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4 Jack the Paddle Ace

Lesson 1 Test Name: Score: /13

A Write the correct words.

1 2 3 4

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

5 a contest to see who is the fastest _____________

6 to hold something and take it somewhere _____________

B Choose the correct answers.

1 What are Bella and Liz watching?

a a horse race b a kayak race c a swimming race

2 What does the winner of the race get?

a 5 points for his cabin b 7 points for his cabin c 10 points for his cabin

3 What do the boys want as a prize?

a a pizza party b a dance party c a tea party

C Choose and write the answers.

1 A: Did you win the swimming race?

B: No, I didn’t. _____________________________________________________

2 A: I don’t think I’m good at any sports.

B: That’s not true. _________________________________________________

3 A: Did you watch the horse race yesterday?

B: Yes, I did. _______________________________________________________

4 A: I watched the tennis match. _____________________________________

B: Really? Thank you!

You did great out there. I’ll win the next race.
That was an awesome race. You’re good at paddling.

ⓒ 2015 Photocopiable
4 Jack the Paddle Ace

Lesson 2 Test Name: Score: /13

A Write the correct words.

1 2 3 4

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

5 a part of something facing forward _____________

6 more of something _____________

B Choose the correct answers.

1 What does Jack think about paddling?

a It is scary. b It is fun. c It is boring.

2 How many people can go in a canoe?

a two people b three people c four people

3 Who did NOT choose paddling?

a Rob b Eric c Jack

C Choose and write the answers.

1 A: Welcome to Ocean Restaurant! __________________________________

B: Thank you.

2 A: ________________________________________________________________
B: I’m going to take fishing. How about you?

3 A: What are you going to do during summer vacation?

B: I’m going to go swimming. ______________________________________

4 A: I’m so happy to win the marathon.

B: ________________________________________________________________

That’s for sure. Please, take a seat.

You did really well today. What activity will you take next week?

ⓒ 2015 Photocopiable
4 Jack the Paddle Ace

Lesson 3 Test Name: Score: /13

A Write the correct words.

1 2 3 4

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

5 to carry something using your hands _____________

6 the land along the edge of a lake or sea _____________

B Choose the correct answers.

1 What do the kids wear before getting their canoes?

a swimsuits b life jackets c goggles

2 Who is Jack’s partner for paddling?

a Rob b Chris c Dennis

3 What does Jack ask Dennis to do?

a to paddle slowly b to splash water c to hold the paddle

C Choose and write the answers.

1 A: We are going to play chess now. Do you want to join?

B: Sure. ___________________________________________________________

2 A: ________________________________________________________________
B: Oh, there are so many good choices. I can’t choose one.

3 A: We only have a window seat. Is that okay with you?

B: ________________________________________________________________

4 A: Are we going to start the presentation now?

B: Yes. ____________________________________________________________

Let’s get started. That’s fine with me.

Will you make up your mind? This is going to be fun.

ⓒ 2015 Photocopiable
4 Jack the Paddle Ace

Lesson 4 Test Name: Score: /13

A Write the correct words.

1 2 3 4

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

5 work people do to make money _____________

6 to shout loudly _____________

B Choose the correct answers.

1 What does Camper Aaron ask Jack to do?

a to play with Rob b to teach Dennis c to help Eric

2 How does Jack feel about Dennis?

a unhappy b angry c sorry

3 What does Dennis learn?

a how to stop the boat b how to hold the paddle c how to wear a life jacket

C Choose and write the answers.

1 A: You look sad. ___________________________________________________

B: No. I lost my robot. It’s my favorite toy.

2 A: ___________________________. I shouted at you, and that was wrong.

B: That’s alright.

3 A: Can you tell me how to make this hot chocolate?

B: Sure. Just add the mix to hot water and __________________________

4 A: I’m worried about the horseback riding tomorrow.

B: Don’t worry about it. ____________________________________________

Did you get in trouble? there you go.

You can do it. I’m sorry about yesterday.

ⓒ 2015 Photocopiable
4 Jack the Paddle Ace

Lesson 5 Test Name: Score: /13

A Write the correct words.

1 2 3 4

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

5 to say numbers one after another _____________

6 to win against someone in a game or race _____________

B Choose the correct answers.

1 What will the kids have tomorrow?

a cabin contests b singing contests c dancing contests

2 How does Camper Lewis feel about Jack?

a upset b proud c sad

3 Who got angry after the canoe race?

a Jack b Chris c Rob

C Choose and write the answers.

1 A: ________________________________________________________________
B: You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure.

2 A: We’re going to have a kayak race tomorrow. I don’t think we can win.
B: It’s okay. _______________________________________________________

3 A: You’re doing very well. You learned a lot from the last soccer game.
B: ________________________________________________________________

4 A: You’re doing a good job! ________________________________________

B: Oh, thank you.

Keep it up. Thanks for all your help.

Let’s just do our best. This is so much more fun now.

ⓒ 2015 Photocopiable

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