iii) Decide the resultant force and the component parallel to the surface of this resultant force.
(iv) The direction of static friction is opposite to the above component of resultant force.


The magnitude of static friction is equal and opposite to the external force exerted, till the object at which force
is exerted is at rest. This means it is a variable and self adjusting force. However it has a maximum value
called limiting friction.
fmax = sN

The actual force of static friction may be smaller than sN and its value depends on other forces acting on the
body. The magnitude of frictional force is equal to that required to keep the body at relative rest.
0  fs  fsmax

Here s and k are proportionality constants. s is called coefficient of static friction and
k is called coefficient of kinetic friction. They are dimensionless quantities independent
of shape and area of contact . It is a property of the two contact surfaces. s > k for a
given pair of surfaces. If not mentioned then s = k can be taken. Value of 
can be from 0 to .
Following table gives a rough estimate of the values of coefficient of static
friction between certain pairs of materials. The actual value depends on the
degree of smoothness and other environmental factors. For example, wood
may be prepared at various degrees of smoothness and the friction coefficient
will vary.

Material s Material s
Steel and steel 0.58 Copper and copper 1.60
Steel and brass 0.35 Teflon and teflon 0.04
Glass and glass 1.00 Rubber tyre on dry
Wood and wood 0.35 concrete road
Rubber tyre on wet
Wood and metal 0.40 0.7
concrete road
Illustration 47 : What is value of static friction force on the block?

Solution : In horizontal direction as acceleration is zero. Therefore  F = 0 .  = 0

Illustration 48 : In the following figure an object of mass M is kept on a rough table as

seen from above. Forces are applied on it as shown. Find the direction of
static friction if the object does not move.
Solution : In the above problem we first draw the free body diagram to find the resultant
As the object doe not move this is not a case of limiting friction. The
direction of static friction is opposite to the direction of the resultant
force FR as shown in figure by fs. Its magnitude is equal to 25 N.
Note: Here once again the static friction is involved when there
is no relative motion between two surfaces.

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 Laws of limiting friction R

(i) The magnitude of limiting friction between surfaces is given by Ff  R , where Ff

is the frictional force and R is the normal reaction. Ff

F R where  is called coefficient of friction.

(ii) The force of friction acts along the interacting surfaces generally in the direction mg

opposite to the direction of motion.

(iii) The value of coefficient of friction.
(a) Depends upon the nature of interacting surfaces and their irregularities.
(b) Is independent of area of contact or shape of the interacting surface provided the normal reaction
remains same.

 Rolling friction
The opposition offered to the circular motion of objects like ring, disc, sphere, cylinder etc. on another surface is
called rolling friction.
The coefficient of rolling friction(r) is smaller than the coefficient of kinetic friction (k).
Note: The sliding friction can be decreased a lot by converting it into rolling friction.

 Friction a necessary evil

Friction has many disadvantages but life is impossible without friction because friction has many advantages also.

Illustration 49 : A horizontal force of 20N is applied to a block of mass 4kg resting

on a rough horizontal table. If the block does not move on the
table, how much frictional force the table is applying on the block ?
What can be said about the coefficient of static friction between
the block and the table? Take g = 10 m/s2.
Solution : The situation is shown in free body diagram.
The forces on the block are:
(a) 40 N, downward by the Earth (b) N, normal force upward by the table
(c) F = 20 N, applied force, (d) f, friction force towards left by the table
As the block is at rest, these forces should add up to zero. Balancing the forces in horizontal and
vertical directions as ax = 0 and ay = 0.

f = 20 N and N = 40 N.
Thus, the table exerts a friction (static) force of 20 N on the block in the direction opposite to the
applied force. Since there is no relative motion exists hence friction is static.
f  s N, or, s  f / N or, s  0.5
Illustration 50 : In the following figure force F is gradually increased from zero. Draw the graph between
applied force F and tension T in the string. The coefficient of static friction between the

block and the ground is s .

Solution : As the external force F is gradually increased from zero it is compensated by the friction and the
string bears no tension. When limiting friction is achieved by increasing force F to a value till
smg, the further increase in F is transferred to the string.

Illustration 51 : Force F is gradually increased from increased from zero.

Determine whether the block will first slide or lift up?
Solution : There are minimum magnitude of forces required both in horizontal
and vertical direction either to slide on lift up the block. The block will first slide on lift up will
depend upon which minimum magnitude of force is lesser.
For vertical direction to start lifting up
F sin 37º + N – Mg 0.
N becomes zero just lifting condition.
10 g 500
Flift  3 / 5  Flift  3 N
For horizontal direction to start sliding
F cos 37º > 0.5 [ 10g – F sin 37º] ( N = 10 g – F sin 37º)

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Hence Fslide > cos37º  0.5 sin37º
500 500
Fslide > 11 N  Flift > 3 N.  Fslide < Flift
Therefore the block will begin to slide before lifting.

Illustration 52 : Find maximum value of force F to just start the motion of block on F
the ground. The coefficient of static friction between block and 
horizontal surface is s = 0.5. 2 kg
Solution : Consider F.B.D of block
N = 2g + F sin30 fr
Fcos30 = fr F cos 
At the time when relative motion is just about to start f r = fr max
2 × 5 × 0.5 2 F sin
F= = mg
cosθ - 0.5sinθ cosθ - 0.5sinθ
2 2
and F = F min =  and   tan1   tan1 0.5
 1

Illustration 53 : A force of 100N is applied on a block of mass 3kg as shown in the

figure. The coefficient of friction between the wall and block is 0.6. 12N
The magnitude of the force exerted by the wall on the block is:

(A) 15N downwards (B) 25N upwards

(C) 20N downwards (D) 30N upwards
Solution : (A)
F cos30 = N.  N = 6 3  10.39
F sin 30 = 6N < sin
So. Fr will act upward
And Fr max = N

= 0.6 × 10.39 = 6.23 N.

So force exerted by wall = (6.23)2  (10.4)2 = 15N down ward


1. A force of 98 N is require to just start moving a body of mass 100 kg over ice. The coefficient of static friction is
(A) 0.6 (B) 0.4 (C) 0.2 (D) 0.1

2. If you want to stop the car in the shortest distance on an ice road, should you
(a) Push hard on the brakes to lock the wheels, (b) push just hard enough to prevent slipping, or
(c) "pump" the brakes?

3. Why is it difficult to walk on sand?

4. A block of mass m is placed on a smooth wedge of inclination . The whole system is accelerated horizontally
so that the block does not slip on the wedge. The force exerted by the wedge on the block has a magnitude
(A) mg (B) mg/cos  (C) mg cos  (D) mg tan 

5. The maximum static frictional force is :

(A) Equal to twice the area of surface in contact (B) Independent of the area of surface in contact
(C) Equal to the area of surface in contact (D) None of the above
6. Maximum value of static friction is called
(A) Limiting friction (B) Rolling friction (C) Normal reaction (D) Coefficient of friction

7. In the figure shown, a block of weight 10 N resting on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of static friction
between the block and the surface s = 0.4. A force of 3.5 N will keep the block in uniform motion, once it has
been set in motion. A horizontal force of 3 N is applied to the block, then the block will :

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(A) Move over the surface with constant velocity
(B) Move having accelerated motion over the surface
(C) Not move
(D) First will move with a constant velocity for some time and then will have accelerated motion

8. Starting from rest a body slides down a 45º inclined plane in twice the time it takes to slide down the same
distance in the absence of friction. The co-efficient of friction between the body and the inclined plane is:
(A) 0.75 (B) 0.33 (C) 0.25 (D) 0.80

9. A 500 kg horse pulls a cart of mass 1500 kg along a level horizontal road with an acceleration of 1 ms –2. If the
coefficient of sliding friction between the cart and ground is 0.2, then the force exerted by the horse on the cart
in forward direction is : (Assume limiting friction is acting)
(A) 3000 N (B) 4500 N (C) 5000 N (D) 6000 N

10. A fireman of mass 60 kg slides down a pole. He is pressing the pole with a force of 600 N. The coefficient of
friction between the hands and the pole is 0.5, with what acceleration will the fireman slide down
(g = 10 m/s2) :
(A) 1 m/s2 (B) 2.5 m/s2 (C) 10 m/s2 (D) 5 m/s2

11. A rope so lies on a table that part of it lays over. The rope begins to slide when the length of hanging part is
25 % of entire length. The co-efficient of friction between rope and table is :
(A) 0.33 (B) 0.25 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.2

12. The coefficient of friction between a body and ground is 1/3 then
(A) The angle of friction can vary from 600 to 900 (B) The angle of friction can vary from 00 to 300
(C) The angle of friction can vary from 00 to 600 (D) The angle of friction can be vary from 300 to 900

13. A block of mass M = 5 kg is resting on a rough horizontal surface for which the coefficient of friction is 0.2.
When a force F = 40 N is applied, the acceleration of the block will be (g = 10 m/s2) :

(A) 5.73 m/sec2 (B) 8.0 m/sec2 (C) 3.17 m/sec2 (D) 10.0 m/sec2

14. A block A kept on an inclined surface just begins to slide if the inclination is 30º. The block is replaced by
another block B and it is found that it just begins to slide if the inclination is 40º.
(A) Mass of A > mass of B (B) Mass of A < mass of B
(C) Mass of A = mass of B (D) Insufficient information.

15. Let F, FN and f denote the magnitudes of the contact force, normal force and the friction exerted by one
surface on the other kept in contact. If none of these is zero,
(A) F > FN (B) F>f (C) FN > f (D) FN – f < F < FN + f

16. The contact force exerted by one body on another body is equal to the normal force between the bodies. It
can be said that :
(A) The surface must be frictionless (B) The force of friction between the bodies is zero
(C) The magnitude of normal force equals that of friction
(D) It is possible that the bodies are rough and they do not slip on each other

17. Out of the following given statements, mark out the correct(s)
(A) Static friction is always greater than the kinetic friction
(B) Coefficient of static friction is always greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction
(C) Limiting friction is always greater than the kinetic friction
(D) Limiting friction is never less than the static friction

18. A block is placed on a rough floor and a horizontal force F is applied on it. The force of friction f by the floor
on the block is measured for different values of F and a graph is plotted between them.
(A) The graph is a straight line of slope 45º
(B) The graph is straight line parallel to the F-axis.
(C) The graph is a straight line of slope 45º for small F and a straight line parallel to the F-axis for large F.
(D) There is a small kink on the graph.

19. A man is walking from east to west on a level horizontal rough surface. The frictional force acting on foot at
the man may be directed:
(A) From west to east (B) From east to west (C) Along the north (D) Along the west

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20. Maximum force of friction is called
(A) Static friction (B) Limiting friction (C) Dynamic friction (D) Sliding friction
21. A car is moving along a straight horizontal road with a speed of 72 km hr . If the coefficient of static friction
between the tires and the road is 0.5, the shortest distance in which the can be stopped is [g = 10 ms-2]
(A) 30 m (B) 40 m (C) 72 m (D) 20 m

22. A body of mass m is kept on a rough horizontal surface of friction coefficient . A force is applied horizontally,
but the body is not moving. The net force 'F' by the surface on the body will be
(A) F   mg (B) F =  mg

(C) mg  F  mg 1 μ2 (D) mg  F  mg 1 μ2

23. A uniform iron chain lies on a horizontal surface. The maximum fraction of the length of the chain that can
hang over the edge of the horizontal surface is [Given: coefficient of static friction = 0.25]
(A) 1 / 3 (B) 1/4 (C) 1 / 10 (D) 1 / 5

24. A body of mass 60 kg is dragged with just enough force to start moving on a rough surface with coefficients of
static and kinetic frictions 0.5 and 0.4 respectively. On applying the same force what is the acceleration:
2 2 2 2
(A) 0.98 m/s (B) 9.8 m/s (C) 0.54 m/s (D) 5.292 m/s

25. A block of 10 kg is pulled by a constant speed on a rough horizontal surface by a force of 19.6 N. The
coefficient of friction is :
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.2 (C) 0.3 (D) 0.4
26. Minimum value of F to hold the block (see figure) in place at rest is
 = 0.1

Wall 1 kg F

(A) 10 N (B) 100 N (C) 50 N (D) 500 N

27. A horizontal force of 10 N is necessary to just hold a block stationary against a wall
the coefficient of friction between the block and the wall is 0.2. The weight of the block
10 N
is :

(A) 2 N (B) 20 N (C) 50 N (D) 100 N

28. What is the maximum value of the force F such that the block shown in the 1
F 
arrangement, does not move? 2 3
(A) 20 N (B) 10 N 600 m 3kg
(C) 12 N (D) 15 N

29. A block of mass 2 kg is given a push horizontally and then the block starts. Sliding over a horizontal plane.
The graph shows the velocity - time graph of the motion. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the plane
and the block is :

(A) 0.02 (B) 0.2

(C) 0.04 (D) 0.4

30. A block slides down an inclined plane of slope  with constant velocity. It is then projected up the plane with
an initial speed v0. How far up the incline will it move before coming to rest
v 02 v 02 v 02 v 02
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4gsin gsin 2gsin 2g

CMP. A 20 kg box is dragged across a rough level floor (k = 0.3) by means of a rope which is pulled upward
at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. The pulling force has a magnitude 80 N.

31. What is the normal force exerted by the floor on the block?
(A) 160 N (B) 140 N (C) 180 N (D) 40 N

32. What is the frictional exerted by the floor on the block force?
(A) 48 N (B) 50 N (C) 52 N (D) 60 N

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33. What is the acceleration of the box?
2 2 2 2
(A) 1.06 m/s (B) 2.06 m/s (C) 2.08 m/s (D) 3.09 m/s
34. If the force is reduced until the acceleration becomes zero, what is the tension in the rope?
(A) 54.42 N (B) 55.42 N (C) 59.11 N (D) 60.42 N
35. A block lying on a long horizontal conveyor belt moving at a constant velocity receives a velocity 5 m/s relative
to the ground in the direction opposite to the direction of motion of the conveyor. After t = 4 sec, the velocity of
the block becomes equal to the velocity of the belt. The coefficient of friction between the block and the belt is
0.2. Then the velocity of the conveyor belt is : (g = 10 m/s )

(a) 13 m/s (b) –13 m/s (c) 3 m/s (d) 6 m/s

36. A 1.5 kg box is initially at rest on a horizontal surface when at t = 0 a horizontal force F  (1.8t ) iN (with t in
seconds), is applied to the box. The acceleration of the box as a function of time t is given by : (g = 10 m/s )
a 0 for 0  t  2.85
a  (1.2t  2.4)iˆ m / s for t  2.85
The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the surface is
(a) 0.12 (b) 0.24 (c) 0.36 (d) 0.48

37. A chain of length L is placed on a horizontal surface as shown in figure.

At any instant x is the length of chain on rough surface and the remaining
portion lies on smooth surface. Initially x = 0. A horizontal force P is
applied to the chain (as shown in figure). In the duration x changes from x
= 0 to x = L, for chain to move with constant speed.
(a) The magnitude of P should increase with time
(b) The magnitude of P should decrease with time
(c) The magnitude of P should increase first and then decrease with time
(d) The magnitude of P should decrease fist and then increase with time
38. A car is accelerating on a horizontal road with acceleration = 20 m/s . A box that is placed inside the car, of
mass m= 10 kg is put in contact with the vertical wall as shown. The friction coefficient between the box and
the wall is  = 0.6

(a) The acceleration (with respect to ground) of the box will be 20 m/sec
(b) The friction force acting on the box will be 100 N
(c) The contact force between the vertical wall and the box will be 100 5 N
(d) The net contact force between the vertical wall and the box is only of electromagnetic in nature.
39. In the figure, a block of weight 60 N is placed on a rough surface. The coefficient of
friction between the block and the surfaces is 0.5. What should be the weight W 45
such that the block does not slip on the surface?
T2 T1 C
(A) 60 N (B) 60 60 N
(C) 30 N (D) 30 W
40. () In the arrangement shown tension in the string connecting 4kg and 6kg masses is

(A) 8N (B) 12N (C) 6N (D) 4N

() Friction force on 4 kg block is
(A) 4N (B) 6N (C) 12 N (D) 8N

() Friction force on 6 kg block is

(A) 12 N (B) 8N (C) 6N (D) 4N

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It is the angle of inclination of a plane at which a body placed on it just begins to
R Ff
slide down. In the figure.
(i) mg is the weight of the body acting vertically downward with components mg
sin  normal to the plane downward.
 
(ii) Normal reaction R perpendicular to the plane upward. in mg cos 
(iii) Frictional force Ff opposite to the direction of motion. m mg

mgsin  Ff
Here tan      tan  = 
mgcos  R

Illustration 54 : A mass of M is placed on a hemispherical bowl as R R

shown in figure. Then the angle  (where mass will be in 
limiting equilibrium and  = ) is
   W
(A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
6 4 3

1 
Solution : R sin  + R cos  = W  R sin  = R cos   tan  = = 3=
 3
Hence (C) is the correct answer.

Illustration 55 : A small body starts sliding down an inclined plane of inclination , whose base length is
equal to l. The coefficient of friction between the body and the surface is . If the angle 
is varied keeping l constant, at what angle will the time of sliding be least?
Solution : When body slides down as shown in figure its acceleration can be given as
a  g sin  g cos
The length of incline travelled by the body is l sec , thus the time taken by the body to
come down is
2l sec  2l sec  
t or 
a g sin  g cos
dt 
Time will be least when = 0, thus, we have
d l
cos2   sin2   2 sin cos  0  cos 2   sin 2  0 or tan 2  

Illustration 56 : The coefficient of static friction between a block of mass m and an incline of angle  is
0.3. (a) What can be the maximum angle  of the incline with the horizontal so that the
block does not slip on the plane? (b) If the incline makes an angle /2 with the horizontal,
find the friction force on the block.
Solution : The situation is shown in free body diagram.
(a) The forces acting on the block are
(i) mg, exerted downward by the earth,
(ii) N, normal contact force by the incline, and
(iii) f, friction force f parallel to the incline up the plane, by the incline.
As the block is at rest, these forces should add up to zero. Also, since  is the maximum angle to
prevent slipping, this is a case of limiting equilibrium therefore f = sN
Taking components perpendicular to the incline,
N – mg cos  = 0 or N = mg cos  ….(i)
Taking components parallel to the incline,
f – mg sin  = 0
or f = mg sin  or sN= mg sin . ….(ii)

( f can have a maximum value of s N when  is increased)

Dividing (ii) by (i) s = tan  or  = tan–1 s  = tan–1 (0.3).

Illustration 57 : Find the tension in the string in situation as shown in the figure below. Forces 120 N and
100 N start acting when the system is at rest.
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Solution: (i) Let us assume that system moves towards left then as it is clear from FBD, net force in
horizontal direction is towards right. Therefore the assumption is not valid.

Above assumption is not possible as net force on system comes towards right. Hence system
is not moving towards left.
(ii) Similarly let us assume that system moves towards right.

Above assumption is also not possible as net force on the system is towards left in this
situation. Hence assumption is again not valid.
Therefore it can be concluded that the system is stationary.

Assuming that the 10 kg block reaches limiting friction first then using FBD’s.

120 = T + 90   T = 30 N
Also T + f = 100  30 + f = 100  
   f = 70 N which is not possible as the limiting value is 60 N for this surface of block.
 Our assumption is wrong and now taking the 20 kg surface to be limiting we have

T + 60 = 100 N  T = 40 N
Also f + T = 120 N  f = 80 N
This is acceptable as static friction at this surface should be less than 90 N.
Hence the tension in the string is T = 40 N.

Illustration 58: Find the maximum value of force F to start the motion of blocks.
 s  0.5  s  0.5
2kg 2kg
2 1 F
Key concept : In the case of first block, applied force will be balanced by frictional force and force of tension.
Solution : Due to force F block 1 has a tendency to move in forward direction. So N1
fr will act in back side.
So consider the free body diagram of body1 T F
 F = T + fr …… (i) fr
 N1 = 2g …..(ii)
Due to tension on block 2, it has a tendency to move in forward 2g
direction . So friction will act on this block also in backward direction. N2
 T = fr …(iii)
N2 = 2g ….(iv) fr T
By (i) and (iii)
 F = fr1 + fr2 2g
 If we increase F then fr1 and fr2 both will increase and at the time of F max, fr1 + fr2 will take its
maximum value and fr1 max = 0.5  N1 = 0.5  2  10 = 10N
fr1 max = 0.5  N2 = 0.5  2  10 = 10N  Fmax = 20N
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1. A 60 kg body is pushed with just enough force to start it moving across a floor and the same force continues
to act afterwards. The coefficient of static friction and sliding friction are 0.5 and 0.4 respectively. The
acceleration of the body is :
(A) 6 m/s2 (B) 4.9 m/s2 (C) 3.92 m/s2 (D) 1 m/s2

2. Two bodies of identical mass are tied by an ideal string which passes over an ideal pulley. The co-efficient of
friction between the bodies and the plane is . The minimum value of  for which the system starts moving is:

  2  1  2  1   2   1  2 
(A) cos 1   (B) cos 1
 2 
(C) cos 1  2 
(D)  = cos–1  2 
   1 1    1     1  

3. Body of mass 10 kg lies on a rough inclined plane of inclination   sin1 with the horizontal. When a force
of 30 N is applied on the block parallel to and upward the plane, the total reaction by the plane on the block
is nearly along

(a) OA (b) OB (c) OC (d) OD

4. Two blocks of masses m1 and m 2 connected by a string are placed gently over a fixed inclined plane, such
that the tension in the connecting string is initially zero. The coefficient of friction between m1 and inclined
plane in  1; between m2 and the inclined plane is 2. The tension in the string shall continue to remain zero if

(a) 1 > tan and 2 < tan  (b) 1 < tan and 2 > tan 
(c) 1 > tan and 2 > tan  (d) 1 < tan and 2 < tan 
5. The masses 4 m and m are connected by a light string passing over a frictionless pulley fixed at inclined
plane of inclination 45 as shown in figure. The coefficient of friction between 4
m and inclined plane is . When two blocks are released
(a) The tension in the string is mg
(b) The frictional force on the block of 4m will be 2mg
(c) The block of m will move in upward direction
(d) The frictional force on block of mass 4 m has magnitude (2 2  1)mg

6. The value of mass m for which the 100 kg block remains is static equilibrium is

Ans. 36  m  84
7. An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface very slowly as shown. The
coefficient of friction between the insect and surface is 1/3. If the line joining

the centre of the hemispherical surface to the insect makes an angle  with
the vertical, the maximum possible value of  is given by :

(A) cot  = 3 (B) tan  = 3 (C) sec  = 3 (D) cosec  = 3

8. When a body slides down an inclined plane with coefficient of friction , then its acceleration will be:
(A) g (sin  –  cos ) (B) g (sin    cos )
(C) g ( sin  – cos ) (D) g ( sin   cos )

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9. A block moves down a smooth inclined plane of inclination . It’s velocity on reaching the bottom is v. If it slides down
a rough inclined plane of same inclination, it’s velocity on reaching the bottom is v/n where n is a number greater then
0. The coefficient of friction is given by
 1  1
(A)  = tan 1   (B)  = cot 1 
 n   n 
2 2

 1  1
(C)  = tan 1  2  (D)  = cot 1  2 
 n   n 
10. A small object is projected up along the surface of a rough inclined plane of angle 45°. The object takes n
times more time to descend than to ascend. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and plane is
 n 1 n 1 n2  1 2n  1
(A)   (B) (C) (D)
n  2 n 1
2 2
2n  1 n2  1

11. The force required to just move a body up the inclined plane is double the force required to just prevent the
body from sliding down the plane. The friction coefficient is . The angle of inclination of the plane is
(A) tan  (B) tan /2
-1 -1 -1 -1
(C) tan (2) (D) tan (3)
12. A body takes time t to reach the bottom of an inclined place of angle  with the horizontal. If the plane is made
rough, time taken now is 2t. The coefficient of friction of the rough surface is
3 2 1 1
(A) tan  (B) tan  (C) tan  (D) tan 
4 3 4 2
13. A block A of mass 2 kg rests on another block B of mass 8kg which rests on a horizontal floor. The coefficient
of friction between A and B is 0.2 while that between B and the floor is 0.5. When a horizontal force on 25N is
applied on the block B, the force of friction between A and B is
(a) Zero (b) 3.9 N (c) 50 N (d) 49N
14. The height of the particle is, where it can rest inside a hollow sphere of radius a, if the coefficient of friction
(A) 0.5 a (B) 0.134 a (C) 0.15 a (D) 0.25 a
15. A block of mass 3 kg is at rest on a rough inclined plane as shown in the figure. The magnitude of net force
exerted by the surface on the block will be
3 kg

(A) 26 N (B) 19.5 N (C) 10 N (D) 30 N

COM: A fixed wedge with both surface inclined at 450 to the horizontal as shown in the
figure. A particle P of mass m is held on the smooth plane by a light string which
passes over a smooth pulley A and attached to a particle Q of mass 3m which rests
on the rough plane. The system is released from rest. Given that the acceleration of
each particle is of magnitude then
5 2
16. The tension in the string is :
6 mg mg mg
(A) mg (B) (C) (D)
5 2 2 4
17. In the above question the coefficient of friction between Q and the rough plane is :
(A) 4/5 (B) 1/5 (C) 3/5 (D) 2/5
18. In the above question the magnitude and direction of the force exerted by the string on the pulley is :
6 mg 6 mg mg mg
(A) downward (B) upward (C) downward (D) downward
5 5 5 4

19. A block of mass m lying on a rough horizontal plane is acted upon by a horizontal force P
and another force Q inclined an at an angle  to the vertical. The minimum value of
coefficient of friction between the block and the surface for which the block will remain in
equilibrium is :
(A) P  Q sin (B) P cos   Q (C)
P  Q cos  (D) P sin  Q
mg  Q cos mg  Q sin mg  Q sin  mg  Q cos

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20. A uniform chain of mass M and length L is lying on a table in such a manner that a part of it is hanging down
from an edge of the table. If coefficient of friction is , then the maximum length of the chain that can hang
without sliding is :
L L L L
(A) (B) (C) (D)
  1  1  1
21. A worker wishes to pile a cone of sand into a circular area in his yard. The radius of the circle is r, and no
sand is to spill onto the surrounding area. If µ is the static coefficient of friction between each layer of sand
along the slope and the sand, the greatest volume of sand that can be stored in this manner is :
(A)  r3 (B)  r3 (C) 2 r2 (D) 2  r
22. The upper portion of an inclined plane of inclination  is smooth and the lower portion is rough. A particle
slides down from rest from the top and just comes to rest at the foot. If the ratio of the smooth length to rough
length is m : n, the coefficient of friction is :
m  n  m  n  m  n  1
(A)   tan (B)   cot  (C)   cot  (D)
 n   n   n  2

23. A body takes time t to reach the bottom of an inclined plane of angle  with the horizontal. If the plane is
made rough, time taken now is 2t. The coefficient of friction of the rough surface is :
3 2 1 1
(A) tan (B) tan (C) tan (D) tan
4 3 4 2
41. A varying horizontal force F = at acts on a block of mass m kept on a smooth horizontal surface. An identical
block is kept on the first block. The coefficient of friction between the blocks is . The time after which the
relative sliding between the blocks takes place is
(A) 2mg/a (B) 2mg (C) mg/a (D) None of these

42. Calculate the accelerations of the blocks and the tension in the string A & B. If the 6 kg block is replaced by a
0.3 kg block, find the new accelerations and tension in the strings A & B.
1 kg 2 kg

 1 = 0.4  2 = 0.2

6 kg

Ans. 52/9 m/s2, TA= 88/9, TB= 76/3 N ; 0 m/s2, TA= 0 N, TB= 3 N


There are several cases of dynamics in which a student get
confused to check whether there is sliding between two given F=50N 5kg
surface or not. In this section we will mainly discuss the
conditions under which sliding takes place but again the basis 8m/s2
of judgment will remain same, the fundamentals of static,
kinetic and limiting friction, we’ve discussed till now.
Consider the simple case shown in figure. The shown block of mass 4 kg on a surface S is moving with an
acceleration 8 m/s . External force acting on it is 50Nt.
The friction coefficient given between the two surfaces is 0.5. If we will write the dynamics equation for this mass,
we have
F  f  ma or 50  f  4(8) or f  18N
If we find the friction force acting on the block using friction coefficient we get
f  mg  20N
How it is possible? It shows that if block is sliding on the surface, friction on it must be 20N but analytical
calculation shows that it is 18N. It implies that either the given data is with some error or we are not interpreting
the correct situation. Yes it is ! actually here on calculations we find the friction acting on the block is less than
limiting or kinetic friction, it straight forward implies that block is not sliding on the surface it is placed so we can
state that the block along with the surface S is moving with the acceleration 8m/s .
What we have discussed its reverse it also true. If we initially assume that block is sliding on S, we use friction as
20N, we get acceleration of the block
50–20 = 4 (a) or a  7.5 m / s 2 a
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Which is less than that given in the situation. This means that the accelerating force is more than that we are
using which is possible only when friction is less than 20N, which implies the block must be at rest relative to
surface M. To understand this concept in detail we take few examples.

F=40N 4kg
Illustration 59 : Find the acceleration of the two blocks of 4 kg and 5 kg 2=0.5
mass if a force of 40 N is applied on 4 kg block. Friction
coefficients between the respective surface are shown in 5kg
figure 1=0.3
Solution : In which type of problems we have to check first whether
there is a sliding between 4kg and 5kg block or not. We first assume that there is no sliding
between the two blocks and the two are moving together on the surface. In this case friction on
5kg block will be opposing and is sliding friction f1   (m1  m 2 )g  27N
On 4 kg friction f 2 will be opposing but it must be static friction as 4 kg is not sliding on 5 kg
block we assume initially. On 5 kg block f 2 is acting in opposite direction as shown in figure. If
the two are moving together again be careful, we are only assuming that two are moving
together this, f 2 will be an internal force of the system and the two block will move with an
40  27 13
a  m / s2 F=40N 4kg
9 9 f2
Now if we consider 4kg block only we have 5kg
13 52 f2=27N 1=0.3
40  f 2  4  or f 2  40   34.22N
9 9
The maximum possible value of f 2 can be  2 m1g  20N and the above found value is more
than this. It implies that the block 4 kg can never be at rest relative to 5 kg block.
NOTE : If in above case if the value of f 2 obtained could be less than 20N, it would imply that
this is the value of static friction and both are moving together. (check next example)
Here we have checked and found that there is slipping between 4 kg and 5 kg block, thus the
friction between 4 kg and 5 kg block must be 20 Nt. But here if 20 N is acting on 5 kg block it is
insufficient to displace the 5 kg block as the limiting friction at the bottom of 5kg is 27N thus it will
40  20
remain at rest and 4 kg block only will move with acceleration a   5m / s2
Illustration 60 : Find the maximum possible force which can be applied to the 8 kg block shown in figure
to move both the blocks together if bottom surface is (a) frictionless: (b) having friction
coefficient 0.3

8kg F

Solution : (a)If bottom surface is frictionless and we assume both are moving together, acceleration of the
combined mass will be
a m / s2
Force of friction between the two blocks will be acting 2=0.4
as shown in figure. Here it is important to note f
the direction of friction acting on the two blocks. As first F
8kg is pulled friction will oppose it and on 5 kg it is
in opposite (forward) direction which will drive it to
move in same direction.
Now as F increases f will also increase but not beyond mg  20N . The two blocks can move
together till f will become equal to 20 N. At this instant we have
f  5  20N or
F  52 N (maximum value) 5kg
Thus when F exceed 52 N, f will tend to exceed 20 N but f2
it can not go slipping between the two surface starts. 8kg F
(b)If ground has a friction coefficient 0.3, the friction acting f2=39N

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on 8 kg block will be 39 N if it slide on applying external force F as shown in figure. If we assume
that both the blocks are moving together, acceleration of the two will be given as
F  39
a m / s2
If we consider 5 kg block only, friction f 2 is the only force acting on it. The maximum possible
value of f 2 will be mg  20N. If F is increased f 2 will also increase but slipping between the
two blocks will not start till its value will reach 20N. Thus for 5 kg block
F  39
f  20  5  or F  91N
Illustration 61 : The horizontal surface is smooth and the coefficient of static
F 2 kg
friction between 2kg and 3 kg is 0.5. Find the maximum value of F 2F
3 kg
to start relative motion between 2kg and 3kg.
Key concept: Find the relation between applied force and frictional force.
Solution : Let’s consider that the value of F has such a smaller value, such that no N
relative motion takes place between 2kg and 3kg block. So if we F
consider 2kg and 3kg as our combined system then
 2F – F = (2 + 3)A
 F = 5A …. (i) 5kg
where A is the horizontal acceleration of system
Due to F and 2F, both of the block has a tendency to move in opposite direction. So both block
has a tendency to move relative to each other. So frictional force will oppose this tendency.
So consider the free body diagram of 2kg block
 fr – F = 2A ….(ii) N
and N = 2g, by (i) and (ii)
fr – F = F fr A
 fr = …(iii)
5 2g
So by equation we can analyse that if F is increasing f r will increase. And fr will increase up to a
maximum value fr max to just start relative motion. So to just start the relative motion
F max = 5/7 fr max = 5/7  sN = 5/7  0.5  2  10 = 50/7 So F = 50/7
Illustration 62 : What will be the acceleration of 4 kg block in following figure 60 N
  0.5
2 2
(A) 10 m/s (B) 6 m/s
(C) zero (D) None of these
Solution : (C)   0.4
Since for 4 kg block max transferable force is 0.5  2  g = 10 N
(transferred from 2 kg block). But this force is less than fractional force between 4 kg block &
ground which is 0.4  6 g = 24 N.
Hence 4 kg block will not move.

Illustration 63 : What will be the direction of frictional force between 2kg and 4N
3kg block, if the horizontal surface is smooth?
3kg 5N

Solution : Let consider that no friction is present between 2kg and 3kg. So in this condition the acceleration
of 2kg body = 4/2 = 2 m/s = A1 in this condition acceleration of 3kg block = 5/3 = 1.6 m/s = A2 
2 2

A1 > A2 So 2kg block will have a tendency to move in forward direction relative to 3kg block. So
friction will act on 2kg block in backward direction and on 3kg block in forward direction.
Illustration 64 : What will be acceleration of 4 kg block in following figure.
  0.4
2 Kg

4 Kg 6N

2 2
(A) zero (B) 8/6 m/s (C) 1 m/s (D) None of these
Solution : (C)
The given system is equivalent to 0.4
2 2
acommon = 1 m/s
Frequired = 4  1 = 4 N 4

Favailable = 0.4  2g = 8 N
Hence 4 Kg block will move together with 2 kg so a = 1 m/s
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Illustration 65 : In the arrangement shown in figure pulley is smooth and mass less
and string is light. Friction coefficient between A and B is . Friction is
absent between A and plane. Select the correct alternative(s) B

(A) Acceleration of the system is zero if  

mB  mA  tan  and mB > mA.
(B) Force of friction between A and B is zero if mA = mB B moves upwards if mB < mA.
(C) Tension in the string is mg (sin – cos) if mA= mB= m
(D) Tension in the string is mg (sin – cos) if mA= mB= m

Solution : (A) Friction has a tendency to stop the relative motion

between the blocks. When m B > mA. T
f T
mB g sin B
Let f be the force of friction required to keep the blocks A
stationary. Then f
mA g sin
mB g sin = T + f and mA g sin = T – f
(mB  mA )gsin 
 f
(mB  mA )gsin  (m  mA )tan 
Now if f  fmax   mBgcos  or   B
2mB 2mB
The blocks will remain stationary otherwise not. (B) and (D)
When mA = mB  F = 0and T = mAg sin = mBg sin and the system is in equilibrium.

(mA  mB )tan 
(C) If mB < mA, the blocks will move only when 
Illustration 66 : Two objects with mass m1 = 1.5 and m2 = 3kg attached by a mass less rod, parallel to the
incline on both the sides as shown in the figure, travel down the plane with m1 trailing m2.
The angle of the inclination  = tan (7/10). The coefficient of friction between m 1 and
plane is  and between m2 and plane is /2.
(i) The common acceleration of two objects (ii) Tension in the rod and nature of tension.
Solution : Consider m1, m2 and rod as one system.
fr 1  fr 2



 7 

  tan1  

 10 





System will move if (m 1 + m2) g sin  fr1 max + fr2 max and
fr max = N = (m1) g cos + /2 m2g cos
 (m1 + m2) g sin  m1g cos + /2 m2g cos N1
 m   m 
  m1  1    m1  2 
2  (1.5  1.5) 30 2
tan  
2 
and 
fr1 m1g sin
   
m1  m2 m1  m2 1.5  3 45 3
m1g cos 
7 fr1
and, tan =
7  /10 > 2  /3, which is true so system will move and

μm2 gcosθ 
m1 + m2  gsinθ -  μm1gcosθ + 
Acceleration =  2  m1g cos  m1g sin
m1 + m2

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 30 
4.5 -
= gsinθ
9.5 - 3μcotθ = gsinθ  7 
4.5 4.5
= 0.4sinθ
consider m1 as one system only fr1 =  m1g cos
Let, m1g sin >  m1g costan >  which is not correct
So, fr1 max >  1g cos
So tension will pull the block m1,and T + m1g sin –  m1g cos = m1 Ai.e. T = 7 sin


1. In the figure shown, match the following two columns, (g = 10 ms )

Column-I Column-II
(A) Normal reaction (P) 5N
(B) Force of friction when F = 15 N (Q) 10 N
(C) Minimum value of F for stopping the block moving down (R) 15 N
(D) Minimum value of F for stopping the block moving up (S) None

2. Two masses A and B of 10 kg and 5 kg respectively are connected with a string

passing over a frictionless pulley fixed at the corner of a table as shown. The
coefficient of static friction of A with table is 0.2. The minimum mass of C that may be
placed on A to prevent it from moving is

(A) 15 kg (B) 10 kg
(C) 5 kg (D) 12 kg
3. A block A with mass 100 kg is resting on another block B of mass 200 kg. As
shown in figure a horizontal rope tied to a wall holds it. The coefficient of friction
between A and B is 0.2 while coefficient of friction between B and the ground is
0.3. The minimum required force F to start moving B will be :
(A) 900 N (B) 100 N (C) 1100 N (D) 1200 N


All surfaces are rough. Find the direction of friction forces on each block and ground at this instant.


5. Find the direction of friction forces on each block and the ground (Assume all surfaces are rough and all
velocities are with respect to ground).

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6. In the following figure, find the direction of friction on the blocks and ground .

7. A block starting from rest slides down 18 m in three seconds on an inclined plane of 30º inclination. Find the
coefficient of kinetic friction between the two. Ans 0.11

8. A block begins to slide on a rough inclined plane and moves 1 meter in 0.707 seconds. What was the time
taken to cover the first half meter on the incline? Ans. 1/2 second

9. Suppose the block of the previous problem is pushed down the incline with a force of 4N. How far will the
block move in the first two seconds after starting from rest? The mass of the block is 4 kg. [Ans : 10m]

10. An insect of mass m, starts moving on a rough inclined surface from point A. As the surface is very sticky,
the coefficient of friction between the insect and the incline is  = 1. Assume that it can move in any direction;
up the incline or down the incline then

(a) The maximum possible acceleration of the insect can be 14 m/sec
(b) The maximum possible acceleration of the insect can be 2 m/sec
(c) The insect can move with a constant velocity
(d) The insect cannot move with a constant velocity

12. A 30 kg mass is initially at rest on the floor of a truck. The coefficient of static friction between the mass and
the floor of truck in 0.3 and coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.2. Initially the truck is travelling due east at
constant speed. Find the magnitude and direction of the friction force acting on the mass, if : (Take g =
10m/s )
(a) The truck accelerates at 1.8 m/s eastward
(b) The truck accelerates at 3.8 m/s westward
Ans. (a) 54 N (due east) (b) 60 N (due west)

13. Velocity of three particles A, B and C varies with time t as v A  (2tiˆ  6 ˆj ) m/s, v B  (3iˆ  4 jˆ) m/s and
vC  (6iˆ  4tjˆ) m/s. With regard to pseudo force, match the entries in column I with those in column II
Column- I Column- II
(A) On A as observed by B (P) Along positive x-direction
(B) On B as observed by C (Q) Along negative x-direction
(C) On A as observed by C (R) Along positive y-direction
(D) On C as observed by A (S) zero
14. Two blocks of masses 5 kg and 10 kg are released on a frictionless inclined plane of inclination 37 as shown
in figure. The contact force between the blocks is (g = 10 ms )

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(a) 60 N (b) 50 N (c) zero (d) 30 N

15. 1kg and 4kg blocks lie on a rough horizontal surface. The coefficient of
friction between 4 kg block and surface is 0.2 while the coefficient of
friction between 1 kg block and the surface is 0.6. All the pulley shown in
the figure are massless and frictionless and all string are massless

(a) The frictional force acting on 1 kg block is 2N

(b) The frictional force acting on 1 kg block is 6 N
(c) The tension in the string connecting 4 kg block and 1 kg block is 2N
(d) The tension in the string connecting 1 kg block and 4 kg block is zero

16. In the figure shown below the friction between the 4 kg block and the incline as 1 and
between 8 kg and incline is 2. Calculate the accelerations of the blocks when (a) 1 =
0.2 and 2 = 0.3 (b) 1 = 0.3 and 2 = 0.2. (take g = 10 m/s2)
5 3 3 3
Ans. (a) 5  , (b) a8kg  5  3 , a4 kg  10 
2 2

17. he system is pushed by a force F as shown in figure. All surfaces are A B C

smooth except between B and C. Friction coefficient between B and C is µ. F m
2m 2m
Prove that minimum value of F to prevent block B from downward slipping is
 5 
  mg .
 2 
18. Two masses 14 kg and 7 kg connected by a flexible inextensible string rest on an
inclined plane inclined at 45 with the horizontal as shown in Figure. The coefficient of 7kg
friction between the plane and the 14kg mass is 0.25 and that between the plane and
7kg mass is 3/8. Find the tension in the connecting string. 14kg
Ans. 4.125N 45°

 1
19. A block of mass m is lying on a wedge having inclination angle   tan1   . Wedge is moving with a
constant acceleration a  2ms 2 . The minimum value of coefficient of friction  so that m remains stationary
w.r.t. wedge is

(a) 2/9 (b) 5/12 (c) 1/5 (d) 2/5

In the given figure, the blocks of mass 2kg and 3 kg are placed one over the other as
shown. The surface are rough with coefficient of friction 1  0.22  0.06. A force
F  0.5t (where ‘t’ in sec) is applied on upper block in the direction shown. Based
on above data answers the following questions. (g = 10 m/sec )

20. The motion of blocks 2 kg and 3 kg will begin at time t = –, – respectively

(a) 8, 8 sec (b) 6, 8 sec (c) 8, 6 sec (d) 6, 6 sec

21. The relative slipping between the blocks occurs at t =

(a) 6 sec (b) 8 sec (c) sec (d) Never
22. The frictional force acting between the two blocks at t = 8 sec.
(a) 4N (b) 3N (c) 3.6N (d) 3.2N
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23. The frictional force acting between the blocks at t = 10 sec is
(a) 4N (b) 3N (c) 3.6 N (d) 3.2N

24. The acceleration time graph for 2kg block is

25. The acceleration time graph for 3kg block is

26. The frictional force acting between 3 kg block and ground w.r.t. time will vary as

27. The friction force between the blocks and time graph is

(d) None of these


1. The tension in rope (Rope is light) m
(A) (M+ m)gsinθ (B) (M+ m)gsinθ - μmgcosθ (
M ) m<
(C) Zero (D) (M + m)gcosθ  RoughM
 inclined

2. Two blocks of mass 10 kg and 5 kg are placed one over the other on a
  0.2 5 kg
horizontal plane as shown in the figure. If coefficient of friction is  =0.2, and F = 25 N
an external force F = 25 N is applied horizontally on the lower block, then the   0.2 10 kg
force of friction between the two blocks, is:
(A) 30 N (B) 25 N (C) Zero (D) None

3. A block of mass m is placed on another block of mass M lying on smooth

horizontal surface, as shown in the figure. The co-efficient of friction between m
the blocks is . What is the maximum horizontal force F that can be applied to M F
the block M so that the blocks move together?
(A) (M + m) g (B) (M – m) g
(C) (M – mg)  (D) None of these

4. A plank of mass M1 = 8 kg with a bar of mass M2 = 2 kg placed on its rough surface, lie on a smooth floor of
elevator ascending with an acceleration g/4. The coefficient of friction is µ = 1/5 between m 1 and m2. A
horizontal force F = 30 N is applied to the plank. Then the acceleration of bar and the plank in the reference
frame of elevator are:
(A) 3.5 m/s2, 5 m/s2 (B) 5 m/s2, m/s2
(C) 2.5 m/s2, m/s2 (D) 4.5 m/s2, 4.5m/s2

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5. A wooden block A of mass M is placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. On top of A,
another lead block B also of mass M is placed. A horizontal force of magnitude F is applied
to B. Force F is increased continuously from zero. The graphs below show the dependence
of acceleration of the two blocks on the force F. Which of the graphs is correct? [k < s ]

(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. In the arrangement shown mass of A = 1 kg, mass of B = 2kg and coefficient of friction
between A and B is 0.2. There is no friction between B and ground. The frictional force on
A is (g = 10 m/s2).

(A) 0 N (B) 2N (C) 1.96 N (D) 1N

COM : A cart weighing 200 N can roll without friction along a horizontal path. The cart carries a block weighing 20 N.
The coefficient of friction between the block and the cart is 0.25 and g = 10 m/s 2.

7. When a force of 2 N is applied to the block then

(i) The force of friction between the block and cart is
20 10 40 2
(A) N (B) N (C) N (D) N
11 11 11 11
(ii) Acceleration of the block and cart would be respectively:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(A) m / s2 , m / s2 (B) m / s 2, m / s 2 (C) m / s 2, m / s 2 (D) m / s 2, m / s 2
11 11 9 9 9 11 6 6
8. When a force of 20 N is applied to the block then
(i) The force of friction between the block and cart is
(A) 2 N (B) 5N (C) 8N (D) 6N

(ii) Acceleration of the block and cart would be respectively:

(A) 7.5 m/s2, 0.25 m/s2 (B) 0.25 m/s2, 7.5 m/s2 (C) 7.5 m/s2, 7.5 m/s2 (D)0.25 m/s2, 0.25 m/s2

9. Two similar wooden blocks are tied one behind the other and pulled across a level surface. Friction is not
negligible. The force required to pull them at constant speed is F. If one block is stacked upon the other then
the new force required to pull then at constant speed will be approximately
(A) F/2 (B) F (C) 2F (D) 2F
10. Find the accelerations and the friction forces involved :
µ=0 5kg A F=15N
µ=0.5 10kg B
(a) Ans. aA = 3 m/s2 , aB = 0 , fA = 0 , fB = 0
µ=0.5 5kg A 30N
µ=0.5 10kg B
(b) Ans. aA = 1 m/s2 , aB = 0 , fA = 25N , fB = 25N
µ=0.5 5kg A
µ=0.5 10kg B 200N
(c) Ans. aA = 5 m/s2 ; aB = 10 m/s2 ; fA = 25N ; fB = 75N
µ=0.5 5kg A
µ=0.5 10kg B 90N
(d) Ans. aA = 1m/s2 ; aB = 1m/s2 ; fA = 5N ; fB = 75N

Ans : (a) 2.4 m/s2 both ; (b) 3.2 m/s2 , 2.4 m/s2

11. In the situation shown above find the accelerations of the blocks. Also find the accelerations if the force is
shifted from the upper block to the lower block.

Ans : Upper block 4 m/s2, lower block 1 m/s2 ; Both blocks 2 m/s2

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 75

12. A plank of mass m1 with a bar of mass m2 placed on it lies on a smooth horizontal plane. A a
horizontal force growing with time t as F = kt (k is constant) is applied to the bar. Find how the 2

accelerations of the plank a1 and of the bar a2 depend on t, if the coefficient of friction a 1

between the plank and the bar is equal to . Draw the approximate plots of these
dependences. O t t

Ans : When t  t0, the accelerations a1 = a2 = kt / (m1 + m2) ; when t  t0

a1 = gm2 / m1, a2 = (kt – m2g) / m2. Here t0 =gm2 (m1 + m2) / km.

13. The rear side of a truck is open and a box of 40 kg mass is placed 5 m away from
the open end as shown in figure. The coefficient of friction between the box and the
surface below it is 0.15. On a straight road, the truck starts from rest and
accelerates with 2 ms–2. At what distance from the starting point of the truck does
the box fall off the truck? (Ignore the size of the box). Ans.20 m

14. Imagine a situation in which the given arrangement is placed inside an elevator that can move only in the
vertical direction and compare the situation with the case when it is placed on the ground. When the elevator
accelerates downward with a0(< g), then
(A) The limiting friction force between the block M and the surface decreases
(B) The system can accelerate with respect to the elevator even when m < M
(C) The system does not accelerate with respect to the elevator unless m > M
(D) The tension in the string decreases
15. When the downward acceleration of the elevator becomes equal to g, then
(A) Both the blocks remain stationary with respect to the elevator
(B) Both the blocks accelerate vertically downwards with g with respect to ground
(C) The tension in the string becomes equal to zero
(D) The friction force between the block M and the surface is zero

Question No. 16 to 17 ( 7 questions)

A block of mass M is placed on a horizontal surface and it is tied with an inextensible string
to a block of mass, as shown in figure. A block of mass
m0 is also placed on M
16. If there is no friction between any two surfaces, then
(A) The downward acceleration of the block m is
m  M  m0
(B) The acceleration of m 0 is zero
(C) If the tension in the string is T then Mg < T < mg
(D) All the above
If a friction force exist between block M and the horizontal surface with the coefficient of friction .

17. The minimum value of  for which the block m remains stationary is
m m M  m0 M
(A) (B) (C) (D)
M M  m0 M M  m0
For Q. 39 to Q.43 refer figure-1.(5 questions)
18. When F = 2N, the frictional force between 5 kg block and ground is
(A) 2N (B) 0 (C) 8 N (D) 10 N

19. When F = 2N, the frictional force between 10 kg block and 5 kg block is
(A) 2N (B) 15 N (C) 10 N (D) None

20. The maximum "F" which will not cause motion of any of the blocks.
(A) 10 N (B) 15 N (C) data insufficient (D) None

21. The maximum acceleration of 5 kg block

(A) 1 m/s2 (B) 3 m/s2 (C) 0 (D) None
22. The acceleration of 10 kg block when F = 30N
(A) 2 m/s2 (B) 3 m/s2 (C) 1 m/s2 (D) None
23. The two blocks, m = 10 kg and M = 50 kg are free to move as shown. The
coefficient of static friction between the blocks is 0.5 and there is no friction
between M and the ground. The minimum horizontal force F that must be applied
to hold m against M is equal to

(A) 100 N (B) 50 N (C) 240 N (D) 180 N

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1. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys are smooth and the strings are inextensible. The acceleration of block
B is(mass of each block is m):

m A

m B

(A) g/5 (B) 5g/2 (C) 2g/5 (D) 2g/3


2. The system shown in figure is in equilibrium. The spring is light, the acceleration of both the 2 kg

blocks just after the string A is cut is

k= 1 0 N /m
(A) 10,0 (B) 20, 0 (C) 0,10 (D) 0, 20
2 kg

3. If applying a force F the mass m is displaced vertically down by y from equilibrium position. The
force constant k of the spring is
(A) k (B) k (C) k (D) None of these
y 4y 2y m F

4. In the arrangement shown in figure, pulley is smooth and massless and all the
strings are light. Let F1 be the force exerted on the pulley in case (i) and F2 the
force in case (ii). Then
(A) F1>F2 (B) F1<F2
(C) F1 = F2 (D) F1 = 2F2 4m 4m m

(i) (ii)
5. A homogeneous chain of length L lies on a table. The coefficient of friction between the chain and the table is
. The maximum length which can hang over the table in equilibrium is:
    1    1   2 
(A)  L (B)  L (C)  L (D)  L
   1     1    2  1 
6. A 50 kg person stands on a 25 kg platform. He pulls on the rope which is attached to the
platform via the frictionless pulleys as shown in the fig. The platform moves upwards at a
steady rate if the force with which the person pulls the rope is

(A) 500 N (B) 250 N (C) 25 N (D) 50 N

7. In the figure, the blocks A, B and C of mass m each have acceleration a1, a2
and a3 respectively. F1 and F2 are external forces of magnitudes 2mg and
mg respectively.
(A) a1 = a2 = a3 (B) a1 > a3 > a2
(C) a1 = a2, a2 > a3 (D) a1 > a2, a2 = a3 m m m
F1 = 2mg m

F2 = mg

8. A car with closed windows takes a left turn. A helium filled balloon in the car will be pushed to the:
(A) right (B) left (C) front (D) back

9. The acceleration of blocks of mass 2 kg and 4 kg are respectively (Pulleys and threads are F = 60 N
massless) (g = 10 m/s2)

(1) a1 = 5 m/s2; a2 = 2.5 m/s2 (2) a1 = a2 = 0 2 kg

(3) a1 = a2 = m/s2 (4) a1 = 20 m/s2; a2 = 5 m/s2 4 kg

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10. The block shown in the figure is under equilibrium on smooth surface. Spring force and contact force by
ground on the block are


(1) K.Fsin, mg + Fsin respectively (2) Fcos, mg – Fsin respectively

(3) Fcos, Fsin respectively (4) Fsin, Fcos respectively
11. Two blocks of masses 5 kg and 10 kg are released on a frictionless inclined plane of inclination 37 as shown
in figure. The contact force between the blocks is (g = 10 ms )

(a) 60 N (b) 50 N (c) zero (d) 30 N

12. For the system shown in figure, the force exerted by the axis on the pulley is

0 0
(a) 40 N at an angle 45 with the horizontal (b) 40 2 N at an angle 60 with the horizontal
0 0
(c) 40 2 N at an angle 45 with the horizontal (d) 40 N at an angle 60 with the horizontal

13. In the figure shown if friction co-efficient of block 1 and 2 with inclined plane is µ 1=0.5 and
µ2 = 0.4 respectively.
(A) Both block will move together 2
(B) Both block will move separately
(C) There is a non zero contact force between two blocks ) 60º
(D) None of these

14. Which of following laws is frame independent:

(A) Newton’s first law (B) Newton’s secod law
(C) Newton’s third law (D) None

15. A bead of mass m is fitted on a rod and can move on it without friction.
Initially the bead is at the middle of the rod and the rod moves horizontally a0
in a vertical plane with an acceleration a0 in a direction forming an angle 
with the rod. The acceleration of bead with respect to rod is :

(A) g sin  (B) (g + a0)sin 

(C) g sin  + a0 cos  (D) g sin  – a0 cos 

1. A big boulder of mass M has fallen into a ditch of width 2d. two persons are slowly pulling it out using a light
rope and two fixed pulleys as shown in figure. Assuming the force exerted by two persons are equal, calculate
the force when the boulder is at a depth h.

MG Mg Mg Mg
(a) d 2  4h 2 (b) d 2  4h2 (c) d 2  h2 (d) d 2  h2
4h 4 2h 2
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2. A man thinks about four arrangements as shown to raise two small bricks each having mass m. the
accelerations in four arrangements are a1, a2, a3 and a4 respectively. The times taken to raise bricks in four
arrangements are t1, t2, t3 and t4 respectively.

(a) a2 = a3 (b) a1 > a2 > a4 (c) t1 > t2 (d) t1 < t2 <t4

3. A trolley is being pulled up an incline plane by a man on it ( as shown in

Figure). He applies a force of 250 N. IF the combined mass of the man
and trolley is 100 kg, the acceleration of the trolley will be [ sin 15 =
2 2 2 2
(a) 2.4 m/s (b) 9.4 m/s (c) 6.9 m/s (d) 4.9 m/s

4. Two unequal masses are connected on two sides of a light string passing over a light and smooth pulley as
shown in figure. The system is released from rest. The larger mass is stopped for
a moment 1.0 second after the system is set into motion

(a) Velocity of blocks at t = 1 sec is m/s
(b) Time elapsed before the string becomes taut is s
(c) Kinetic energy of 1 kg block at t =1 sec is J
(d) Kinetic energy of 2 kg block at t= 1 sec is J

5. An inclined plane makes an angle 30 with the horizontal. A groove OA = 5 m
cut in the plane makes an angle 30 with OX. A short smooth cylinder is free to
slide down under the influence of gravity. The time taken by the cylinder to
reach from A to O is (g= 10 m/s )

(a) 4s (b) 2s (c) 2 2 s (d)1 s

6. A load of 196 kN hangs from a pulley A. A flexible wire is threaded

through the pulley and attached at one end to roof girder at B. the other
end of the wire passes over the pulley C. The load is supported by the
pull P on the free end of wire. The angle between the two parts of the
wire at A is 1200. the pull P is (Neglect pulley friction and weight of the
hanging pulley)

(a) 49 kN (b) 98 Kn
(c) 147 kN (d) 196 kN

7. A boy B drags a wedge A by an in extensible string passing over the pulleys

1,2,3 & 4 as shown in the figure If all the pulleys are smooth and the boy walks
with constant velocity of magnitude of relative velocity between the boy and the A
wedge is equal to 3 4

(A) v (B) 2v
(C) 1.5 v (D) 1.25v

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8. A bar of mass m resting on a smooth horizontal plane starts moving due to a force F  of constant
magnitude. In the process of its rectilinear motion, the angle  between the direction of this force and the
horizontal varies as  = ks, where k is a constant. The velocity of bar as a function of  is
2g 2g 2g 2g
(A) v sin  (B) v cos  (C) v sin  (D) v cos 
3 3k 3k 3

9. All the surfaces and pulleys are frictionless in the shown arrangement. Pulleys P and Q are massless. The
force applied by clamp on pulley P is

 
 3 iˆ  3 ˆj (b)
3iˆ  3 jˆ  
(c) ( 2) (d) None of these
10. Two blocks A and B each of mass m are placed on a smooth horizontal
surface. Two horizontal forces F and 2F are applied on the blocks A and B
respectively as shown in figure. The block A does not slide on block B. Then
the normal reaction acting between the two blocks is

(a) F (b) F/2 (c) F/ 3 (d) 3F

11. Force is applied on an object of mass 2 kg at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface as shown in the graph.
The speed of object after 1 s will be


5 10
(1) 7.5 m/s (2) 12.5 m/s (3) 10 m/s (4) 25 m/s

12. In the system shown in figure, mB = 4 kg, and mA = 2 kg. The pulleys are mass
less and friction is absent everywhere. The acceleration of block A is
2 2
(A) 10/3 m/s (B) 20/3 m/s
(C) 2 m/s (D) None

13. Two particle of mass m each are tied at the ends of a light string of length 2a. the whole system is kept on a
frictionless horizontal surface with the string held tight so that each mass is at a distance ‘a’ from the center
P (As shown in the figure). Now, the mid-point of the string is pulled vertically upwards with a small but
constant force F. As a result, the particles move towards each other on the surface. The magnitude of
acceleration, when the separation between them becomes 2x is

F a F x F x F a2  x 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2m a  x2
2 2m a  x2
2 2a a 2m x

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 80

14. A man of mass m stands on a crate of mass M. He pulls on a light rope passing over a smooth
light pulley. The other end of the rope is attached to the crate. For the system to be is
equilibrium, the force exerted by the man on the rope will be:
(A) mg (B) Mg
(C) (M  m)g (D) (m + M)g M

15. Two monkeys of masses 10 and 8 kg are moving along a vertical rope, the former climbing up with an
acceleration of 2m/s while the latter coming down with a uniform velocity of 2m/s. Find the tension in the rope
at the fixed support is 200  n2  3  . Then n is

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) None

1. A force of 10N acts on a body of mass 1Kg for 5 sec. A force of 20N acts on it now in opposite direction. The
body will:
(A) Come to instantaneous rest in 5 sec
(B) Come to instantaneous rest in 10 c.
(C) Never comes to rest
(D) Comes to rest and then moves in opposite direction

2. Two particle A and B, each of mass m, are kept stationary by applying a O

horizontal force F = mg on particle B as shown in figure. Then : T
 1
(A) tan  = 2 tan  (B) 2 T1 = 5 T2
A T2
(C) T1 2  T2 5 (D) None of these 

F = mg

3. Two blocks P and Q are connected in 2 different manners. Both blocks are lying on a smooth surface Q. Both
blocks have same mass. If P is pulled in the direction shown with same force in both cases then:
m m m m

(A) (B)
(A) The total change in momentum per second of both bodies in both cases will be same.
(B) Acceleration of P in case (a) will be more than that in the case (b)
(C) Acceleration of Q in case (b) will be more that than in the case (a)
(D) Acceleration of P in case (a) will be more than that of Q case (a).

4. Two masses M and m (M>m) are joined by a light string passing over a smooth light
 M 

(A) The acceleration of each block is  g.
 M m  m

(B) The tension in the string is .
Mm M

(C) The tension in the string is .
(D) The tension in the string by which the pulley is attached to the roof is (M + m)g.

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 81

5. A bead is free to slide down a smooth wire tightly stretched between points A
and B on a vertical circle. If the bead starts from rest at A, the highest point on
the circle is
(a) Its velocity v on arriving at B is proportional to sin .
(b) Its velocity v on arriving at B is proportional to tan .
(c) Time to arrive at B is proportional to radius R
(d) Time to arrive at B is independent of .

6. A steel ball is placed on the surface of water in a deep tank. Water exerts a
resistive force, which is proportional to the velocity of the ball. The steel ball sinks into the water:
(A) With constant acceleration less than the gravitational acceleration.
(B) With decreasing acceleration and finally attains a constant velocity.
(C) With acceleration decreasing initially and reversing after a finite time.
(D) With acceleration decreasing gravitational force equals the resistive force.

7. Two masses of 10 kg and 20 kg are connected by a light spring as

shown. A force of 200 N acts on a 20 kg mass as shown. At a certain 10kg 20kg
instant the acceleration of 10 kg mass is 12 ms :
(A) At that instant the 20 kg mass has an acceleration of 12 ms .
(B) At that instant the 20 kg mass has an acceleration of 4 ms .
(C) The stretching force in the spring is 120 N.
(D) The collective system moves with a common acceleration of 30 ms when the extension in the
connecting spring is the maximum.

8. A block of mass m = 2.0 kg is held in equilibrium on an inclined plane of

inclination  = 60 by the horizontal force F as shown.

The magnitude of F and the normal force exerted by the incline on the block,
are F and N respectively
(a) F = 39.2 N (b) N  9.8 2 N (c) F  19.6 3 N (d)
N = 39.2 N

9. Two blocks A and B are kept on smooth surfaces having an

2 2
acceleration a1 = 3t m/s and a2 = 4t m/s respectively. Block C is
attached to massless and frictionless pulley as shown in the figure.
Then at time t = 2 sec (initially assume system is at rest)
(a) Velocity of block C will be 25/3 m/s
(b) Velocity of block C will be 30 m/s
(c) Acceleration of block C will be 11 m/s
(d) Acceleration of block C will be 7 m/s

10. A small block of mass of 0.1 kg lies on a fixed inclined plane PQ which makes an angle  with the horizontal
force of 1 N acts on the block through its centre of mass as shown in the
figure. The block remains stationary if (take g = 10 m/s )
 = 45
 > 45 and a frictional force acts on the block towards P.
 > 45 and a frictional force acts on the block towards Q.
 < 45 and a frictional force acts on the block towards Q.

11. A lift is moving downwards. A body of mass m kept on the floor of the lift is pulled horizontally. If  is the
coefficient of friction between the surfaces in contact then:
(A) Frictional resistance offered by the floor is mg when lift moves up with a uniform velocity of 5 ms .

(B) Frictional resistance offered by the floor is mg when lift moves up with a uniform velocity of 3 ms .
(C) Frictional resistance offered by the floor is 5m when lift accelerates down with an acceleration of 4.8 ms .
(D) Frictional resistance (f) offered by the floor must lie in the range 0  f < .

12. A block is placed at bottom of a rough plane, inclined at angle  with horizontal. It is projected up the plane. It
slides up the incline and comes to an instantaneous rest after time t 1 and comes back to initial position after a
further time t2. If coefficient of friction is  then
(A) Retardation of block during up the incline motion is equal to g (sin  +  cos )
(B) Acceleration of block during down the incline motion is equal to g(sin  –  cos )
(C)  cannot be greater than tan 
(D) t1 < t2

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13. Two blocks having masses m 1 and m2 are connected by a thread and are placed on
an inclined plane with thread loose, as shown in fig. When the blocks are released :

(A) Thread will remain loose if m 1 < m2 irrespective of nature of surface.
(B) Thread will remain loose if both the blocks are smooth.
(C) Thread will remain loose if m 1 is smooth and m2 is rough.

(D) Thread will remain loose if m 1 is rough and m2 is smooth.

14. A reference frame attached to the earth :

(A) Is an inertial frame by definition.
(B) Cannot be an inertial frame because the earth is revolving round the sun.
(C) Is an inertial frame because Newton’s laws are applicable in this frame.
(D) Cannot be an inertial frame because the earth is rotating about is own axis.

15. A person is sitting on a moving train and is facing the engine. He tosses up a coin which falls behind him:
(A) The train is moving forward and gaining speed (B) The train is moving forward and losing speed.
(C) The train is moving backward and losing speed (D) The train is moving backward and gaining speed.


CMP 1: Friction is a retarding force which comes in play when there is a relative motion between the contact
surfaces. This is self adjusting because it can adjust its magnitude anywhere between zero and its limiting
value, i.e., 0  f  f max. It can change its direction to oppose the relative motion between the surfaces in
contact. The friction is more when the surfaces in contact are rough. The friction is of different types such
as static friction, kinetic friction, etc. The kinetic friction is less than the limiting friction. The magnitude of
kinetic friction is always a constant quantity while the magnitude of static friction lies between zero and
maximum value. The maximum value of static friction is called limiting friction. The limiting friction is
independent of the area of contact. The ratio of limiting friction to normal reaction between the two
surfaces is called coefficient of friction (). No work is done against static friction.
1. Identify the correct statement (s) related to static and kinetic friction between the two bodies:
(A) The magnitude of kinetic friction is always a constant quantity
(B) The magnitude of static friction lies between zero and a maximum value
(C) The coefficient of static friction is always equal to the coefficient of kinetic friction
(D) The magnitude of static friction between two surfaces is always greater than the kinetic friction.
2. Lubrication reduces friction because:
(A) Lubricant molecules act as ball bearing (B) Laws of limiting friction are not applicable
(C) The relative motion in between solid and liquid (D) None of the above reasons
3. Brakes of very small contact area are not used although friction is independent of area, because friction:
(A) Resists motion (B) Causes wear and tear
(C) Depends upon nature of materials (D) Operating in this case is sliding friction

4. It is easier to pull a lawn roller than to push it because pulling:

(A) Involves sliding friction (B) Involves dry friction
(C) Increases the effective weight (D) Decreases normal reaction

5. A body is moving on a rough horizontal surface with uniform velocity. Which of the following state is in
accordance with the Newton’s first law of motion?
(A) No forces are acting on the body (B) The net force on the body is zero
(C) The kinetic energy of the body is continuously decreasing
(D) The kinetic energy of the body is continuously increasing

CMP 2: A particle slides down a smooth inclined plane of elevation  fixed in an elevator going up with an
acceleration a0. The base of the incline has a length L.

6. The acceleration of particle with respect to the incline: 90o

(A) g sin  (B) a0 sin 
(C) (g + a0) sin  (D) (g sin  + a0 cos )


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7. The time taken by the particle to reach the bottom:
1/2 1/2
   
 2L 
 2L  2L 2L
(A) t =   (B)   (C)   (D)  
 g sinθ    g+a0  sinθcosθ   a0 sinθ    g + a0  sinθ 
8. If the elevator going up with constant velocity, the time taken by the particle to reach the bottom is:
1/2 1/2 1/2
 2L   2L   2L 
(A)   (B)   (C)  g cosθ  (D) None of these
 gsinθ cosθ   gsinθ   
CMP 3: In the arrangement shown in the figure, the pulleys are small, light and frictionless, the threads are
inextensible and the masses of the blocs A, B and C is m A = 5kg, mB = 4kg and mC = 2.5 kg respectively.
Coefficient of friction for both the planes is  = 0.50. Calculate acceleration of


9. Block A
–2 –2 –2
(A) 4 ms (B) 0 ms (C) 2 ms (D) none of these

10. Block B
–2 –2 –2
(A) 4 ms (B) 0 ms (C) 2 ms (D) none of these

11. Block C
–2 –2 –2
(A) 4 ms (B) 0 ms (C) 2 ms (D) none of these

CMP 4: Block A of 5 kg is placed on long block B also having 5 kg. The coefficient of friction between two block is 0.4.
There is no friction between the ground and lower block. The upper block is given a ro u g h 5kg
sudden velocity of 10 m/s. The upper block slides toward right, so friction force acting on 5kg
it will be toward left. Its reaction will act on the lower block, which will act forward. The sm o o th
friction force absorb x energy from upper block but supply only y energy to lower block.
Due to friction the velocity of upper block reduces and velocity of lower block increases. This will continue till
velocity of both the block get equal

12. The net energy loss due to friction in the entire process is
(A) x + y (B) x–y (C) x (D) y
13. The direction of contact reaction force acting on the lower block due to upper block will be-
(A) (B) (C) (D)

14. Which curve shows the correct variation of velocity of each block v/s time-
v v v

vA vA vA

vB vB vB
(A) t (B) t (C) t (D) None of these
15. After what time, both the block start moving together-
(A) 1sec (B) 2.25 sec (C) 1.25 sec (D) None of these


Instructions For Questions

In each of the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a Reason (R), choose one of the
following five options as the correct answer,
(A) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(B) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(C) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(D) If assertion is false but reason is true.
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(E) If both assertion and reason are false.

1. Assertion : The apparent weight of a body in an elevator moving with some downward acceleration is
less than the actual weight of body.
Reason : The part of the weight is spent in producing downward acceleration, when body is in

2. Assertion : When the lift moves with uniform velocity the man in the lift will feel weightlessness.
Reason : In downward accelerated motion of lift, apparent weight of a body decreases.

3. Assertion : Newton's third law of motion is applicable only when bodies are in motion.
Reason : Newton's third law applies to all types of forces, e.g. gravitational, electric or magnetic
forces etc.
4. Assertion : A reference frame attached to earth is an inertial frame of reference.
Reason : The reference frame which has zero acceleration is called a non inertial frame of
5. Assertion : On a rainy day, it is difficult to drive a car or bus at high speed.
Reason : The value of coefficient of friction is lowered due lo wetting of the surface.
6. Assertion : The value of dynamic friction is less than the limiting friction.
Reason : Once the motion has started, the inertia of rest has been overcome.

7. Assertion : Impulse and momentum have different dimensions.

Reason : From Newton's second law of motion, impulse is equal to change in momentum.

8. Assertion : Two bodies of masses M and m (M > m) are allowed to fall from the same height if the air
resistance for each be the same then both the bodies will reach the earth simultaneously.
Reason : For same air resistance, acceleration of both the bodies will be same.
9. Assertion : A table cloth can be pulled from a table without dislodging the dishes.
Reason : To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

10. Assertion : Angle of repose is equal to angle of limiting friction.

Reason : When the body is just at the point of motion, the force of friction in this stage is called as
limiting friction.


Fill in the blank
1. A block of mass 1 kg lies on a horizontal surface in a truck. The coefficient of static friction between the block
and the surface is 0.6. If the acceleration of the truck is 5m/s , the frictional force acting on the block is…..

Newtons (1984)

2. Two identical trains are moving on rails along the equator on the earth in opposite direction with the same
speed. They will exert the same pressure on the rails (1985)

3. Pulley arrangements shown in the figure are identical. Mass of rope is negligible. In figure (a) mass ‘m’ is lifted
up by attaching a mass ‘2m’ to the other end of the rope. In figure (b) ‘m’ is lifted by pulling the other end of
the rope with a constant downwards force F = 2 mg. The acceleration of ‘m’ is same in both cases (1984)

4. When a person walks on a rough surface, the frictional force exerted by the surface on the person is opposite
to the direction of his motion (1981)

MCQ-Single Correct

5. A small block of mass of 0.1kg lies on a fixed inclined plane PQ which kames an angle  with the horizontal. A
horizontal force of 1 N acts on the block through its centre of mass as shown in the figure. The block remains
stationary if (Take g = 10 m/s ) (2012)
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(a)   45o
(b)   45o and a frictional force acts on the block towards P
(c)   45o and a frictional force acts on the block towards Q
(d)   45o and a frictional force acts on the block towards Q

6. A block of mass m is on an inclined plane of angle . The coefficient of friction between the block and the
plane is  and tan   . The block is held stationary by applying a force P parallel to the plane. The direction
of force pointing up the plane is taken to be positive. As P is varied from P1  mg (sin   cos ) to
P2  mg (sin   cos ) , the frictional force f versus P graph will look like (2010)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

7. A piece of wire is bent in the shape of a parabola y  kx 2 (y-axis vertical) with a bead of mass m on it. The
bead can slide on the wire without friction. It stays at the lowest point of the parabola when the wire is at rest.
The wire is now accelerated parallel to the x-axis with a constant acceleration a. The distance of the new
equilibrium position of the bead, where the bead can stays at rest with respect to the wire, from the y-axis is
a a 2a a
(a) (b) (c) (d)
gk 2gk gk 4gk

8. A particle moves in the X-Y plane under the influence of a force such that its linear momentum is
p(t )  A i cos(kt )  j sin(kt ) , where A and k are constants. The angle between the force and the momentum
(a) 0° (b) 30° (c) 45° (d) 90° (2007)

9. Two particle of mass m each are tied at the ends of a lights string of length 2a. The whole system is kept on a
frictionless horizontal surface with the string held tight so that each mass is at a distance ‘a’ from the center P
(as shown in the figure). Now, the mid-point of the string is pulled vertically upwards with a small but constant
force F. As a result, the particles moves towards each other on the surface. The magnitude of acceleration,
when the separation between them becomes 2x is (2007)

F a F x F x F a2  x 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2m a  x 2
2 2m a  x 2
2 2m a 2m x

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10. Two blocks A and B of masses 2m and m, respectively, are connected by a massless and inextensible string.
The whole system is suspended by a massless spring as shown in the figure. The magnitudes of acceleration
of A and B, immediately after the string is cut, are respectively (2006)

(a) g, g/2 (b) g/2, g (c) g, g (d) g/2, g/2

11. A small mass slides down an inclined plane of inclination  with the horizontal. The co-efficient of friction is  =
0x where x is the distance through which the mass slides down and 0, a constant. Then the speed is
maximum after the mass covers a distance of
cos  sin 
(a) (b)
0 0
tan  2 tan 
(c) (d)
0 0
12. A 1.5 kg box is initially at rest on a horizontal surface when at t = 0 a horizontal force F  (1.8t ) iN (with t in
seconds), is applied to the box. The acceleration of the box as a function of time t is given by : (g = 10 m/s )
a 0 for 0  t  2.85
a  (1.2t  2.4)i m / s for t  2.85
The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the surface is
(a) 0.12 (b) 0.24 (c) 0.36 (d) 0.48

13. A block lying on a long horizontal conveyor belt moving at a constant velocity receives a velocity 5 m/s relative
to the ground in the direction opposite to the direction of motion of the conveyor. After t = 4 sec, the velocity of
the block becomes equal to the velocity of the belt. The coefficient of friction between the block and the belt is
0.2. Then the velocity of the conveyor belt is : (g = 10 m/s )

(a) 13 m/s (b) –13 m/s (c) 3 m/s (d) 6 m/s

14. In the figure masses m 1, m2 and M are 20 kg, 5 kg and 50 kg respectively. The coefficient of friction between
M and ground is zero. The coefficient of friction between m 1 and M and that between m 2 and ground is 0.3.
The pulleys and the string are massless. The string is perfectly horizontal between P 1 and m1 and also
between P2 and m2. The string is perfectly vertical between P1 and P2. An external horizontal force F applied
to the mass M. [Take g = 10 m/s ]

(i) Draw a free-body diagram for mass M, clearly showing all the forces`
(ii) Let the magnitude of the force of friction between m 1 and M be f1 and that between m 2 and ground be f2.
For a particular F it is found that f 1 = 2f2. Find f1 and f2. Write down equations of motion of all the masses. Find
F, tension in the string and accelerations of the masses
Ans. F = 60 N, T = 18 N, am1 = am2 = aM = 0.6 m/s

15. What is the maximum value of the force F such that the block shown in the arrangement, does not move

(a) 20 N (b) 10 N (c) 12 N (d) 15 N

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It is easier to pull a heavy object than to push it on level ground
The magnitude of frictional force depends on the nature of the two surfaces in contact
(a) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(b) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(c) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(d) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

17. A block is moving on an inclined plane making an angle 45° with the horizontal and the coefficient of friction is
. The force required to just push it up the inclined plane is 3 times the force required to just prevent it from
sliding down. If we define N = 10, then N is Ans. N = 5

18. In the shown arrangement if f 1, f2 and T be the frictional forces on 2 kg block, 3kg block and tension in the
string respectively, then their values are

(a) 2N, 6N, 3.2N (b) 2 N, 6N, 0N

(c) 1 N, 6 N, 2 N
(d) Data insufficient to calculate the required values

19. (i) From the figure shown, find out acceleration of 3 kg block
2 2 2
(a) 7 m/s (b) 10 m/s (c) 10/3 m/s (d) Zero
(ii) In the above question if the external force is applied on 3 kg block, then acceleration on the 3 kg block
will be
2 2 2
(a) 40/3 m/s (b) 25/3 m/s (c) 35/3 m/s (d) None of these

20. Two identical blocks of same masses are placed on a fixed wedge as
shown in figure. Coefficient of friction between all the contact surfaces is
. Choose the correct alternative
(a) For motion at any surface,   tan1( )
(b) Acceleration of block A will be more than acceleration of block B in
downward direction
(c) Acceleration of block A will be less than acceleration of block B in downward
(d) Two blocks A and B moves with same acceleration

21. A block of mass 1 kg is stationary with respect to a conveyer belt that is

accelerating with 1 m/s upwards at an angle of 30° as shown in figure.
Which of the following is/are correct?
(a) Force of friction on block is 6 N upwards
(b) Force of friction on block is 1.5 N upwards
(c) Contact force between the block and belt is 10.5 N
(d) Contact force between the block & belt is 5 3N
22. An arrangement of the masses and pulleys is shown in the figure. Strings
connecting masses A and B with pulleys are horizontal and all pulleys and
strings are light. Friction coefficient between the surface and the block B is 0.2 and between blocks A and B is
0.7. The system is released from rest. (use g = 10 m/s )

(a) The magnitude of acceleration of the system is 2 m/s and there is no slipping between blocks A and
block B
(b) The magnitude of friction force between block A and block B is 42 N
(c) Acceleration on block C is 1 m/s downwards
(d) Tension in the string connecting block B and block D is 12 N

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23. A hinged construction consist of three rhombus with the ratio of sides (5 : 3 : 2 ). Vertex A 3 moves in the
horizontal direction with velocity V. Velocity of A2 will be

(a) 2.5 V (b) 1.5 V (c) (2/3) V (d) 0.8 V

24. A uniform rope of length L and mass M is placed on a smooth fixed wedge as shown. Both ends of rope are at
same horizontal level. The rope is initially released from rest, then the magnitude of initial acceleration of rope

(a) zero (b) M(cos  – cos ) g

(c) M ( tan  – tan ) g (d) None of these
25. A bob is hanging over a pulley inside a car through a string. The second end of the string is in the hand of a
person standing in the car. The car is moving with constant acceleration ‘a’ directed horizontally as shown in
figure. Other end of the string is pulled with constant acceleration ‘a’ (relative to car) vertically. The tension in
the string is equal to

(a) m g 2  a2 (b) m g 2  a2  ma (c) m g 2  a2  ma (d) m(g+a)

26. Two blocks A and B of mass 10 kg and 40 kg are connected by an ideal string as shown in the figure. Neglect
the masses of the pulleys and effect of friction. (g = 10 m/s )

5 –2 5 –2
(a) The acceleration of block A is ms (b) The acceleration of block B is ms
2 2 2
125 150
(c) The tension in the string is N (d) The tension in the string is N
2 2
27. The three blocks in figure move with constant velocities. Find the velocity of block A and B. given V P2 = 10
m/s , VC = 2 m/s .

Ans. VB = 22 m/s , VA = 10 m/s .

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28. in the question below take the unit vectors as follows

(i) Intially find the acceleration of A w.r.t. ground.

(ii) Find the acceleration of wedge A

Ans. (i) 4bjˆ (ii) aA  b tan ˆj

A system is shown in figure. All contact surfaces are smooth and string is tight and inextensible. Wedge ‘A’

29. The system shown in figure is released from rest calculate the value of accelerations ‘a’ and ‘b’ . (where b is
w. r. t. to A)

b cos 3g sin
Ans. a  b
3 3  cos2 

30. Find the tension in the string and the extension in the spring at equilibrium. Where pulley, strings and springs
are ideal.

2mg mg
Ans. (a) T  mg, x  , (b) T1  mg, T2  2mg, x  ,
mg 2mg mg
(c) T1  mg,T2  2mg, x  (d) T  mg, x  (e) T  2mg, x 
Analytical & Descriptive Questions
1. Two blocks of mass 2.9 kg are suspended from a rigid support S by two inextensible
wires each of length 1 m (see figure). The upper wire has negligible mass and the
lower wire has a uniform mass of 0.2 kg/m. The whole system of blocks, wires and
support have an upward acceleration of 0.2 m / s 2 m. The acceleration due to gravity
is 9.8 m / s 2

(a) Find the tension at the mid-point of the lower wire.

(b) Find the tension at the mid-point of upper wire.
Ans. (a) 20 N (b) 50 N

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2. A uniform rope of length L and mass M lying on a smooth table is pulled by a constant force F . What is the
tension in the rope at a distance l from the end where the force is applied?
 l 
Ans. T  F 1  
 L 
Equilibrium of Forces
Only one correct option :
3. A block of mass m is at rest under the action of force F against a wall as shown in figure. Which of the
following statement is incorrect?

(a) f  mg (where f is the frictional force) (b) F  N (where N is the normal force)
(c) F will not produce torque (d) N will not produce torque

4. The pulleys and strings shown in the figure smooth and of negligible mass. For the system to remain in
equilibrium, the angle  should be :

(a) 0o (b) 30o (c) 45o (d) 60o

5. A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports a block of mass M as shown in
the figure. The force on the pulley by the clamp is given by :

(a) 2 Mg (b) 2 mg (c) g (M  m)2  m2 (d) g (M  m)2  M 2

Analytical & Descriptive Questions

6. Two identical ladders are arranged as shown in the figure. Mass of each ladder is M and length L . The
system is in equilibrium. Find direction and magnitude of frictioanal force acting at A or B.

M m
Ans. f   g cot 
 2 

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Only one correct option :
7. A uniform wooden stick of mass 1.6 kg of length l rests in an inclined manner on a smooth, vertical wall of
height h( l ) such that a small portion of the stick extends beyond the wall. The reaction force of the wall on
the stick is perpendicular to the stick. The stick makes an angle of 300 with the wall and the bottom of the
stick is on a rough floor. The reaction of the wall on the stick is equal in magnitude to the reaction of the floor
on the stick. The ration and the frictional force f at the bottom of the stick are ( g  10 ms 2 ).
h 3 16 3 h 3 16 3
(a)  ,f  N (b)  ,f  N
l 16 3 l 16 3
h 3 3 8 3 h 3 3 16 3
(c)  ,f  N (d)  ,f  N
l 16 3 l 16 3

8. Given in figure are two blocks A and B of weight 20 N and 100 N, respectively. These are being pressed
against a wall by a force F as shown in figure. If the coefficient of friction between the blocks 0.1 and between
block B and the wall is 0.15, the frictional force applied by the wall in block B is :

(a) 100 N (b) 120 N (c) 80 N (d) 150 N

9. A block of mass m is placed on a surface with a vertical cross-section given by y  x3 / 6. If the coefficient of
friction is 0.5, the maximum height above the ground at which the block can be placed without slipping is :
1 2 1 1
(a) m (b) m (c) m (d) m
6 3 3 2

10. A block of mass m1  1 kg are another mass m2  2 kg are placed together (see figure) on an inclined plane
with angle of inclination  . Various values of  are given in List – I. The coefficient of friction between the
block m1 and the plane is always zero. The coefficient of static and dynamic friction between the block m2
and the plane are equal to   0.3 .

In List – II expressions for the friction on the block m2 are given. Match the correct expression of the friction in
List – II with the angles given in List – I , and choose the correct option. The acceleration due to gravity is
denoted by g . [Useful information tan (5.5o )  0.1; tan (11.5o )  0.2 ; tan (16.5o )  0.3 ]

List – I List – II
(P)   5o (1) m2g sin
(Q)   10o (2) (m2  m2 )g sin
(R)   15 o (3)  m2g cos
(S)   20 o (4) (m1  m2 ) g cos
Codes :
(a) P –1, Q –1, R –1, S –3
(b) P –2, Q –2, R –2, S –3
(c) P –2, Q –2, R –2, S –4
(d) P –2, Q –2, R –3, S –3

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 92

11. An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface very slowly (see the figure). The coefficient of friction between the
surface and the insect is 1/3. If the line joining the centre of the hemispherical surface to the insect makes an
angle  with the vertical, the maximum possible value of  is given :

(a) cot   3 (b) tan   3 (c) sec   3 (d) cos ec   3

12. A block of mass 0.1 kg is held against a wall applying a horizontal force of 5 N on the block. If the coefficient of
friction between the bock and the wall is 0.5, the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the block is :
(a) 2.5 N (b) 0.98 N (c) 4.9 N (d) 0.49 N

13. During padding of a bicycle, the force of friction exerted by the ground on the two wheels is such that it acts :
(a) In the backward direction on the front wheel and in the forward direction on the rear wheel
(b) In the forward direction on the front wheel and in the backward direction on the rear wheel
(c) In the backward direction on both the front and the rear wheels
(d) In the forward direction on both the front and the rear wheels

14. A block of mass 2 kg rests on a rough inclined plane making an angle of 30o with the horizontal. The
coefficient of static friction between the block and the plane is 0.7. The frictional force on the block is :
(a) 9.8 N (b) 0.7  9.8  3 N (c) 9.8  3 N (d) 0.7  9.8 N

15. A ship of mass 3  107 kg initially at rest, is pulled by a force of 5  104 N through a distance of 3 m. Assuming
that the resistance due to water is negligible, the speed of the ship is :
(a) 1.5 m/s (b) 60 m/s (c) 0.1 m/s (d) 5 m/s

16. A reference frame attached to the earth

(a) Is an inertial frame by definition
(b) Cannot be an inertial frame because the earth is revolving round the sun
(c) Is an inertial frame because Newton’s laws are applicable in this frame
(d) Cannot be an inertial frame because the earth is rotating about its own axis

Analytical & Descriptive questions

17. A circular disc with a groove along its diameter is placed horizontally. A block of mass 1 kg is placed as
shown. The coefficient of friction between the block and all surfaces of groove in contact is   2 / 5 . The disc
has an acceleration of 25 m / s 2 . Find the acceleration of the block with respect to disc.

Ans. 10 m / s 2

18. Two blocks A and B of equal masses are released from an inclined plane
of inclination 45o at t  0 . Both the blocks are initially at rest. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the bock A and the incline plane is
0.2 while it is 0.3 for block B . Initially the block A is 2 m behind the
block B . When and where their front faces will come in a line? (Take
g  10 m / s2 )

Ans. sA  8 2 m, 2s

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 93

19. Block A of mass m and block B of mass 2m are placed on a fixed triangular wedge by means of a
massless, in extensible string and a frictionless pulley as shown in figure. The wedge is inclined at 45o to the
to the horizontal on both sides. The coefficient of friction between block A and the wedge is 2 / 3 and that
between block B and the wedge is 1/3. If the blocks A and B are released from rest, find.

(a) The acceleration of A ,

(b) Tension in the string and
(c) The magnitude and direction of the force of friction acting on A .
2 2 mg
Ans. (a) acceleration  0 (b) mg (c) (down the plane)
3 3 2

20. A block of mass m rests on horizontal floor with which it has a coefficient of static  . It is desired to make the
body move by applying the minimum possible force F . Find the magnitude of F and the direction in which it
has to be applied.
Ans. mg sin ,   tan1(  ) from horizontal

21. Mass M1, M2 and M3 are connected by strings of negligible mass which passes over massless and
frictionless pulleys P1 and P2 as shown in figure.

The masses move such that the portion of the string between P1 and P2 is parallel to the inclined plane and
the portion of the string between P2 and M3 is horizontal. The masses M2 and M3 are 4.0 kg each and the
coefficient of kinetic friction between the masses and the surfaces is 0.25. The inclined plane makes an angle
of 37o with the horizontal. If the M1 moves downwards with a uniform velocity, find,
(a) The mass of M1 ,
(b) The tension in the horizontal portion of the string. (Take g  9.8 m / s2, sin 37o  3 / 5 )
Ans. (a) 4.2 kg, (b) 9.8 N

22. Two blocks connected by a massless string slides down an inclined plane having an angle of inclination of
37o . The masses of the two blocks are M1  4 kg and M2  2 kg respectively and the coefficients of friction
of M1 and M2 with the inclined plane are 0.75 and 0.25 respectively. Assuming the string to be taut, find (a)
the common acceleration of two masses and (b) the tension in the string. (sin 37o  0.6, cos 37o  0.8) . (Take
g  9.8 m / s2 )

Ans. (a) a  1.3 m / s2 (b) T  5.2 N

23. A block of mass 2 kg slides on an inclined plane which makes an angle of 30o with the horizontal. The
coefficient of friction between the block and the surface is 3 / 2 . What force along the plane should be
applied to the block so that it moves (a) down and (b) up with out any acceleration?
(Take g  10 m / s2 )
Ans. (a) 11.21 N (b) 31.21

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 94

24. In the figure, the blocks A, B and C have masses 3 kg, 4 kg and 8 kg respectively. The coefficient of sliding
friction between any two surfaces is 0.25 A is held at rest by a massless rigid rod fixed to the wall, while B
and C are connected by a light flexible cord passing around a fixed frictionless pulley. Find the force F
necessary to drag C along the horizontal surface to the left at a constant speed. Assume that the
arrangement shown in the figure. i.e. B on C and A on B , is maintained throughout. (Take g  10 m / s2 ) .

Ans. 80 N

Integer Answer Type :

25. A block is moving on an inclined plane making an angle 45o with the horizontal and the coefficient of friction is
 . The force required to just push it up the inclined plane is 3 times the force required to just prevent it from
sliding down. If we defend N  10  , then N is.
Ans. 5


26. A simple pendulum with a bob of mass m swings with an angular amplitude of 40o . When its angular
displacement is 20o , the tension in the string is greater than mg cos20o .
Ans. T

Physical quantity Convention Dimension
Linear Momentum p MLT
Force F MLT
Weight W MLT
Friction Ff or Fr MLT
Coefficient of static friction s o o o

Coefficient of kinetic friction k o o o

Spring constant k MT

SHIKHAR : Indra Complex, Vijaya Nagar, Chetakpuri , Gwalior -0751-2446970 95

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