Science Reviewer 3RD Midterm Examination

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Types of Volcanoes

Cinder Cones- Also known as scoria cone

-Simplest type of volcano,
-A sharp conical hill constructed atop a vent, largely made of basalt.
Ex. Mauna Kea
Composite Volcanoes - Also known as stratovolcano
-Made up of alternating layers of pyroclastic elements and hardened lava flows
Ex. Mt. Mayon
Shield Volcanoes- Broad, gently sloping landform built by many layers of low-viscous lava flows which
Cannot be filed up into steep mounds.
Ex. Mauna Loa
Volcanic Dome- Also called Lava Dome
-Rounded, Steep-sided mound that is formed by small, bulging masses of lava primarily
Composed of either dacite or rhyolite.
Ex. Unzen Dome
Supervolcanoes- Described to produce the largest eruptions in the world
-Has recorded eruptions with a magnitude of on the VEI
Ex. Yellowstone Supervolcano
Submarine Volcanoes- Created when magma erupts in underwater
- The erupted magma and lava is called pillow lava
Ex. Submarine Volcano in Tonga Islands, South Pacific
Subglacial Volcanoes- Also known as glaciovolcano
- Created by eruptions beneath the surface of a glacier or sheets which are then
Melted into a lake by the rising lava that resembles pillow lava
Ex. Subglacial volcano in Katla, England

Features of Volcanoes

1. Cone- most striking part of the volcano.

2. Vent- Opening through which an Eruption takes place.
3. Magma Chamber- Large underground pool found beneath the earths crust.
4. Crater- Basin-like depression.
5. Caldera- Volcanic depression much larger than original crater.
6. Lava- The rock or magma expelled from a volcano during an eruption.
7. Dikes- Barrier or obstacles in a volcano.
8. Sills- Also known as Intrusive sheets, they are solidified lava flows.
9. Conduit- A channel or pipe conveying liquids such as magma.
10. Flank- The side of a volcano.
11. Summit- Highest point or apex of a volcano.
12. Throat- Entrance of a volcano
13. Ash Cloud- Expelled into the atmosphere.
14. Volcanic bombs- Chunks of lava that is blasted into the air that solidify before reaching the
15. Pyroclastic Flow- Fast moving currents of hot gases and rock travelling downhill from a volcano.
16. Tephra Fall- Refers to a fragmented material that consists of pumice, scoria, lithic materials,
17. Lahar- Also called mudflows, Flowing mixture of volcanic debric and water.

Formation of volcano

Pyroclastic debris- Solid rocks blown from the vent.

Formation by distension- caused by a hotspot near earth’s outer core.
Hotspot- Region of high volcanic activity not located at any plate boundary.
A volcano is active if it is currently erupting or shows signs of eruption
A volcano is dormant if it hasn’t exploded recently
Fumarolic stage- Characterized by the emission of acid gases and vapor, happens after the volcano
finished erupting materials.
A volcano is extinct if it has not shown any activity for 10,000 years.


They’re are 2 types of eruption in terms of activity:

Explosive eruptions: Characterized by the gas-driven explosion that propels magma and tephra
Effusive eruptions: Outpouring of lava without significant explosive eruption.

Magmatic eruptions

Hawaiian- Calmest of all the eruptions.

Strombolian- Driven by the bursting of gas bubbles within the magma.
Vulcanian- Named after italian island Vulcano, home to greek god of fire.
Pelean- Called Nuee Ardente Eruption, Occurs when large quantity of gas, dust, ash are blown out.
Pilinian- Considered most explosive and powerful of all eruptions.

Phreatomagmatic Eruptions

Surtseyan- Named after island of Surtsey off coast iceland.

Submarine- Volcanic Eruption takes place beneath surface of the water.
Subglacial Eruption- Also called glaciovolcanism, Interaction between lava and ice under glacier.

Phreatic Eruptions
-Steam blast eruptions, Driven by explosive expanding steam, basically eruption but steam.


Effects of climate change

1. Rising temperature
2. Shrinking ice Sheets
3. Sea Level rise
4. Biodiversity Depletion
5. Ocean Acidification
6. Extreme Weather

Climate Change- the significant variation of average weather conditions becoming, for example,
warmer, wetter, or drier—over several decades or longer

Climate- the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area

Global Warming- long-term heating of Earth's surface

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