Gas Exchange

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**1. Question:** What is the function of alveoli in the lungs?

**Answer:** Alveoli in the lungs serve as the gas exchange surface, facilitating the
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

**2. Question:** How does air reach the alveoli in the human lungs?
**Answer:** Air travels down the trachea and through a branching system of airways to
reach the alveoli.

**3. Question:** What is the role of ciliated epithelium with mucus-secreting goblet cells
in the airways?
**Answer:** The ciliated epithelium with goblet cells helps protect the alveoli by
moving mucus toward the throat, where it can be swallowed.

**4. Question:** How are the large airways kept open and air resistance reduced?
**Answer:** C-shaped rings of cartilage in the trachea and irregularly shaped blocks of
cartilage in the bronchi keep the large airways open and reduce air resistance.

**5. Question:** What is the function of smooth muscle in the airways?

**Answer:** Smooth muscle in the airways contracts and relaxes to adjust the diameter
of the airways, controlling the flow of air.

**6. Question:** What lines the alveoli and why is it important?

**Answer:** The alveoli are lined by a squamous epithelium to provide a short diffusion
distance for efficient gas exchange.

**7. Question:** How are alveoli supplied with blood?

**Answer:** The alveoli are well supplied with blood by the numerous capillaries
surrounding the gas exchange surface.

**8. Question:** What maintains concentration gradients between blood and air for
oxygen and carbon dioxide?
**Answer:** Continuous blood flow and ventilation of the lungs maintain concentration
gradients between blood and air for oxygen and carbon dioxide.

**9. Question:** What role do elastic fibers play in the lungs?

**Answer:** Elastic fibers surrounding the alveoli help move air out during expiration
by allowing the alveoli to recoil.

**10. Question:** What happens to the airways and alveoli in chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD)?
**Answer:** In COPD, airways are obstructed by mucus and infection in chronic
bronchitis, and alveoli are destroyed in emphysema.
**11. Question:** What are some signs and symptoms of COPD?
**Answer:** Signs and symptoms of COPD include breathlessness, wheezing, and
constant coughing.

**12. Question:** What harmful substances are found in tobacco smoke?

**Answer:** Tobacco smoke contains tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine.

**13. Question:** How does tar in tobacco smoke affect the respiratory system?
**Answer:** Tar settles on the bronchi's lining, stimulates inflammation, increases
mucus secretion, and can lead to the development of bronchial carcinoma (lung cancer).

**14. Question:** What is the impact of carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke?

**Answer:** Carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin, reducing the blood's oxygen-
carrying capacity and damaging the cardiovascular system.

**15. Question:** How does nicotine affect the nervous system?

**Answer:** Nicotine stimulates the nervous system, increasing heart rate and blood
pressure, and causing vasoconstriction, reducing blood flow to extremities.

**16. Question:** What are the cardiovascular consequences of smoking?

**Answer:** Smoking damages the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of
coronary heart disease and stroke.

**17. Question:** Describe the structure of the lungs.

**Answer:** Lungs are located in the chest cavity, enclosed by pleural membranes, with
an airtight space containing fluid. The diaphragm and ribs ventilate the lungs.

**18. Question:** What are bronchioles, and how do they adjust airflow?
**Answer:** Bronchioles are small airways surrounded by smooth muscle that can
contract or relax to adjust airflow. During exercise, they relax to increase airflow to the

**19. Question:** What is the role of cartilage in the airways?

**Answer:** Cartilage in the trachea and bronchi keeps the airways open, reducing air
resistance and preventing collapse during breathing.

**20. Question:** How does the epithelium lining the airways protect the lungs?
**Answer:** The epithelium lining the airways, including ciliated cells and goblet cells,
removes particles from the air and traps pathogens, helping to protect the lungs.

Feel free to use or modify these flashcards as needed. Let me know if you have any
further requests!
Certainly, here are additional flashcards based on your learning objectives:

**21. Question:** What is the structure of the human gas exchange system?
**Answer:** The human gas exchange system consists of the respiratory tract, including
the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli.

**22. Question:** How are tissues and cells distributed within the gas exchange system?
**Answer:** Tissues include the ciliated epithelium, goblet cells, and squamous
epithelium lining the airways, while cells like phagocytes are found in the lungs.

**23. Question:** What are the functions of the tissues and cells in the gas exchange
**Answer:** Tissues like the ciliated epithelium and goblet cells protect the lungs, while
phagocytes remove pathogens. Squamous epithelium allows for efficient gas exchange in

**24. Question:** Explain the process of gas exchange in the lungs.

**Answer:** Gas exchange in the lungs involves the diffusion of oxygen from the
alveoli into the bloodstream and the diffusion of carbon dioxide from the bloodstream
into the alveoli.

**25. Question:** How does tobacco smoke affect the gas exchange system?
**Answer:** Tobacco smoke damages the respiratory tract, leading to conditions like
chronic bronchitis and emphysema, which hinder gas exchange.

**26. Question:** Describe the effects of nicotine on the cardiovascular system.

**Answer:** Nicotine stimulates the cardiovascular system, increasing heart rate and
blood pressure and causing vasoconstriction, which affects blood flow.

**27. Question:** What is the impact of carbon monoxide on the cardiovascular system?
**Answer:** Carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin, reducing the blood's oxygen-
carrying capacity, and damages artery linings, contributing to cardiovascular issues.

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