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NAC Primary Quiz Question

Zonal Competitions 2017

1. What does the acronym HIV and AIDS stands for? (1)
2. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? (2)
3. Name TWO ways in which HIV is transmitted. (2)
4. ARV stands for……………………………………………………… (1)
5. Adherence to ARV medicines means? (2)
 Taking the correct ARV medicine, in the correct dose , at the correct time, under the
correct circumstances (e.g. food restrictions) (2)
6. Give any TWO effects of poor adherence to ARVs (2)
 Clinical progression of disease
 Missing and dropping out of school due to poor health
 Emergence of resistant virus
 Risk of spreading medicine resistant virus when adolescents become sexually active.
 Risk of transmitting medicine resistant virus to an infant if adolescent girls become
7. Give at least Two HIV combination treatment and care approaches. (2)
 HIV Testing & Counselling linked to prevention care & support.
 Access to condoms, safe blood & sterile needles
 Prevention of mother to child transmission(PMTCT)
 Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC)
 Antiretroviral therapy (Treatment as prevention)
 Prevention programmes for MARPs
8. What causes sexually transmitted infections? (2)
 bacteria and viruses
9. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)……………………………………(1)
 Are diseases that are usually transmitted from an infected person to a partner during
sexual intercourse.
10. Name any Two Sexually transmitted diseases that you know. (2)
 Gonorrhea
 Chanchroid
 Chlamedia
 Genital Herpes
 Granuloma Inguinale
 Syphilis
 Lymphogranuloma venerum
 Genital warts
11. Identify any Three ways of preventing STIs (3)
 Abstinence
 Be mutually faithful
 Do not use contaminated equipment when performing procedures
 Engage in safer sex methods-non penetrative
 Emphasize and intensify health education on preventive measures and use of

12. Who is the Minister of Health and Child Welfare? (1)

Dr David Parirenyatwa
13. Identify any THREE factors relating drug abuse. (3)
 Unstable home environment
 Poor relationship with parents and guardians
 Peer pressure
 Poor achievement in school
 Access to drugs either at school or at home
 Emotional/physical abuse at home
 Experimentation
 Genetic disposition
 Mental illness
14. Early marriage means………………………………….. (1)
A union between two people in which one or both parties are younger than 18.
15. What THREE actions would you take when you have discovered that a child has been or is
being abused? (3) (inform the Police, inform Child Care Workers,
inform the CPC/ G and C teacher)
16. What are the benefits of male circumcision? Give any TWO. (2)
 Reduction of chances of men acquiring HIV by 60%
 Ease of maintaining penile hygiene
 Reduction of risk of Penile cancer
 Prevention of urinary tract infections (in young boys)
 Prevention of other STIs, including:
 gonorrhea, Syphilis, Human Papiloma Virus
 Assists in reducing risk of cervical cancer in female partners
17. Name any two methods used on male circumcision. (2)
 Medical
 Prepex
18. Gender based violence is a threat that intends to inflict ……………… identify the three key
words sued when defining gender based violence. (1)
 Physical
19. Outline the types of Gender Based Violence. (4)
 Physical
 Emotional
 Sexual
 Economic
20. Name one of the precious minerals mined in Manicaland. (1)
 Diamond
21. NAC stands for ……………………….National AIDS Council (1)
22. Name a programme that was introduced in 2017 in schools by the parent ministry. (1)
New Curriculum
23. UNICEF stands for ………………………………………………………….. (1)
 United International Children Education Fund.
24. Give any TWO examples of Emotional abuse …………………………………………………
Low self-esteem, Bully, isolation
25. A department in police force that deals with abuse of childrens’ rights is called …………
(1) (VFU) Victim Friendly Unit
26. Give any THREE children rights. (3)
27. Define sexual abuse. (1)
It is when a person is pressurized, forced, tricked or coerced ino taking part in any kind
of sexual activity.

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