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Class 4 – Sep 26th, 2021

Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota Industries
Communication Process

Coding Message
Vocabulary & Grammar
Ideas/ Knowledge/ Point of view Fluency/ Practice

What: Where:

When Why How

Family & Friends

Who: What: Where:

What is the best about family/ friends?
Who do you remember the most? Where spent time together?
What connects people?
Who did you spend time the most with? Where family members/ friends live?
What family/ friends mean to you?
Who is your best friend? Where they move to?
Best memories/ moments?
What do you like most about them?

How Why When

How has relationship changed? Why family/ friendship is important?
How is your family/ best friend? When did you last see them?
Why should people spend more time with
When did/ will it happen?
How is your felling about them/ the one another?
event? Why you remember it the most?

Who What make him/her your best
Who do you love the most? friend?
Where did you meet?
Who is your role model? What does your best friend look
Where do you normally spend time
Who is your beloved person? like?
with friends?
Who do you would like to become? What was your first impression
about her/ him

How did you both meet? Why When
How can you maintain Why do you stay away from your When did you last meet your
relationship? family? friends?
How often do you meet your Why do we need friendship in our When did you hang out with
friends? lives? friends?

Type in Chat:
• Why (s)he is your best friend?
• Who do you want to be friend with?
Should children spend more time with grandparents?

Benefits in learning Who: When
Strong relationship ME –– stay w grandparents Childhood
Psychological development

What (may/ may How Where: (may/may

not) Parents busy
show me things in an old way Feel connected
Feel safe Stay at their place
Tell stories

I couldn’t agree more! There are numerous benefits such as strengthening the family relationship, cultural
inheritance, creating long lasting memories that children can bring along with them.
For instance, my parents were pretty much occupied, and I spent a quality time with my grandparents listening to
their real stories, crafting wooden toys. I developed appreciation and the love of nature.
Is it wrong for parents to hit their children?

Why Who When

What How Where

Type in your chat:

How: abcd
Why: abcd
Family & Friends
Long lost friend
Who: What: Where:
Acquaintance (has a wide circle of friends
Long lost friend A shoulder to cry onWhat: Professional relationships
and acquaintances)
buddy/sisters/bestie A shoulder
A relationship of trustto cry on Long-term relationships
Acquaintance Make small A relationship
talk of trust Long distance relationship
Close # distance relative
Siblings Make small
‘Ancestors/forebears talk
# descendants immediate family/ nuclear family #
Great grandparents/ granny
Close # distance relative immediate family/ nuclear family #
Kinship extended family
Offspring (s,p)
Great grandparents extended
Heritage (n) (ethic family
background)/ Her
Offspring (s,p) heritage is Vietnamese
Bachelor (party) # married (bride/

bring up/upbringing = grow up
very dear to my heart
build up relationships Why Drift apart
stand the test of time enjoy someone’s company Keep in touch/ Stay connected # Lose
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree have a lot in common touch
Hassle-free hit it off Quality time
Neglect (v) someone # Devote (a) to Engaged Childhood
someone Inherit (ɪnˈherɪt) sth from sb
Grown-up (a, n)
Over protect (v)Overprotective (a) Discipline # easy – going/ misbehave
Estranged from (connection)/ separated
from (physic); Estranged + noun = ex
More Vocabs about Family & Friends?
Can you extend the answers?
Tell me about your family?
• My family has 4 members, my • Large family – listing
father, my mother, my sister and • Been together – better or worst
me. / up & down
Are friends more important than family?
• No, I think family is the most • Opposite opinion
important • Family first – grew up. Meet
friends outside.
• Friendship is important but
always come back to family
Are your parents strict?

• Yes, they are very strict, always • Different culture of the world –
punish me when I do things my parents not strict
wrong • I’m going with my friends –
allows to talk on phone/ do
things. Occasionally yell at me
Do you look more like your mother or your
• I look like my father more with • Difficult to answer
soft hair and big eyes. • Look more like mother – hard
working person – take care
people in my family – tough me
everything in my life
• The person I think first is mother
What kind of things do you do with your
• We normally cook and enjoy • Busy with own work – not have
dinner together enough time together
• Weekend – spend time having
dinner – watch movie. Chit &
chat – sharing with each
together – bring us closer

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