Stats Midterm Reviewer

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a} funda stat 6 und stat ZOPS8 11/17/23 sample space: is the set ofall possible outcomes of any experiment example: tossing two coins - HH, HT, TH, TT examples: + x=tH, D/x=00, 1} : 1, 2,3, 4, 8, 6}/x= (0, 1} + hvee.eoins are tossed and the random variable x gives the number of iad {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT} eet emer ser nee efete ea eed a age Sv veark Xt ne a ce + ={HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT) + -=48,2,2,1,2,1, 1,0) + UF ebinS/are tossed and the random variable x Gives the number of tail) +x ={(HHHH, HHHT, HHTH, HHTT, HTHH, HTHT, HTTH, HTTT, THHH, THTH, THTT, TTHH, TTHT, TTTH, [, THHT} a eins + x= 16 outcomes + x=10,1,2,3,4) variable: is a characteristic or attribute that can assume different values. We use capital letters to denote or represent variable funda stat “discrete random variable: itis a set of possible outcomes that is countable + example: number of defective chairs produced in a factory. continuous random variable: it is a set of possible outcomes on a continuous scale + example: heights, weights, and temperatures _ discrete probability distribution or probability mass function _ + itconsists of values a random variable can assume and the corresponding probabilities of the values + example‘ tvo Goins are tossed and the random variable Y gives the number heads, WM eu + Y= (HH, HT.TH, TT it ait 2/4 rank’ + X=(0,1,2} i yt 7 S Dewd=! + another example on activity given by ms. (three coins) rote a} funda stat und stat BLOPR _ measures of central tendency: + mean, median and made: used to determine information regarding, average, ranking, and ‘category of any data distribution + mean: average of set of numbers, add up all the numbers and divide by how many are they + median: when you want to find the middle number in a list. arrange the numbers from smallest to largest and pick the one in the middle + mode: when you want to find the number that appears most often in a set of numbers. its the one that occurs the most. examples: median: determining the midpoint salary in a company when there are some exceptionally. high executive salaries. mean: calculating the average test score in a class where scores are distributed relatively evenly. & analyzing the average income in a group of people or the average temperature over a month. ‘mode: identifying the most popular car color measures of variability: + range, standard deviation, and variance: it provides information about the spread of the ‘scores in a distribution + range: the difference between the highest and lowest values in a dataset + variance & standard deviation: variance measures how much the values in a dataset ciffer {rom the mean. It gives you a similar idea as variance but in the original units of the data. eH act com * - > a0, sv -0 onto Sa 9 + - aa a 24 ° wow yeh a mee ssotte aw “ata funda stat oP ©@enaeng--20e0e0 ‘ex: from the last example ~“Awo coins are tossed and the random variable Y gives the number heads, (HH, HT, TH, TT} sorts Visual Description if ata + obular wu ~ rye & glans - shor q graph) \GUHL DeSeeiet Ton op ata ¥ \Vnsuals simplify comply infarmatign making info easy 4o understand ue iy i f 2 € La oversinplity. tonpleg topes (us) May woh Be accessle ty yt ul] ables £ Promofes iff eehention. Visual Yescrlption of Dai i) Graphs 2) Diagram 9) Ain, gion fa Vem Vingn + rrp rlaischp i) og? 35, of ae br gophr Xai is dae b b 3p # i Nila 6 wa > hws vl ty o dat hows rclatonchi gk det 4) thistogiain uted abo fot rein( or) 6) Freqveny Polygn— Histogram of widpsit bar braph 4) Ogine Chart - cumulative #requency *) Pit Chart~ proportion of data uct have, i From Row Vato 4 Fale Dato : Role, of Nivinformaton, Disingor mation , and propqgandy lo Plesentation Mean, Median , Mode - (casuies of Voriability fandom ae Discrete Random dle ble a1 [ exe o- lerkinow Kandom Variabl.- ft ghok- Comple “pace, a Cumetion mast alecags wecgul ie. Given! Three coins are tossed and the random variable x gives the number of x. Xe { HAH TATT.TTT.TTH,THATHTHTH ) xe fOnza} x ected | x-tCet) | ten 0 a 0 2 i iti 14 Bie Za Ne ze he fea Fl Te 3 q h 2 bs ‘i Given: two coins ore tossed fond the Random Variable x gives the number of Heads, t Cte tt 18) xe Coit «| Plz) | xr (i) o\7 thy hy uh Ht it wre hitegeen Winn preseating graphs « Figur 1. fandom soriable x hel gives the tumber of foil. Title y ow é ose v 026 / o o L z Red, mitt, gelloy geeen, bine, pink moninatinn Goeerage Misttading Graph Ronden Weriable socluging Une {hSreGren

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