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Catholic Social

Alessia Cutajar
How can we
be called to do Treat others the way you want to be

God’s work?

2 Follow the Catholic Social Teachings

3 Be the best version of you

4 Give back to others

5 Respect goes a long way

What does
Marginalised are the people in our community who need our help and
support a little bit more. We need to show our love and help them along
the way. Some examples of people who are marginalised are: People
who face racisim, Disabled people, less fortunate, people that suffer

with their mental health and anyone who is facing challenges or
obstacles. There are organisations out there like salvation army and red
cross, that their goal is set out to go and help others who need it. The

main goal of red cross is they want to try and reduce human suffering
as much as they possibly can. Since their belief is that every single
human should be treated with the same respect. Red cross will go out
and if they see a need they will do something about it, which follows
exactly what St Mary Mackillop said. Red Cross will help anyone and
everyone that needs it. Red cross is an organisation that really follows
the catholic social teachings and is acting to make a true change in the
world. You can volounter todo things in for red cross so by doing this it
will have a great change!

This video shows more about Red Cross and some of the work they do!

This scripture passage shows us that we are all in the kingdom of God,
“if your enemy is hungry feed and no matter what we need to go out and help and serve one another.

him.” Romans 12:20

As best as we can. We only need to do our own best and God will be
very happy with that.
Positiver Change

In this video we see hoe one small thing can make a big change to the
world. Once persons small act of kindness will have an effect and
encourage other to go out and help other too. This aim of this video is to
encourage you to go out and start the change, be the light in the world.
Catholic social
Some of the Catholic Social teachings that link with these idea are:

Human Promoting Preferential option for

Dignity Peace the poor
Treating each human with the same Going out and trying to spread Sometimes people need more help
respect, which involves the same peace is a very important things. You than others, so supporting the poor
rights as well. We are all one and never know how one small positive in their times of struggle really show
therefor should all be treated the actions could really change how strong faith is.
same. someones life for the better.

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