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Q1. Place the adverbs correctly and rewrite the sentences. Identify its type:-
a) Neil stopped and listened. (suddenly)
b) I glued the last piece on to the model. (carefully)
c) I hug my mother when I get home. (usually)
d) Jen waited for the computer to load. (patiently)
e) They play well in the game. (often)
Q2. Choose the correct prepositions from the brackets.
Mr. Hill arrived in New York 1.(on, in) May 10 2.(at, on) eight o’clock 3.(in, on) the evening.
He decided to call on his uncle who lived 4.(on, in) Fifth Avenue. He got 5.(on/in) a bus 6.(at,
of) the station and put his fare 7.(on, into) the farebox. The bus was very crowded, so Mr. Hill
had to stand up all the way. The people in the bus accused one of the passengers guilty
8.(of/for) theft.
When he reached 85th Street, Mr. Hill got off the bus and walked a short distance 9.(in, to) the
apartment building 10.(in, of) which his uncle lived. He knocked 11.(at, in) the door 12.(of, on)
his uncle’s apartment. He waited 13.(for, during) a few minutes, but no one came 14.(to, at) the
door. He was disappointed to find no one 15.(to, at) home. He didn’t know where to go because
his uncle had promised to reserve a room for him 16.(at, by) a downtown hotel. He saw a bench
17.(at, to) the end of the hall, and he sat down 18.(on, in) it to wait for his uncle. He waited till
3:00 pm 19.(on/by) his watch and left for his home without meeting his uncle.
Q3. Read the sentence given below and choose how many spelling errors are there in the same.
1. I seen a big blu bird in the sky.
2. My frend and I are going to the park to play.
3. We had ice creem for dessert after dinner.
4. The wether is very hot in the summer.
5. I want to bye a new toy for my birthday.
6. I can here the music playing in the background.

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