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**Kinetic Theory of Gases**

- What does the kinetic theory of gases state?
- Gas particles are in constant random motion at various speeds.

2. **Volume-Temperature Relationship**
- How does the volume of a gas change with temperature?
- It increases with temperature and decreases with pressure.

3. **Ideal Gas Equation**

- How can you calculate the volume of a gas under different conditions?
- Use the ideal gas equation: pV = nRT.

4. **Relative Molecular Mass Determination**

- What can the ideal gas equation be used to determine?
- The relative molecular mass of simple molecules.

5. **Limitations of Ideal Gas Equation**

- Under what conditions do gases not obey the ideal gas equation?
- Low temperatures and high pressures.

6. **Kinetic-Molecular Model**
- How is the kinetic-molecular model used to describe states of matter?
- It explains particle proximity, motion, changes of state, and vapor pressure.

7. **Ionic Compounds Lattice Structure**

- What type of lattice structure do ionic compounds form?
- A giant three-dimensional lattice structure with regularly repeating ions.

8. **High Melting and Boiling Points of Ionic Substances**

- Why do ionic substances have high melting and boiling points?
- Strong ionic forces act between ions in the lattice.

9. **Simple Molecular Solids**

- What type of solids have weak intermolecular forces between molecules?
- Simple molecular solids with low melting points.

10. **Giant Covalent Structures**

- Describe the structure of giant covalent substances.
- They have a large number of covalent bonds arranged in a repeating pattern.

11. **Allotropes of Carbon**

- What are fullerenes and graphene?
- Fullerenes are hollow spheres or tubes of carbon, and graphene is a single flat sheet.
12. **Strong Covalent Bonds in Giant Molecular Structures**
- Why do giant molecular substances have high melting and boiling points?
- Strong covalent bonds between atoms.

13. **Metal Structure**

- How are atoms arranged in metals?
- They form a closely packed lattice with free-moving outer electrons.

14. **Uses of Metals and Alloys**

- What properties of metals and alloys contribute to their various uses?
- Density, malleability, conductivity, and hardness.

15. **Using Physical Data to Determine Structure**

- How can physical data help determine a substance's structure and bonding?
- By considering properties like melting and boiling points.

16. **Importance of Recycling**

- Why is recycling important?
- It conserves finite resources like metals, saves energy, reduces wastage, and is
environmentally friendly.

17. **Solubility of Solids**

- How does temperature affect the solubility of solids?
- Generally, solubility increases with higher temperatures.

18. **Solubility of Gases**

- How does pressure affect the solubility of gases?
- Solubility generally decreases with increasing temperature.

19. **Conductivity in Solids and Liquids**

- Which states of matter are the best conductors of electricity?
- Solids (metals) are the best conductors, while gases are the worst.

20. **Solid State: Graphite**

- What is the structure of graphite and its properties?
- Layers held together by weak Van der Waal's forces, conducts electricity due to
delocalized electrons.

Certainly! Here are 20 flashcards based on the provided notes:

1. **Question:** What are the basic assumptions of the kinetic theory applied to an ideal
- Gas particles in constant random motion
- Distance between particles is greater than molecular diameter
- No intermolecular forces of attraction/repulsion
- Collisions between particles are elastic
- High temperature, low pressure for ideal behavior

2. **Question:** What are the limitations of ideal gas behavior at low temperatures and
high pressures?
- Deviations due to attractive forces between molecules
- Volume of molecules not negligible compared to container
- Visible at low temperatures and high pressures

3. **Question:** State and use the general gas equation pV = nRT.

- pV = nRT where p = pressure, V = volume, n = moles, R = gas constant, T =
- Can be used for calculations and determining relative molecular mass (Mr)

4. **Question:** Describe the kinetic-molecular model and its application to different

states of matter.
- Describes states of matter in terms of particle motion and proximity
- Explains changes of state and vapor pressure

5. **Question:** Explain the lattice structures of crystalline solids. What causes high
melting and boiling points in ionic compounds?
- Ionic compounds have giant lattice structures with strong ionic forces
- High melting and boiling points due to strong forces between ions

6. **Question:** Describe the structure and properties of simple molecular solids like
- Regular arrangement of molecules with weak intermolecular forces
- Low melting points, crystalline

7. **Question:** What are fullerenes and graphene in terms of carbon allotropes?

- Fullerenes are hollow spheres or tubes of carbon
- Graphene is a flat sheet of hexagonally arranged carbon atoms
8. **Question:** What is the structure of diamond and why does it have high melting and
boiling points?
- Diamond has a tetrahedral structure with strong covalent bonds
- High melting and boiling points due to strong covalent bonds

9. **Question:** Explain the structure of metals and their important properties.

- Metals have closely packed lattice with free-moving electrons
- Properties include density, malleability, conductivity, hardness

10. **Question:** How can physical data be used to determine the structure and bonding
in a substance?
- Physical data like melting points, conductivity can indicate type of bonding

11. **Question:** Why is recycling important for conserving finite resources?

- Recycling saves energy, reduces waste, conserves resources like metals

12. **Question:** Describe the properties of ice and water attributed to hydrogen
- Hydrogen bonding gives ice high surface tension, lower density than water

13. **Question:** How is vapor pressure related to equilibrium between liquid and
- Vapor pressure is the pressure exerted by vapor in equilibrium with liquid
- Increases as temperature rises

14. **Question:** How does solubility change with temperature for solids and gases?
- Solubility of solids generally increases with temperature
- Solubility of gases generally decreases with temperature

15. **Question:** Explain conductivity in solids and liquids, comparing metals, liquids,
and gases.
- Metals are good conductors of electricity and heat
- Liquids and gases have varying conductivity, liquids better than gases

16. **Question:** Describe the ionic lattice structure in solids.

- Ionic lattice: Giant structure with strong ionic forces

17. **Question:** Explain the properties and structure of diamond and graphite.
- Diamond: Tetrahedral structure, high melting point, doesn't conduct
- Graphite: Layers with delocalized electrons, conducts

18. **Question:** What is the structure and properties of silicon(IV) oxide?

- Similar to diamond, hard with high melting point

19. **Question:** Describe the structure and properties of ice.

- Open hexagonal crystalline structure, lower density than water

20. **Question:** Explain the structure and properties of simple molecular solids like
- Crystalline solid with weak intermolecular forces, low melting point

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