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Secret Smile (2005)

Aspiring London architect Miranda Cotton meets Brendan Block at a friend’s party and
invites him back to her place that night. This begins a passionate relationship. Ten days
later, she throws him out after when she finds him in her apartment reading her private
papers, having taken her spare key. Some months later, Miranda’s sister Kerry reveals that
she is going out with Brendan. Next, Brendan and Kerry announce that they are going to
get married. Miranda thinks that Brendan is dishonest and dangerous, even though the
rest of her family finds him entirely charming, but holds back on what she thinks for Kerry’s
sake. She starts investigating Brendan, coming across stories about his deceit,
vindictiveness and confidence scams. After befriending Brendan, Miranda’s bipolar
teenage brother Troy goes off his medication and jumps from her apartment roof. Next,
Brendan dumps Kerry just before the wedding and marries her best friend Laura instead.
Not long after this, Laura is found drowned in her bath, although the police are unable to
find any foul play, despite Miranda pushing them to suspect Brendan. And so Miranda goes
out on her own, determined to make Brendan pay for what he did.

有抱负的伦敦建筑师⽶兰达-科顿(Miranda Cotton)在朋友的聚会上邂逅了布伦丹-布洛克
(Brendan Block)

Secret Smile could be a Fatal Attraction (1987) with the sexes reversed. It is almost a Fatal
Attraction updated to the Sex and the City (1998-2004) era of cosmopolitan women. Secret
Smile was produced as a two-part tv mini-series by the UK’s Granada Television. It was
based on a book Secret Smile (2003) by Nicci French, a husband-wife writing team (Nicci
Gerrard and Sean French) who specialise in psycho-thrillers.

The attention-drawing piece of casting at the centre of the mini-series is that of David
Tennant, best known as the tenth incarnation of Doctor Who (1963-89, 2005– ), as the
disturbed ex-boyfriend. Moreover, Tennant plays the part employing the same cockily
nonchalant cheer that he does as The Doctor, but twisting it towards a decidedly sinister
undertow. At one point during the party held to announce his engagement to Claire Goose,
he approaches Kate Ashfield while the others are away and smilingly tells her: “I was just
looking at your mouth … and thinking I’d come into that mouth.” Perhaps the one thing we
do not gain is any insight into is how Tennant manages to wield such hyper-charm on so
many people throughout – all of whom seem to have switched off their safety regulations
about strangers. There are also fine performances from both Kate Ashfield and Claire
Goose as the two sisters.

We get a fine sense of Kate Ashfield continually biting down on what she thinks for the
sake of sister Claire Goose as no-one else around her can see or is even willing to
countenance the things that she knows about David Tennant. Especially good is a family
dinner scene where she wheels out all the evidence she has gathered against Tennant and
he effectively manages to turn it around or minimise it to make it seem that the real problem
is her resentment. The story more than effectively draws us in inside Kate Ashfield’s
obsession to frequent points where it can pull back and make us realise that, even though
she might be right in what she believes, she has become unbalanced in her single-minded

It is this that leaves one balking at the final solution to the problem that Kate Ashfield pulls
off. [PLOT SPOILERS]. One where she, along with the help of David Tennant’s current
woman (Keira Malik), conspire to make police think that Tennant has murdered her. Here
the film has us swallow the fact that it is acceptable for the heroine to conduct a major fraud
and frame a man to go to jail for life. Her only real reason for perpetrating this is that she
merely believes he may have murdered her best friend (something that police can find no
evidence of) and pushed her brother to stop taking his meds, which made him suicidal, all
over a relationship that lasted for ten days. While Kate Ashfield is an entirely sympathetic
character throughout, when the steadiness of the evidence is looked at in a more rational
light, you cannot help but wonder who the unbalanced one was.

《秘密微笑》可以说是《致命吸引⼒》 (1987 年)的性别反转版。它⼏乎是《致命吸引⼒》

在《欲望都市》(1998-2004 年)时代的都市⼥性的升级版。Secret Smile 由英国格拉纳达
电视台制作,是⼀部由两部分组成的迷你电视连续剧。该剧改编⾃尼⻄-弗伦奇(Nicci French)
(2003 年) ,尼⻄-杰拉德(Nicci Gerrard)和肖恩-弗伦奇(Sean French)

这部迷你剧的核⼼⼈物是 David Tennant,他是 "神秘博⼠"(Doctor Who,1963-89 年,

2005 年⾄今)的第⼗个化⾝,在剧中饰演精神失常的前男友。此外,坦南特在扮演这个⻆
德,微笑着对她说:"我只是在看你的嘴: "我只是看着你的嘴......想着我会进⼊那张嘴"。也
许我们没有深⼊了解到的⼀点是,Tennant 是如何在整个过程中对如此多的⼈施展如此超凡
的魅⼒的--所有这些⼈似乎都关闭了对陌⽣⼈的安全条例。Kate Ashfield 和 Claire Goose 在

凯特-阿什菲尔德(Kate Ashfield)为了妹妹克莱尔-古斯(Claire Goose)

Tennant 的证据都说了出来,⽽ Tennant 却能有效地扭转局⾯或将其最⼩化,让⼈觉得真正

正是这⼀点,让⼈对凯特-阿什菲尔德最终解决问题的⽅案望⽽却步。[剧情剧透] 她在 David
Tennant 的现任妻⼦(凯拉-⻢利克 Keira Malik 饰)的帮助下,密谋让警⽅认为 Tennant 谋
最好的朋友(警⽅找不到任何证据) ,并逼迫她的弟弟停⽌服药,导致他有⾃杀倾向,⽽这

Well, if you love David “Doctor Who” Tennant and don’t want to have to take a toothbrush
to your brain to excise images of him as a creep on orders of magnitude both deranged
and criminal, then skip Secret Smile, the 2005 British TV miniseries (it aired in the States
on BBC America) now available on Region 1 DVD. I bought a copy from the Netherlands
or somewhere a while back and have seen it a couple of times now, and the brain-
toothbrush gets a major workout every time. Particularly for one scene in which Tennant
delivers a line of dialogue that is the spoken equivalent of pushing a defenseless crippled
woman down a flight of stairs to her death. I’m not gonna tell you what he says, of course
— it’s so outrageous that you’ll never see it coming and I wouldn’t dream of spoiling it, but
every time I see it I still cannot believe he actually said that, at that particular moment and
in that particular context and with such malicious glee. If I weren’t a woman of sound
enough mind to know the difference between an actor and the character he’s playing (and
alas that there are fans for whom this is something of a challenge), well… then I’d really
need that toothbrush.

Tennant plays Brendan Block, pretty much the Worst Boyfriend Ever for 30-ish London
architect Miranda Cotton (Kate Ashfield, from Shaun of the Dead). In the early days of their
short relationship, he shifts so smoothly from being weird and sinister to being adorable
and charming — Tennant’s genius really seems more suited for villains than for heroes —
that, like Miranda, you’re not even sure if you saw it. We’re fooled, like she is. Soon enough,
though, his true stalkerish colors are shining through, and she dumps him. With this he is
not pleased, and embarks upon a plan to bring about heartbreak and ruin to not merely
Miranda herself but all those she loves. Seriously, you won’t believe how evil Brendan will
好吧,如果你喜欢⼤卫-"神秘博⼠"-坦南特(David Tennant) ,⼜不想⽤⽛刷在⼤脑中清除他
作为⼀个既疯狂⼜犯罪的变态形象,那就跳过《秘密的微笑》 (Secret Smile)吧,这部 2005
年的英国电视连续剧(在美国由 BBC America 播放)现在有了 1 区 DVD 版本。我不久
演的⻆⾊之间的区别(唉,有些影迷对这是个挑战) ,那么......我就真的需要那把⽛刷了。

坦南特在⽚中饰演布兰登-布洛克(Brendan Block),是 30 岁左右的伦敦建筑师⽶兰达-科

顿(Miranda Cotton,
Review by snafu 1
david tennant bless you you’re a fantastic actor but fucking hell this thing is so fucking
David Tennant,上帝保佑你,你是个出⾊的演员,但这东⻄真他妈让⼈⽣⽓。

Review by Kim
David Tennant really shines while playing terrible boyfriends tbh
David Tennant)在扮演糟糕的男朋友时确实⼤放异彩。

Secret Smile discussions (spoilers below cut)

I had a lot of fun talking seriously and not-so-seriously about Blackpool and wanted to
continue in that vein about Secret Smile. I just finished watching it tonight and I was
impressed. A good thriller with several twists and good acting overall. David Tennant
scared the crap out of me. Spoilers below the cut and in the comments.
我曾认真或不认真地讨论过《⿊池》 ,感觉⾮常有趣,因此想继续讨论《秘密的微笑》 。 我
今晚刚看完这部电影,印象深刻。 这是⼀部优秀的惊悚⽚,剧情曲折,演技精湛。 ⼤卫-坦
南特(David Tennant)吓得我屁滚尿流。 剧透在下⽅和评论中。

David's portrayal of creepy but charismatic Brendan Block was so compelling. You can
see the allure and the appeal from other people's eyes but yet get a clear view from
Miranda's POV. That whole scene in the back yard where Brendan and Kerry announce
their engagement and Brendan pulls her aside to deliver THE LINE OF THE DANG MOVIE,
"I was thinking ... I've come in that mouth," with the evil little smile to the side. That was
chilling. And creepily hot.
⼤卫将令⼈⽑⻣悚然但⼜魅⼒⼗⾜的布兰登-布洛克(Brendan Block)演绎得如此引⼈⼊胜。
你可以从其他⼈的眼中看到他的诱惑和魅⼒,但也可以从⽶兰达的视⻆清晰地看到。 布兰
登和凯莉在后院宣布订婚,布兰登把她拉到⼀边,说了⼀句 "我在想......我已经在那张嘴巴
出邪恶的微笑。 真是令⼈不寒⽽栗。 令⼈⽑⻣悚然的热辣。

Really, I loved this and was definitely on edge watching it. I didn't see the whole plotline
with Laura coming on, but I did see the initial involuntary betrayal from Naomi (the new
真的,我很喜欢这部电影,看的时候绝对提⼼吊胆。 我没有看到劳拉的整个情节线,但我

Overall. I think this is a solid A movie. Tennant's performance was spot-on. You needed
to see the reason for the initial attraction, the warning signs, and then the full-on creepiness.
At the same time, you also needed to recognize why and how other people found Brendon
to be compelling and believable. Laura's marriage to him cements this. In the beginning,
she was the only one who really believes that Brendon was acting strangely (although she
was less upset than Miranda, obviously) and then she is seduced by him and ends up
marrying him! Bad judgment for her, good charisma demonstration from him.
总的来说。我认为这是⼀部扎实的 A 级电影。 坦南特的表演⾮常到位。 你需要看到最初
被吸引的原因、警示信号,然后是全⾯的令⼈⽑⻣悚然。 同时,你也需要认识到其他⼈为
什么以及如何发现布伦登的魅⼒和可信度。 劳拉与他的婚姻巩固了这⼀点。 ⼀开始,她是
唯⼀⼀个真正相信布伦登⾏为怪异的⼈(虽然她显然没有⽶兰达那么难过) ,然后她被布伦
登诱惑,最终嫁给了他! 她的错误判断,他的魅⼒展示。

And the ending, I just loved. The only way to stop someone like that is to permanently
lock him away or kill him. The scene at the end with him in the prison, not interacting, just
seething, is so richly what he deserves.
我喜欢这个结局。 要想阻⽌这样的⼈,唯⼀的办法就是把他永远关起来或者杀了他。 最后

I haven't watched all the episodes yet, but did watch the first couple and I can tell already
(if I hadn't known beforehand), that Brendan was going to be creepy. David really does
this well ... it is very believable, and I am looking forward to watching the rest of it and
see how things turn out in this!!!!
He doesn't play this guy over the top, and you watch him come into a scene wondering
what he is going to do that is going to frighten you or creep you out!
There is something in David's eyes when he is acting here that is frightening! It would be
very interesting to know how he get into the mindset needed for this role!
我还没有看完所有的剧集,但看了前⼏集,我就知道(如果我事先不知道的话) ,布兰登会

No, David plays a very charismatic, superficially nice sociopath who does NOT take
rejection well. Yes, I would too like to know what David did to get into character for this.
He comes off as a genuinely nice guy and fairly grounded, and, well, this character is

I guess that's what makes him a great actor - that chameleon aspect to come across as
seriously evil ... he convinced me of his dementa in Harry Potter as well, and that's where
I first saw him - Blackpool was great as well. First thing I put on when I got back home
after holidays - had to re-watch Blackpool - David in love scenes!!
利-波特》中的 dementa 也让我信服,那也是我第⼀次⻅到他--《⿊池》也很棒。放假回家

I have to admit, the only things I'd seen David in before this were his performances as
generally friendly, nice guys. I hadn't been a member of T!L long, so I hadn't read any
reviews. I don't know what I'd expected, but I remember going "Oh god, why is it so
wrong that I'm horrified...and yet slightly turned on." Proving to me that I really do have
mental issues. Ah well.
THAT LINE killed me dead. Especially with the delivery aka, finger lickin' good.
What I really appreciate about David's acting is that in *every single role* I've ever seen
him in, I don't think "Oh, it's the Doctor!" or "Oh, it's Carlisle!" Every time he steps into a
part, he lets me believe for the duration of the show that *that* is the Real Deal. The man
is incredible, and Secret Smile proved this by making me actually dislike, or even HATE,
my favorite actor.
While I can't say I liked the ending with Miranda and her family, I can say that Brendan
got what he deserved. Creepy and yet satisfying.
T!L 的时间不⻓,所以没有看过任何评论。我不知道⾃⼰的预期是什么,但我记得⾃⼰
那句话让我欲仙欲死。尤其是那句 "好极了"。
我最欣赏⼤卫演技的⼀点是,在我⻅过的每⼀个⻆⾊中,我都不会觉得 "哦,是博⼠!"或
者 "哦,是卡莱尔!" 每当他出演⼀个⻆⾊时,他都会让我在整部剧中相信,*那个*才是真
正的他。他是个不可思议的⼈, 《秘密的微笑》证明了这⼀点,它让我不喜欢甚⾄讨厌我最

Oh, totally agreed.
Seeing Tennant in various roles constantly amazes me with his range (especially the turn
he took in The Runaway Bride, which I thought was a greater stretch for him than all of
what we'd seen in S2, so I'm classing it all on its own!)
I have to say that I was so very impressed by him as Brendan Block because it felt
absolutely real and believable to me, so much so that I was hyperventilating in places
and posted this whole long rambling post in my LJ about how upsetting the movie was - it
was just too spot on (I was with a total sociopath like that for a long time, and it ended in
court after a botched attempt at off-ing us both)...
The insinuation into every aspect of one's life, the duality of public and private faces, the
deliberate ability to be charming when it benefited one, the extreme intelligence that it
recquires to orchestrate these kinds of things and see people so thoroughly that they
become easy to manipulate, the inability to empathize with somebody else, and the
enjoyment gotten out of making someone dance when they know you're pulling the
strings - all those things were just so dead on when it comes to sociopaths. All that and
the difficulty in making others actually believe what's going on... yup, Tennant played it all
⽴的⻆⾊! ) 。
是真实可信的,以⾄于我在某些地⽅都快喘不过⽓来了,还在我的 LJ 上发了⼀整篇⻓⻓

by and large, i agree with the points of your review (and forgive me, it's been a while
since i saw it).... but the last bit, about it being what he deserves. this is really where the
film fell apart for me. first of all, about it being plausible, which i don't think it is (but what
do i know about British law), but that i'm willing to forgive. but my main issue is did the
punishment fit the actual crime(s). that depends in how involved he really was in the
deaths of Troy and Laura. If he was, well, then ok. but otherwise, even for the crimes we
know without a doubt that he commited, rape, manipulation, being an utter jackass, etc,
those don't equal murder. maybe it was the only solution for Miranda, but i still can't get
past how messed up that is, setting someone up for murder when there is no dead
person. so i'm all conflicted about it, because he did deserve punishment.
And the way DT portray's many levels of badness, so brilliantly sinister, but with
a touch of vulnerability that keeps the character from being flat. this guy was hurt, badly,
in his past, and got fucked up psychologically. it doesn't excuse him, and we have no clue
what might have happened (other than something with his parents) but its so clear in the
riveting performance.
Don't know if was that taken with the rest of the casts' peformance. everyone else
seemed a little stock, i guess. and the plot moved a bit too slow, i think. still entertaining.
And on a baser level, the amount of hotness was pretty oustanding. cuz ok, that first sex
scene? hot! DT wet and angry in the shower? hot!

Yes, I think there's definitely some ambiguity about whether legally he deserved what he
got. There's a reason that a lot of trials hinge on the presence of a body -- at least in
movies and on TV! But, as I said, nothing but death or jail was going to stop him. He
would have continued to pursue and torment Miranda and most probably Naomi, and
they'd spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulder.
I did have to ask one big question though:
Does no one know how to call a locksmith and change a &#*&#@*( lock?!?!?!

合理的问题,我不认为它合理(但我对英国法律⼜了解多少呢) ,但我愿意原谅这⼀点。但
DT 对他的刻画......如此多层次的坏,如此出⾊的阴险,但⼜带着⼀丝脆弱,让这个⻆⾊不
我们也不知道可能发⽣了什么(除了他⽗⺟的⼀些事情) ,但这在他引⼈⼊胜的表演中是如
从根本上说,这部电影的热辣程度⾮常突出!DT 在浴室⾥⼜湿⼜⽣⽓?


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