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Marvel's Jessica Jones, first half review: 'David Tennant's Kilgrave could be the

best on-screen comic book villain since Heath Ledger's Joker’

Jack Shepherd
Thursday 12 November 2015

Thanks to the phenomenal success of Daredevil, anticipation for the next installment in the
Defenders series is absolutely colossal. Luckily, the first half of Jessica Jones not only
matches but exceeds expectations.

We meet our heroine (Krysten Ritter), an ex-superhero turned alcoholic private investigator,
as she attempts to rebuild her life. Past experiences have left her with severe PTSD which
she decides to tackle on her own, in the process ignoring her best friend, TV personality
Trish Walker (Rachael Taylor).

To take her mind off the past, she focusses her attention on investigating cheating lovers
for her attorney (Carrie-Anne Moss) while also spying on a local bartender (Mike Colter).

As you expect, things go wrong very quickly. A young Athlete’s (Erin Moriarty) parents come
knocking on her door, telling of how their daughter has suddenly gone missing.
Unfortunately, the suspicious case leads Jessica back to a familiar face: Kilgrave’s (David

Whereas the above events may happen within the first 15 minutes of a superhero film, with
the longer Netflix format the writers have been able to flesh out characters and maintain a
more provocative story. While the show doesn’t rush - Kilgrave remains in the shadows for
the first four episodes - it also doesn’t feel slow: exempting the first episode which stifles a
little, the majority of scenes are beautifully paced.
Unlike Daredevil, which would take time out from following Wilson Fisk to concentrate on
Stick and other characters, Jessica Jones is focused almost solely on Jessica and Kilgrave.
As she becomes obsessed with the suavely dressed Brit (an accent Tennant perfected
throughout his stint as Doctor Who), so do we. As she pursues her goal, other people get
thrown to the wayside, and the show mimics this. Everything comes back to their dueling

Ritter gives an outstanding performance as the deeply troubled hero whose powers neither
she nor the viewer fully understand. If it wasn't obvious already, she's absolutely no damsel
in distress. Not only does she manage to nail the character’s full fronted, leather jacket
wearing, do-what-I-want attitude, she also gets the waterworks going in the tender, lonely
moments when Jessica attempts to comprehend the disaster that is her life.

However, as much as Ritter’s performance carries the show, it’s Tennant’s Kilgrave that
really brings everything together. As demonstrated in the two trailers already released, his
character is both entirely menacing and creepy, even with little-to-no screen time at first.
While Marvel managed to waste a great deal of extraordinary talent by discarding villains
within one film (Hugo Weaving, Christopher Eccleston, Robert Redford), by gradually
introducing the Purple Man they have finally produced a real villain.

What makes Kilgrave so endearing is his goal. Unlike every other villain, he doesn't want
to take over the world, he’s much more twisted. Kilgrave’s ability to control minds could
take him anywhere, make him anything, but instead he’s in Hell’s Kitchen causing chaos.
If they manage to maintain this level of writing for the remainder of the series, he could be
the best on-screen comic book villain since Heath Ledger’s Joker.

Tenant’s character also leads the shows down a much darker road, tackling topics of rape,
assault, and PTSD that all stem from his abilities in one way or another. It’s a huge feat
that the writer’s have managed to approach each topic with such sensitivity, stirring up
debate about how we deal with these issues in the real world.

Tone-wise, this neo-noir drama doesn’t feel like a superhero flick. Both Jessica and Luke
Cage’s powers don’t seem over the top, and there’s no huge CGI set-pieces.
Fundamentally, this is a spy-thriller featuring some big brawls, but nothing compared to the
ones in Daredevil. Hopefully, the pair will better come to terms with these superpowers,
otherwise they may end up seeming no different to your regular strongman thug.

It will be interesting to see where Jessica Jones goes from episode seven's finale, a point
at which the story takes a disastrous turn. Not only have these episodes been brilliant, but
if the series continues on the same upward projection, this could be the best thing Marvel
Studios has ever produced. Come November 20th, I will be binge watching this till the very
漫威《杰⻄卡-琼斯》上半部回顾: David Tennant 饰演的 Kilgrave 可能是⾃希斯-莱

由于 Daredevil 的巨⼤成功,⼈们对 Defenders 系列的下⼀部作品绝对充满了期待。幸运的


我们⻅到了我们的⼥主⻆(克⾥斯滕-⾥特尔 Krysten Ritter 饰)

她决定⾃⼰解决这个问题,在这个过程中,她忽略了她最好的朋友--电视名⼈ Trish Walker
(Rachael Taylor 饰)

为了忘掉过去,她集中精⼒为律师(卡丽-安妮-莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss 饰)调查出轨的情

⼈,同时还监视当地的⼀个酒保(迈克-科尔特 Mike Colter 饰)

不出所料,事情很快就出了岔⼦。⼀位年轻运动员(艾琳-莫瑞亚蒂 Erin Moriarty 饰)的⽗

张熟悉的⾯孔: Kilgrave(David Tennant 饰)

上述事件可能发⽣在超级英雄电影的前 15 分钟内,⽽ Netflix 格式的剧集时间更⻓,编剧

们可以让⻆⾊更加丰满,故事也更具煽动性。虽然该剧并不匆忙--Kilgrave 在前四集中⼀直

与《超胆侠》不同的是, 《超胆侠》会从跟踪威尔逊-菲斯克的过程中抽出时间来关注斯蒂克
和其他⻆⾊,⽽《杰⻄卡-琼斯》则⼏乎只关注杰⻄卡和 Kilgrave。当她迷恋上这位⾐着倜傥
的英国⼈时(Tennant 在扮演《神秘博⼠》期间完美演绎了这⼀⼝⾳) ,我们也⼀样。在她

不过,虽然⾥特的表演是全剧的亮点,但真正将⼀切融为⼀体的还是 Tennant 饰演的

⽂、克⾥斯托弗-埃克莱斯顿、罗伯特-雷德福) ,浪费了很多杰出⼈才,但通过逐步引⼊ "紫

Kilgrave 之所以如此可爱,是因为他的⽬标。与其他反派不同,他并不想统治世界,⽽是更

Tennant 的⻆⾊还将剧集引向了⼀条更加⿊暗的道路,涉及强奸、攻击和创伤后应激障碍等

不夸张,也没有巨⼤的 CGI 场景。从根本上说,这是⼀部间谍惊悚⽚,其中不乏⼤打出⼿

的作品。11 ⽉ 20 ⽇到来之际,我⼀定会狂看到底。
Why Jessica Jones’s Kilgrave Is Marvel’s Best Onscreen Villain Yet
By Angelica Jade Bastién,NOV. 30, 2015

Jessica Jones’s Kilgrave, as played by David Tennant, is by far the most terrifying and well-
crafted villain Marvel has put onscreen to date. This is great for the series, but it also
highlights a major problem with Marvel’s growing cinematic universe — no matter how
much fun this franchise is, it’s also disappointingly mediocre. And this is in large part due
to a mishandling of the most important cornerstone for a good superhero story: the villain.

There have been lackluster villains in other comic properties, but never as consistently as
in Marvel films. Before Kilgrave, Marvel came close to creating a memorable villain twice:
Loki from Thor and Daredevil’s Wilson Fisk. Both characters are played with overzealous
panache to various degrees of success, but they get less interesting the more you see of
them. They’re also surrounded by, at best, lopsided properties. Then there’s the rest of
Marvel’s villains: Lee Pace’s Ronan the Accuser in Guardians of the Galaxy has zero
personality, and his actions serve whatever the story needs him to be to get to the next plot
point. Do you even remember the name of Christopher Eccleston’s villain from Thor: The
Dark World? The comically villainous Ultron repeats the same story we’ve seen before —
daddy issues, half-cooked revenge plots, the destruction of an entire city. Captain America:
The First Avenger’s cartoonish Red Skull strikes an odd tone considering he’s basically a
Nazi. While these actors bring charisma to their roles, the problem is not of performance
but of construction. And how good can a superhero property be, period, without a well-
crafted villain? What makes Jessica Jones stand up against the rest of the many superhero
properties rolling out is the terrifying villain at its center — ahead, seven reasons why
Kilgrave is Marvel’s best onscreen baddie yet.

His endgame is intensely personal.

When Marvel villains are given personal reasons for their actions, they tend to be wan
daddy issues or machismo politics. At best, they’re fun but thinly characterized; and at
worst, they’re forgettable. But Kilgrave’s endgame is simple: He wants Jessica Jones to be
under his control and to love him. He can bend anyone to his will with just his voice, except
for her. He’s a man used to getting everything he’s ever wanted, and the story shapes that
into something monstrous yet familiar.

His humanity.
In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Tennant says of his character, “If you’ve never
met any resistance in life, then your perception of reality is going to be quite skewed. You’re
never going to know if someone is doing something because they wish to or because you’re
telling them to. […] That’s going to do things to the way you perceive reality and it’s going
to do things to your moral compass.”

Kilgrave’s effectiveness stems from something surprisingly simple: his humanity. He’s the
first Marvel villain I can think of who actually feels like a real person. This extends to how
the show changes key parts of his backstory and forgoes the purple skin from his comic-
book counterpart for a more real-world take. Look at episodes eight and nine, where
Jessica Jones complicates Kilgrave by giving us flashes of his backstory. We learn of his
abusive-scientist parents and the experiments they did that gave him his abilities. When
Jessica convinces Kilgrave to use his powers to save a family, I thought the show was
going to set up a startling trajectory for him — redemption — only to snap his cold, sinister
self back into focus and reveal the backstory he peddles to be more complicated than he
portrays it. But there are a few pivotal moments where I was so close to sympathizing with

Kilgrave’s power taps into a primal human fear.

On a scale from superstrength to the ability to fly, mind control isn’t all that dynamic of a
superpower. It’s not showy or outright cinematic. The horror of Kilgrave’s powers is that the
destruction is intimate. We all like to believe we have agency over our own choices and
destiny, and Kilgrave shows how easy it is for people to lose control of the illusions they
hold dear. His long con with Luke, culminating in the season’s best fight scene, in episode
12, “AKA Take a Bloody Number,” shows how ugly he’s willing to get to meet his goals,
souring what is likely one of the only somewhat-healthy relationships Jessica has ever had.

A trenchant take on modern gender politics.

Beyond his abilities and sharp sartorial taste, what’s most frightening about Kilgrave is just
how ordinary he is. Jessica Jones is intensely interested in delving into the ways women
are silenced and cut off from any chance at autonomy — from not believing their stories to
turning a blind eye to the physical aftermath of their abuse. While Kilgrave doesn’t
discriminate when it comes to who he’s willing to manipulate, it’s the way he uses women
that provides the show’s most sickening material. Showrunner Melissa Rosenberg doesn’t
shy away from revealing what Kilgrave is: a rapist.

Superhero stories trade in masculinity fantasies, whether that be the throwback, nostalgia-
tinted sense of justice Captain America represents or the charming rogue Star-Lord who
can mess up repeatedly but always narrowly escape in Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s pretty
monumental for Marvel to finally interrogate how superpowers and an unchecked ego can
warp masculinity. In this way, Jessica Jones becomes sharply insightful about what it
means to be a woman in a culture trying to render you powerless.

An effective use of noir tropes.

Jessica Jones is at times feels myopically focused on Kilgrave to the detriment of what
could be building a larger, more lived-in world through her cases of the week, but the show
still puts the tropes of my favorite genre to good use. From episode one, Jessica Jones
acknowledges its debt to film noir. Hard drinking, sarcastic PI whose gruff exterior hides
vulnerability? Check. Witty voice-over? Check. Obsession with how life is shaped by the
urban landscape? Check. Characters running from their past and afraid of their future?
Check. Honest take on modern gender politics? Double check.

At first glance, Kilgrave may not seem like a noir villain. But noir has always excelled at
showing the tragedies of everyday life. Its villains are frightening not for being larger-than-
life caricatures, but for being all too human. And what’s Kilgrave but a twisted version of
your psycho ex-boyfriend? He’s constructed similarly to the villainous men in noir staples
like Out of the Past, Sweet Smell of Success,and The Third Man: a complex man with
simple desires and dangerous means.

His unpredictability.
The problem with Marvel is that even though it’s willing to play a bit loosely with canon,
there’s a bit of excitement lost simply because we know which films are coming out. We
know most of these characters won’t die, and even if they do, death won’t stick. And if you
have any working knowledge of their comics history, you can see the twists coming a mile
away. Jessica Jones could only end in Kilgrave’s death, but the way it plays out is full of
surprises. And Kilgrave remains unpredictable until the bitter end, especially since his
onscreen story strays pretty far from what we see in the comics, from the lack of purple
skin to his own backstory and how he gained his powers. I could never figure out what
choice he would make, or who was under his control, or how far he was willing to go in
order to have Jessica as his property again.

The devil’s in the details.

The ongoing battles of superheroes and villains often play with simple ideas writ large. The
problem with this is, life’s little details can get lost in the process. Jessica Jones takes a
different approach — its laser focus narrows in on a few people dealing with the intimate
horror that comes with the loss of control at the hands of a villain whose appetite seems
unending. It doesn’t surprise me that Marvel has found its most effective villain not in the
large-scale desires of aliens or sentient robots, but by intimately detailing how power

David Tennant 饰演的 Jessica Jones 中的 Kilgrave 是漫威迄今为⽌在银幕上塑造的最恐怖、


Kilgrave 之前,漫威曾两次接近创造出令⼈难忘的反派⻆⾊:
看越不过瘾。充其量,他们⾝边的⻆⾊也是⼀边倒。然后是漫威的其他反派: 李-佩斯在《银
河护卫队》中饰演的 "指控者罗南 "毫⽆个性可⾔,他的所作所为都是为了达到下⼀个情节
座城市。美国队⻓ 美国队⻓:第⼀复仇者》中卡通化的 "红骷髅"(Red Skull)给⼈⼀种奇
派--在前⾯,我们将从七个⽅⾯来说明为什么 Kilgrave 是漫威迄今为⽌最好的银幕坏蛋。

了说,他们很有趣,但性格单薄;往坏了说,他们让⼈难以忘怀。但 Kilgrave 的⽬的很简单:

在接受《洛杉矶时报》采访时,Tennant 谈及他的⻆⾊时说:"如果你在⽣活中从未遇到过
为他们愿意,还是因为你让他们这么做。[...... "这会影响你对现实的感知,也会影响你的道

Kilgrave 的⾼效源⾃于他出⼈意料的简单:他的⼈性。他是我能想到的漫威反派中第⼀个让
漫画中的紫⾊⽪肤⽽采⽤更真实的形象。看看第⼋集和第九集, 《杰⻄卡-琼斯》让 Kilgrave
予了他的能⼒。当杰⻄卡说服 Kilgrave 使⽤他的超能⼒拯救⼀个家庭时,我以为这部剧会

Kilgrave 的⼒量触及了⼈类最原始的恐惧。
Kilgrave 超能⼒的恐怖之处在于它的破坏⼒是亲近的。我们都喜欢相信⾃⼰能主宰⾃⼰的选
择和命运,⽽ Kilgrave 则向我们展示了⼈们是多么容易失去对⾃⼰所珍视的幻想的控制。
他与卢克的⻓期骗局,在第 12 集 "AKA Take a Bloody Number "中以本季最精彩的打⽃场

除了他的能⼒和敏锐的时尚品味,Kilgrave 最可怕的地⽅还在于他是如此平凡。杰⻄卡-琼
斯(Jessica Jones)对深⼊探讨⼥性被压制、被剥夺任何⾃主机会的⽅式⾮常感兴趣--从不
曾相信她们的故事,到对她们被虐待后的⾝体状况视⽽不⻅。虽然 Kilgrave 在操纵谁的问
毫不避讳地揭露了 Kilgrave 的本性:强奸犯。

超级英雄的故事以男性幻想为交易对象,⽆论是《美国队⻓》 (Captain America)所代表的

回溯式、怀旧式的正义感,还是《银河护卫队》 (Guardians of the Galaxy)中屡屡出错却总
《杰⻄卡-琼斯》有时让⼈觉得是在近视眼下专注于 Kilgrave,这不利于通过她每周的案件

乍⼀看,Kilgrave 似乎并不像⼀个⿊⾊电影中的反派。但⿊⾊电影⼀向擅⻓表现⽇常⽣活中
性了。⽽ Kilgrave ⼜何尝不是你变态前男友的扭曲版本呢?他的形象与《亡命天涯》

局。杰⻄卡-琼斯》的结局只能是 Kilgrave 的死亡,但结局却充满了惊喜。⽽基尔格拉夫直

Why Jessica Jones Casting David Tennant As Kilgrave Was Secretly Genius
Notorious nice guy David Tennent was the perfect casting choice for Jessica Jones'
villain Kilgrave, revealing a different face for abuse.
MAY 7, 2022

Jessica Jones' casting of David Tennent as Kilgrave was secretly genius, capitalizing on a
watershed moment in the conversation around women's rights and domestic abuse.
Jessica Jones' casting of an actor probably best known for his role as the beloved tenth
Doctor Who in Doctor Who forces the viewer to face an uncomfortable truth about the
culture of sexual abuse around them. The series focuses on small, borderline acceptable
layers of sexism, which gradually build up into a roaring crescendo of abuse. Between
telling Jessica Jones to smile and commanding her to gratify him, rather than forming a
genuine connection or ascertaining enthusiastic consent, the series' main antagonist
embodies the collective culture of misogyny and harassment which women have been told
to grin and bear, and wears it as a purple villain's cloak.

Jessica Jones was cancelled by Netflix in 2019, but before its premature ending, the series
was a ground-breaking superhero show, and a portrait of sexual abuse and PTSD told
through the lens of the female perspective. The series follows Private Investigator Jessica
Jones in her battle against the controlling antagonist who traumatized her, a.k.a Kilgrave.
Jessica Jones explores critical themes including consent, sexual scars and the cultural
complicity in the abuse against women. The show served as Marvel's contribution to the
rising tide of backlash against male sexual entitlement, which was starting to stir in the
wake of the Weinstein controversy.

Kilgrave's horrific actions wear the face of an incredibly liked and trusted actor, and the
cognitive dissonance David Tennent's portrayal evokes is where the spark of genius in
Jessica Jones resides. Netflix’s Marvel shows represent the franchise’s first stab at adult
fare, and experimented with themes of complex and morally grey characters. Daredevil's
Wilson Fisk is sympathetic in his conflicted disdain for gratuitous violence, and Jessica
Jones' Kilgrave is the victim of childhood abuse and a power he cannot switch off. However,
when confronted with the evidence of his abuse, the show utilizes Kilgrave as it eviscerates
the culture of casual misogyny which it sets its aim at. In casting a well-liked actor, known
for his portrayal of affable, harmless characters, Jessica Jones set the precedent for films
such as the masterful Promising Young Woman in its meta-analysis of sexual abuse
saturating the culture.

In Emerald Fennel's Promising Young Woman, director Fennel said she wanted no action
in the film to be no more extreme than the antics of male-driven comedy films and sitcom
punchlines. Promising Young Woman was so controversial, in part, because Fennel also
chose a selection of the most reputably liked actors in Hollywood, from the O.C.'s Adam
Brody to New Girl's Max Greenfield. These are the types of men no one could imagine
capable of the terrible harm against women depicted in the movie. However, when told
from a female perspective, the film stripped the societal tolerance from the seemingly
harmless antics. The scenes in Promising Young Woman, from raping a drunk girl in bed,
to commanding a woman to smile, were nothing novel or unusual in the comedy genre.
However, once removed from the male gaze and told from a female point of view, the result
was absolutely horrifying. With its similar execution, Kilgrave's violence against Jessica
Jones follows a pattern its female audience no doubt recognizes with sickening familiarity.

The argument could be made that this is among the reasons why the MCU needs Jessica
Jones, also. Kilgrave is a purple-dressed symbol for the ways society allows men to treat
women in all its violence, and the genius of projects like Promising Young Woman and
Jessica Jones is that these symbols are wearing some of the most likeable faces in popular
culture. The #MeToo movement broke the dam of hidden stories by women across the
globe, and suddenly the monsters in the dark were flooded with a spotlight, opening up the
uncomfortable truth that they weren't hidden in the shadows. It shone a light on the truth
that abusers were everywhere, and could be anyone. As Jessica Jones forces the
audience to see, it's all too often the case.
为什么《杰⻄卡-琼斯》David Tennant 出演 Kilgrave(Kilgrave)暗藏⽞机?
“声名狼藉”的好男⼈ David Tennent 是《杰⻄卡-琼斯》(Jessica Jones)中反派

《杰⻄卡-琼斯》选中 David Tennent 饰演 Kilgrave(Kilgrave)暗藏⽞机,利⽤了围绕妇⼥

权利和家庭虐待话题的分⽔岭时刻。 《杰⻄卡-琼斯》选择了⼀位可能因在《神秘博⼠》中饰

《杰⻄卡-琼斯》于 2019 年被 Netflix 取消,但在提前结束之前,该剧是⼀部开创性的超

探杰⻄卡-琼斯(Jessica Jones)与给她造成创伤的控制型反⾯⼈物(⼜名 Kilgrave)的⽃

Kilgrave 的恐怖⾏为让⼈难以置信,⽽ David Tennent 饰演的⻆⾊所引发的认知失调正是

《杰⻄卡-琼斯》的天才⽕花所在。Netflix 的漫威剧集代表着该系列⾸次尝试成⼈题材,并
尝试了复杂和道德灰⾊⼈物的主题。 《敢死队》中的 Wilson Fisk 因对⽆端暴⼒的蔑视⽽令
⼈同情, 《杰⻄卡-琼斯》中的 Kilgrave 则是童年受虐的受害者,他拥有⼀种⽆法关闭的⼒量。
然⽽,当⾯对他受虐的证据时,该剧利⽤ Kilgrave 来摧毁它所针对的随意厌⼥⽂化。杰⻄卡
⼥郎》 (Promising Young Woman)

的亚当-布罗迪(Adam Brody)到《新⼥孩》的⻨克斯-格林菲尔德(Max Greenfield)
脱离了男性的视线,从⼥性的视⻆来讲述,结果绝对令⼈⽑⻣悚然。Kilgrave 对《杰⻄卡-琼

可以说,这也是 MCU 需要《杰⻄卡-琼斯》的原因之⼀。Kilgrave 是⼀个穿着紫⾊⾐服的

等项⽬的天才之处就在于,这些符号都⻓着流⾏⽂化中⼀些最讨⼈喜欢的⾯孔。#MeToo 运

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