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Dear Muyiwa

Further to your online acceptance of the Local Recruitment Fair invite, we are delighted to extend an
invitation to you fora face-to-face meetingwith members of our Founding Senior Leadership Team at our
Teaching Staff Recruitment Fair on Saturday 20th January 2024 at Victoria Crown Plaza, 292B Ajose
Adeogun St, Victoria lsland, 100232, Lagos. Time: 9:30 am prompt.

Please bring with you verification of your name and address which may be from any of the following
documents. Only originals will be accepted.
A current driving licence including a photograph or a passport or an |D card and a full birth

Autility billor financial statement showing your current name and address.

Where appropriate, any documentation evidencing a change of name.

Where applicable, proof of entitlement to work and reside in Nigeria.

Please complete the enclosed self-declaration form relating to your criminal record or information that
would make you unsuitable to work with children. Please note that if you electronically sign your
declaration, you will be asked to physically sign a hard copy of the declaration in person at a later date.

Yours sincerely

Angela Hencher

Charterhouse Lagos, Kafayat Abdulrazaq St, LekkiPhase I106104, Lekki,Lagos, Nigeria

This form is to be completed by all candidates attending interview.
Full Name:





Please respondto the questions listed belowand sign the declaration to confirm that there
are no reasons why you should not be working with children. If you are unable to meet any
of the following aspects, please disclose this immediately to the interviewer. The
information contained in this declaration willbe held by the school in strictest confidence
andused as set out in the Schoo>'s Recruitment Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy.
Please circle yes or no against each point.
Your personal situation
Have you committed any Criminal offences in any country? Yes No
Yes No
Have you been barred from working with children?
Have you had any criminal convictions or been cautioned for,
convicted of or charged with any violent or sexual criminaloffences Yes No
against children andadults, ether at home or abroad

Care of children

Have your own children been taken into care as a result of the Yes No
care provided by you?
Have your own children been the subject of a child protection
Yes No
Yes No
Have you had your registration cancelled in relation to childcare
or children's homes or have you been disqualified from private Yes No
Are you Disqualified from Caring for Children?

Charterhouse Lagos, Kafayat Abdulrazaq St, Lekki Phase I 106104, Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria
Yes No
Are you prohibited from teaching? Yes No

Yes No
Are you prohibited from taking part in the management of a

Do you have any relevant overseas' information?

further information below. This

Ifyou have answered 'yes' to any of the above, please provide
information willbe used to determine whether or not you are disqualified from working with
children and can be discussed at interview. Please note that when providing further details,
you do not need to provide details about any protected cautions or protected convictions.
Please ask the COOfor more information.

Iunderstand my responsibility to safeguard children, and lam aware that Imust notify the
coo immediately of anything that may affect my suitability to work with children.
Iwill ensure that Inotify the school immediately of any convictions, cautions, court orders,
reprimands or warnings I may receive.
Iunderstand that youmay contact any previous employer, local and overseas government
authorities, the police,the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service), or any medicalprofessionals
toshare information about my suitability tocare for children.

Signed. Date...
For Inteviewer:

Ihave reviewed the above and the following action has been taken:
Signed. Date action taken

Document Updated: 25th july 2023

Charterhouse Lagos, Kafayat Abdulrazag St, LekkiPhase I106104, Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria
charterhouselagos. con

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